978-0133484175 Chapter 8-11 Review Question Chapter 8-11

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4291
subject Authors David L. Goetsch

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Chapter Eight – Accident Investigation and Reporting
1. Explain the rationale for investigating accidents.
2. When should an investigation be reported? Why?
An investigation should be conducted immediately. First, immediate
investigations are more likely to produce accurate information. Second, it
is important to collect information before the accident scene is changed
3. Explain the di&erence between an accident report and an accident-analysis
An accident report is completed when the accident in question represents
only a minor accident. It answers the questions who, what, when, and
4. List the categories of the most common causes of accidents.
Personal beliefs and feelings
Mismatch or overload
5. What are the terms that should guide the conduct of an accident investigation?
6. What role should the safety and health professional play in the conduct of an
accident investigation?
7. List and explain the steps for conducting an accident investigation.
Isolate the Accident Scene - The entire area surrounding such a scene
Record All Evidence - It is important to make a permanent record of all
Photograph and/or Videotape the Scene - Modern photographic and
Identify Witnesses - In identifying witnesses it is important to compile a
8. Why is it important to record all pertinent evidence relating to an accident
immediately after an accident has occurred?
Certain types of evidence may be perishable.
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2  Gitman/Zutter •Principles of Managerial Finance, Fourteenth Edition
9. What can you do when taking close-up photographs to put them in proper
When photographing objects involved in the accident, be sure to identify
10. List and di&erentiate among the three categories of witnesses to an accident.
Primary witnesses are eyewitnesses to the accident.
Secondary witnesses are witnesses who did not actually see the
11. Brie?y explain the when and where of interviewing witnesses.
When to Interview - Interviews should begin as soon as the witness list
Where to Interview - The best place to interview is at the accident site. If
this is not possible, interviews should take place in a private setting
12. Brie?y explain the how of interviewing witnesses.
The key to getting at the facts is to put the witness at ease and to listen.
Listen to what is said, how it is said, and what isn’t said. Ask questions that
13. What is the purpose of an accident report?
The purpose of the report is to record the 5ndings of the accident
Chapter Nine – Product Safety and Liability
1. Explain the best way for a manufacturer to limit its exposure to product liability
The best way the manufacturer can prevent or defend such claims is by
manufacturing a reasonably safe and reliable product, and, where
Chapter 1 The Role of Managerial Finance    3
2. What are the steps to follow in 5ling a product liability lawsuit?
An injured party decides to seek redress against the manufacturer of a
product and engages an attorney.
The attorney 5les a complaint in state or federal court.
3. What is the discovery period in a product liability lawsuit?
The collection of evidence can involve taking depositions from expert
4. Brie?y explain the concept of strict liability in tort.
A. One who sells any product in a defective condition unreasonably
dangerous to the user or consumer or to his property is subject to liability
for physical harm thereby caused to the ultimate consumer or user, or to
his property if:
B. The rule stated in Subsection (1) applies although:
5. List the three criteria governing a company’s duty to warn.
The potential for an accident when the product is used without a
warning, provided the use to which it is put is reasonably predictable.
6. What are two purposes of the Consumer Product Safety Act?
To protect the public from the risk of injuries incurred while using
consumer products.
7. De5ne the following concepts associated with product liability law: patent defect,
latent defect, prudent man concept.
Patent Defect - A patent defect is one that occurs in all items in a
4  Gitman/Zutter •Principles of Managerial Finance, Fourteenth Edition
Prudent Man Concept - In determining whether a risk is reasonable or
unreasonable, the prudent man concept is applied. A reasonable risk exists
8. Explain the reporting requirements component of the Community Right-to-Know
Companies are required to maintain accurate, up-to-date information on
formula, and other technical information about the chemical; potential safety
and health hazards; handling precautions; and emergency procedures. Companies
Product Safety Coordinator - A successful product safety program must
involve all departments within the company. It is important to have one
Product Safety Committee - A product safety committee with a
Product Safety Auditor - The product safety auditor is responsible for
10. How may assigning product safety coordination duties to an executive of the
company a&ect the success of the program?
Giving coordination responsibility to a person who lacks executive level
11. What role do you think safety and health professionals should play in a product
safety program?
Safety professionals, because of their knowledge of plant operations and
because of their general expertise in safety-related matters, can
evaluate and o&er comments on the company’s PSM program.
Safety professionals, because of their experience in safety training, can
evaluate product safety-related training programs developed as part of the
product safety program.
Chapter 1 The Role of Managerial Finance    5
12. De5ne the term quality management and explain the 5ve key strategies of QM.
A way of managing a company that revolves around a total and willing
commitment of all personnel at all levels to quality. With QM every
employee is 1) responsible for quality and its continual improvement; and
2) empowered to make decisions/recommendations to continually improve
quality. With QM quality is the overriding factor in all decisions at all levels.
Involvement of all personnel who must implement decisions in
making those decisions.
Empowerment of all personnel to take the action necessary to
bring about product and/or process improvements in their areas of
responsibility and to recommend action outside of their areas.
13. Why is record keeping so important with product safety?
In addition to their usefulness in demonstrating to courts and juries that a
company manufactures safe, reliable products, comprehensive product
14. List four strategies for producing high-quality, e&ective product literature.
Minimize and simplify narrative text
Chapter Ten - Ergonomic Hazards: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) and
Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs)
