978-0077720568 Chapter 7 Solution Manual Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4565
subject Authors Robert Lussier

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Self-Assessment Exercise 7-3 Trustworthiness
A. Types of Trust
Exhibit 7-7 Three Levels of Trust and Five Dimensions of Trust can be shown.
KT-trust is the positive expectation that another will not take advantage of you.
1. Deterrence-Based Trust. It is based on fear of reprisal if the trust is violated. It is how new relations begin.
2. Knowledge-Based Trust. It is based on experience in dealing with others to predict behavior.
3. Identification-Based Trust. It is based on emotional connection-friendship. Employees look out for each other’s
best interest and act for the other; it is the highest level of trust.
WA 11- Give an example of each of the three levels of trust you experienced on the job.
SA- When I first went to work at McDonald’s, I didn’t know anyone so I was on the deterrence-based trust because I
B. Developing Trust
LO 6. Briefly describe the five dimensions of trust.
1. Integrity—being honest, truthful, and sincere.
2. Competence—having technical and interpersonal knowledge, ability, and skill.
There are five dimensions of trust (and tips to develop trust are in the text):
1. Integrity—being honest, truthful, and sincere.
2. Competence—having technical and interpersonal knowledge, ability, and skill.
3. Consistency—using the same behavior in similar situations.
4. Loyalty—looking out for the interest of others.
5. Openness—accepting new ideas and change.
Self-Disclosure and the Johari Window (Exhibit 7-8 may be shown)
C. Repairing Trust
It is best to always be trustworthy so you don’t have to repair trust. But when we do, we should admit mistakes and apologize.
WA 12- What is your strongest and weakest dimension of trust at work? How will you improve your trustworthiness, or what
tips will you implement?
SA- I’d say my strongest is loyalty and my weakest is competency. I will do my best to complete each task. I can also be more
WA 13. How often do you apologize? Should you apologize more often, and especially to the people closest to you, when you
break their trust?
Self-Assessment Exercise 7-4 Your Personality and Leadership and Trust
NOTE: Below are recommended answers to the learning objectives. The learning objectives with answers also
appear in the test bank so that you can test students on them as short answer/essay questions.
You may also want to limit the number of learning objectives that you expect students to know for the exams. For
example, you could select 2-5 from each chapter that you believe are the most important things that students should
know. Assume you have a total of 10 for an exam. You could tell students to know the answers to all 10 and that you
will select 3 of them for the exam.
After completing this chapter you should be able to:
LO 1. Explain what leadership is and how it affects behavior, human relations, and performance.
Leadership is the process of influencing employees to work towards the achievement of objectives. A leader using
LO 2. Describe leadership trait theory.
Leadership trait theory assumes that distinct physical and psychological characteristics accounting for effective
LO 3. List and describe four behavioral leadership theories.
Behavioral leadership theories assume that there are distinctive styles which effective leaders use consistently. The
five theories are:
1. Basic leadership style-autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire.
2. Two-dimensional leadership styles. Structuring and consideration styles-Ohio State and Job-centered and
3. The Managerial Grid- Blake and Mounton's model identifying the ideal leadership style as having a high concern
4. Transformational leadership- leaders bring about change, innovation, and entrepreneurship by taking the
LO 4. List and describe four contingency leadership theories.
Contingency leadership theories assume that the appropriate leadership style varies from situation to situation. The
four theories are:
1. Contingency leadership theory- Fiedler's model used to determine whether leadership style is task or relationship
2. Leadership continuum- Tannenbaum and Schmidt's identified boss-centered and employee-centered leadership at
3. Normative leadership theory- Vroom and Yetton's Decision Tree Model that enables the user to select one of five
4. Situational leadership- Hersey and Blanchard's model for selecting one of four leadership styles that fits the
LO 5. Explain four situational supervisory styles.
The four styles are: Autocratic - high directive/low support. Consultative - high directive/high support. Participative
LO 6. Briefly describe the five dimensions of trust.
1. Integrity—being honest, truthful, and sincere.
2. Competence—having technical and interpersonal knowledge, ability, and skill.
The following critical thinking questions can be used for class discussion and/or as written assignments to develop
communication skills. The questions can also be used for exams.
Note: The questions are based on opinions and personal experiences, so there are no correct answers.
