978-1285198248 Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Neuroanatomy

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 1100
subject Authors David G. Drumright, Douglas W. King, J. Anthony Seikel

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Chapter 11
Neuroanatomy Class Activity 1
Lecture Discussion Questions
1. What is the functional reason for the Circle of Willis?
2. What are the major components of the central nervous system?
3. What are the components of the peripheral nervous system?
4. Within what structures are the lateral ventricles located?
5. The third ventricle lies deep to which structures?
6. The fourth ventricle lies posterior to which structure?
7. Which cranial nerves lie within the midbrain?
8. Which cranial nerves lie within the pons?
9. Which cranial nerves lie within the medulla?
10. In which lobe of the cerebrum is the precentral gyrus?
11. In which lobe of the cerebrum is the postcentral gyrus?
12. In which lobe of the cerebrum does the angular gyrus lie?
13. In which lobe of the cerebrum does the calcarine sulcus lie?
14. In which lobe of the cerebrum does Broca’s area lie?
15. In which lobe of the cerebrum does Wernicke’s area lie?
16. In which lobe of the cerebrum does the supplementary motor area lie?
17. In which lobe of the cerebrum does the supramarginal gyrus lie?
18. Which lobe of the cerebrum is responsible for motor initiation?
19. Which is the most distal of the meningeal linings?
20. What does dura mater mean (for the budding Latin scholar)?
21. Which is the intermediate meningeal lining?
22. Which is the deepest meningeal lining?
23. Which portion of the dura mater completely separates the two cerebral hemispheres?
24. Which Brodmann area is responsible for vision reception?
25. What Brodmann area is responsible for auditory reception?
26. What Brodmann area is responsible for receptive language?
27. Which Brodmann area(s) is/are responsible for expressive language, as in Broca’s area?
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Class Activity 2
Available Videotapes (This Is Replicated in Chapter 12 Materials)
There are some truly excellent videotapes that illustrate neuropathology. Because of the time
limitations of the course, I tend to use them only when I must be gone from class, but they could
also serve as excellent lab activities. I should note that NOVA is very generous in its permissions
for viewing and broadcasting over closed distance education systems, which is not the case for
most other video sources.
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Class Activity 3
Noncommercial Videotapes (This Is Replicated in Chapter 12 Materials)
I receive permission from clients to use their clinical videotapes for teaching, and I regularly
show those tapes to illustrate specific neurogenic conditions (such as ataxia, spasticity, flaccidity,
aphasia, dementia, etc.). Although these are obviously not available for use within these
materials, because of permission restrictions, I can provide you with a few videos that you may
find helpful or at least entertaining. As you can tell from the author photos in our text, I am cat

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