STM 55066

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 44
subject Words 7307
subject Authors ‎Donna Kienzler, Kitty Locker

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While evaluating data sources, it is important to carefully look over the data with
special care if the source has a vested interest in the results.
While organizing information to build goodwill, you should arrange information to
meet your audience's needs instead of your own.
Denotation is a word's literal or dictionary meaning.
A you-attitude is more useful for listening than it is for writing.
Frasier would like to use a visual to depict an estimated timeline for a project his team
is working on. For this purpose, he should use a pie chart.
Research shows that organizations with low levels of diversity have the highest profits
and the highest number of customers.
The title of the report should be as broad as possible and provide very little
When writing to international audiences, always use first names to appear friendly and
Successful professionals practice skills in conflict resolution and teamwork.
In a guided discussion, a speaker talks without interruption and answers questions only
at the end of the presentation.
Spell checkers eliminate the hassle of proofreading a document manually.
While writing a report, you can write the title page and the transmittal as soon as you
know what your recommendation will be.
Headings make pages look difficult to read, because they are larger than the rest of the
Visuals can be effective tools for ensuring that ideas are presented completely.
When choosing a channel for delivering bad news, you should consider the type and
complexity of the explanation.
Marie is creating a written presentation for a client. In the presentation, she supports her
text with visuals. The words in the written presentation essentially repeat the
information that appears in the corresponding visuals. This technique will help Marie
make a more positive impact on the client.
The more you can do to personalize the opening for your audience, the better.
LinkedIn is a site that allows you to include useful information beyond your résumé.
In order to make writing easier to read, it is good to use familiar words or words that are
a part of almost everyone's vocabulary.
Proposals must stress benefits for all affected audiences in order to achieve their goals.
The body of a fund-raising message must prove that the problem is massive and cannot
be resolved.
Résumés should not be more than one page long, because readers find them too long to
Most North Americans think holistically rather than linearly.
A threat can only be an explicit statement; not an implied statement.
To make language nonracist and nonageist, give someone's race or age only when you
know it.
Pre-writing is a mandatory activity followed by all workplace writers to get ready to
write the "real" document.
Japanese often see apologies as a way of taking the blame.
When writing a report, you should start writing your first draft only after all of the
research is completed.
Pitch is a voice quality that emphasizes one or more words in a sentence.
A proposal has one primary goal, which is getting a project accepted, and does not
involve getting yourself or your organization accepted to do that project.
Analytical reports always recommend actions or solutions for the reader.
Which of the following statements is TRUE of baby boomers?
A. They believe that productivity counts, not the amount of hours spent at office.
B. They adhere to basic business decorum more rigorously than millennials.
C. They value flexibility, autonomy, and informality over hierarchy.
D. They freely offer opinions, both laterally and upward.
E. They accept challenges at work more willingly than those in generation X.
Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, follow basic business decorum more
promptly than millennials.
The Internet is an ineffective communication channel for selling when customers
already know what they want.
Ethan is creating a report on the user reviews for his company's new software program.
He has been asked to use certain types of visuals from data that has already been
collected. To increase the positive impact of his report, Ethan should choose only those
visuals that he finds easy and comfortable to design.
Using gerunds, or "ing" verbs, is preferable to using nouns in a job description on a
résumé, because they create a more dynamic image of the applicant.
Paper documents and presentations are preferred over e-mail, texting, tweeting, and
phone calls when:
A. group decisions need to be made.
B. misunderstandings need to be cleared quickly.
C. communication needs to be personal.
D. conflicts need to be resolved immediately.
E. communication needs to be formal.
According to Deborah Tannen, a fast rate of turn-taking and a preference for
simultaneous speech are features that are most indicative of an individual's _____.
A. social status
B. phonetic style
C. economic status
D. conversational style
E. linguistic preference
Which of the following is recommended while writing rejections and refusals?
A. Avoid providing an alternative because it tends to shift focus from the refusal.
B. Make the message short and aggressive so that the reader takes it seriously.
C. Double-check the words to ensure that the message means different things in
different situations.
D. Use your knowledge of the organization's culture for messages within the
E. Avoid using knowledge about the specific individual while crafting the message.
A specialized use of the Internet for job searching is _____, which is a popular term that
refers to marketing yourself.
A. market building
B. impression management
C. self-improvement
D. market imaging
E. personal branding
Which of the following is a characteristic of unsuccessful interviewees?