1. There are many traits that are said to be important to leadership success. Which three traits do you believe are
the most important? List in priority order.
2. The two-dimensional leadership styles developed at the Ohio State University back in the 1940s still serves as
the bases for the current contingency leadership theories. Are the task and relationship dimensions outdated?
3. The Leadership Grid states that the one best style to use in all situations is the 9,9 team leadership style with a
high concern for both people and production. Do you agree with this statement?
4. Fiedler’s Contingency Leadership Theory states that managers can’t change their leadership style; they are
either task or relationship oriented. Do you agree with this statement?
5. Which of the five (Exhibit 7.5) contingency leadership theories do you prefer?
6. Give some examples of global cultural diversity that you have experienced.
7. Do you agree that integrity is the center (or most important), holding the other four dimensions of trust
together? Or can you have competence, consistency, loyalty, and/or openness that lead to trusting relationships
without having integrity?
8. Based on your life and work experience, what percentage of people would you say really have integrity (are
honest—don’t lie, steal, or cheat, and are sincere)? Give some examples of how people damaged your trust in
You may give these student answers below as part of your lecture before, after, or in place of
getting student answers. You may have students write out their answers and pass them in to be
graded. Another option is to use them on the exams.
All the work application questions appear in the test bank so that you can assess students’
ability to apply the concepts to their work world. However, because student answers will vary,
there are no answers in the test bank.
You may also want to limit the number of work applications that you expect students to pass in for grading and/or to
know for the exams. For example testing, you could select say 2-5 from each chapter that you believe are the most
important things that students should be able to apply to their jobs. Assume you have a total of 10 for an exam. You
could tell students to have prepared answers to all 10 and that you will select say 3 of them for the exam.
WA 1- Give detailed reasons why leadership skills are important to a specific organization.
SA- Leadership is in my mind the most fundamental trait necessary to be an effective supervisor. Without a
WA 2- What are your views on trait leadership theory? Recall a supervisor you have or had; which of Ghiselli's six
traits does the person have? Which traits does the person lack?
SA- I do not believe that leaders are born and not made. Some of these traits may be hereditary though, like in the
WA 3- What are your view on the Managerial Grid? Recall a supervisor you have or had; which of the five styles
does the supervisor use?
SA- While working at GE my supervisor used the 5,5 organized manager approach. As long as we got our standard
WA 4- What are your views on Contingency Leadership Theory? Do you agree with Fiedler's recommendation to
change the situation rather than the leader's style?
SA- I like this approach because of the boss I have now. My boss could not change styles, he is task oriented and
does not like people. He does not get much work done because of his poor relations, and the fact that employees do
WA 5- What are your views on the Leadership Continuum? Recall a supervisor you have or had; which of the seven
style does the supervisor use?
SA- I like this model because it gives you flexibility to select one of seven styles on a continuum. My boss last
WA 6- What are your views on Normative Leadership Theory? Recall a supervisor you have or had; which of the
five styles does the supervisor use?
SA- I think that the Normative Leadership Theory is basically the same as the leader continuum, only it has five
WA 7- What are your views on situational supervision? Recall a supervisor you have or had; which of the four styles
does the supervisor use? Would you use the model on the job?
SA- From using this model in class I can see the logic and how feasible it is. My present boss, a resident director
WA 8- Which of the four supervisory styles would you like your boss to use with you? Why would you prefer this
particular style?
SA- I would like a boss who has a participative style when I graduate from college. I would like this style because I
WA 9- Which leadership theory/model do you prefer? Why?
SA- I like situational supervision because it is designed to tell you which style to use in a given situation, and it is
WA 10- Describe the type of leader you want to be.
SA- I want to be an effective and respected successful leader. I want to lead by example. I will work hard, yet will be
WA 11- Give an example of each of the three levels of trust you experienced on the job.
SA- When I first went to work at McDonald’s, I didn’t know anyone so I was on the deterrence-based trust because I
WA 12- What is your strongest and weakest dimension of trust at work? How will you improve your trustworthiness,
or what tips will you implement?
SA- I’d say my strongest is loyalty and my weakest is competency. I will do my best to complete each task. I can
NOTE: There are multiple choice test questions in the test bank that are similar to the AS in
the text to assess application ability.
