STM 83273

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 25
subject Words 7897
subject Authors ‎Donna Kienzler, Kitty Locker

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Oral style uses more personal pronouns, less varied vocabulary, and more repetition
than written styles.
When writing a report, you should start writing your first draft only after all the
research is completed.
A secondary purpose of a negative message is to convey bad news to the audience.
While evaluating sources of data, it is imperative to scrutinize the data with special care
if the source has a vested interest in results.
Visuals can be effective tools for ensuring that ideas are presented completely.
While creating a brochure, one should use fixed fonts and avoid repeating design
Vesper has 250 clients in five local counties. She wishes to prepare a visual that shows
the percentage of clients in each county. She could choose a pie chart to illustrate this
data in a visual.
Face-to-face visits are a good choice when discretion is vital and one does not want to
leave a paper trail.
It is important to use me-attitude while creating a document which shows confidence in
one's piece of writing.
Informal preparation for job hunting should start soon after you arrive on campus.
Disadvantages or weaknesses of a candidate are never broached in an interview.
One should prepare for interviews by saying answers out loud because saying answers
out loud is much more difficult than saying them in one's mind.
Fixed fonts allow wider letters to occupy more space than narrower letters.
It is recommended that important sections of a report are written towards the latter half,
which helps one avoid spending a majority of time on the history of the problem.
Talking heads focus on the structure of the report and provide very little information.
Using gerunds is preferable to using nouns in a job description on a rsum because they
create a more dynamic image of the applicant.
A persuasive presentation has the primary purpose of motivating an audience to act or
to believe and providing information is an important way to persuade.
The elimination of alternatives pattern is useful when the solutions a reader is likely to
favor will not work, and the solution one recommends is likely to be perceived as
expensive, intrusive, or radical.
Nonverbal communication comprises of word selection and phrasing of sentences.
It is important to understand that the audience for a proposal are experts in the subject
matter and one should prepare proposals accordingly.
Placing old information in a subordinate clause helps an audience think of background
information needed to appreciate points in a message.
An important element of listening skills at work is being oblivious to one's own
emotional responses especially when the topic is controversial.
Consensus takes time but usually results in speedy implementation of ideas.
If the material is new to the audience, you must provide a fuller explanation than if
similar material is presented to this audience every week or month.
The top right quadrant is the most important quadrant in a page.
Strong conventions work well with all audiences.
A good letter of recommendation must comprise of general positives which focus on
minor points and avoid specific examples and evidence.
Oral channels are better for group decision making, and allow misunderstandings to be
cleared up more quickly.
Intrinsic motivators are better than extrinsic motivators because research shows that
extrinsic motivators may actually make people less satisfied with the products they buy
or the procedures they follow.
If the data used are not reliable, it is better not to use visuals even if you have an
included verbal disclaimer.
It is important to keep ball-park figures in mind while one looks at numerical figures
because a significant number of spreadsheets contain errors.
It is important to schedule controversial items toward the end of a meeting because it
helps manage time better.
While writing for multiple audiences, it is vital to organize the message based on the
decision makers' attitudes toward it.
In a comparison/contrast pattern, the focus is on the criteria when the reader wants to
compare and contrast the options independently of the recommendation.
Anthropologist Edward Hall states that culture has five main dimensions i.e.,
power/inequality, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, uncertainty
avoidance, and long-term/short-term orientation.
A message will be more successful if the writer focuses on his own needs instead of the
larger context of shareholders, customers, and regulators.
True networking may be defined as creating connections before they are needed,
creating diverse connections across wide areas, knowing which people to turn to when
one needs additional expertise, and knowing people outside the company.
Which of the following guidelines about note-taking should to be followed in an
A. Take notes copiously during the interview to keep track of the interaction
B. Write notes the next day to jot down only crucial points one remembers
C. Avoid making eye contact while note taking to avoid forgetting points
D. Write down the interviewer's name during or right after the interview
E. Avoid writing any negative points that came up during the interview
What does Daniel Pink's summary of decades of research indicate about motivators
used at work places?
A. Financial motivators always work for employees irrespective of financial fairness
B. Carrot motivators work well for employees who need to be innovative at their jobs
C. Carrot motivators increase creativity at work places and improve efficiency
D. Stick motivators are especially helpful to tackle unethical and illegal behavior
E. Carrot motivators decrease innovation and turn creative work into drudgery
The ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and to feel with that person is known
as _____.
A. common sense
B. professionalism
C. intuition
D. empathy
E. sympathy
George Wagner is in charge of running a meeting of 30 people where he has 46 items
on the agenda to be voted on in a two-hour time period. Which of the following should
Wagner undertake which will help him cover all items on the list?
A. Take individual votes for each item
B. Take votes only of managers
C. Use an omnibus motion
D. Start agenda with routine items
E. Ensure minutes are taken for each vote
Karen Green has recently launched her first line of clothing and wants to develop a
website for her design collection. In her website, she plans to use bullet points to
emphasize a list of her upcoming boutiques in New York. In addition, she also wants to
use a mix of paragraph lengths so that it creates white space and emphasizes the
content. Which of the following level of Charles Kostelnick's design is she using?
