978-0077720568 Chapter 12 Solution Manual Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4864
subject Authors Robert Lussier

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The following critical thinking questions can be used for class discussion and/or as written assignments to
develop communication skills. The questions can also be used for exams.
Note: The questions are based on opinions and personal experiences, so there are no correct answers.
1. Which one technology change has had the largest affect on changing your behavior?
2. Which one of the four reasons people resist change do you think is the most common?
3. Which one of the 11 methods for overcoming resistance to change do you think is the best for making
4. Describe your college’s culture. Is it strong or weak? Are there any good slogans and/or symbols that help to
convey your college’s culture? Give at least one new way (slogans/symbols, etc.) to promote your college’s
5. Using the seven dimensions of climate, describe you college’s climate. Rate the morale of students as high or
low, explaining your answer in detail.
6. One of the roles of college is to train and develop students for future careers. How would you rate you
overall college education?
7. A professor’s job is to facilitate student learning, and to evaluate student performance and to assign grades.
Do you believe your learning performance is evaluated effectively? How could it be improved?
8. Do you find consistency among your professors standards in terms of the work required in their courses and
the performance appraisal grades given, or do some professors require a lot more work and some give lots of
As and others lots of lower grades? Is diversity in work requirements and grading performance positive or
negative? Why does it exist?
9. Which OD technique(s) can be used to improve consistency among professors work assigned and
performance grades at your college? Which of the four reasons for resistance would be the dominant reason
for faculty resistance to change? How would you rate the intensity, focus, and source of resist (Exhibit 12.3
Resistance Matrix) to a change to improve consistency?
10. Can a multinational company have one organizational culture, or does it need to have different cultures based
on its business unit in each country?
You may give these student answers below as part of your lecture before, after, or in place of getting student
answers. You may have students write out their answers and pass them in to be graded. Another option is to use
them on the exams.
All the work application questions appear in the test bank so that you can assess students’ ability to apply the
concepts to their work world. However, because student answers will vary, there are no answers in the test bank.
You may also want to limit the number of work applications that you expect students to pass in for grading
and/or to know for the exams. For example testing, you could select say 2-5 from each chapter that you believe
are the most important things that students should be able to apply to their jobs. Assume you have a total of 10
for an exam. You could tell students to have prepared answers to all 10 and that you will select say 3 of them for
the exam.
WA 1- Give reasons why managing change skills are important to managers in an organization you work/ed for.
SA- Nothing in business, or life, is static. Change is inevitable and in business it is desirable when it increases
WA 2- Describe the MIS at an organization, preferably one you have been associated with.
SA- The MIS used at SC Inc. is the meeting file. Whenever anything comes up that should be discussed at staff
WA 3- Describe an automation change in an organization, preferably one you have been associated with.
SA- In working for the college cafeteria we originally had a punch clock that stamped times in and out of work.
This year they installed a computerized punch clock that also calculates the hours worked each day and
WA 4- Give one or more examples of a type of change (Identify it as a task, structural, technological, or people
change) you experienced in an organization.
SA- An example of a technology change was when I worked in a BMW auto dealership. The new cars
WA 5- Describe a situation in which you were resistant to change. Identity the intensity, source, and focus. Use
Exhibit 12.3 to identify the box by number and statement about the resistance.
SA- We had a people change. We got a new supervisor in the corrugator department. (a.) My intensity was
medium. I heard he was tough and did not think he would like any of us. (b.) My source of resistance was my
WA 6- Give a specific example of when the change model would be helpful to a specific managers.
SA- The change model should be used with any major change in an organization. One such example could be
WA 7- Identify the cultural heroes, stories, symbols, slogans, and ceremonies for an organization you are/were a
member of.
SA- At Springfield College I heard that Dogget was a hero. I don’t recall any stories. The triangle of spirit, mind,
WA 8- Describe the organizational culture at a firm you work/worked for. Does the organization strive to have a
strong positive culture? If so, how?
SA- In addition to being a student at Springfield College, I also work for the PPD department. SC has a strong
culture. The “Humanics Philosophy” of educating the whole person- sprit, mind, and body is on the college logo.
