978-0538468077 Chapter 6 Solution Manual

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4270
subject Authors Myron D. Fottler, R. Bruce McAfee, Stella M. Nkomo

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International HR Issues
This case is designed to examine the international dimensions of human resources
administration as they relate to the recruitment and selection process. When analyzing this case,
students often conclude that no one candidate is perfect for the job. Rather, they believe that two of the
three need to be hired for it. The instructor may want to tell students that only one can be hired.
During the class discussion, it becomes apparent that not one of the applicants appears perfect
for the job. The instructor may want to point out that this suggests three possible solution: (1) the firm
needs to do some additional recruiting, i.e., look for alternative candidates that possess all of the needed
skills, (2) conduct a comprehensive job analysis to determine more specifically and completely the skills
needed in order to perform the job of manager of the Nigerian facility, and (3) obtain more
comprehensive information regarding the skills and quali5ca%ons of each of the three applicants.
1. Would it be best for Victoria Oilfield Equipment to select a manager who is a local
(ci%zen of Nigeria), a home country national (ci%zen of the United States), or a
third-country national (ci%zen of some country other than Nigeria or the United
States)? Why?
There is no one correct answer to this question. Rather, there are pros and cons to each
2. Which of the factors to be considered would favor the selection of Henry Smith?
Juan Lopez? Ma>hew Ohwueme?
There are numerous criteria that could be considered in the selection process. Listed below are
3. Which candidate would you recommend?
No one candidate is clearly superior to the others on all of the criteria. A strong case can be
made for each individual. ultimately, the decision rests on the criteria selected and the value placed on
This teaching note was submitted by Dr. Sam C. Holliday, formerly with the University of Southern
It is very common in the publishing industry to outsource some or all editorial work to
third-world countries, particularly to India where the use of spoken and wri>en English is
prevalent. The reason for U.S. publishers outsourcing editorial work to India is the huge
diFeren%al in labor costs with Indian labor costs approximately 25% of those in the U.S.
However, these savings may be overstated if labor productivity and/or the quality of the finished
product is in inferior to that previously produced in the U.S. and requires correc%ons or
reworking. This case illustrates some of the challenges of outsourcing to third-world countries.
The purpose of this case is to help students think through both the pros and the cons of
outsourcing to less-developed countries with lower labor costs. In such countries, less
experienced employees may have less familiarity with cultural norms and expectation of U.S.
based authors and publishers.
The problem here is that the “intui%onal memory” of how particular books were edited and how
communication with authors were handled is often lost when publishers decide to outsource
the entire editorial process to third-world countries for financial reasons. Once that decision is
made, a publisher should invest %me and eFort in bringing the new Indian editors “up to speed”
in terms of cultural expectation and communica%on needs regarding both authors and
publishers. In this particular case, not enough %me and eFort was devoted to these issues.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of publishers or other employers
outsourcing to third world countries?
The advantages are signiticant cost savings in the short run if productivity and work quality are equal to
that provided by employees in the U.S. If not, then the cost advantage could decline or disappear as
reworking of “completed tasks” is required. The disadvantages might include communica%on diCcul%es
2. What changes, if any, would you suggest to the publisher to be>er serve their authors
during the editorial process? Why?
First, the company might consider “insourcing” the editorial process to qualified housewives and
mothers of small children in the U.S. who desire work they can do from home. Although their hourly
wage might be higher, the total labor costs may be similar or lower if the quality of work is higher than
that provided by employees in third-world countries. Editorial work expectation, cultural understanding
The case begins with Fred in Tokyo wondering whether or not to tell his home oCce in Boston
that he and his family are returning early from their overseas assignment. Fred reLects back on the
events that contributed to his current situation.
The case really begins with Fred receiving a chance to head-up the firm's Tokyo oCce. Although
Fred's wife, Jenny, is not so thrilled about the opportunity, Fred thinks he cannot pass it up. Fred and
family leave not long a-er the decision is made, basically by Fred, to accept the position in Tokyo. Fred
and his family receive li>le training and have almost no %me to do any preparation themselves.
Fred made several mistakes early in his assignment:
1. He failed to notice that there was a division between Japanese and foreign workers.
2. He failed to realize that in the first meeting the Japanese felt put on the spot and were not
comfortable giving their honest thoughts in that public situation.
3. Fred took the John Wayne approach to trying to win a new contract, an approach that was
uncomfortable for the Japanese client.
4. Fred again failed to realize what a young Japanese research associate really was trying to say,
and the situation got worse from there.
In addition, Jenny had trouble adjusting to Japan, and now she insisted that they go home.
The teaching objective with this case is primarily to help students explore the factors that
facilitate and inhibit successful cross-cultural adjustment for an American expatriate and his spouse and
how their adjustment is related to each other.
1. What factors (individual, work, and organiza%onal) contributed to Fred and Jenny’s
lack of adjustment to Japan?