A. Inter
B. Extra
C. Outer
D. Intra
E. Supra
Karen Holmes recently led a team on the "Campaign against Deforestation in
Indonesia." The headquarters of her company in Amsterdam has now sent her a review
on the project which criticizes the team work and communication strategies used. How
should she communicate the review to her team members which makes them take the
issue seriously and work on changes?
Matilda needs to address a large group of people to give a talk at a climate summit on
Effects of Using Non-Renewable Energy. She will be provided with a microphone and
equipment which will make her voice reach till the end of the large conference hall.
However, she needs to ensure that her voice of the sounds of each word reaches the
audience. Which of the following does she need to focus on?
A. Pitch
B. Amplification
C. Enunciation
D. Tone
E. Stress
You create a rsum and fill only three-fourths of the page. Your best alternative is to:
A. move the text to the middle of the page, so there is not a huge bottom margin.
B. leave it as is; it is what appears on the page that counts, not what is missing.
C. list several relevant courses you have taken and your references to fill the page.
D. put your picture at the top right-hand corner of the rsum to fill space.
Which of the following is an example of a non-sexist job title?
A. Poetess
B. Stewardess
C. Mailman
D. Flight attendant
E. Sculptress
Esther Rhodes recently gave a presentation to a group of college students on "Impacts
of Climate Change." However, the members in the audience did not see the message of
the presentation as crucial. Which of the following will help Esther change their view to
a more positive one?
A. Making the message longer and as descriptive as possible
B. Suggesting an idealistic deadline for action to curb climate change
C. Making the action seem difficult which will challenge the audience
D. Using the first paragraph to show that the message is relevant
E. Projecting action to prevent climate change as strenuous
Which of the following needs to be followed while preparing progress reports?
A. Using me-attitude to demonstrate a confident attitude
B. Presenting every detail as equally important
C. Exceeding expectations of funding agency or employer
D. Adapting the report to one's own needs
E. Using emphasizing techniques to highlight all features
George Morgan works at the marketing branch of a fashion house and attends a
discussion on different ways to launch a new line of clothing. The team needs a member
who can challenge the different modes put forward to market the product. He willingly
opts to play the role. Which of the following would Morgan most likely play?
A. Dark horse
B. Rabble rouser
C. Devil's advocate
D. Jack of all trades
E. Second fiddle
Which of the following is most likely to be an audience benefit?
A. Features of a product
B. Level of formality in a document
C. Loopholes of a product
D. Tips on how to use a product
E. Steps on how to maintain a product
A(n) _____ provides a measure of variability that can be attached to survey derived
A. convenience sample
B. judgment sample
C. confidence interval
D. sampling frame
E. citation index
Which of the following is an example of psychological description?
A. "Imagine yourself relaxing on your recliner and the aroma of Ramirez Dark Roast
coffee rising from your cup."
B. "Buy our Ramirez Dark Roast coffee today to enjoy a 30% Christmas
C. "A cup of Ramirez Dark Roast coffee is all you need to get you through the
D. "Our Ramirez Dark Roast coffee is carefully handpicked from our coffee plantations
in Sao Paulo's Brazil."
E. "Avail a never before offer of a free one pack Ramirez Dark Roast coffee when you
buy two 200 gram packets."
_____ refer to words that indicate relationships and comprise of words such as "with",
"in", and "under".
A. Adjectives
B. Nouns
C. Prepositions
D. Pronouns
E. Interjections
Which of the following is a formal report?
A. PowerPoint slides printed out and bound together
B. Computer printouts of sales figures for the past six months
C. A memo describing an event that will be retained on file
D. A long document with a title page, a transmittal, and a table of contents
E. A hard copy of a company' production figures
Raymond Dean works in the human resource department of a five star deluxe hotel in
Las Vegas and needs to recruit people for the post of floor managers in the guest
relations department. These recruits will have to be sensitive to in-house guests'
requirements and make crucial decisions keeping in mind their preferences. Which of
the following dichotomies of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator will best help Dean in
A. Sensing-intuition
B. Channeling-formatting
C. Thinking-feeling
D. Judging-perceiving
E. Extroversion-introversion
Rebecca Harvey, who works as a marketing executive at a travel company, was recently
asked by her manager to provide an update on the campaign she is working on. Instead
of giving the manager details through a face-to-face interaction, she chose to write an
e-mail. She knew she will have more time to formulate the campaign update if she
chooses a written mode of communication. According to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,
which of the following personality types is Harvey?
A. Extroverting
B. Intuiting
C. Thinking
D. Introverting
E. Judging
Which of the following should be undertaken to addresses multiple audiences with
different needs?
A. Using personal pronouns to ensure that all members of the audience have the same
B. Writing a document in an informal style, if it is meant for both internal and external
C. Placing background and explanatory information under the same heading
D. Using table of contents so that readers can turn to the portions that interest them
E. Avoiding assumption on the degree of knowledge that decision makers will have
The _____ is the difference between the high and low figures for a particular variable.
