978-1305957961 Chapter 6 Solutions Manual

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4221
subject Authors Dana Loewy, Mary Ellen Guffey

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Zooming In Critical Thinking Answers
Assume that a recently hired culinary product manager is charged with
generating and implementing new menu suggestions. What role does
communication skill play in this person's effectiveness in completing this
Even if someone has excellent creative ideas for a new product or strategy, those
Do you think a culinary product manager would make an oral or a written presentation of
new menu ideas?
A Taco Bell culinary product manager would probably write a report that would be distributed before or
Why is a writing process helpful in developing a presentation of new ideas?
Both novice and veteran writers benefit from following a writing process. If the writer understands
Ethics Check Answers
Costly Writing
Students may suggest examples involving the small print in contracts and agreements. They may
Overly Helpful
The line must be drawn at rewriting the original copy. Well-trained tutors know the difference between
gentle, competent guidance and assuming control over the tutee’s paper. Students also needs to take
Critical Thinking Answers
1. Do you agree that the process of writing has become more difficult with e-mail?
Some might argue that e-mail has made the process easier because it’s so simple to dash off a
message without thinking too hard about it. However, that is precisely the problem. Good writing
2. In this digital era of rapid communication, how can you justify the time it takes to stop and
revise a message?
It doesn't matter how quickly a person responds or what medium is used for communication. Taking
the time to revise in order to deliver a careful message is necessary for many reasons. It respects the
reader; sloppy messages send the nonverbal message that the writer doesn’t think the recipient is
3. Assume you have started a new job in which you respond to customers by using
boilerplate (previously constructed) paragraphs. Some of them contain clichés such as
pursuant to your request and in accordance with your wishes. Other paragraphs are wordy
and violate the principle of using concise and clear writing that you have learned. What should
you do?
4. Because business writing should have high skim value, why not write everything in
bulleted lists?
Although listing items in bulleted or enumerated lists does improve readability, excessive use of such
lists thwarts other business writing goals. Business writing must be purposeful, goal oriented, and
5. Ethical Issue: What action should Sage take?
Sage is in a difficult, sensitive position and needs to be cautious about handling this situation. All of
her options involve risk. She could edit the article without mentioning it. She could also ask the
Zooming In Solution
Your Turn: Applying Your Skills at Taco Bell
Figure 6.6 Partially Revised First Draft
Date: May 9, 2018
To: Taco Bell Executive Council
From: Dustin Ortiz, Culinary Product Manager
Subject: New Ideas Eating Trends and New Menu Options
As per your you requested, the writer is I am submitting the following ideas based on his
personal my observations and research in regard to about eating trends in fast-food
restaurants that serve fast food. As you suggested, I am also offering b Below is a rough
outline of possible concepts to enlarge and expand Taco Bell’s menu reflecting these
aforementioned current eating trends. This is to inform you that This memo represents a
summary of the summarizes findings that I have extracted from my longer report to be
presented at your next Management Council meeting.
First and foremost, I would like to will focus on new menu items that are more fresher, and
much more sophisticated, And with more and locally grown items. However, I know that
these items must also meet Taco Bells Bell’s strict criteria: high-quality flavor, they must be
portable portability, and they must be easily produced ease of production. In an a recovering
economy that is recovering, our restaurant can and most certainly should offer value as well
as tasty food. that tastes good. From my personal firsthand experience that I gained
firsthand as a chef and from current reading and research, I have made an observation of
observed numerous eating trends.
Taking a Look at Trends in Fast-Food Eating Preferences
As you probably know, Mexican cuisine is increasingly popular from coast to coast, but
today’s customers—especially millennials—want much more intense flavors. With with
locally sourced ingredients. There are Four trends that are most appropriate for us to take
action act on as we revamp the Taco Bell menu.
The first trend deals with the matter of high-protein items. A lot of recent research reveals
that 42 percent of all millennials as well as more then half of all adults think that it is
important to eat more protein. A second trend deals with spices. Consumers are
appreciating more highly spiced foods and hot sauces. Spicy Thai and other ethnic dishes
are growing in popularity. A third trend has to do with freshness. As consumers become
more knowledgeable and more discriminating they are making a demand for fresher
ingredients. Which are often locally grown. A fourth trend has to do with small portions.
Trend watchers say that 35 percent of all meals that are eaten by millennials are snacks,
thus suggesting small portions.
High-protein items. Recent research reveals that 42 percent of all millennials and more
than half of all adults think that eating more protein is important.