A. They listen carefully before answering questions.
B. They give answers that are lengthy and contain specific details.
C. They ask a large number of specific questions.
D. They respond neutrally to interviewer's statements.
E. They refer to the company by name.
_____ are a type of nonverbal communication.
A. Pictures
B. Presentations
C. E-mails
D. Memos
E. Informal meetings
Jerome presents his first demo as a trainer and receives feedback that he comes across
as confident and authoritative. In the context of Carol Kinsey Goman's tips to increase
the image of authority, which of the following behaviors did Jerome most likely
demonstrate during the demo?
A. He narrowed his stance.
B. He ended his sentences on a higher pitch.
C. He looked serious when the subject was serious.
D. He maximized his movements, especially gestures.
E. He nodded to express listening or engagement.
Which of the following statements is true of Daniel Goleman's views on emotional
A. IQ is the best predictor of job productivity.
B. There are two kinds of workplace networks: debating and relating.
C. An organization's stars are often highly networked in conversation, expertise, and
D. Networking skill is not a good predictor of job productivity.
E. Star performers put effort into cultivating relationships after they are needed.
Which of the following is an example of a positive message?
A. Offering details to employees about the insurance benefits that a company offers
B. Informing employees of upcoming cutbacks on costs, due to a financial crisis
C. Requesting monthly progress reports from the members of a sales department
D. Offering criticism and pointing out loopholes in a subordinate's presentation
E. Providing employees with sales target figures to be achieved for the upcoming
Typically, to make an application letter for a non-creative job appear professional, you
A. provide some personal information, even if it's unrelated to the job.
B. use a conservative writing style with few contractions.
C. address the letter to a company or department rather than to a specific individual.
D. use sentence fragments to break down long sentences.
E. print on paper different from the one used for the résumé.
Which of the following is considered as an essential in a résumé?
A. Career Objective
B. Summary of Qualifications
C. Experience
D. Portfolio
E. Honors and Awards
_____ interviews focus on the future and place interviewees in scenarios similar to
those they will face on the job and test problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to
handle problems.
A. Situational
B. Behavioral
C. Topgrading
D. Reference
E. Focused
Alfonso works as a marketing assistant. He has observed that his manager has the
characteristics of the thinking type according to the Myers-Briggs typology. Which of
the following practices should Alfonso adopt when communicating with his manager?
A. Alfonso should use emotions and personal circumstances to show that he is
B. Alfonso should demonstrate how his ideas primarily value the people needs of the
C. Alfonso should use logic and principles of consistency when explaining his
D. Alfonso should use self-disclosure as a means to prove his capabilities.
E. Alfonso should demonstrate how his decisions are in sync with the feelings of other
_____ refers to the rising or falling inflection that tells you whether a group of words is
a question or a statement, whether the speaker is uncertain or confident, and whether a
statement is sincere or sarcastic.
A. Tone of voice
B. Stress
C. Timbre
D. Pitch
E. Enunciation
While applying you-attitude, passive verbs should ideally be used while _____.
A. discussing job roles in a project
B. reporting bad news or limitations
C. explaining the perks of a new position
D. explaining audience benefits for a product
E. listing out the incentives for selling a product
Which of the following is a feature of the formation stage of a task team?
A. Establishing ground rules for team members
B. Seeking numerous solutions to a problem
C. Forgetting earlier conflicts that may have existed
D. Determining how well the group's decision will be implemented
E. Finalizing the work done by the group
Which is an appropriate length for a résumé of a recent college graduate?
A. 1-2 pages
B. 3-4 pages
C. 4-5 pages
D. Not more than 5 pages
E. Less than 1 page
Reese is attending an interview at a law firm in California. Her interviewer asks her to
walk him through her resume. Which of the following should Reese do?
A. Reese should read the resume aloud to the interviewer.
B. Reese should not try to add details that are not on her resume.
C. Reese should cover as many points as she can in ten minutes.
D. Reese should avoid making eye contact because it may distract him.
E. Reese should highlight her best features in less than three minutes.
Naomi, the CEO of a clothing line, plans to launch a new line of out-of-the-box
clothing in Wellmount. She has done considerable research about the country and
knows that the public there is very open to new ideas and concepts and greets changes
positively. According to Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions, which of the following
characteristics does Wellmount have?
A. Masculine culture
B. Collectivist culture
C. High power distance index
D. Low uncertainty avoidance index
E. Individualist culture
In a referral interview, it is inappropriate to:
A. follow up with a note of appreciation to those who met with you.
B. ask a person to give you advice on your resume after reading it.
C. ask the person who could create a job for you to hire you.
D. go into the interview with the names of people you'd like to talk to.
E. follow up with personal thank-you letters.
Which of the following is the best way for a listener to demonstrate active listening
when a speaker is discussing a problem?