A. range
B. mean
C. average
D. mode
E. median
Linda Rice, who works as a marketing manager needs to attend a meeting with a
colleague, Sarah Dixon, from the communication team. A day prior to the meeting, they
decide that they should meet at 0900 hours. However, Dixon arrives at 0945 hours and
does not feel the need to apologize to Rice. She feels that being 45 minutes late is the
same as being ten minutes late. Which of the following best describes Dixon's attitude
toward time?
A. Measures time in per minute blocks
B. Measures time by the sun
C. Calculates time frames based on body clock
D. Measures time in five minute blocks
E. Calculates time in half hour blocks
To compare items over time, to show frequency or distribution, and to show possible
correlations, use a:
A. line graph.
B. dot chart.
C. Gantt chart.
D. pie chart.
E. table.
A _____ refers to an informal source of company information.
A. website
B. grapevine
C. blog
D. floating block
E. tip sheet
You are creating questions for a survey on the rampant corruption found in today's
politics. You initially hand out surveys to journalists, political experts, anti-corruption
workers, etc. This sample is called a(n):
A. convenience sample.
B. judgment sample.
C. random sample.
D. evaluative sample.
_____ is an extended cover letter, but one written in an essay format rather than letter
format, that details your strengths for the job and shows why you should be chosen
instead of other applicants.
B. A summary essay
C. An application essay
D. A critique essay
E. An essay letter
Ashley Torres, a campaigns manager at Help Aid, needs to purchase computers for
distribution in Vietnam's villages. This action will enable her to achieve one of the
milestones of the literacy campaign she is working on. Which of the following reports
does she need to prepare which will substantiate the demand for computers?
A. Credit report
B. Information and closure report
C. Justification report
D. Match report
E. Summary report
A(n) _____ is a structured conversation with someone who will be able to give you
useful information.
A. interview
B. poll
C. wild card
D. questionnaire
E. tally
Which of the following statements is true of the "you-attitude"?
A. You must show what you can do for them, not what they can do for you.
B. You must ask what they can do for you not what you can do for them.
C. Reduce the number of "me" and "my" by revising some sentences to "I."
D. Avoid beginning sentences with prepositional phrases or introductory clauses.
E. Tell readers information they already know as though they do not know it.
Which of the following should be followed while using an opener?
A. Read out the opener from notes to seem more professional.
B. Avoid using startling statements as the first point of interaction.
C. Personalize it to the needs and interests of the audience.
D. Use humor directed against the audience to grab their attention.
E. Generalize it to be able to suit interests of any audience.
Michelle Jones has been asked by her manager to write a report, recommending the best
place for their store to relocate. They need to relocate primarily because their business
has outgrown their present space. Though a large office space is of importance,
availability of parking space will also be a determining factor. Which of the following
sections in the report will this information be covered in?
A. Scope
B. Limitations
C. Assumptions
D. Criteria
E. Methods
Which of the following should be used to manage time better?
A. Multitasking to achieve deadlines
B. Avoid spending a majority of time on important demands
C. Using time sinks to fit several tasks in a short time period
D. Keeping lists and prioritizing items on the list
E. Undertake smaller tasks first and keep large ones for later
_____ are numbers or words arrayed in rows and columns.
A. Drawings
B. Gantt charts
C. Dot charts
D. Tables
E. Figures
David Wright wrote the following report for his project manager on the work that he
has undertaken in the past week.
Define you-attitude, positive emphasis, and bias free language. How do they help in
building goodwill for messages?
What are the different voice qualities one needs to develop for a good speaking voice
when delivering an oral presentation?
How can nonverbal communication help us in a business environment?
What are the three questions on which an interview strategy should be based?
One should develop an overall strategy based on answers to the following three
1. What questions about oneself does one want the interviewer to know? One should
pick two to five points that represent strengths for that particular job and that show how
one will add value to the organization. For each strength, one should think of a specific
accomplishment to support it. At the interview, one should listen to every question to
see if one could make one of the key points as part of an answer. If the questions do not
allow one to make points, one should bring them up at the end of the interview.
2. What disadvantages or weaknesses does one need to minimize? One should expect
that one may be asked to explain weaknesses or apparent weaknesses in one's record
such as lack of experience, so-so grades, and gaps in work experience. One should plan
how to deal with these issues if they arise. It is also important to decide if one wants to
bring them up on one's own.
3. What one needs to know about the job and the organization to decide whether or not
one wants to accept this job if it is offered?
Kenneth Burton is currently working on "Protect the Rainforests" project and is at a
stage in the task team which aims at completing 70% of the entire project's work.
List four ways to have a strong end to a presentation.
What are wikis? What are some of their functions and advantages?
Explain reasons to learn the language of a country where one plans to work?
What are proposals for action?
What are the key guidelines to be followed while using content to demonstrate
you-attitude and build goodwill?
Discuss the key points to keep in mind while choosing information for reports.
What are some important professional materials that one should carry to an interview?
What are the three main criteria for a good subject line?
Why should a substantial amount of time be allotted before a due date for a proposal?
What is the importance of writing style in direct mails? What are some points to
remember while preparing such mails?
List the different sources of diversity. How does diversity affect a company's
When should a persuasive problem-solving message be used?

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