978-1337116848 Chapter 12 Solutions Manual

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 5818
subject Textbook BCOM 9th Edition
subject Authors Carol M. Lehman, ZDebbie D. DuFrene

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1 How does the purpose of a presentation affect the process of planning a
presentation? What two techniques can you use to condense the purpose of a
presentation into a brief statement?
1. What important facts should a speaker know about the audience when planning a
2. What is the basic three-part structure of an effective presentation? What are the
purposes of each part?
3. What does a speaker hope to accomplish in the close? What suggestions will help a
speaker accomplish this goal?
4. Discuss general guidelines for preparing an effective presentation visual.
5. Briefly explain the provisions of the Copyright Law of 1976 as it applies to multimedia
content (graphics, sound, and video). What steps can presenters take to ensure they are
complying with copyright law?
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6. Which delivery methods are used most often by business speakers? What are the
advantages and limitations of each?
7. What ethical responsibility does a speaker have when planning and delivering a
8. What can a speaker do to ensure that a presentation is understood and not offensive to
audience members of various cultures?
9. What strategies are recommended for delivering an effective team presentation?
10. What is the single, most important piece of advice you would give for making an
effective business presentation?
11. With current advancements in technology, how has the business presenters role been
simplified? How has it become more difficult?
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1Analyzing Speech Transcripts: It’s not hard to locate transcripts of popular speeches online,
particularly around national election times. Find a speech delivered by a prominent figure,
and instead of listening to it first, read it first. Then listen to it and compare the delivery with
the printed version.
12. Engaging the Audience: Write an elevator speech that explains what you have to offer a
prospective employer. An elevator speech encapsulates what a person does in only 30
seconds, or the length of an elevator ride. Check out www.elevatorspeech.com to see good
and poor examples of elevator speeches.
13. Video Presentation: Use the elevator speech you created above as the basis for a video
presentation you can send electronically to pitch your qualifications to potential employers.
If video production software is unavailable, download a demo copy of Camtasia Studio from
14. Evaluating Actual Professional Speakers: Locate a web or podcast of your most admired
CEO or company spokesperson at the company website or at the Wall Street Journal Online
or BusinessWeek Online. What are the strengths? weaknesses? Refer to the “Check Your
Communication” check list on your Chapter in Review Card for the various components of
effective speaking. Then draft a proposal offering suggestions for improving the person’s
spoken communication skills, including paying special attention to vocal qualities, audience
eye contact, audience rapport, and organization.
15. Giving a Persuasive Presentation: In groups of three or four students, prepare a
presentation soliciting local individuals to invest in a franchise restaurant. The presentation
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will be delivered at an invitation-only dinner of 200 prominent business executives. Each
group should:
select a franchise restaurant not currently located in your city.
propose a location for the restaurant, supporting your decision with traffic data.
develop a five-year financial budget, including the rate of return to be earned by the
Use the franchisors website, trade associations, and other financial information sources to
support your assumptions.
1Selecting Appropriate Presentation Visuals: A speaker must select the appropriate medium
or combination of media to accomplish the speech’s purpose and to meet the needs of a
specific audience. Develop a standard slide layout for a slide that (a) displays the advantages
and disadvantages of each type of presentation visual and a slide that (b) provides tips for
using each type of presentation visual effectively. For easier comparison, collapse the
information into four categories: (a) electronic presentations, (b) boards and flipcharts, (c)
still projection objects (overheads), and (d) hard copy visuals (handouts). Be prepared to
present in a presentation to the class.
16. Creating On-Demand Presentations: Delivering Crucial Information to Vast Numbers:
Presentations incorporating video focus attention, convey information, increase retention,
and compel action better than static web pages or PowerPoint slides. Now, easy-to-use
software allows users with no video training to produce professional presentations at a
reasonable cost. The corporate communication applications for this rich communication
medium are endless with powerful messages being delivered on-demand via a website, email,
PowerPoint show, or DVD or CD. View demos and download trial versions of one of the
following video production software programs: Camtasia Studio (http://techsmith.com) or
Visual Communicator (http:// www.seriousmagic.com). Read users’ success stories and view
dramatic video samples from training presentations to video scrapbooks and birthday cards.
Then write a memo to your instructor summarizing the benefits of video presentations in
enhancing business communications.
