978-0077720568 Chapter 8 Solution Manual Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 4278
subject Authors Robert Lussier

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NOTE: Below are recommend answers to the learning objectives. The learning objectives with answers also
appear in the test bank so that you can test students on them as short answer/essay questions.
You may also want to limit the number of learning objectives that you expect students to know for the exams.
For example, you could select say 2-5 from each chapter that you believe are the most important things that
students should know. Assume you have a total of 10 for an exam. You could tell students to know the answers to
all 10 and that you will select say 3 of them for the exam.
LO 1. Explain the motivation process and the three factors affecting performance.
The motivation process steps are: need--> motive--> behavior--> satisfaction or dissatisfaction. The three factors
LO 2. Describe four content motivation theories.
Content motivation theories focus on identifying people's needs in order to understand what motivates them.
Needs hierarchy is Maslow's theory of motivation based on five categories of needs. Alderfer's ERG Theory
LO 3. Describe two process motivation theories.
Process motivation theories attempt to explain how and why people are motivated. Expectancy theory is Vroom's
LO 4. State how reinforcement is used to increase performance.
Reinforcement theory is primarily Skinner's motivation theory contending that behavior can be controlled
through the use of rewards. Through the use of four types of reinforcement—positive, avoidance, extinction, and
LO 5. List the four steps in the giving praise model.
Step 1. tell the employee exactly what was done correctly, 2. tell the employee why the behavior is important, 3.
LO 6. List the criteria for objectives.
Objectives should be: difficult but achievable, observable and measurable, specific with a target date,
LO 7. Identify the four parts of the writing objectives model.
The writing objectives model: To + action verb + specific, measurable and singular behavior result + target date.
LO 8. State ways to enrich, design, and simplify jobs.
Job enrichment is the process of building motivators into the job itself by making it more interesting and
LO 9. Explain possible limitations of using motivation theories outside North America.
People of different cultures have different needs and values. What works well in one country may not be
The following critical thinking questions can be used for class discussion and/or as written assignments to
develop communication skills. The questions can also be used for exams.
Note: The questions are based on opinions and personal experiences, so there are no correct answers.
1. Some people have stated that the performance formula is over simplified. Do you agree? Can it really be
used to increase performance?
2. Give examples of how all five of your hierarchy of needs have or are being met.
3. Herzberg says that pay is a hygiene, whereas some others say it is a motivator. What do you say?
4. Do you believe that content or process motivation theories are more useful at motivating employees?
5. Some people say that reinforcement theory is a means of manipulating employees to do what the company
wants them to do. Do you agree? Is the use of reinforcement theory ethical?
6. Does giving praise really motivate employees, or do they view it as a means of getting them to do more
7. Some managers say that what gets measured gets done. Do you agree? What does this have to do with
setting objectives?
8. What are advantages and disadvantages of MBO?
9. Which of the motivational theories do you prefer and why?
10. Will you actually use Model 8-3 to motivate yourself?
You may give these student answers below as part of your lecture before, after, or in place of getting student
answers. You may have students write out their answers and pass them in to be graded. Another option is to use
them on the exams.
All the work application questions appear in the test bank so that you can assess students’ ability to apply the
concepts to their work world. However, because student answers will vary, there are no answers in the test bank.
You may also want to limit the number of work applications that you expect students to pass in for grading
and/or to know for the exams. For example testing, you could select say 2-5 from each chapter that you believe
are the most important things that students should be able to apply to their jobs. Assume you have a total of 10
for an exam. You could tell students to have prepared answers to all 10 and that you will select say 3 of them for
the exam.
WA 1- Give an example of how you followed the motivation process. Identify the need, motive, behavior and
satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
SA- I had a need for a college education, so I was motivated to apply to different colleges and am attending
WA 2- In Self-Assessment Exercise 8.1 Motivators and Hygienes, did you select motivators or hygienes as being
important to you? Explain.
SA- Motivators are more important to me. My hygiene score was 18 and my motivator score was 25. The only
WA 3- Explain how your personal n Ach, n Pow, and n Aff affect your motivation. How can you use manifest
needs theory to motivate employees?
SA- My major need is power, I like to be in charge and enjoy competition, which increases my motivation. My
WA 4- Give an example of how expectancy theory has affected your motivation. How can you use expectancy
theory to motivate employees?
SA- On my job I work on different projects and I have noticed that my motivation is stronger when I know I can
WA 5- Give an example of how equity theory has affected your motivation. How can you use equity theory to
motivate employees?
SA- Equity theory has definitely affected my motivation. My inputs (study) affect my outputs (grades) when I
I compare my inputs to others all the time. Based on my inputs I can predict what others will think, but also what
I will use equity theory to motivate employees by telling them to compare there inputs to their outputs, and what
WA 6- What type(s) and schedule(s) of reinforcement does or did your supervisor use to motivate you? Explain
each. How can you use reinforcement to motivate employees?