1. De5ne the term ergonomics and explain its origins.
2. Explain how the following opposing factors can in?uence the amount of physical
stress associated with a job: sitting versus standing, large versus small demand for
strength/power, nonrepetitive versus repetitive motion.
6  Gitman/Zutter •Principles of Managerial Finance, Fourteenth Edition
Sitting vs. Standing - Generally speaking, sitting is less than standing.
Large vs. Small Demand for Strength and Power - Jobs that demand
Nonrepetitive vs. Repetitive Motion - Repetition can lead to monotony
3. Explain the concept of human factors and how it relates to ergonomics.
Consumers are demanding safe and e&ective products. Therefore, all
4. Name the elements of OSHA’s ergonomic guidelines.
Worksite analysis
5. What are the four main parts of OSHA’s recommended worksite analysis program
for ergonomics?
Gathering information from available sources
6. List 5ve risk factors associated with CTDs.
Repetitive and/or prolonged activities
Forceful exertions, usually with the hands (including pinch grips)
7. Brie?y explain the steps in conducting an ergonomic job hazard analysis.
Workstation Analysis - An adequate workstation analysis would be
Lifting Hazards - For manual materials handling, the maximum weight-
Videotape Method - The use of videotape, where feasible, is suggested
Feedback and Follow-Up - A reliable system should be provided for
Chapter 1 The Role of Managerial Finance    7
Trend Analysis - Trends of injuries and illnesses related to actual or
8. Brie?y explain the components of a hazard prevention and control program.
Workstation Design - Workstations should be designed to accommodate
Design of Work Methods - Traditional work method analysis considers
Tool Design and Handles - Attention should be paid to the selection and
9. Who should participate in an ergonomic training program?
10. List and brie?y explain three common indicators of the existence of ergonomic
Apparent Trends in Accidents and Injuries - By examining accident
reports, record-keeping documents such as OSHA Form 200 (Log and
Incidence of Cumulative Trauma Disorders - Factors associated with
CTDs include a high level of repetitive work, greater than normal levels of
Absenteeism and High Turnover Rates - High absentee rates and high
Employee Complaints - A high incidence of employee complaints about
Employee-Generated Changes - Employees tend to adapt the workplace
to their needs. The presence of many workplace adaptations, particularly
Poor Quality - Poor quality, although not necessarily caused by ergonomic
Manual Material Handling - The incidence of musculoskeletal injuries is
General Observation - General observation of a worker or workers
8  Gitman/Zutter •Principles of Managerial Finance, Fourteenth Edition
Questionnaires and Interviews - Questionnaires and interviews can be
Videotaping and Photography - Videotaping technology has simpli5ed
Drawing or Sketching - Making a neat sketch of a workstation or a
Measuring the Work Environment - Measurements can help identify
12. Describe an ergonomic problem-solving strategy for each of the following types
of work: seated repetitive work with light parts, work with hands above the chest,
work with hand tools.
Seated Repetitive Work with Light Parts
Include other work tasks to break the monotony of repetition
Work with Hands Above the Chest
Eliminate manual lifting to the extent possible by raising the work
?oor using lifts and various other technologies
Work with Hand Tools
Select tools that are designed to keep hands in the rest position
(palm down, gently curved, thumb outstretched, and knuckle of the
index 5nger higher than that of the little 5nger)
Reduce stress on the hand by selecting tools that have thick
rather than thin handles (a good range for the diameter is 0.8 to 1.2
13. Explain why so little hard research has been done concerning the economics of
Such research is often more complex and extensive than the
safety and health measures that have been undertaken.
Chapter 1 The Role of Managerial Finance    9
14. De5ne the term CTD. Describe the most common types.
CTD is an umbrella term that covers a number of injuries caused by
Chapter Eleven – Stress and Safety
1. De5ne stress.
Stress is the harmful physical and emotional response that occurs when
2. How is workplace stress di&erent from general stress?
Workplace stress involves a worker’s feelings resulting from a perceived
3. List 5ve sources of workplace stress and give an on-the-job example for each
Task complexity relates to the number of di&erent demands made on the
Control over the job assignment can also be a source of workplace stress.
4. Explain why lack of job autonomy may cause workplace stress.
5. Give 5ve categories of human reaction to workplace stress.
Subjective or emotional (anxiety, aggression, or guilt)
6. How are psychosomatic reactions to stress and actual physiological illness
Initially the e&ects may be psychosomatic, but with continued stress, the
7. How are some autoimmune diseases and workplace stress related?
8. Explain three stages of human reaction to stress.
Alarm - The alarm reaction occurs when the stress of a threat is sensed.
10  Gitman/Zutter •Principles of Managerial Finance, Fourteenth Edition
Resistance - The stage of resistance initiates a greater physical response.
Exhaustion - This stage is demonstrated by the body’s failure to adapt to
9. Explain three ways in which mental workload can be measured.
With subjective ratings, the workers are asked to rate their perceived
level of workload.
10. Discuss e&orts to rid the workplace of all causes of workplace stress.
11. What type of data do psychosocial questionnaires provide? Discuss the bias in
this type of data.
also subject to state-dependent bias in the data.
12. Discuss how shift work causes workplace stress. Give suggestions for
minimizing workplace stress from shift work.
Basic physiological functions are scheduled by the biological clock called
13. Give speci5c steps that can be taken by managers to help reduce workplace
Training can help people recognize and deal with stress e&ectively. Role
ambiguity and lack of feedback stress can be reduced by managers
providing frequent feedback to employees so that they know what is
expected of them at any given time and receive recognition when it is
14. Discuss at least 5ve methods to reduce workplace stress, according to the life
insurance company research.
Management recognizes workplace stress and takes steps to reduce it.
Mental health bene5ts are provided in the employee’s health insurance
The employer has a formal employee communications program.
Employees are given information on how to cope with stress.
Workers have current, accurate, and clear job descriptions.
Chapter 1 The Role of Managerial Finance    11
15. Explain how individuals can reduce workplace stress.
Openly communicating with management and team mates
Regular exercise

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