Spices. Consumers are appreciating more highly spiced foods and hot sauces. Spicy
Thai and other ethnic dishes are growing in popularity.
Freshness. As consumers become more knowledgeable and more discriminating, they
are demanding fresher ingredients, often locally grown.
Small portions. Trend watchers say that 35 percent of all meals eaten by millennials are
really snacks, thus suggesting small portions.
A Few Ideas for New Menu Options
Despite the fact that Although my full report contains a number of additional trends and
menu ideas, here are three significant menu concepts: that are significant and important:
First, I am totally of the opinion that we should add a PowerProtein Menu. Reflecting the
trend toward more protein, I suggest that we could be offering high-protein breakfast items
such as steak burritos or Greek yogurt with granola. Second, I would like to recommend a
Fresh-Flavored Salsa Bar. To appeal to those desiring fresh flavors, we could offer
homemade exotic salsas. With locally sourced ingredients for bold flavors and textures.
Third, to cater to snackers, I suggest Small Plates items. We could offer grilled sweet potato
nachos with crumbled cojito and gooey cheese sauce on top. Other small plates might offer
jalapeno pepper quinoa bites that are cheesy and spicy along with sharable snacks such as
rolled chicken tacos.
PowerProtein Menu. Reflecting the trend toward more protein, we could offer high-protein
breakfast items such as steak burritos and Greek yogurt with granola.
Fresh-Flavored Salsa Bar. To appeal to those desiring fresh flavors, we could offer
homemade exotic salsas with locally sourced ingredients for bold flavors and textures.
Small Plates. To cater to snackers, I suggest grilled sweet potato nachos with crumbled
cojito and gooey cheese sauce on top. Other small plates might offer jalapeno pepper
quinoa bites that are cheesy and spicy along with sharable snacks such as rolled
chicken tacos.
I would be more than delighted and happy to have a discussion of discuss these ideas with
you in greater detail and have a demonstration of demonstrate them in the kitchen. Please
accept my humble thanks Thank you for this opportunity to work with you in expanding our
menu to ensure that Taco Bell remains tops in Mexican cuisine.
Writing Improvement Exercises
6.1 Flabby Expressions
a. Although we lost the contract, we must now move forward.
b. If interest rates increase, we will begin investing soon. [OR: If interest rates increase, we will
begin investing March 1.]
6.2 Long Lead-Ins
a. I received your e-mail and its attachments.
b. We will observe Monday as a holiday.
6.3 There is/are and it is/was Fillers
a. Many businesses are implementing strict e-mail policies for employees.
b. The CEO must approve the plan.
6.4 Redundancies
a. Because the proposals are identical, we need not check each item.
6.5 Empty Words
a. He scheduled the meeting for 11 a.m.
6.6 Condensing for Microblogging: Tweets With Replies
a. To @DustinB. from Walmart: Sorry to hear that. Contact our Savings Catcher team at
866-224-1663 or email SavCatch@wal-mart.com for assistance.
6.7 Trite Business Phrases
a. As you request, we will no longer send you e-mail offers.
6.8 Clichés, Slang, Buzzwords, and Wordiness
Note: Student responses may vary considerably from the suggested responses.
a. Although our last presentation failed, we are sure our new presentation will be well received.
6.9 Buried Verbs
a. Ms. Rivera officially appraised the home's value.
6.10 Lists, Bullets, and Headings
a. A high-powered MBA program costs hundreds of dollars an hour. Our program covers the same
Business startup
b. Unadvertised, or hidden, jobs may make up as much as 80 percent of unfilled openings,
according to Fred Coon, a licensed employment agent. To uncover hidden jobs, Coon offers
some tips:
c. Withdrawing money from an ATM is a quick and convenient way to access your money, especially
during a cash emergency. To use an ATM safely, follow a few procedures:
Use only ATMs situated in well-lit and busy areas, particularly after nightfall.
d. On-site GuruGeek computer technicians provide fast, affordable solutions to residential and small
business clients including the following popular offerings:
Antivirus security. Our GuruGeek technician can protect your computer against viruses, worms,
and spyware as well as help you avoid e-mail attacks, identity theft, and malicious hacker
6.11 Document for Analysis: Wretched E-Mail Invitation
a. Lacks a helpful subject line.
b. Starts indirectly with an explanation instead of the main idea: scheduling interviews.
To: Department Managers List
From: Aaron Alexander <aalexander@vasco.com>
Subject: Upcoming Interviews
You are invited to help us interview six excellent student candidates for three paid internships. These
potential interns from our local state university could bring fresh ideas and talent to your projects.