SA- My boss used positive reinforcement. He gave me time off when I needed it (variable interval) and bonuses
WA 7- Describe how a present or past job you hold or have held could be enriched.
SA- I saw a little of job enrichment at Stormy Container Co. If work groups in a department do a good job over a
couple of months the whole department receives jackets than other prizes. Delegating more responsibility to
WA 8- Describe how a present or past job you hold or have held could be simplified. Specify if it is an
elimination, combination, or change in sequence that simplified the job.
SA- When I worked at Shore Co. I had to keep track of the present employees. We used to use lists of names for
each department. However, with the high turnover rate, the lists were always a mess, and had errors. We got a
WA 9- Which motivation theory do you feel is the best? Explain why.
SA- This is a tough question, but I guess I'll say reinforcement theory. I picked it because it gives you some good
WA 10- What is your motivation theory. What are the major methods, techniques, etc., you plan to use on the job
as a supervisor to increase motivation and performance?
SA- My motivation theory is to meet employee needs while getting the job done. I will get to know my
employees and try to give them rewards that are of value to them. I want to motivate employees as individuals.
WA- 11. Using Model 8-3, set an objective and develop a plan to achieve it to motivate yourself/
NOTE: There are multiple choice test questions in the test bank that are similar to the AS in the text to assess
application ability.
The Performance Formula, AS-8.1
1. A. Ability. The others appear to have more ability.
2. B. Motivation. S/he is not willing to work for the grade of As.
Motivation Theories, AS-8.2
6. A. Expectancy. S/he is referring to the valence aspect of the theory.
10. A. Expectancy. S/he is concentrating on expectancy, instrumentality, and valence.
11. D. Manifest needs. S/he is aware of his or her need for power, and employees too. S/he will attempt to meet
12. E. Two Factor. This is the essence of Herzberg's theory.
13. B. Equity. Treating employees fairly leads to equity perceptions.
Objectives, AS-8.3
You may find students can find other areas not meet because some are interrelated. However, the answers give
the area the author tried to convey.
16. B. Observable and measurable. How will the company know if it's reputation has improved? How will they
17. C. Specific target date. Without a specific target date the person will probably forget when the two weeks
18. A. Difficult but achievable. Passing is most likely not to difficult for most students. Stating a grade like A or
19. C. Specific. By how many units will they increase production? It is hard to say if increasing production is
20. A. Difficult. The objective is observable and measurable with, specific with a target date. However, it is most
Kevin Plank: Founder, CEO & Chairman of the Board of Under Armour
1. According to Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of Motivation, was Mr. Plank’s motivation to create a
new category of performance apparel driven my extrinsic (hygiene) factors or intrinsic (motivator)
My Plank was driven by intrinsic or motivator factors. He had an internal desire to own his own
business, and do something that was meaningful and challenging. He wanted to “Build a great product."
2. According to McClelland’s Manifest Theory of Motivation, people are motivated by the need for
achievement, power and affiliation. Which was these needs would you attribute to Mr. Plank. If
you were to rank them in order of significance to Mr. Plank, which will be first, second and third?
To rank the three needs, there may be differences in the order based on one’s rationalizations. A ranking
3. What’s the evidence in the case that job enrichment is a key part of the way work is done at Under
According to the text, managers can enrich jobs by delegating more variety and responsibility, form
natural work groups, make employees responsible for their own identifiable work and give employees
more autonomy. At the end of the case, Hanna, the director of women’s sports marketing makes the
4. Watch Kevin Plank give the keynote speech at the 2010 Cupid's Cup for the Robert H. Smith
School of Business at the University of Maryland (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=C8zI1mcmEkM). From the video, what are some of his motivational team themes that he lists?
Motivational themes include: the first one is Listen More Then You Talk, Over-Promise
Cumulative Questions
5. Chapter 7 distinguishes between transformational, charismatic and transactional leadership
theories, which of one of these best describes Kevin Plank?
According to the case, Mr. Plank has demonstrated most of the characteristics of a transformational
leader. He sees himself as a change agent in the athletic industry, he is courageous in the risk he took to
6. Based on the discussion in Chapter 6 on passive, aggressive and assertive behavior, what type of
behavior do you think Kevin Plank has given the case narrative on him?
Mr. Plank has an assertive behavior. According to the text, assertive people project a positive image
(chapter 3) of being confident, friendly and honest. They tend to have a positive self-concept and prefer
7. The Big Five Model of Personality (Chapter 2) categorizes traits into the dimensions of surgency,
agreeableness, adjustment, conscientiousness and open to experience. Which of these dimensions
can you attribute to Kevin Plank?
He definitely has the dimensions of surgency (the ability to create a new sportswear company),
agreeableness (he gets along well with others inside and outside the company), conscientiousness (he
Friedman's Business Technique
NOTE: There are no cases in the test bank. However, there are multiple choice test questions in the test bank that
are similar to case questions 1-10 to assess application ability.
