978-0077720568 Chapter 7 Solution Manual Part 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 2554
subject Authors Robert Lussier

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2. How successful would the supervisor be using the consultative style? Are there any potential problems with using this
style in this situation?
Students should realize that this style will result in the most success. It should not hurt human relations, and it gets the
3. How successful would the supervisor be using the participative style? Are there any potential problems with using this
style in this situation?
Students should realize that this style is effective, but not the most successful. The report is already late, by simply saying
4. How successful would the supervisor be using the laissez-faire style? Are there any potential problems with using this
style in this situation?
This has basically the same answer as number three, but the potential problem of late reports in the future is even greater.
5. Will using the situational supervision model help managers do a good job? Why or why not?
6. As a manager will you use situational supervision? Why or why not?
Add your own questions
Skill Building Exercise 7.1 Situational Supervision, may be used as a follow up to the video to develop this skill.
Instructional Conclusion- (Cut it down if you want to) In conclusion, the situational supervisor determines the appropriate
If we were scoring points for the appropriateness of each style, the consultative style would be the highest with three
points. Points will be given in situational supervision skill building exercise. The participative style may also be successful
at getting the employee to get the report in. However, with the need for direction the report may be passed in the late in the
We should realize the importance of the matching the appropriate supervisory style to the capability level of the employee.
(optional paragraph) If the employee was consistently late with expense reports because of unwillingness to them on time
she would have a low capability level (C-1), the autocratic supervisory style would be appropriate. If the employee was at a
The Situational Supervision Skill Building Exercise is designed to help you improve your ability to determine the
capability level of employees and to select the appropriate supervisory style to result in optimum outcomes in given
Situational Supervision
Total time (10-75 minutes)
You may select any time length to spend on this exercise. Do as many situations as you have time for and give the class the
answers to the remaining situations.
Recommended approximate time for a 50-minute period
8:00 Procedure 1* 5 minutes
8:05 Procedure 2a 6 "
8:11 Procedure 2bc** 35 "
8:46 Integration 2 "
8:48 Application 2 "
*You may skip procedure 1 if you go over the text material before beginning the exercise. Or if you showed the video and
gave the instructional answers.
**Times will vary for this procedure. If students are slow and need more time you may want to give it to them and have the
integration and application done after class; it may be necessary to give them the answers to situations not covered. If
students are faster, slow down the explanations of answers and stress the consequences of selecting the wrong style. You
may also add a sharing section to extend the time.
Note: Try not to waste time arguing with students if they disagree with recommended answers. There is room for
interpretations. If the student can match capability level and supervisory style on the job they will tend to be successful.
The test bank section of this instructor's manual has questions similar to the 12 situations, however, the questions only
require the student to select the best alternative action. Capability level and alternative style analysis is not asked for. But
you can require this information. If you plan to use them, you may want to inform students when you go over this exercise.
I give full credit for the recommended answer, and half credit for the second best answer. Another alternative to testing on
situational supervision understanding is to give the students a situation only (the test bank has them with alternatives-just
leave alternatives a-d out) let the students state what the capability level is, what type of behavior is appropriate
(directive/supportive), and the action they would take (what would they do and say). I give full credit if the student selects
the second-and possibly third best style IF they stay consistent with their answer. Many time students select a capability
level, yet state the wrong type of behavior for that style. In this case they lose points.
Answers/Scoring for situations 1-12.
The higher the points, the more effective the style would be in that situation.
NOTE: Keep on 1 page like 5e IM p. 150
Capability Supervisory
Situation Level Styles Points
1 C-2 A. S-L 0
B. S-C 3
C. S-A 2
D. S-P 1
2 C-1 A. S-C 2
B. S-A 3
C. S-L 0
D. S-P 1
3 C-4 A. S-L 3
B. S-C 1
C. S-P 2
D. S-A 0
4 C-1 A. S-C 2
B. S-L 0
C. S-A 3
D. S-P 1
5 C-3 A. S-A 0
B. S-P 3
C. S-L 2
D. S-C 1
6 C-4 A. S-L 3
B. S-P 2
C. S-C 1
D. S-A 0
7 C-3 A. S-C 2
B. S-L 1
C. S-P 3
D. S-A 0
8 C-2 A. S-P 2
B. S-A 1
C. S-L 0
D. S-C 3
9 C-4 A. S-P 2
B. S-C 1
C. S-L 3
D. S-A 0
10 C-3 A. S-A 0
B. S-L 1
C. S-C 2
D. S-P 3
11 C-1 A. S-A 3
B. S-P 1
C. S-C 2
D. S-L 0
12 C-2 A. S-L 0
B. S-A 2
C. S-C 3
D. S-P 1
Skills Assessment of SB 7-1 (Questions and Answers also in Test Bank)
There are several questions related to the Situational Supervision model and similar to the 12 situations in SB
7-1 with the application questions. However, there are also skills questions, see below.
Five situations similar to the 12 in this exercise are in the test bank and in this skill-building section. However, I
do not give multiple-choice questions because in the business world no one will hand managers multiple-choice
questions. When I tell students to do Situation 3 (procedure Step 2-1), I tell them how they will be tested on the
exam, and I go over the answer in the four-part format below. Students are not allowed to look at the model
during the test; they need to know the model.