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17. Adapting Presentations for International Audiences: Locate an article that offers
suggestions for developing business presentations for an international audience from a
database available from your campus library. Then prepare a grid that compares cultural
groups detailing differences in presentation preferences; research further as necessary to
complete your informational comparison.
A sample grid that compares cultural groups follows:
Japanese British/Other
Don’t like gestures Prefer slower paced
Like fast-paced
Like fast-paced
18. Evaluating a Podcast: Visit the BusinessWeek Online website at www.businessweek.com to
search for and listen to the podcast entitled “Peter Drucker: The Man Who Invented
Management.” Then read the related article.
After reading the article, write a critique that includes:
a summary of the overall effectiveness of the podcast as compared to reading the related
your impression of the effectiveness of the delivery
suggestions for improving the overall impact of the podcast
19. Developing Vocal Power: Effective communication relies on body language and tone of voice
consistent with powerful, precise words. Inarticulate, sloppy vocal patterns are put-offs and
may make understanding the message impossible in the case of mumbling or regional accent.
Strong vocal skills are especially critical when you consider that much of the time today’s
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employees are communicating with a phone, computer, or fax, rather than face-to-face with
the customer/client. Complete the activities a through c to begin your vocal makeover.
a. Prepare a recording of your voice for analysis using an article from a newspaper or
magazine. Listen to your recording and seek constructive feedback from friends or
classmates, especially those from other regions or cultures who can help you identify
speech problems affecting understandability and impression.
b. Write a memo to your instructor that includes an honest critique of your voice and a
description of the modifications you believe are needed to develop a voice that projects
your professional image and truly means business. Use the following questions as a
guide for your analysis.
What words describe your overall perception of your voice?
Do you use clear, articulate speech, and proper pronunciation that is easily
understood and conveys a positive impression? List specific problem areas such as
dropping word endings, adding, omitting, or substituting sounds, placing the accent
on the incorrect syllable, or using incorrect pronunciation.
Do you emphasize ideas, create meaning, and add energy and dynamics to your
presentation? Do you speak loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear you
Do you include irritating fillers and other annoying speech habits?
Is your regional dialect an asset or a liability to your career advancement? What
deviations from General American standard dialect can you detect?
c. Record an outgoing voice mail message for a home business you operate that sounds
professional, enthusiastic, and articulates the services you provide. Now leave a voice
mail message on a prospective customer/ client’s phone that you’re confident will be
20. Evaluating Your Speaking Style: Record your delivery of a presentation on a topic of your
choice. Complete the following activities; be prepared to discuss with your instructor and to
incorporate changes in preparation for your next presentation.
What was your overall impression of your performance after you completed the
List at least three strengths and three weaknesses in your delivery style.
Ask two other people in your class to view the videotape and critique your
performance; they should provide at least two strengths and two suggestions for
What is your overall impression of your performance after you analyzed the videotape
and received feedback from class members? Does this impression differ from your
impression before viewing the videotape? Explain.
21. Critiquing an Electronic Slide Show: Find and view an electronic slideshow or watch one
provided by your instructor. Assume this presentation is a part of a professional development
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22. Embracing a Presenters Code of Conduct: Locate and read the following professional
codes of ethics for professional communicators by searching “code of ethics” from the
23. Organizing and Researching a Presentation Topic: Visit one of the following Internet sites
that provide guidelines for organizing and developing business presentations and using
presentation technology effectively. Using these resources, develop an outline for a short
(two- to three-minute) presentation on an aspect of presentation skill development. Send your
instructor an email message containing (a) the purpose statement, (b) audience analysis, (c)
the outline, and (d) a list of the sources including a quotation or anecdote you intend to use
to support your topic. The outline should indicate the introduction, major points (body), and
the summary. If required by your instructor, prepare two to three presentation visuals and
deliver the presentation to the class or post the presentation to the course website for other
students to view. Bookmark these sites for your own professional development.
24. Preparing an Extemporaneous In-House Presentation: Your instructor has provided
specific instructions for presenting a proposal to management. Select a topic from the
following list of suggested topics or use them as a springboard for other in-house
presentations. Obtain your instructors approval for your topic before beginning work.
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a. Proposal for implementing a relaxed dress policy.
b. Proposal for opening an on-site childcare center or long-term care plan for parents of
employees (or another employee benefit of your choice).
c. Proposal to a local business to increase sales to college students.
d. Proposal to the board of directors to forge a strategic alliance with another company.
