978-1305957961 Chapter 4 Solutions Manual

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 3393
subject Authors Dana Loewy, Mary Ellen Guffey

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Zooming In Critical Thinking Answers
Do you remember the proverb declaring that if you give a man a fish,
you feed him for a day; if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a
lifetime? Do you agree with critics who apply this proverb to TOMS’ charity
Some students might agree with critics who complain that by giving shoes
away, TOMS does not solve the poverty problem; the charity merely creates a
dependency. When the shoes wear out, the recipient faces the same situation again. Giving shoes
away functions more like colonialism or paternalism. Critics also warn that giving away free items
Beyond judging the charity work of TOMS, think about how its message and appeal have
captured so much buy-in from young people. When you write business messages, how can
you alter your writing to engage audiences of various ages or at various education levels?
Explain to students that, as business writers, they should try to be aware of their readers'
Messages conveyed through certain channels would be short and zippy. Blog messages or posts on
a company website might be longer and developed with a story, such as telling the heart-warming tale
Why do even experienced writers actively follow a writing process?
When businesspeople are unclear about what they want their writing to accomplish, readers are
unlikely to be able to decipher their messages. Business writers should always begin their writing
Ethics Check Answers
Bypassing or False Advertising?
Although J. C. Penney officials had one meaning for the slogan in mind, the T-shirt carried another
meaning. Perhaps the slogan was just a little too clever. Certainly, company officials should have
anticipated that wearers and others would expect the shirt to have been made in America so that both
meanings would be accurate. It's embarrassing to make a faux pas such as this, but perhaps the
company learned a valuable lesson in communication. Words and expressions can have many meanings.
Slogans should be vetted with many people before they are used to represent a company.
Busted for Buying Essays
Realistic students will recognize that purchased essays prevent them from developing the skills they are
paying to be taught. Their tuition provides an instructor to tutor them in learning to write. Those who
simply purchase essays and homework are missing the guidance they could have received. What’s
valuable about drafting essays and doing homework is that students have a safe space to practice and
struggle. Feedback helps them improve. No pain, no gain!
Critical Thinking Answers
1. The use of digital communication has overtaken face-to-face and voice-to-voice
communication in the workplace. Has this shift changed the fundamental process of
The authors of this text argue that the basic elements of communication have not changed as a result
of digital transmission. More messages are being transmitted faster, farther, and more cheaply than
ever. Successful communication still requires the transmission of meaning from source to receiver.
2. Why do you think employers prefer messages that are not written like high school and college
Businesspeople prefer messages that are purposeful, persuasive, economical, and audience oriented.
3. Why should business writers strive to use short, familiar, simple words? Does this dumb down
business messages?
Using short, familiar, simple words increases the likelihood that business messages will be
4. A wise observer once said that bad writing makes smart people look dumb. Do you agree or
disagree, and why?
Bad writing conveys the impression that the writer is uneducated, uncaring, unintelligent, or all three.
5. Ethical Issue: After a workplace project was completed, you were rightfully upset. You and two
other team members did all of the work, but two freeloaders are sharing in the credit. This
probably wouldn’t have happened in college team assignments. Should you report the
freeloaders to the manager?
In college team assignments, members of the project are often graded on their contributions. Fellow
team members evaluate the contribution of each other, and this assessment is discussed as part of
the assignment. Confidential evaluations of fellow team members for the instructor’s eyes only as well
Zooming In Solution
Your Turn: Applying Your Skills at TOMS
Hi, friends and fellow students,
Can a few pieces of leather and rubber change your life perspective? Find out how life without shoes
feels by joining us for One Day Without Shoes. Estimates suggest that as many as 300 million people in
the world are so poor that they can’t afford shoes. To raise awareness, TOMS asks you to spend one full
day without shoes so that you understand how dangerous and uncomfortable it is for barefoot millions in
developing countries. Please encourage your friends and family to do the same on June 5.
As part of its One Day Without Shoes, TOMS is offering a blockbuster special. If you submit a photo of
your bare feet to Instagram between June 5 and June 21, TOMS will offer a pair of shoes to a child in