WA 9- Describe the organizational climate at a firm you work/worked for, based on the seven dimensions of
climate. Does the organization measure its climate? If so, how?
SA- Last summer I worked for the Hill Moving Company. (1) The structure was rigid. There were a lot of rules
and procedures for moving. (2) There was little responsibility. The boss just told us what to move, when, and
WA 10- Describe the morale at an organization you work/worked for.
SA- The overall morale at Springfield College is positive. Students and faculty are generally satisfied with the
college. There is a friendly relationship between the student body and faculty; and the faculty and administration
WA 11- State how you were trained to perform a specific job. Explain how the training affects your job
performance. How could the training at this organization be used to increase productivity?
SA- My training was done on-the-job, and it was very short. The methods used were: 1. Reading. My supervisor
gave me information to read to familiarize myself with various projects and to see examples of the types of
WA 12- Describe the performance standards for a job you hold/held. How would you improve them?
SA- Honestly, with the job I hold there are no standards. I just make sure I do everything that is put on my desk.
WA 13- Identify the performance measurement method(s) used to evaluate your job performance. Describe how
you would improve the method(s).
SA- My supervisor used the rating method. He has a check list that he completed each month to let us know how
we were doing. He could improve the method by having an interview rather than simply handing us a card each
WA 14- Describe a specific situation I which it would be appropriate to use the coaching model.
SA- An employee hands in a report, but it is only on a superficial level. The supervisor could (1) remind the
employee of the way it should have been done. (2) Refer to specific areas in which the report is weak. (3)
WA 15- Identify an OD technique and explain how it is used by a specific organization, preferably one with
which you have been associated.
SA- When I worked for a pizza chain, my boss used to have the employees fill out forms asking us how we could
NOTE: There are multiple choice test questions in the test bank that are similar to the AS in the text to assess
application ability.
Types of Changes, AS-12.1
1. B. Structure. Departments and reporting relationships are part of an organization's structure.
2. D. People. This is a change in people.
Identifying Resistance to Change, AS-12.2
In this section it is difficult to say there is only one right answer. More than one resisting factor can be at play.
Following 69 are other possible answers, as pointed out by one of the reviewers.
6. 9. Value pertaining to the work environment. They disagree on the importance of the project.
7. 1. Facts about self. Breaking in the last rookie is a provable fact. (Some could consider the answer to be Box 7
8. 5. Belief about others. Bill is making a judgment that the change is incorrect, regardless of who is the better
9. 8. Value pertaining to others. People are important to her, changing could hurt relationships. (Some could
10. 6. Belief about the work environment. The supervisor doesn't agree that a change is needed. (Some could
Organizational Culture or Climate? AS-12.3
11. B. Climate. This is a morale issue of satisfaction with pay.
12. B. Climate. Climate, not culture is measured by survey.
OD Techniques, AS-12.4
16. C. Training. Employees need to be trained to do statistics.
17. E. Performance Appraisal. It should provide feedback on how to improve performance.
Ursula Burns – Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Xerox
1. Watch Ursula Burns give a speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=EdOgQzhAJ1I) about her career and role as CEO at Xerox. What major changes did
Burns make at Xerox to make it the success it is today?
Xerox faced so many challenges that it is possible that all these changes took place and they
were equally important. Moving away from being a copy company to a successful IT and
2. The chapter discusses 4 types of changes that organizations typically encounter –
technological change, structural change, task change and people change. Which of these
did Ms. Burns deal with at Xerox?
Xerox is inherently a technology driven company. So Burns dealt with the changing
technological forces impacting Xerox. Also, she worked alongside then-CEO Anne Mulcahy, to
3. The chapter discusses resistance to change and some of the methods managers can
use to overcome resistance to change. In your opinion has CEO Burns been a successful
change agent so far?