1. A. True. Art says they increased performance to earn their raises.
3. E. Self-actualization. They have almost complete control over their jobs. 4. C. Affiliation. They can achieve
8. A. Positive. They are offered attractive consequences.
9. C. Job enrichment. He has given complete autonomy.
Role Play. You may have students willing to use Art's techniques give a talk to the class (employees) stating the
techniques to be used.
Hot Seat Videos and Behavior Model Videos are available to be used with this chapter. See separate Instructor
Resources Guide for each type of video.
What Do You Want From a Job
Total time (15-30 minutes)
Select a time and distribute it as desired.
Skills Assessment of SB 8-1 (No questions in Test Bank)
One of the objectives of the exercise is to help students to realize that people are different. There are no correct
answers. Thus, there are no skills test questions. However, there are questions to assess knowledge of two-factor
theory in the concept section of the test bank.
Giving Praise
Total time (15-30 minutes)
Select a time and distribute it as desired. Students usually will finish procedure 1., giving the praise, in less than
15 minutes. How much, time if any, you spend on the conclusion and sharing is your decision.
Skills Assessment of SB 8-2 (Questions and Answers also in Test Bank)
Four giving praise situations, including one of the student’s choice, are in the test bank and in this skill-building
section. If you plan to test students on giving praise, be sure to explain the test format. Students are to write the
four steps in of the model followed by what they would say for three of the steps. Reading the exam instructions
following the situation is very helpful.
1. Giving Praise. Select your own situation in which giving praise is appropriate. If it’s not obvious through
giving praise, write out a short explanation of the situation.
Instructions: Write the first step in the giving praise model, followed by what you would say to the
person. Follow the same format of listing the step followed by what you would say for Steps 2 to 4. However, do
not write what you would say for Step 3.
Answer -
Step 1. Tell the employee exactly what was done correctly.
Step 2. Tell the employee why the behavior is important.
2. Giving Praise. You word-processed a short memo to John Richards, the accounting manager, whom you don’t
know, and gave it to your secretary to send. Chris realized that you used the wrong last name, re-typed the
memo, and sent it to John Richardson. Chris told you about your error after sending the memo for you. So you
have decided to give praise to your secretary for a job well done.
Instructions: Write the first step in the giving praise model, followed by what you would say to Chris.
Follow the same format of listing the step followed by what you would say for Steps 2 to 4. However, do not
write what you would say for Step 3.
Answer -:
Step 1. Tell the employee exactly what was done correctly.
Step 2. Tell the employee why the behavior is important.
It would have be embarrassing for me to make such an error. I certainly don’t want to get on the wrong side of
Step 3. Stop for a moment of silence.
3. Giving Praise. You are a sales manager and were looking over some sales invoices. You saw an invoice for the
sale of $50,000 worth of computers to Acme Company by commission sales rep Chris. This is a large sale, and
you know that Chris has been trying to get business with Acme for some time now. It has potential for a lot of
future business. So you have decided to give praise to your sales rep for a job well done.
Instructions: Write the first step in the giving praise model, followed by what you would say to Chris.
Follow the same format of listing the step followed by what you would say for Steps 2 to 4. However, do not
write what you would say for Step 3.
Answers -
Step 1. Tell the employee exactly what was done correctly.
Step 2. Tell the employee why the behavior is important.
I realize you have been trying to land a sale with Acme because it can become a good account for future sales.
Step 3. Stop for a moment of silence.
Step 4. Encourage repeat performance
4. Giving Praise. You are the owner of a small retail clothes store. You are in the middle of working on a new
display when salesperson Chris came over to you and suggested how to rearrange the sweaters so that the
display is more colorful and appealing to the eye. So you decided to give Chris praise for a good idea.
Instructions: Write the first step in the giving praise model, followed by what you would say to Chris.
Follow the same format of listing the step followed by what you would say for Steps 2 to 4. However, do not
write what you would say for Step 3.
Answer -
Step 1. Tell the employee exactly what was done correctly.
Step 2. Tell the employee why the behavior is important.
Step 3. Stop for a moment of silence.
Step 4. Encourage repeat performance.
Setting Objectives
Total time (0-15 minutes)
The primary learning takes place out of class, thus, no class time can be spent on the exercise. However, it is
helpful for students to hear others objectives. You may allow a set time, say 10 minutes for groups to share their
Below are some student sample objectives:
1. To tune up my car on Saturday afternoon April 16, 200_
2. To move off campus for the Spring semester of 200_
3. To graduate in May 200_.
4. To get a job as a sales rep with a computer company by July 200_.
5. To start my own business by December 200_.
Skills Assessment of SB 8-3 (Question also in Test Bank)
To test students on the exam, I have them write the model and below it one of their own objectives. I give half
credit for the model and half credit for their objective being written properly using the model.
1. Objectives: Write out the writing objectives model four parts. Below the model, write one of your objectives
based on the model.
Answer -

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