Two-Dimensional Leadership Styles, AS-7.1
1. A. 1. The manager is giving specific structure with no consideration.
2. B. 2. The supervisor is giving structured directions, while showing consideration- you're new, I'll help.
The Leadership Grid, AS-7.2
6. A. 1,1. The impoverished manager usually has low results in both.
7. B. 1,9. This is the results of country club leadership.
Contingency Leadership Theory, AS-7.3
11. 8/A. Relations are poor, the task is unstructured, and power is weak. Task oriented leadership is appropriate.
12. 2/A. Relations are good, the task is structured, and power is weak (Jennie's manager enjoys hiring and
13. 7/A-or-B. Relations are poor, the task is unstructured, and power is strong. Either task or relationship is
14. 4/B. Relations are good, the task is unstructured, and power is weak. Relationship-oriented leadership is
15. 5/B. Relations are poor, the task is structured, and the leader has strong power. Relationship-oriented leadership
Leadership Continuum, AS-7.4
16. E. 5. The manager has asked for suggestions, but has retained authority to make the actual decision.
17. D. 4. This is a tentative decision, the manager will change if Shawn doesn't want to go.
20. F. 6. The decision is left to the group, but they have clear limits with three alternatives to pick from. With style 7 the
Tony Hsieh and Zappos.com
1. What traits does Tony Hsieh exhibit that would indicate he is an effective leader?
Tony shows traits such as the ability to inspire his employees with his unique business ideas, he
showed intuition by entering the online footwear market before many of the larger companies in
2. How would you rate Hsieh’s leadership using the Leadership Grid?
Tony shows a 9,9 Leadership Style. That means he has a high concern for people and production.
3. What factors might lead you to believe that Hsieh is a transformational and charismatic leader?
Tony has started new businesses that have been successful. He wants his employees to have fun
4. Which leadership challenges might occur if Zappos goes international?
Does Tony’s creative leadership style work with employees from different countries? Will the
Cumulative Questions
5. How is personality (Chapter 2) best associated with which leadership theory?
Answers can vary. However, the surgency personality dimension includes leadership and
6. What is the role of communica&on (Chapter 5) in leadership?
Leaders have to be able to inspire their employees to achieve the most out of their own
Case Exercise and Role-Play
Preparation: The instructor assigns a student to be Tony Hsieh and another student to be a reporter from a
television business news station such as CNBC. Assume the two of you are meeting at a national shoe industry
conference in Las Vegas. Prepare for the interview for which you will be asking Tony about his leadership style.
Write down a list of the specific leadership theories in the book and ask Tony if he believes that theory would work
at Zappos.
Role-Play: Matched pairs of Tony Hsieh and the reporter will role-play. The role-play may be done in small groups,
or two people may role play before the entire class.
After the interview, the group or class discusses and critiques the leadership theories from the textbook and
how they are used by Tony at Zappos. Identify any leadership theories that Tony used that are not found in the
textbook. Also, identify questions and leadership theories not said and discussed that would have been useful to
learn about.
Hint: The video link in the case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjzrbDfeV9M is an actual interaction of Tony
Hsieh and a business reporter. You can show the video link after the role-play.
The Clean Up Job
NOTE: There are no cases in the test bank. However, there are multiple choice test questions
in the test bank that are similar to case questions 1-10 to assess application ability.
1. A. Autocratic. Brenda did not allow any input.
3. B. High-consideration/high structure. Brenda knew Rif wouldn't want to do it, she should have shown some consideration,
4. B. 9,1. Brenda used the sweatshop style, she was only concerned about getting the job done .
5. B. False. The recommended style in all situations is the 9,9 team managers.
6. 5/B. Relations are poor, the task is structured, and power is strong-Situation 5, relationship-oriented leadership is need.
7. A. 1. Brenda made the decision that Rif would clean the cases alone and announced it to him.
10. C. Participative. Get the group's ideas.
11. This situation calls for participation. The author would look into having non-meat cutters, who makes much less money, do
Role Play. Assume Rif complained to Brenda's boss. Have students role play being Rif's boss talking to Brenda about Rif's
Hot Seat Videos and Behavior Model Videos are available to be used with this chapter. See separate Instructor
Resources Guide for each type of video.
