978-1111826925 Chapter 19 Solution Manual

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1826
subject Authors Barry J. Babin, Jon C. Carr, Mitch Griffin, William G. Zikmund

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1. What is the purpose of editing? Provide some examples of questions that might need editing.
Editing is the process of checking and adjusting data for completeness, consistency, and legibility. The
example given in the chapter was a question that asked respondents how long they lived at their current
2. When should the raw data from a respondent be altered by a data editor?
When the editor discovers a problem, he or she adjusts the data to make them more complete, consistent,
3. How is data coding different from data editing?
Editing is the process of checking and adjusting data for omissions, consistency, and legibility. In this
way, the data become ready for analysis by a computer. So, the editor’s task is to check for errors and
Coding is the assignment of numerical scores or classifying symbols to previously edited data. Careful
editing makes the coding job easier. Codes are meant to represent the meaning in the data. Assigning
4. A 25-year-old respondent indicates that she owns her own house in Springfield, Illinois, and it is
valued at $990 million. Later in the interview, she indicates that she didn’t finish high school and that
she drives a 1993 Buick Century. Should the editor consider altering any of these questions? If so
While the editor should try to make adjustments in an effort to represent as much information from a
5. What role might a word counter play in coding qualitative research results?
A word counter will tell the researcher how many words a respondent used in his or her response. Sheer
6. A survey respondent form Florida has been asked to respond as to whether or not he or she owns a
boat, and if so, whether he or she stores the boat at a marina. Over two hundred respondents are
included in this sample. What suggestions do you have for coding the information provided?
While students’ responses will vary, they should demonstrate an understanding of the two basic rules for
code construction: (1) coding categories should be exhaustive, meaning that a coding category should
7. How would a dummy variable be used to represent whether or not a respondent in a restaurant
ordered dessert after their meal?
Dummy coding is useful for dichotomous responses like yes or no. Dummy coding assigns a “0” to one
8. List at least three ways in which recent technological advances (within the last fifteen years) have
changed the way data are coded.
Technology has changed the way data are coded in several ways:
Software can be used to help with qualitative coding.
Value labels can be used to designate variables, making it possible for the researcher to identify a
9. [Ethics Question] A large retail company implements an employee survey that ostensibly is aimed at
customer satisfaction. The survey includes a yes or no question that asks whether or not the employee
has ever stolen something from the workplace. How could this data be coded? What steps could be
attempted to try and insure that the employee’s response is honest? Do you believe it is fair to ask
this question? Should the employee take action against employees who have indicated that they have
stolen something?
First, this question could be coded as “1” for “yes” and “0” for “no.” Answering the rest of the questions
is not as easy, and students’ responses will vary. However, they should be reminded of the importance
10. A researcher asks the question “What do you remember about advertising for iPad2?” A box with
enough room for 100 words is provided in which the respondent can answer the question. The survey
involves responses from 250 consumers. How should the code book for this question be structured?
What problems might it present?
A code book gives each variable in the study and its location in the data matrix. In essence, it provides a
11. [Internet Question] Use http://www.naicscode.com to help with this response. What is the NAICS
code for golf (country) clubs? What is the NAICS code for health clubs? How can these codes be
useful in creating data files?
12. [Internet Question] Explore the advantages of computerized software such as ATLAS.ti. The web site
is www.atlasti.com. How do you think it might assist in coding something like a depth interview or a
collage created by a respondent?
1. Design a short questionnaire with fewer than five fixed-alternative questions to measure student
satisfaction with your college bookstore. Interview five classmates, then arrange the database into a
data matrix.
This is an individual student project. Answers will vary depending on the research design. However,
The matrix would be similar to the one below.
Student Purchase Satisfaction Q3 Q4
2. [Internet Question] The web page of the Research Triangle Institute (http://www.rti.org) describes its
research tools and methods in some detail. Click on Survey Research and Service and explore the
surveys and survey tools described there. How may these methods assist in coding?
While it is simple to click on Survey Research and Service on this website, it not so easy to find the
CASE 19.1 U.S. Department of the Interior Heritage Conservation and
Recreation Service
Objective: The purpose of this case is to present the student with a coding exercise.
Summary: A portion of the questionnaire is presented in Case Exhibit 19.1-1. The student is asked to
design a code book for this questionnaire.
Design the coding for this portion of the questionnaire. Assume that the data from previous pages of the
questionnaire will follow these data.
This is an individual student project. Students should be sure to include categories for no answer (don’t
know, etc.) when they are appropriate. A sample code book answer is given below.
Item Column Description Code Name Code Values
Q32 1 Residential location Location 1 urban
2 suburban
3 rural
8 Don’t know
9 No answer
Q33 2 Number of family at Family size Numerical
residence values
Q34a 3 Family members over 65 Family age 65 Numerical
9 = DK
CASE 19.2 Shampoo 9-10
Objective: The objective of this case is for students to get some familiarity with the actual coding of
open-ended questions.
Summary: A shampoo product code named “9-10” was given to women for product usage. The
respondents were asked their likes and dislikes associated with the product. Codes and sample
questionnaires are presented in Case Exhibits 19.2 -1, 19.2-2, and 19.2-3.
1. Code each of the three questionnaires.
Questionnaire 1
2. Evaluate this coding scheme.
This system looks fine. Codes are in specific categories with broader categories identified.

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