Choose two likely companies and present the concept and the benefits that could be
derived for each company.
e. Proposal to management for creating a joint venture with another company to offer a
business-to-business (B2B) exchange for online commerce and supply chain services.
Choose two feasible companies that could take advantage of the benefits of supply chain
management (e.g., HomebuildersXchange links suppliers, distributors, and trade
contractors and builders to bring efficiencies to every participant in the construction
f. Proposal to extend your company’s domestic retail market into an international market of
your choice.
25. Preparing an Extemporaneous Presentation on a Chosen Topic: Your instructor has
provided specific instructions for preparing a presentation of approximately five to ten
minutes. Select a topic from the following list or use them as a springboard for other
appropriate topics that will provide timely, relevant information to your class. Obtain your
instructors approval for your topic before beginning work.
a. Discuss a timely issue related to communication effectiveness in your field (may have
been addressed recently in a business-related magazine or practitioner journal).
b. Discuss key issues leading companies to redesign work spaces for today’s mobile workers
and solutions some companies have adopted.
c. How have preferences for communication channels changed over the past five years,
especially in the younger generation? What effect, if any, will this shift have on the
d. What effect has increased exposure to profanity in current society had on the workplace
and professional settings? What are the legal implications of using unacceptable
language in the workplace? What steps are companies taking to deal with this issue?
e. What can corporate leaders do to increase employees’ sensitivity toward diversity
(cultures, genders, ages of coworkers, and potential markets)?
f. What adjustments would be required for a presentation given to an audience from (supply
a culture)? as a team presentation? as a videoconference? as a seated presentation?
(choose one)
g. How can presentation slides weaken a presentation? What strategies can ensure the
effective use of presentation support?
h. What are the major differences in the management styles of men and women?
i. What are major differences in the speaking styles of men and women? How do these
differences affect speaking effectiveness?
j. What challenges has the aging population presented in the workplace? What can
companies do to face these challenges?
k. What are common examples of computer abuse in today’s companies and what can be
done to combat it?
l. What are common uses of videoconferencing and live web presentations in today’s
companies? What benefits are being realized through the use of this technology?
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m. How has the electronic revolution changed the way a person seeks a job?
n. What effect has technology had on presenters’ and trainers’ compliance with copyright
law? What challenges must be addressed if the copyright law is to work in an electronic
o. Discuss several business applications for multimedia. What benefits do they provide?
p. Does an employer have the right to read an employee’s email (or conduct other forms of
electronic surveillance)? What laws govern this issue?
q. How can business professionals manage their time (or stress) more effectively?
r. What benefits are realized by working cooperatively in diverse work groups?
s. What are characteristics of effective and non-effective team members (choose one)?
t. Explain the use of the Internet, an intranet, and an extranet to improve a company’s
26. Yoplait Appeals to Health, Convenience, and Great Taste: Read the following scenario and
then, in groups of three, complete activities a and b below.
As the top-selling yogurt maker in the United States, Yoplait is committed to making products
that consumers love. Designed to maximize health and nutritional benefits, Yoplait’s product
innovations are aimed at increasing the percentage of households eating yogurt, attracting a
wider mix of yogurt lovers (kids and males), and increasing the shelf space allotted to yogurt.
Yoplait Healthy Heart, a yogurt containing plant sterols that are clinically proven to reduce
cholesterol, is leading a proactive health market segment; consumers are enticed to eat two
servings of yogurt each day to reduce LDL or “bad” cholesterol by an average of 6 percent.
New products include a variety of convenient tasty treats for kids, fat-free yogurt as a vital
part of a weight-loss plan, and Chocolate Mousse Style, a new proprietary recipe for a
great-tasting chocolate-flavored yogurt with live and active yogurt cultures that consumers
have demanded for years. The success of Yoplait’s R&D team could prove healthy for
Yoplait. For more information about Yoplait’s new products, visit the company’s website at
a. As members of the Yoplait management team, present a five-minute presentation
outlining key issues facing the company, an overview of strategies the company has
adopted to address them, and projections for the company’s future direction. Using the
information you developed for the speech, prepare a 1- to 2-minute speech promoting
additional shelf space for Yoplait products in a leading retail chain. You may choose to
produce your presentation as a podcast to be distributed on the company’s website or
b. As members of a marketing team for Yoplait, brainstorm various strategies for
addressing the disparity of yogurt consumption between male and female consumers.