A situation will be given (similar to 12 in preparation for the exercise).
Capability level:
Management style:
Behavior to use:
On the Capability level line, the number 1-4 is placed.
On the Management style line, the name of the management style (autocratic, consultative, participative,
laissez-faire) that is appropriate for the capability is placed.
On the Behavior to use line, the two dimensions of behavior from the model for the management style are listed
(high directive/low supportive, high directive/high supportive, low directive/high supportive, low directive/low
On the Action taken line, students write the action they would take in the situation using the management style
behavior they selected. Students should write a statement similar to the a-b-c-d alternative given in the 12
situations in the exercise.
Below are the answers for Situation 3 in the test style that I use:
Capability level: C4
Management style: Laissez-faire
Behavior: Low directive/Low supportive
Action: Allow the group to decide the new hours. (Note: This is alternative a.)
I also tell students that if they get the second best alternative, they will be given full credit if they stay
consistent. For example, students may put “4” on the Capability level line, participative on the Management style
line, and “High directive/High supportive” on the Behavior to use line, which represent three different styles. I
take off partial credit for each part that is wrong. The next best answer is 3, Participative, Low directive/High
supportive, Conduct a meeting to get the group members' ideas. Select new hours together, with your approval.
Grading. I generally make the skill-builder a 10-point question on the exam. I give 2 points for the first three
lines, four points for the Action taken. I give full credit for the first and second best answers if students stay
consistent. I take off 3 or 4 points if they give the wrong answers and stay consistent. If they are not consistent, I
take off 5 or 6 points.
Below are five test questions and answers/
1. You've been promoted from being an employee in one department to be the supervisor in another department.
The supervisor you are replacing did not require the group to do much work. Production is low, and has declined
in recent months. That is why you got the job. As a situational manager identify the following:
Capability level
Management style
Answer -
Second best answer
2. As a supervisor you want to improve performance in your department. You have asked your employees to
think of ways to improve the department. However, you don't expect many good ideas because in the past the
group has not been very interested or enthusiastic in participating in decision-making. You have some good
ideas. As a situational manager identify the following:
Capability level
Management style
Answer -
Second best answer:
3. As a supervisor you spend little time telling employees what to do and most of the time encouraging them to
do a good job. However, at the present time your employees have fallen behind schedule on an important project
due soon. As a situational manager identify the following:
Capability level
Management style
Second best answer:
4. You are discussing the delegation of a new task to one of your best employees, Pete. However, Pete is hesitant
to take on the new assignment. You are confident he can do it on his own. As a situational manager identify the
Capability level
Management style
Answer -
Second best answer
5. You have an employee, Jean, who does an excellent job on her own. You believe the job is boring to Jean
because it is too easy for her. So, you have decided to delegate on of three assignments to her. You're not sure
which one she will like best. As a situational manager identify the following:
Capability level
Management style
Answer -
Second best answer
Do feel free to make up your own situations, and even your own test format.
A Leadership Styles Role Play
Total time (30-50 minutes)
Times will vary with class size and the number of role-plays done. Select a time and do as many role-plays as time permits.
It usually takes the author's classes about 40 minutes to complete. This exercise is somewhat similar to the video in that it
requires the class to select which style the manager is using in the situation.
This exercise illustrates the effects of using the appropriate vs. inappropriate leadership style. Students enjoy it. You may
need to pick some volunteers though. Students who allow eye contact with you will usually play a role.
Procedure 1.
Select Option A (Continuum Leadership Styles and use Figure 7-4 for the definitions of the seven styles) or Option B
(Situational Supervision Styles, POSSIBLE LEADERSHIP STYLES.)
Procedure 2.
During procedure 2, set up four chairs at an angle allowing the class to see the supervisor and employees. Try to have each
of the four major styles role-played. If you have more than four groups use the a. and b. alternatives within the style. I ask
each group their selected style; if no one has it, I allow the group to use it. If its been taken I give them one not already
Procedure 4.
During procedure 4, list the seven leadership options on the board. Ask how many believed each was portrayed by the
leader. Put the votes on the board. When there is disagreement discuss it. Supervisors sometimes do a confusing job.
Procedure 5.
Use the same board listings of optional leadership styles. Write the votes on the board. The author, and large majority of his
students, select using the Consultative style option.
Skills Assessment of SB 7-2 (No Questions and Answers in Test Bank)
There are no test questions because the focus of the book is on situational supervision. However, if you want to test on the
Leadership Behavior Styles, you may do so using the same five situations from SB 7-1. Just change the format to match
your expectations and make them clear to the class prior to the test.
Self-Disclosure and Trust (Johari Window)
Total time (10-30 minutes)
You may select any time length to spend on this exercise. To shorten time, don’t do procedure 2
Recommended approximate time for a 30-minute period
8:00 Procedure 1 10 minutes
8:10 Procedure 2 10 " (or any other 20 minute split between 1 and 2)
8:20 Conclusions 3 "
8:23 Application 2 "
8:25 Sharing 5 “

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