A. Ordering the speaker to look beyond the problem
B. Acknowledging the problem with a nod or a frown
C. Minimizing the problem by focusing on the bigger picture
D. Comparing the problem with someone else's bigger problem
E. Providing a quick solution to the problem off the top of your head
Kylie wrote a report on "Strategies to Prevent Deforestation". Kylie used a
fourteen-point type font and separated her different strategies with the use of three
popular fonts, Times New Roman, Arial, and Verdana. She also used headings to
integrate related topics such as role of media and government bodies. However, her
project manager found a design error in the report. Explain the error in Kylie's report
and why it is a problem.
Felipe, a manager of a language translation firm, must explain and substantiate the need
for the purchase of the latest AI machine translation software. In order to do so, he
needs to write a(n) _____ report.
A. audit
B. feasibility
C. payback
D. problem-solving
E. justification
Which of the following statements about acknowledgement responses is most
A. They are the same in all cultures.
B. They are only indicative of active listening.
C. They minimize the problem being discussed.
D. They help carry the message that you're listening.
E. They help you ignore instructions that you think are unnecessary.
Farah is preparing a bar chart to depict the varying amounts of iron ore found in
different geographic regions of the country. She adds a title to the chart and labels both
the axis. All the labels are present inside the bars and the width of the bars varies
according to the value each of them represents. She ensures that the bars are placed
close enough together to make comparison easy. Which of the following corrections to
Farah's bar chart will help improve its quality?
A. The labels of the axis should be removed, since the title already explains them.
B. The bars should not be placed close to each other.
C. The labels should be placed outside the bars instead of inside.
D. The width of all the bars should be the same.
E. The title of the bar chart should be removed.
Which of the following is an effective design principle?
A. No visual connection should be present between the elements so that every element
is distinct from each other.
B. Visual elements of a design should not be repeated throughout a document.
C. Items relating to each other should be grouped close together.
D. Paragraphs of the same length should be used to strengthen unity.
E. Many similar elements should be included on a page.
Kelly is writing a report on a campaign for childrens' rights that she had organized. She
is currently working on a section of the report that mentions the person who authorized
the campaign and the intended purpose of the campaign. The section also highlights
areas of future additional research. This section is intended to help orient the reader to
the report and build a good image of the report and the writer. Which section of the
report is Kelly more likely to be working on?
A. List of illustrations
B. Title page
C. Background or history
D. Executive summary
E. Memo of transmittal
_____ follow up an original question to get at specific aspects of a topic.
A. Mirror questions
B. Probes
C. Situational questions
D. Hypotheses
E. Rhetorical questions
Lola a marketing professional, is joining a new organization in Estercliff. She has
gathered from her friends in the city that there is a high level of equality at all social
levels and work cultures are characterized by interdependence, shared initiatives, and
managers being easily approachable. According to Geert Hofstede's cultural
dimensions, which of the following do these characteristics indicate?
A. An economy-driven culture
B. A high uncertainty avoidance index
C. A low power-distance index
D. An individualist culture
E. A feminist culture
Which of the following sentences uses a transition word?
A. Sally will drive to Wellington Street tomorrow morning.
B. Sally will go to the mall before picking up Ben from the airport.
C. Sally needs to go to the mall to buy a birthday gift for Ben.
D. Sally needs to prepare casseroles for lunch tomorrow.
E. Sally will go to the mall early to avoid the weekend rush.
Selena works for a Non-Governmental Organization and needs to write to a
multinational company requesting donations. Explain how she can fulfill the secondary
purposes of her message while writing to the company.
What should you look for when you are revising a document you have written?
Burton's team is currently working on a project to protect the rainforests. The project is
at its longest phase and will require a high-level of commitment from all members of
the team. Explain which stage of the task Burton's team is currently in and the key
characteristics of this stage.
List the four steps of organizing a solicited job letter?
Explain how smaller businesses use technology to increase their sales.
What are competitive proposals and how are they different from noncompetitive
To ensure bias-free communication, what should a writer do when a person's name or
gender or both are not known? Explain with examples.
What are the primary and secondary purposes of informative and positive messages?
The Perkins Store, a retail chain that sells lifestyle products, is launching its outlet in
Ireland. The consumers in Ireland value the environment and are conscious buyers.
Explain how the management of the store can adapt its products to the needs of its new
What should the last paragraph of a job application letter contain?
What are the three main guidelines to be followed while organizing information to build
goodwill in a message?
What is an elimination of alternatives pattern of organizing information in a report?
Explain, briefly, the process to create good messages.
Explain which situations are best for written communication and which for oral
communication, and why each is best for those situations.
List the precautions you must take if you have a personal blog, web page, or other
electronic presence?

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