978-0078029363 Chapter 7 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3019
subject Authors Angelo Kinicki, Robert Kreitner

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Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
(2) We constantly formulate cause-and-effect explanations for our own and
others’ behavior.
(4) It is important to understand how people formulate attributions because
(1) Current attribution theories are based on the pioneering work of Fritz
(2) Heider proposed that behavior can be attributed either to internal factors
(4) Kelley hypothesized that people make internal versus external causal
Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
(5) Figure 7-3: Performance Charts Showing Low and High Consensus,
Distinctiveness, and Consistency Information illustrates the three
dimensions in Kelley’s model. See Slide 7-33
(7) Kelley hypothesized that people attribute behavior to external causes
(8) Kelley hypothesized that people attribute behavior to internal causes when
(1) Fundamental Attribution Bias
Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
(2) Self-Serving Bias
(a) Self-serving bias: one’s tendency to take more personal responsibility
(3) Managerial Application and Implications See Slides 7-38, 7-39
(a) Attribution models can be used to explain how managers handle poorly
performing employees.
(i) One study revealed that managers gave employees more
Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
work and women believing promotions are based more on luck and
1. What are the characteristics of a “good” pizza in your schema? Do they contain
“tastes like cardboard”?
a. A schema is a person’s mental picture or summary of a particular event or
2. Do you think that Domino’s CEO Patrick Doyle demonstrated leadership qualities
by being vulnerable? Explain.
Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
3. What attribution would you make about a sporting team that loses most games
and then apologizes in an ad?
a. With attribution processes, fans will either assign an external or internal
cause to a team’s poor performance. With an internal attribution, fans will
1. Which of the perceptual errors listed in Table 7-2 are affecting recruiters’
perceptions in this case? Discuss
a. Perception plays a vital role in determining whether or not an applicant will
2. What negative stereotypes are fueling recruiters’ perceptions?
a. There is actually nothing in the case that deals directly with stereotyping in
Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
3. To what extent does the Pygmalion effect, Galatea effect, and Golem effect play
a role in this case? Explain.
a. According to the self-fulfilling prophecy, or Pygmalion effect, people's
expectations or beliefs determine their behavior and performance, thus
5. How would you answer the “weakness” question? Explain how it might be
perceived by recruiters.
1. Absolutely not! Chris Hanson signed a contract and he should uphold his end of
the deal. After all, he still makes enough money to pay the bill. Further, Chris
2. Yes. Why should someone continue to pay a mortgage when a home is worth
3. It depends. If the person can afford the mortgage, such as Chris Hanson, then
he should not be allowed to walk away and stiff others with his debt. If the
Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
person cannot afford the mortgage, then he or she should be allowed to walk
There is plenty of blame to go around when it comes to what got this country into the
sub-prime mortgage mess. Many banks gave loans to people that should never have
to which one assigns an internal or an external attribution will likely impact how he or
she views the homeowner’s actions. If I believe that Chris Hanson is walking away from
a mortgage due to factors under his control, I will likely take a negative view of his
actions. If he created a problem, I will likely hold him accountable for fixing the problem.
If I assign an external attribution to Chris’ actions (i.e., the banks created this problem), I
Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
Although primarily intended for a younger audience, the eyecanlearn website provides a
summary of the skills involved in visual perception, an important component in Stage 1
Under “Figure Ground” complete “Hidden Pictures.
2. How would your visual perception skills impact how you process information
according to Figure 7-1?
4. Discuss how visual perception skills might be related to an organization’s ability
to effectively manage diversity.
1. This book expands on some of the most important themes of the chapter and can
2. See “Do Stereotypes Unconsciously Influence the Perception Process?” and
“Win, Lose or Schema” in An Instructor’s Guide to an Active Classroom by A.
Johnson and A. Kinicki (McGraw-Hill, 2006).
3. The impact of gender and age on perceptions of career outcomes is discussed in
4. The impact of intragroup diversity on learning outcomes is described in “A Fair
5. All sides of the Pygmalion effect are covered in “The Role of Golem, Pygmalion,
1. A great chat on perceptual biases can be found in “The Actor-Observer
2. Reactions to successful women in the workplace are described in “Penalties for
3. See “Using SAT – Grade and Ability Job Performance Relationships to Test
4. See “The Effect of Physical Height on Workplace Success and Income:
5. An interesting discussion of attribution and bias in a very modern work context
Chapter 07 - Social Perception and Attributions
2. The managerial implications of attributional tendencies are clarified in the film
"Managing Motivation" (Salenger Educational Media).
(McGraw-Hill Films).
4. More information on diversity in the workplace can be seen in the video
Multicultural Workplace” (Phoenix Learning Group, Inc.).
5. The power of the self-fulfilling prophecy is examined in the film "Productivity and
2. Discuss the stereotypes people have about Millennials. Are these stereotypes
4. How would you formulate an attribution, according to Kelley’s model, for the
behavior of a classmate who is performing poorly in your class?

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