STM 66950

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 3163
subject Authors Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill

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How should a message that was developed using the indirect approach open?
A. With a neutral buffer
B. With an introduction to the writer
C. With an apology for the news
D. With reasons for the news
E. With a statement of the news
Identify four steps to take when responding to rumors and encountering negative
information on social media.
Identifying which colors have appropriate meaning based on culture is a matter of
A. Convention
B. Emphasis
C. Simplicity
D. Consistency
E. Balance
The first step in planning a presentation is what?
A. Analyzing the situation
B. Gathering information
C. Selecting the channel
D. Selecting the media
E. Organizing the information
How does communication affect the leadership process?
A. The higher in the organization one moves, the more employees one has to handle
communication issues.
B. The lower in the organization one is, the more one is judged on communication
C. The lower in the organization one is, the more often one's work is reviewed for
accuracy and attention to basic communication conventions.
D. The higher in the organization one moves, the more time one spends on the task of
E. The higher in the organization one moves, the less time one spends on the task of
Explaining how your general potential fits the specific needs of a position is done how?
A. Using industry jargon and buzzwords
B. Researching companies and industries on job boards
C. Networking
D. Visiting trade shows
E. Customizing the résumé to each specific opening
Which of the following is one of the most common uses of social media among U.S.
A. Starting conversation threads to end users
B. Communicating with stakeholders
C. Allowing employees to voice concerns
D. Monitoring online discussions about a company
E. Increasing the publishing mindset amongst employees
Most persuasive business messages rely on what?
A. Analogy
B. Emotion
C. Induction
D. Deduction
E. Logic
Which of the following identifies the specific purpose of a message?
A. To inform the audience
B. To define why you are writing
C. To persuade the audience to act
D. To foster collaboration
E. To initiate a conversation
Which of the following established the tone and the writer's relationship with the
A. The introduction
B. The body
C. The conclusions and recommendations
D. The close
E. The work plan
Which of the following is a nonverbal signal that affects the style and tone of the
A. Media richness
B. Formality
C. Media and channel limitations
D. Urgency
E. Audience preferences
Which of the following is least likely to limit the scope of a message?
A. Overall length
B. Level of detail
C. Number of key points
D. Range of information
E. Time allowed for presentation
Which of the following is an advantage of illustrating your ideas with visual aids?
A. The message is easier to remember.
B. You add a level of credibility to the presentation.
C. You allow audience members to connect with each other.
D. Visuals allow the audience members to stay on track with the main idea of the
E. Visual aids promote the speaker as an authority figure.
Why is the indirect format usually a better choice when sending negative employment
A. Recipients tend to have an emotional stake in the message.
B. There is less control over the message in other formats.
C. Indirect formatted messages regarding employment are more sensitive than face to
face conversations.
D. Indirect formatted messages regarding employment are quicker to write.
E. A direct format can be taken as a personal slight and a threat to the applicants future.
Which of the following offers both information and analysis?
A. Indirect reports
B. Long reports
C. Proposals
D. Analytical reports
E. Informational reports
Updating someone on projects or the status of an order is an example of what type of
routine communication?
A. Goodwill messages
B. Answers to routine requests
C. Claims and adjustment requests
D. Good-news announcements
E. Routine informational messages
Choosing strong words, creating effective sentences and developing coherent
paragraphs take place during what part of the writing process?
A. Drafting
B. Proofreading
C. Planning
D. Completing
E. Writing
Performing at a high level and conducting oneself with purpose and pride is an example
of what?
A. Ethical behavior
B. Strong communication skills
C. Being a team player
D. Ethics
E. Professionalism
When wanting to show trends over time, what type of visual aid would be most
A. Pie chart
B. Table
C. Bar chart
D. Line chart
E. Surface chart
A knowledge management system would best be utilized when?
A. When defining the purpose
B. When developing an audience profile
C. When gathering information
D. When determining audience needs
E. When determining required information
Which of the following best describes the concept of ethics?
A. Protecting information entrusted to your care
B. Security measures in software and hardware
C. Undistorted data
D. Accepted principles of conduct that govern behavior
E. A code of conduct
Which of the following could result from the use of euphemisms?
A. Euphemisms often convey disrespect or rudeness.
B. Negative news is conveyed in a negative way.
C. There is a risk that the truth might be obscured.
D. Euphemisms can trigger negative connotations.
E. Euphemisms usually offend the listener.
When reinforcing your position, you should pay special attention to what?
A. The logic of the arguments
B. Emotional appeal
C. Potential objections
D. Word choices
E. Message format
Which of the following is true when creating content for social media?
A. Companies can develop posts without fear of criticism from the public.
B. Spelling and grammar are not as important.
C. All posts are honest and trustworthy because it is easier to verify information.
D. Employees can be fired for content on personal media sites.
E. Clever, witty headlines attract a larger audience than short, bland headlines.
The scope of a business message includes what?
A. Background information on the topic
B. A determination of relevant information to be included in the message
C. The format for producing the message
D. A list of all those who will be receiving the message
E. A list of key terminology
Which of the following social media tools would be the most appropriate way to send a
longer message or a document to the audience?
A. Blogging
B. Podcasting
C. Information sharing sites
D. Social networks
E. Wikis
Which of the following is least likely to encourage a positive response to a persuasive
A. Positive and polite language
B. Respecting cultural differences
C. Using industry specific terminology
D. Being sensitive to organizational cultures
E. Establishing your credibility
Which of the following should a writer do when developing routine requests for
A. Use the direct approach for the request
B. Avoid stating why the recommendation is required
C. Offer to write the letter and have the referee sign it
D. Offer to pay for the favor of writing recommendation
E. Avoid pressuring the receiver by mentioning a deadline
Which of the following is an advantage when using mobile devices for business
A. Portability and flexibility
B. Screen size
C. Resolution
D. Bandwidth, speed and connectivity
E. Operational costs
Telling the audience about relevant deadlines and how you can be reached should be
done in which section of the direct formatted message?
A. Opening paragraph
B. Immediately after the explanation of what you want
C. In the body of the message
D. In the closing paragraph of the message
E. In the paragraph above the close that explains information relating to your request
Which of the following is the most common form of content marketing in the mobile
A. Text ads
B. Search engine results
C. Mobile-optimized video
D. Google ads
E. Facebook ads

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