The video has a module BMV-7 Situational Supervision. In the video the MC briefly explains how to use Model 7.1 Situational
Supervision. The MC applies the model to a situation similar to the 12 situations in the text, following the three-step procedure.
Students are told to determine which situational supervisory style the sales manager is using to get the sales rep to turn in a late
expense report. In the four scenes each of the supervisory styles are illustrated through skits to show the students the type of
directive and/or supportive behavior used with each style. During the video scenes students are not told which styles the
supervisor used. You may opt to let the video run through then give the answers. If you do, have students write down the scene
number and style. Or you may pause/stop the video when you see the pause sign (after the MC says "what is Kelly's capability
level? What supervisor style should Konrad use to get the late expense report turned in now and in the future?" and after each
scene) to allow students to select a style then discuss it as a class- go over answer. The answers are given in a quick and
instructional version. The instructional version is useful to illustrate how to use the model during Skill Building Exercise 7.1. If
you plan to use this exercise you may want to give the instructional answers. Before giving the answers you may allow the
class to give their answers.
Video Exercise Answers:
Scene 1. D. Laissez-faire (S-L)
Scene 2. C. Participative (S-P)
Scene 3. A. Autocratic (S-A)
Scene 4. B. Consultative (S-C)
Pause- (after the MC says "what is Kelly's capability level? What supervisor style should Konrad use to get the late expense
report turned in now and in the future?")
Quick answer- Kelly is on the moderate capability level she needs some direction and support to get the job done. The
consultative supervisory style is the most appropriate.
Instructional answer- (When giving the answers you may want to show Model 7-1. Or have students turn to the text and look at
the model.)
Step 1 of the model calls for the user to determine the employee's capability level on the scale from C-1 Low to C-4
Outstanding. The employee in this situation is not at the C-1 Low level because of the ability and willingness to do the job.
(focus on C-1, top left, box.) The employee is on the C-2 Moderate level. The employee needs some direction and support from
the supervisor to get the job done. (focus on C-2 box) The employee is not at the C-3 High or C-4 Outstanding level of
capability because of the employee's need for direction. (focus on C-3 and C-4 box)
If you were doing any of the twelve situations in the text during skill building exercise you would write 2 on the C to indicate
the moderate capability level. (For illustrative purposes you can have students open their text to see the C where the 2 would be
placed. Keep the text open for the next statement)
Step 2 of the model calls for identifying each of the four alternative styles. You would write the letters A, C, and L on the line S
that represents the style. In a minute I will turn the video back on and we will watch the four styles in action; rather than read
them. Try to identify the style used by the sales manager in each scene.
Pause- After Scene 1.- Quick answer- Laissez-faire style. The sales manager used low directive and low supportive behavior.
Instructional answer- We just saw the sales manager reminded Kelly that the report is late. Using the model (you may want to
show Model 8-1) we should realize that this behavior is low in both direction and support. Konrad simply reminded Kelly that
Pause- After Scene 2.- Quick answer- Participative style. The sales manager used high supportive low directive behavior.
Instructional answer- The sales manager discuss why the report was late, but he allowed the employee to determine when to get
the report in, by the end of the work day. Using the model (you may want to project the model) we should understand that
Pause- After Scene 3.- Quick answer- Autocratic style. The sales manager used high directive low supportive behavior.
Instructional answer- In this scene the sales manager told the employee to do the report now. Using the model (you may want
Pause- After Scene 4.- Quick answer- Consultative style. The sales manager used high directive and high supportive behavior
to get the report in.
Instructional answer- We just saw the sales manager discuss why the report is late, and he set a time limit for completion.
Using the model (you may want to project it) we should realize that discussing the report is supportive behavior while setting a
Video Exercise Question Answers:
1. Kelly needs directive behavior not support; participative and laissez-faire do not provide directive behavior. 2.
Additional questions for Discussion. After viewing the module (or during the discussion between scenes(S)- change the order
of questions(Q)- Q1-S3, Q2-S4, Q3-S2, Q4-S1- to correspond with video scenes) you may ask the class any or all of the
1. How successful would the supervisor be using the autocratic style? Are there any potential problems with using this style in
this situation?
Students should realize that with the capability level of moderate C-2, the supervisor would be over supervising. This style

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