STM 53951

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 3128
subject Authors Courtland L. Bovee, John V. Thill

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Which of the following sentence types tends to be the most specifically related to the
A. Topic sentences
B. Support sentences
C. Simple sentences
D. Transitional sentences
E. Unifying sentences
Activities that support incompatible goals to those of the group are referred to as what?
A. Groupthink
B. Participative management
C. Multitasking
D. Hidden agendas
E. Increased diversity of views
Which of the following is best accomplished by using an organizational chart?
A. Showing geographic distribution of data
B. Structured narrative
C. Showing how functions interrelate
D. Identifying tag cloud groupings
E. Organizing "big data"
If an idea is marked as being incomplete, what should happen to that idea?
A. It should be eliminated.
B. It should be cited.
C. It should be indicated as a personal point of view.
D. It should be developed further.
A statement on your behalf by someone who is accepted as an expert by the audience is
called what?
A. Qualification
B. Image enhancement
C. Euphemism
D. Credential
E. Endorsement
Communities of interest formed around a specific product are referred to as what?
A. Brand socializers
B. Sentiment analyst
C. Target markets
D. Brand communities
E. Teasers
Which of the following best describes an ethical lapse?
A. Choosing among alternatives that are not clear cut
B. Making an unethical choice
C. Recruiting people to promote a product without disclosing the true nature of the
D. Not giving all participants in a conversation access to the information needed to
process information
E. Promoting transparency in a conversation
Which of the following would least likely encourage the reader of a message for a claim
to grant the claim?
A. Showing the reader how the organization is responsible for the problem
B. Appealing to the reader's sense of fair play
C. Appeal to the reader's sense of moral responsibility
D. Being calm and reasonable
E. Allowing the reader to choose the most appropriate resolution
Discussing the advantages and disadvantages between items uses what type of
organizational format?
A. Category
B. Chronology
C. Comparison
D. Importance
E. Sequence
In addition to making the message as short as possible, what is the advantage to using a
direct format for bad news messages?
A. The direct format increases understanding.
B. The direct format increases acceptance.
C. The direct format clearly identifies the bad news so fewer assumptions are made.
D. The direct format saves the reader time.
E. The direct format saves the writer time.
Which of the following highlights the upcoming section of the presentation?
A. Presentation outline
B. Program details
C. Navigation slides
D. Title slides
E. Handouts
Which of the following is least effective in an opening buffer?
A. A sincere apology
B. Assurance for the reader that they have your attention
C. An understanding of the reader's needs
D. An introduction to the general subject matter
E. Establishing common ground with the reader
Summarizing the main idea of the presentation during the introduction is a way to do
A. Arouse interest
B. Validate your qualifications
C. Connect ideas that will be presented later in the presentation
D. Remind the audience what is going to be most important
E. Preview the message
Which of the following would work best to summarize or preview information?
A. Short sentences
B. Medium length sentences
C. Long sentences
D. Heading
E. Bullet points
When developing a routine request for a recommendation, what should go in the body
of the message?
A. Why the writer wants the position
B. An expression of appreciation
C. Information the recipient needs to write the recommendation
D. Any deadlines that might be important
E. The purpose of the needed recommendation
When creating free-form slides, which of the following will help add uniformity and
A. Bullet points
B. Color and font selection
C. Titles
D. Using the same template
E. Authenticity
One way to improve the power of your visual aids and your presentation in general is to
do what?
A. Keep things simple.
B. Alternate between tradition media and new media such as Prezi's.
C. Develop a presentation that works both in person, and on webinars.
D. Work on performance skills.
E. Be passionate about your topic, and convince your audience to be passionate about it
as well.
Which of the following are based on the feelings or sympathies of the audience?
A. Persuasive messages
B. AIDA formatted messages
C. Emotional appeals
D. Direct appeals
E. Logical appeals
To learn more about an industry and meet people who work in that industry, which of
the following would be most helpful?
A. Career fairs
B. Trade shows
C. Job-search websites
D. Career placement office at a university
E. Interviewing
Creating a website or a Twitter hashtag can be used to do what?
A. Integrate social media into the presentation process
B. Monitor and asking for feedback
C. Review comments to improve the presentation
D. Establish expectations with the audience
E. Give the presentation online
Which of the following would include a plan to describe how you will accomplish the
work to be done?
A. Introduction to a report
B. Introduction to a proposal
C. Body of a report
D. Body of a proposal
E. Methods and approaches
How do effective business people view persuasion?
A. As a way to manipulate the audience
B. As a negative force for the marketplace
C. As a way to increase profit
D. As a way to align the audiences interest with the organizations
E. As a positive force in the marketplace
Which of the following combinations is used most often on the job today?
A. Written medium, digital channel
B. Visual medium, print channel
C. Visual medium, digital channel
D. Oral medium, digital channel
E. Written medium, print channel
On your résumé, which of the following can often be a valuable asset to an employer?
A. Names of references
B. Marital status
C. Military experience
D. National origin
E. Names of previous supervisors
Which of the following allows the user to define a query with greater precision by using
operators such as AND, OR or NOT?
A. Forms-based searches
B. Hashtags
C. Natural language searches
D. Boolean searches
E. Keyword searches
Which of the following résumé types emphasizes skills and capabilities, rather than
employers and academic experience?
A. Chronological
B. Combination
C. Functional
D. Traditional
E. Online
Focusing on information that concerns your audience the most will increase the chances
of what?
A. Accurate information
B. Ethical messages
C. Effective messages
D. Quality messages
E. Positive messages
Creating a document that uses primarily simple sentences will result in a document with
which of the following attributes?
A. Thoughts will be properly expressed.
B. The writing will sound choppy.
C. The sentence structure will be tiring to read.
D. The document will be easy to understand and follow.
E. The relationships between ideas will be easy to identify.
Which of the following is not necessary when writing a persuasive message for a claim
or request for adjustment?
A. Complete review of the facts
B. A positive tone
C. Specific facts and data
D. A direct format
E. A confident tone
Which of the following would include information the audience might need such as a
hashtag or Wi-Fi log in information?
A. Presentation outline
B. Program details
C. Navigation slides
D. Title slides
E. Handouts
In a good news message the opening of the message should contain what?
A. Reasons for your decision
B. Explanation of your request
C. A clear statement of the request
D. Request for specific action
E. Justification for the message
Which of the following acts as a type of reference material site for users?
A. User-generated content sites
B. Branded channels
C. Content curation sites
D. Community Q&A sites
E. Email feed sites
How many main clauses in a simple sentence?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
E. Five

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