Yes, she has. Before being appointed to the CEO position, Burns was responsible for leading
Xerox's global research as well as product development, marketing and delivery. In April 2007,
It is interesting to note that Burns did not face as much resistance to her change ideas as
one mght expect. The manager and employees were well aware that their business model was
4. Describe the type of organizational culture that Ms. Burns is trying to create at
Burns developed a company culture that is more flexible and able to move into new technology
advanced products quickly. Remaining in the copy business was not going to be profitable. She
needs employees (people) that are willing to change to keep up with the changing field of
5. In your opinion, has Ursula Burns created a strong or weak, positive or negative
culture at Xerox?
Burns has a created a strong culture at Xerox. In five years,she has successfully changed Xerox
from a copier company to an organization that isposied to take advantage of different printing
Not listed in the case, Xerox was named one of the top companies for sales
professionals in Selling Power Magazine’s annual listing of the “50 Best Companies to Sell for
Cumulative Case Questions
6. Communication is a major competency for leaders (Chapter 5). Would you agree
that this is a quality Ms. Burns, to have been as effective as she has been so far?
Absolutely. She is described by many as articulate, very knowledgable, energetic, and a
straight shooter when dealing with people. Burns has been an excellent spokesperson for Xerox.
7. One of the characteristics of effective teams (Chapter 11) is the presence of a
capable and competent team leader. Would you describe Ms. Burns as an effective team
Xerox is fortunate to have a well-rounded leader. As a long-time employee at Xerox, she is
Supervisor Carl's Change
NOTE: There are no cases in the test bank. However, there are multiple choice test questions in the test bank that
are similar to case questions 1-10 to assess application ability.
1. C. Technology. This is a sequence of work "process" change. 2. F. 6. Belief about the work environment. They
5. H. Traditionalist. Hank wants to do things the same old way.
6. A. Force field analysis. Carl should have considered the hindering forces, and the driving forces for the
7. B. False. Carl did not identify possible resistance, nor did he involve employees. His control was not effective
9. C. Improve. The employees seem to be very dissatisfied.
10. E. Collaborative. If Carl avoids, accommodates, or compromises he end up losing and the employees
11. The author would have followed the change model steps. He would have involved the employees using the
Role Play. Have students role play being Carl. As Carl what would they do and say to get the group to make the
Hot Seat Videos and Behavior Model Videos are available to be used with this chapter. See separate Instructor
Resources Guide for each type of video.
Improving The Quality of Student Life
Total time (30-50 minutes)
Times will vary with class size and interest. To be on the safe side, with a class of around 30 you may want to
begin with 50 minutes of time. If they finish early have something else planned, or let them go early.
Give students recommended times for each step you plan to use, and adjust the times as needed.
Skills Assessment of SB 12-1 (No questions in test bank)
Total time (30-40 minutes)
The times to conduct the coaching sessions can vary form class to class. Students with full time work experience
usually take longer than non-work experienced students.
To take less than 30 minutes you can use groups of two, eliminating one of the coaching sessions. To extend the
time you can use a longer conclusion and have some sharing. If students take less time than anticipated, use a
sharing to fill the time.
Recommended approximate time for a 35 minute period.
8:00 Procedure 1 3 minutes
8:03 " 2 5 "
8:08 " 3 7 "
8:15 " 4 7 "
8:22 ' 5 7 "
8:29 Conclusion 3 "
8:32 Application 3 "
To keep the exercise to 30 minutes cut down on the conclusion if needed, and have them do the application out of
For a 50 minutes period you may show video module 11 Increasing Performance and discuss it for about 15
Skills Assessment of SB 12-2 (Questions and Answers also in Test Bank)
The same three situations from the exercise are used to test students. I tell students they will be required to list
the five steps of the model and what they would say during each step.
1. Coaching. Your employee Chris is a clerical worker. Chris uses files, as do the other ten employees in the
department. The employees all know that they are supposed to return the files when they are finished so that
others can find the files when they need them. Employees should only have one file out at a time. You noticed
that Chris has five files on the desk, and another employee is looking for one of them.
Instructions: Write the first step in the coaching model, followed by what you would say to Chris. Write
Steps 2 to 5 followed by what you would say for each step.