Develop a print advertisement and a 30-second commercial to attract male consumers. If
software is not available for producing the commercial, write the script and describe the
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video shots needed to complete the commercial. Based on your interactions with your
team, write a brief report summarizing what your team learned about differences in
communication preferences of men and women—thinking, organizing ideas, persuasive
appeals, etc.).
27. Developing a Presentation Plan: The foundation of an effective presentation is selecting an
appropriate topic, one that is narrow in scope, fits the time slot, appeals to the speakers
interests, and meets audience needs. Following the process outlined in the Presentation Skills
Checklist will direct you in planning an effective presentation.
In preparation for a ten-minute presentation, select a topic from this list or one approved by
your instructor:
1 How to cope with an ethical dilemma in your profession
28. How Web 2.0 (wikis and mash-ups) is changing business
29. Lessons learned from corporate scandals
30. Salary inequities of average workers versus high-level executives
31. Attracting and retaining talented employees
32. Communication and the generation gap
33. Communication and career success
34. The CEO I admire most and why
35. The “coolest” digital business tool
1Preparing a Team Presentation: Select one of the topics in the previous assignment and
develop it into a team presentation for delivery to the class. To ensure the quality and
efficiency of the presentation, first outline a detailed action plan for the preparation and
delivery of the team presentation following the guidelines for team presentations in your
textbook. Make your own assumptions about the audience and logistics or follow those
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assigned by your instructor. To support your ideas, use at least two periodicals, a newspaper,
a book, an electronic source, and a government publication. List the sources in a references
page formatted in APA style. Following the team presentation, prepare a debriefing memo to
your instructor outlining the strengths of the team’s work and planned improvements for
future presentations.
36. Preparing an Oral Briefing: In small groups assigned by your instructor, give a one- to
three-minute oral briefing regarding progress completed on an assigned team project.
Alternately, each member may present a one- to two-minute presentation explaining a key
concept or new development in his or her career field. A brief preparation time will be
provided; however, the purpose of the activity is to prepare for impromptu spoken
presentations. After all presentations are given, the group will briefly discuss the strengths
and weaknesses of each presentation and provide each member with a few specific
suggestions for improvement in delivering an impromptu presentation.
Most individuals “pick up” the accent spoken in the region in which they live, and those who
learn English as a second language typically retain some elements of pronunciation that are
indicative of their first language. When you leave your native area, your accent may be a subject
of interest, humor, or even ridicule.
Studies have indicated that salespersons with a standard accent or dialect are often
perceived more favorably by customers than foreign-accented salespersons.35 The U.S. media
promotes the acceptance of “general American standard dialect,” and the seeming lack of accent
among public broadcasters is often the result of extensive retraining in vocal delivery.
Corporations often also desire to enhance universal acceptance by cultivating “standard English”
among their management. Corporate accent-reduction speech clients have included executives
from Beech Aircraft, Mitsubishi Bank, NCR Corporation, Union Carbide, and Wells Fargo Bank.
Not everyone, however, feels that accents are detrimental. A countering opinion is that an accent
may, at times, serve as an asset to the speaker. It reflects personhood and adds dimension and
interest to the individual. Furthermore, the “best English” is often dictated by audience
expectation and the circumstances in which a speaker functions. Regardless of the charm value of
an accent, your audience must be able to understand you. The following guidelines are suggested
when the speakers dialect is different from that of the audience:
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1 Locate at least one additional website on the subject of accents that you found interesting.
What was the URL of the site? Summarize the important aspects of the information in outline
37. Analyze your own accent, responding to the following questions: Of what region is it typical?
What distinguishes it from others? Is your accent stronger at certain times? If so, why? Email
your instructor with your self-analysis.
38. How are accent and dialect different yet related? Prepare a chart that illustrates the
39. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a regional accent? How can accent work
either to enhance or worsen a businessperson’s communication? Write a one- to two-page
summary of your position on the issue.
Student summaries may include some of the following ideas. Language is something common to
Advantages of a regional accent and dialect:
They are a part of one’s personality; they add variety to our communication.
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Disadvantages of a regional accent and dialect:
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