As was mentioned earlier, Fred made several mistakes:
He failed to notice that there was a division between Japanese and foreign workers. He failed to
realize that in the first meeting the Japanese felt put on the spot and were not comfortable giving their
It is usually easiest to get the class going by asking a student how adjusted they feel Fred is and
what factors have contributed to his adjustment. The student will nearly always state that Fred is not
very adjusted and then begin to list factors. It is often eFec%ve to group the factors on the board into
four categories: individual, work, organiza%onal, and non-work. This will provide a structure to the
This same process should be repeated to analyze Jenny’s adjustment. At this point it is quite
Although logically backwards, it is often useful at this point to discuss the various mistakes Fred
has made because of his lack of understanding of Japan. This provides a nice lead-in to a discussion or
mini-lecture on the underlying process of cross-cultural adjustment. What is culture shock and why does
2. What mistakes did Fred make because of his lack of understanding of Japan?
3. What criteria would be important in selecting employees for overseas assignments?
First it is important for organization to carefully iden%fy the types of skills needed by managers
to successfully complete an overseas assignment. Research on international selection issues indicates
that companies often emphasize technical skills while neglec%ng cultural skills. When international
assignments fail it is usually because expatriates can’t fathom the customs of the new country or
4. What special training and development programs might have been beneficial to Fred
and his family prior to his assignment to Japan?
One of the major reasons for Fred’s lack of success was that his company sent the family to
Japan without any type of training or orientation. Fred and his family only had three weeks to prepare
for the trip. Needless to say most of this %me was spent on packing and other logis%cal ac%vi%es. The
company should have provided both Fred and his family with an orientation program that would provide
knowledge of the customs and culture of Japan. This program could have involved lectures, 5lms and
5. Assume you are Dave Steiner and you receive a call from Fred about his diCcul%es in
Japan. How would you respond? What should be done now?
The real decision may rest with Fred and how he feels about staying in Japan. Fred may see his
option as either staying or leaving. For those students that think Fred should leave, the self-esteem,
career, and family consequences of that decision should be explored and carefully analyzed. For those
Steiner needs to be suppor%ve of Fred's situation and help him to sort out the advantages and
disadvantages of his situation. Fred would naturally be concerned about this impact of his decision on
It is helpful to summarize the categoriza%on of factors that can facilitate or inhibit cross-cultural
adjustment and the basic underlying process. It is also helpful to point out that given the increased
internationaliza%on of business, the chances of one of the students being sent on an overseas
assignment is quite high. By brieLy summarizing the disparity between what the students suggested
firms do to facilitate cross-cultural adjustment and what most U. S. firms actually do, the point that
students need to protect themselves and take steps to set themselves up for success rather than failure
if they decide to take an overseas assignment can be made quite nicely.
Students are nearly always interested in what really happened. What happened is that Fred was
an innocent abroad but he was no dummy and was reLec%ve. He knew Jenny was at her limit. He knew
an early return would seriously hurt his career and in turn might aFect his relationship with Jenny. He
realized that he had neglected Jenny and that she had been isolated. Fred got a Lash and called Jenny's
sister and asked her if she would like a free trip to Japan. Jenny's sister came over to Japan, and Jenny
had a great %me showing her some of the interesting sights in Tokyo and other close areas. Fred got
some budget slack from the home oCce for training for both himself and Jenny. He and Jenny stayed in
Japan. Fred turned the Tokyo oCce around and was made partner in the firm.
This instructor’s note was prepared by J. Stewart Black.
This case provides students with the opportunity to discuss cultural issues and its management in a
multinational organiza%on. globalization has resulted in companies doing more and more business in
other countries. Human resource managers need to be able to make a signiticant contribution in helping
their organization be successful from a human resource management perspec%ve. It is often these
issues (lack of cultural sensitivity and awareness that can spell the diFerence between success and
failure). Cultural diversity in the workplace is known to cause conLict, which often results in
misunderstanding, frustra%on and motivational problems. The present case is an adapta%on and
shortened version of an actual situation that took place in South Africa during 2002. The case illustrates
the importance of understanding diFerent cultural assumption, beliefs and values in a multicultural
workplace. It also illustrates the importance of preparing management and employees on cultural
aspects for foreign or international work assignments.
1. Why are the views of the German managers and associates so diFerent? What are the underlying
cultural values that may be causing the diFerences?
‘Why are views so diFerent’ can be discussed based on the basis of diversity and what makes
Cultural values of the German managers stem from a more Eurocentric/Individualis%c world
view and the associates’ from a more Afrocentric/Collec%vis%c/Communal world view. Dis%nguish
between these two worldviews and its impact in the workplace based on the case. This could also be
2. Do you agree with the GAM’s view that the best preparation for an international assignment is
“learning on the job” instead of formal training programs?