The management council decided to offer paid internships because candidates in computer science
and information systems are usually offered compensation.
Please mark your calendars to meet at 2 p.m. on the following dates:
May 3 Conference Room
May 5 Office 22
May 9 Conference Room
Before the meetings, please examine all the candidates' résumés at the company wiki. Send me your
ranking lists before May 1 so that we can work together to invite the top interns that you select.
Aaron Alexander
[Full contact information]
6.12 Document for Analysis: Weak Employee Suggestion to Boss
a. Carries a meaningless subject line.
b. Begins with a trite business phrase (Pursuant to the fact that).
c. Buries many verbs (e.g., improvement of customer relations instead of improving customer
relations; making a change instead of changing; made the discovery instead of discovered).
To: Daniel Kalanek <dkalanek@fidelityfirst.com>
From: Cheryl Madzar<cmadzar@fidelityfirst.com>
Subject: One Way to Improve Customer Relations
Mr. Kalanek,
Because you asked for suggestions on how to improve customer relations, I am submitting my idea. I
think we can improve customer satisfaction easily by changing our counters.
Last December glass barriers were installed at our branch. Tellers are on one side and customers on
the other. The barriers have air vents to allow us tellers to talk with our customers. Management
thought that these bullet-proof barriers would prevent thieves from jumping over the counter.
However, customers were surprised by these large glass partitions. Communication through them is
difficult. Both the customer and the teller have to raise their voices to be heard. It's even more
inconvenient when dealing with an elderly person or someone from another country. These new
barriers make customers feel that they are being treated impersonally.
I researched these barriers and discovered that we are the only bank in town with them. Many other
banks are trying casual kiosks and open counters to make customers feel more at home.
I suggest that we seriously consider removing these barriers as a step toward improving customer
Cheryl Madzar
[Full contact information]
6.13 Document for Analysis: Deficient Report on Use of PowerPoint
a. Begins with a long lead-in (This message is being written because).
b. Includes a trite expression (pursuant to your request).
To: Danika Thorson <dthorson @pinnacle.com>
From: Marcelo Lopez <mlopez@pinnacle.com>
Subject: How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint
As you requested, I attended a seminar about presentation techniques. You suggested that I might
learn tips to share with other staff members, especially those who use PowerPoint. The speaker, Deb
Grousbeck, made several important points in an entertaining presentation she called "Death by
PowerPoint." Our staff members might consider the following tips to avoid death by PowerPoint:
Create the message, not the slide, first. Only after preparing the entire script should you think
about how to illustrate it.
Please let me know whether you want me to expand on these points after the next staff meeting.
[Full contact information]
6.14 Document for Analysis: Poor Response to Customer Inquiry About Social Media
a. Lacks a meaningful subject line.
b. Starts with a long lead-in (This is a message to thank you).
c. Includes flabby expressions (Due to the fact that, in addition to the above).
To: Blanca Nunez <bnunez@nunezassociates.com>
From: Tor Macinnis <tmacinnis@allmattersmedia.com>
Subject: Capitalizing on the Social Media Buzz
Dear Ms. Nunez:
Thanks for your inquiry to All Matters Media! Because the buzz around social media is so loud, you're
smart to want to understand the paths to success so that you can avoid mistakes before you jump in.
Using social media tools and networks involves connecting, interacting, and sharing with people
online. Hardly a day goes by without hearing remarkable success stories from businesses capitalizing
on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
How can social media help your business?
Drive brand awareness
Build customer loyalty
Help you listen to what consumers are saying
Create referral business
Provide a built-in audience
Social media on the Web today is a logical extension of what people have been doing for centuries:
communicating! Whether you are building a community to support your customers or creating a blog
to keep the public informed, All Matters Media can position your company at the forefront of this
marketing opportunity.
To get started right away, please drop an e-mail or let me call you to schedule an appointment. Let us
give your company a human touch by creating an online voice and personality for you.
Socially yours,
Tor Macinnis
[Full contact information]
6.15 Investigating Writing in Your Field
This activity could be one of the best possible for convincing students that writing is very important to
their future success. Be sure to have students either present their findings orally or write a detailed
6.16 How Readable Is Your Apartment Lease?
Apartment leases are a part of most people’s lives. Renters have problems with maintenance,
appliances, security, and cleaning deposits. This activity requires students to study rental
agreements, most of which are difficult to read. They will probably be relieved when they learn why

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