978-0077720568 Chapter 5 Solution Manual Part 4

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 2425
subject Authors Robert Lussier

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Appendix B to IM Chapter 5
This exercise was in the 8e Chapter 6, which has been combined with Ch 5. If you are an
adopter of the text, you have permission to copy and use this exercise.
S K I L L - B U I L D I N G E X E R C I S E A – 2 (Not in the textbook)
The Grapevine
In-Class Exercise (Group)
Objective: To better understand organizational communication flow of rumors.
AACSB: The primary AACSB learning standard skill developed through this
exercise is communication abilities.
Preparation: No preparation is necessary for this exercise.
Experience: You will observe a rumor being spread and determine its accuracy.
Procedure 1 (2–3 minutes)
Six students volunteer or are selected to spread a rumor. Each student has a
number 1 through 6. Number 1 remains in the classroom while numbers 2 through
Procedure 2 (2–5 minutes)
Student 1 and the class read the rumor below. When student number 1 is ready, he or she
Rumor has it that Chris Wilson, the president of Wilson Company, a 55-year-old
married man with four children, is having an a1air with a 16-year-old girl, Betty
Procedure 3 (1–3 minutes)
Student 2 returns to the classroom. Student 1 tells student 2 the rumor loud
Procedure 4 (5–10 minutes)
Student 2 spreads the rumor to student 3; 3 to 4; 4 to 5; 5 to 6. Student 6 writes
Discussion Questions:
1. How accurately was the rumor spread? Is the rumor verified? Was it distorted
as it spread? If so, how was it distorted? Was it longer and more complex, or
was it shortened?
2. What could be done to improve the accuracy of the rumor?
3. Does spreading rumors like this help the organization?
4. If Chris Wilson hears about the rumor, what should he do? Would the
answer be different if the rumor were true or false?
Conclusion: The instructor may make concluding remarks.
Application (2– 4 minutes): What have I learned through this exercise? How will I
use this knowledge in the future?
Sharing: Volunteers give their answers to the application section.
Students Accuracy: Correct Statements Errors: Distortions,
Additions, Deletions
The Grapevine
Total time (10-30 minutes)
To limit the time have less than six students spread the rumor, and keep the discussion short.
You may record the rumor spread on audio or video tape and play it back for the class to hear.
Appendix C to IM Chapter 5
This exercise was in the 8e Chapter 6, which has been combined with Ch 5. If you are an
adopter of the text, you have permission to copy and use this exercise.
S K I L L - B U I L D I N G E X E R C I S E A – 3 (Not in the Textbook)
Nonverbal Communication and Listening
Preparation (Group)
During class you will be given the opportunity to practice using effective nonverbal
communication and listening skills. This will be done while you are getting
acquainted with someone whom you do not know, or do not know well.
In preparation, make sure you have read Chapters 5 and have completed
Self-Assessment Exercise 5–1. Review the feedback sheet below, which you will be
using during the exercise to analyze how well you used the text material.
Feedback on Nonverbal Communication and Listening Skills
You and your partner will discuss the feedback areas below. After the discussion, using
feedback from your partner, rate yourself by putting an X in the blank next to the word(s)
that best describes the communication you used during the discussion.
Nonverbal Communication:
Facial expressions
1. I _____ smiled _____frowned.
2. I ____did ____ did not use eye contact effectively. It was _____ too frequent _____ about
right _____ not frequent enough.
3. My facial expressions conveyed:
Vocal quality
4. My pitch was _____high _____ about right _____ low.
5. My volume was _____loud _____ about right _____ soft.
6. My pace was _____fast _____ about right _____ slow.
7. My pauses and silence were _____ too frequent _____ about right _____ too infrequent.
8. I _____ did _____ did not use repetitive words like “Um,” “Ah,” “Y’know.”
9. Tone, the attitude in my voice, was:
10. I _____ did _____ did not vary my vocal qualities enough.
11. List gestures that you used and indicate whether they were used too frequently.
12. My gestures conveyed:
13. I sat in my chair _____ leaning slightly forward _____ slouched.
14. Our distance was _____ 0–11⁄2 feet _____ 11⁄2 –4 feet _____ 4–7 feet apart.
15. I _____ did _____ did not make my partner comfortable with the distance between us.
16. My nonverbal and verbal communications _____ were _____ were not consistent.
Self-Evaluations: Evaluate your listening ability without your partner’s feedback. However,
you may ask each other questions if you want to.
Listening Skills: Mark the following statements true or false by placing the letter T or F on
the line before each statement.
1. I liked listening to my partner talk. I encouraged him or her to talk by showing interest,
2. I paid close attention to my partner. I did not stereotype him or her. If the person were
3. I did not evaluate my partner’s words and/or nonverbal communication ability
4. I avoided the distractions in the class.
5. I gave my partner my complete attention. I put everything else out of sight
6. I allowed my partner time to finish talking. I did not interrupt, anticipate what