need. No purchase is necessary! Up to 1 million pairs of shoes will be donated. You can learn more at
www.toms.com. Remember:
One Day Without Shoes—June 5
Instagram your feet to #WITHOUTSHOES—June 5-21
You can make a difference and have fun, too!
Names of senders
Writing Improvement Exercises
4.1 Audience Benefits and the “You” View
a. So that you can be better protected against fraudulent use of your credit card, you will soon be
receiving a chip-enabled card to replace your old card.
b. Now you can leave any day of the week and enjoy low-cost fares to a Hawaiian paradise vacation.
c. Because your safety is always foremost, power equipment can be rented only to those who can
demonstrate proficiency in its use.
.2 Conversational but Professional
a. We’re happy to send you the procedure manuals you requested.
b. Please send the appliance model number so that we can submit your order.
4.3 Positive and Courteous Expression
a. Construction on your building can resume as soon as the soil dries out and we can pour footings.
b. A passport can be issued only when your application is complete and includes a recent photo.
c. In response to your message of April 1, we are sending a replacement blade for your food processor,
along with a manual. Instructions on page 18 will help you install the blade safely.
4.4 Bias-Free Language
a. In 18 or more states, an employee has the right to view his or her employee record. OR: In 18 or
more states, employees have the right to view their employee records.
b. Media Moguls hired Charissa Love for the position of social media coordinator.
4.5 Plain Language and Familiar Words
a. The writer tried to confuse the issue with unrelated and unnecessary data.
4.6 Precise, Vigorous Words
a. If you find yourself juggling many tasks, look for ways to reduce your involvement.
Activities Solutions
4.7 Document for Analysis: Improving a Negative, Discourteous, and
Unprofessional Message
To: All Supervisors and Departmental Managers
From: Richard Mangrove, Vice President, Employee Relations
Subject: Improving Employee Performance Evaluations
Recently one of our employees filed a lawsuit against the company because of comments a supervisor
Work with each employee to develop a system to measure performance. Set goals and share these
standards and goals in writing with the employee.
Monitor the performance of each employee throughout the year. Keep a log for each worker. Note
Formally evaluate each employee once a year with a written performance appraisal. Be specific,
honest, and realistic. Share this report in a face-to-face meeting. Let the employee know what he or
she did well and what areas could be improved.
4.8 Channel Selection: Various Business Scenarios
a. If this request is likely to be refused and you wish to be quite persuasive, talk to Stephanie in person.
Otherwise, use a telephone call. Any other channel would probably be too slow—unless you know
that Stephanie answers her e-mail or instant messaging immediately.
b. A wiki is the best channel to maintain a file of digital information and provide a place where team
members can add, remove, and edit content.
4.9 Analyzing Audiences
a. The audience will be all municipal water users, with a wide range of language abilities represented.
b. The primary reader will probably be a busy human resources director, an educated, experienced
c. Because the primary reader is your sales manager, you should know what kind of communication
format and content he expects. However, he may not know much about the customer and specifically
d. The primary audience for TOMS blogs will probably be young people interested in helping others.
You should expect a positive reaction if you tell your story from the heart. Your writing should be
e. The primary reader is your manager, but a secondary reader may be your manager's superior, if
further approval is sought. The relationship is both personal and professional. Since your manager
f. A targeted audience of executives means that you have some expectations about their income,
4.10 How Annoying Is Business Jargon?
Following are possible definitions. You might want to ask your students why businesspeople would use
these expressions. Do they want to sound smart? Trendy? Cool? Are any of these expressions actually
useful in conveying in a few words a larger idea? What’s the danger in using jargon?
1. The tired expression thinking outside the box usually suggests that fresh ideas are needed.
2. To circle back is a request to review a matter or discuss it again later. One CEO complained that it’s
usually used when a meeting accomplished nothing, thus requiring another pointless meeting.
4.11 Essays or Blogs: What Kinds of Writing Have You Done Previously?
Answers will vary. Some students may express the wish to blog instead of write term papers, but
according to a Pew Internet survey, young people understand the importance of excellent writing skills to
4.12 Using Track Changes and Comment Features to Edit a Document
Divide students into groups of three. If they do not have access to Microsoft Word, encourage them to use

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