No, because formal training programs prepare the individual for acknowledging the possibility
of value - and behavioral diFerences which need to be understood. It thus creates awareness that
3. What are the human resource problems associated with a mul%national company adop%ng a global
human resource management strategy rather than a local strategy for operation outside its home
A global human resource management strategy might not 5t the local practice or culture.
Recruitments and selection, recognition and reward systems, performance management systems,
communica%on and feedback practices such as indicated in the case might diFer between countries
4. Evaluate Dr. Kriek’s approach and action. Do you agree with the approach she took? Why or Why
Dr. Kriek has extensive experience in the workplace and understood the local culture, as well as
realizing that motivational problems or morale issues are a result of other underlying problems or
challenges. She also realized that cultural issues are complex and contextualized, meaning it diFers
from situation to situation and therefore any assump%on to solve a perceived problem without
The action proposed by Dr. Kriek were based on a holis%c approach and not just a single
interven%on which is necessary when dealing with issues such as motivation and conLict. It was
If she did not understood the local culture and believed in her approach the associates might
not have opened up and might have told her what they thought she wanted to here or could have
5. Evaluate her proposal for the cultural awareness and sensitivity workshop for management. What are
its strengths and weaknesses? What eFect do you think it will have on the managers?
The training program was well designed. objective were stated so every par%cipant knew
Knowledge improvement (Awareness)
Managerial skill of cross-cultural communica%on in diFerent cultural context as
Assis%ng managers to become more culturally intelligent as cultural intelligence is
Ang, S and Van Dynne, L. (2008). Handbook of Cultural Intelligence- Theory, Measurement, and
application. M.E. Sharpe: USA
Fink, G. and Mayrhofer, W. (2009). Cross-cultural competence and management –seQng the stage,
European J. Cross-Cultural Competence and Management, 1(1): 42-65
Hofstede, G. (1980). Culture’s consequences: International diFerences in work-related values. Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage.
Hopkins, B. (2009). Cultural DiFerences and Improving Performance – How Values and Beliefs InLuence
Organiza%onal Performance. Gower Publishing Company: England.
Javidan, M., Stahl, G., S., Brodbeck, J. & Wilderom, C.P.M. 2005. Cross-border transfer of knowledge:
Cultural lessons from Project Globe. Academy of Management executive, 19 (2): 59-76.
This teaching note was prepared by Professor Yvonne duPlessis of the University of Pretoria.
V. Term Project
To help a student group of two to four students critically analyze a human resource system or
subsystem, iden%fy problems, and recommend construc%ve improvements.
II. OUT-OF-CLASS PREPARATION TIME: 30 - 40 hours per group (10 - 15 hours per student) for a
total human resource system evaluation and 20-25 hours (5-10 hours per student) for a subsystem
III. IN-CLASS TIME SUGGESTED: None, unless an oral report is required by the instructor. In that
case, each group will make a 15-20 minuet presentation to the class.
IV. PROCEDURES: See text for detailed direction for either option 1 or option 2.
The project focuses upon the selected organiza%on's human-resource objectives, structures,
policies, practices, and selected administra%ve problems. It provides the student with the opportunity to
learn first hand about the human resource system of an actual organiza%on to develop field research
experience and evalua%ve skills. These skills should prove beneficial in future academic and professional
assignments. For the organization coopera%ng with the projects, the obvious bene5t is a free
consul%ng service with the possibility of improving eCciency/eFec%veness of their personnel systems.
The final report should be based upon the evaluation Guide in the text. Some of the section of
that Guide may be irrelevant to some organization. For example, the questions under the "Employee
Fric%ons" sec%on will be irrelevant for organization which are not unionized. Some other organization
may have unusual circumstances regarding human resources management which are not adequately
covered by the Guide. In this situation, the student should be encouraged to go beyond the Guide to
discuss which is important in the personnel process.
Each student group should assume the stance of an outside consultant who has been called in to
evaluate the human resource system or subsystem of the particular organiza%on. This information may
be gathered either through in-person interviews with human resources managers or through the
organization website at a minimum, that paper should reLect the items contained in section I, VII, and
one other part of the evaluation guide.
Possible criteria for the instructor's evaluation of individual or group final reports are as follows:
1. Does the report provide enough speci5city and detail to allow the reader to
understand the human resource management processes currently being used by the
2. Has the group gathered information from a broad range of individuals or are they
basing their report on only one interview with one person? Are diFerent
perspectives represented?
3. Does the report evidence a healthy skep%cism toward information provided by
interview respondents? Does the report go beyond the super5cial to probe what is
really happening in the organiza%on?
4. Does the report evidence mastery of the basic concepts and principles of human
resources management, particularly in the "Summary and evaluation" sec%on which
calls for solution to any problems identified in the report? Do the suggestion make
sense in terms of the organiza%on's total situation, identified problems, and human
resources theory? Is there enough detail, speci5city, and jus%5ca%on for the
proposed solution?
5. Are the organiza%on of the report, transi%ons between section, and overall quality
of writing at an appropriate level for a consul%ng report?

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