7. I did not tune out my partner because he or she did not agree with my views.
8. While my partner talked, my mind did not wander to other personal topics.
9. While my partner talked, I paid close attention to the nonverbal
10. I did not tune out and pretend I understood when the topic was difficult or
11. When my partner was talking, I did not think about what I was going to say in
12. When I felt there was something missing or contradictory, I asked direct
13. When I didn’t understand something, I let my partner know it in an effective
14. When listening to my partner, I tried to put myself in his or her position and
15. During the conversation, I repeated back to my partner what had been said
effectively. If you answered F (false) to any statements, you may want to work on
improving these areas. Overall, how can you improve your listening skills?
In-Class Exercise
Objectives: To increase your awareness of the effect of nonverbal
AACSB: The primary AACSB learning standard skill developed through this exercise
Preparation: You should have completed the preparation on the preceding pages.
Experience: You will have a personal discussion while trying to be aware of
nonverbal communication and listening actively. After the conversation, you will
Procedure 1 (2–4 minutes)
Pair o1 with someone you don’t know or don’t know well. If there is an odd
Procedure 2 (5–10 minutes)
Group members have a conversation to get to know one another better. Possible
Procedure 3 (5–10 minutes)
Turn to the preparation feedback sheet and give each other feedback on your use
Conclusion: The instructor leads a class discussion and/or makes concluding
Application (2–4 minutes): What did I learn from this experience? How will I use
this knowledge in the future?
Sharing: Volunteers give their answers to the application section.
Nonverbal Communication and Listening
Total time (15-30 minutes)
Select a total time and time for each procedure. If students need more or less time to perform
procedures 2 and 3 adjust the time.
Appendix D to IM Chapter
This exercise was in the 8e Chapter 6, which has been combined with Ch 5. If you are an
adopter of the text, you have permission to copy and use this exercise.
S K I L L - B U I L D I N G E X E R C I S E A – 4 (Not in the textbook)
Giving Criticism
Preparation (Group)
In class, you will be given the opportunity to role-play giving criticism. Think of a
job situation in which you or another employee should have been criticized to
You will get more from the exercise if you think of your own situation.
However, if you cannot think of your own situation after making a serious effort,
In-Class Exercise
Objective: To develop your skill at improving performance through giving criticism
AACSB: The primary AACSB learning standard skills developed through this
Experience: You will give criticism, be criticized, and observe criticism following
Procedure 1 (2–4 minutes)
Break into groups of three. Make one or two groups of two if necessary. It is
Each member selects a number from 1 to 3 to determine the order of giving,
Procedure 2 (5–8 minutes)
Number 1 explains the situation to numbers 2 and 3. If the person criticized would most
likely make some comment in response, tell number 2 what it is so that he or she can make
Do not go on to the next criticism until asked to do so. If you finish early, wait for the others
to finish. For each question, think of what was done well and how the criticizer could
1. Did the criticism get the personal emotional or defensive? Was criticism given in a way
that will maintain good human relations?
2. Did the criticizer put the person down in any way (verbally or nonverbally)?
3. Was the criticism specific and accurate stating the undesired behavior or performance?
4. Did the criticizer tell the person exactly what needs to be changed to improve?
5. Over, how could the criticism been given more effectively?
Procedure 3 (5–8 minutes)
Number 2 will give the criticism to number 3, and number 1 will be the observer. Number
2 explains the situation to numbers 1 and 3. If the person criticized would most likely make
some comment, tell number 3 what it is so that he or she can make it. When numbers 1
Do not go on to the next criticism until asked to do so. If you finish early, wait for the
others to finish.
Procedure 4 (5–8 minutes)
Each person plays the role not yet played, following the same procedures as above.
Conclusion: The instructor leads a class discussion and/or makes concluding remarks.
Sharing: Volunteers give their answers to the application section.
Giving Criticism
Total time (30-40 minutes)
The times to give criticism can vary from class to class. Students with full time work experience usually
take longer than non-experienced students.
To take less than 30 minutes you can use groups of two, eliminating one of the criticism sessions. To
extend the time you can use a longer conclusion and have some sharing. If students take less time than
anticipated, use a sharing to fill the time.
Recommended approximate time for a 35 minute period.
8:00 Procedure 1 3 minutes
8:03 " 2 5 "
8:08 " 3 7 "
8:15 " 4 7 "
8:22 ' 5 7 "
8:29 Conclusion 3 "
8:32 Application 3 "
To keep the exercise to 30 minutes cut down on the conclusion if needed, and have them do the
application out of class.

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