Answer -
Step 1. Refer to past feedback.
Step 2. Describe current performance.
Step 3. Describe the desired behavior.
Step 4. Get a commitment to the change.
Step 5. Follow up.
Now, go put the extra files away.
2. Coaching. Your employee Chris is a server in an ice cream shop. Chris knows that the tables should be cleaned
up quickly after customers leave so that new customers do not have to sit at dirty tables. It's a busy night. You
found dirty dishes on two of Chris’s unoccupied tables. Chris is socializing with some friends at one of the tables
instead of cleaning up.
Instructions: Write the first step in the coaching model, followed by what you would say to Chris. Write
Steps 2 to 5 followed by what you would say for each step.
Step 1. Refer to past feedback.
Step 2. Describe current performance.
Step 3. Describe the desired behavior.
policy to clean up quickly?
Step 4. Get a commitment to the change.
Step 5. Follow up.
I’ll be watching to make sure you clean up quickly. If I catch you again, I will have to discipline you. Now go
3. Coaching. Your employee Chris is an auto technician. All garage employees who work for you know that they
are supposed to put a paper mat on the floor of each car so that the carpets don't get dirty. When you got into a
car Chris repaired, the car did not have a mat and there was grease on the carpet.
Instructions: Write the first step in the coaching model, followed by what you would say to Chris. Write
Steps 2 to 5 followed by what you would say for each step.
Answer -
Step 1. Refer to past feedback.
Step 2. Describe current performance.
Step 3. Describe the desired behavior.
You know you are supposed to place a mat on the floor before you start to work on a car. Why is the policy to
Step 4. Get a commitment to the change.
Step 5. Follow up.
I’ll be watching to make sure you place a mat on the floor. If I catch you again, I will have to discipline you. Now
Feel free to make up your own situations.
Team Building
NOTE: This exercise is designed for groups that have worked together for some time. If you did not elect to use
permanent class groups, do not use this exercise.
Total time 30-75 minutes
To keep this exercise to 30 minutes do procedures 3-5.
For a 75 minute period extend the exercise procedure 1-a to 20 minutes, and add one minute to the other steps.
Recommended approximate time for a 50 minute period.
8:00 Procedure 1-a 6 minutes
8:06 " 1-b 2 "
8:08 " 1-c 2 "
8:10 " 2 4 "
8:14 " 3-a 12 "
8:26 " 3-b 4 "
8:30 " 3-c 3 "
8:33 " 4 7 "
8:40 " 5 1 "
8:41 " 6-a 3 "
8:44 " 6-b 2 "
8:46 Sharing 4 "
Times will vary from class to class. If they are faster, spend more time on the sharing and add a conclusion. If
they are slower you can skip the sharing.
Skills Assessment of SB 12-1 (No questions in Test Bank)
I don’t know how to objectively assess a person’s team building skills by asking a test question. Thus, there are
no skills questions in the test bank. However, there are concept questions about team building that assess an
understanding of team building.
NOTE: The following exercise was in the 8e SB 14-2, and has been deleted from the text.
However, as an adopter of the 9e you may reproduce the exercise from the 8e pp. 526-532 for
class purposes. Below is the IM material.
Your College Climate
Total time (0-50 minutes)
You can have students fill-in the questionnaire out of class and spend no class time on it.
You can keep the exercise to 15 minutes by having students break into small groups and discuss the results.
Procedure 1 options A or B will probably take more than 30 minutes to complete. Times will vary with class size.
Alternative: You could have students develop a questionnaire for their college using Springfield College as a
NOTE: Skill building exercise 12.3 Quality of Student Life is a follow up to this exercise, but they can be used
separately. If you do plan to use exercise 12.3, do not discuss solutions or improvements with this exercise 12.2
or you can combine the two into one exercise..
Skills Assessment of SB 12-2 (No questions in Test Bank)
I don’t know how to objectively assess a person’s climate skills by asking a test question. Thus, there are no
skills questions in the test bank. However, there are concept questions related to dimensions of climate that
assess an understanding of climate.

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