978-0135078228 Chapter 10 Solution Manual

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 2435
subject Authors Alvin C Burns, Ronald F. Bush

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1. What is a data matrix and how does data coding explain the numbers found in a data
A data matrix is an arrangement of rows and columns identical to a spreadsheet in
2. Distinguish intentional from unintentional fieldworker errors.
Intentional fieldworker errors are where the interviewer deliberately falsifies his or
Unintentional fieldworker errors are where the interviewer makes mistakes such as
3. Distinguish intentional from unintentional respondent errors.
4. Describe the three types of nonresponse possible in a survey.
Type Description
5. How does a break-off differ from an item omission?
A break-off means that the respondent has stopped answering questions at some point
6. What, specifically, does a researcher look for during raw data inspection?
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The researcher looks for problem respondents that fall into the following five
7. Distinguish a middle-of-the-road pattern from a yea-saying pattern.
A middle-of-the-road pattern is seen as a preponderance of “no opinion” responses
8. List the three options open to a researcher with respect to how to handle data quality
The options are:
Throw out the respondent’s entire data row.
9. What are the two critical worksheets in the XL Data Analyst and how do they relate
to each other?
The Data worksheet contains variable labels and raw numbers (data), whereas the
10. Define each of the following:
a. Variable label
b. Variable description
A long variable description for each variable in the cell beneath its variable label
c. Value code
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The related code values for each variable’s possible answer (value label) are
d. Value label
The value labels for each set of variable’s value codes are placed below them in
11. What two options exist for a researcher who wishes to build his or her own data set
for use with the XL Data Analyst?
12. What is the most important advice to remember when adding or computing a variable
in an XL Data Analyst data set?
13. The following data matrix has ten respondents. There are seven questions on the
survey (Q1–Q7). The possible answers for Q1–Q2 are “no” or “yes,” coded 0 and 1
respectively. Questions Q3–Q4 are answered with “none,” “somewhat,” “a fair
amount,” and “very much,” coded 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Questions Q5–Q6 are
satisfaction questions with possible answers of “very unsatisfied,” “unsatisfied,”
“neither unsatisfied nor satisfied,” “satisfied,” and “very satisfied,” coded 1, 2, 3, 4,
and 5, respectively. Question Q7 is an open-ended question where the respondent
provides his or her age. For each respondent, scrutinize the answers and indicate
whether or not data quality error(s) is possibly apparent and, if so, identify the nature
of the error. Also, indicate your judgment as to whether or not each is an “acceptable
RES. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 ERROR
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(Q7); Acceptable
14. For all variables the data matrix in question 13, indicate how each of the following
aspects of the Define Variables worksheet should be set up in order for XL Data
Analyst to perform analyses and create fully labeled tables.
a. Variable labels
b. Descriptions (of variables)
c. Value codes
d. Value labels
Row A B C D E F G H
15. You work part time in a telemarketing company. Your compensation is based on the
number of credit card applicants you sign up with the telemarketing approach. The
company owner has noticed that the credit card solicitation business is slowing down,
and so she decides to take on some marketing research telephone interview business.
When you start work on Monday, she says that you are to do telephone interviews and
gives you a large stack of questionnaires to have completed. What fieldworker errors
are possible under the circumstances described here?
It does not appear there is any training, supervision or monitoring of work, nor is
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Case 10.1 IHOP Improvement Survey
Case Objective: This case requires students to understand the variable label, variable
description, value codes, and value labels aspects of the Define
Variables worksheet in the XL Data Analyst. Additionally, it tests if
they know how to add a new variable to an XL Data Analyst dataset as
per the recommendations in the chapter.
Answers to Case Questions
1. Indicate how Mary should set up the Define Variables worksheet in an XL Data
Analyst data set file.
The Variable Descriptions, Value Codes, and Value Labels are identified below. Two
tables are used, but these would continue horizontally in the worksheet. Note that
Media 2 and Media 7 are not listed due to space constraints.
Family income Gende
they eat
Time of day they are
most likely to use IHOP
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Aspect 1
Aspect 2
Aspect 3
Aspect 4
Aspect 5
with IHOP
Satisfied nor
2. Describe how Mary should create a new variable that is equal to the total number of
different advertising media where respondents recall seeing IHOP advertising.
She can create a new variable, say with the label Adtotal, as a new column to the right
of the Media 8 column on the Data worksheet. Then for each cell in this new column,
Mary can use the Excel function “= SUM ( )” or a simple summing formula
(= Media1 + Media2 … + Media8) to total the 8 Media cells for each respondent.
Case 10.2 Integrated Case: The Advanced Automobile Concepts Survey Data
Case Objective
This case acquaints students with the practical problems of running a data collection
company, and it requires them to assess and compare capabilities of competing online
panel providers.
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Answers to Case Questions
Keeping the quality of the data as a foremost concern, compare the practices of these two
competing panel companies, and recommend one that you think CMG research should
use for the Advanced Automobile Concepts survey. Why have you selected your choice
over the competitor?
The table is provided below with an “Analysis” row after each set of company responses.
Question 1. What experience does your company have with providing online samples
for market research?
Question 2. What are the people told when they are recruited?
Question 3. If the sample comes from a panel, what is your annual panel
turnover/attrition/retention rate?
Company A: Our voluntary drop-out rate is
Company B: We do a 1-for-1 replacement for each
Company B’s drop-out is low and its replacement system is superior to that of Company
Question 4. What profile data is kept on panel members? For how many members is
this data collected and how often is this data updated?
Company A: We maintain extensive
individual-level data, in the form of about 1,000
Company B: For each panelist, we have about
2,500 data points on demographics, assortment of
It is obvious that Company B has more “stored” variables in their panel dataset. Plus,
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Question 5. Explain how people are invited to take part in a survey.
Company A: Typically, a survey
Company B: Based on the client’s sample
The systems are almost identical except Company A’s reminder is daily while Company
B’s reminder is every other day.
Question 5. How does your company handle data quality issues?
Company A: Our panel members sign a statement
Company B: In all surveys with most questions,
Company A uses an “honor” system, and does not indicate any data quality checking
system. So, there is the danger that its panel members will “forget” or otherwise not be
Assuming there are no other factors to consider (such as price), select Company B as it is
superior to Company A in five out of the six areas.
Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

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