STM 18262

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1779
subject Authors Michael Osborn

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What should you remember about managing anxiety?
a. controlling anxiety takes time and experience
b. a public speaking class will cure anxiety
c. fear will eventually disappear
d. too much preparation will make you too anxious
All of the following are types of persuasive speaking except
a. speeches addressing disputed facts.
b. speeches addressing attitudes, beliefs, and values.
c. speeches addressing the meaning of formal occasions.
d. speeches advocating action or policy changes.
What parts of a speech might you write out verbatim and memorize for brief
a. the introduction and the body
b. the introduction and the conclusion
c. the body and the conclusion
d. the body
In general, all of the following are true of managing communication anxiety (CA)
a. it never completely goes away, but it does become manageable.
b. it gets easier to manage with experience of making presentations.
c. being well-prepared to speak is very important.
d. all of the above are generally true.
What does the speaker do during the refinement phase of topic selection?
a. focus your specific topic
b. articulate a specific purpose statement
c. articulate a thesis statement
d. all of the above
Which of the following is not an element of ethos?
a. motivation
b. goodwill
c. competence
d. dynamism
What motivational appeal is best exemplified by the statement, "We are Americans, and
Americans have always believed in freedom"?
a. relational needs
b. achievement and recognition
c. tradition
d. pleasure and recreation
The following are the guidelines for providing speakers with constructive criticism
a. open and close your critiques on a positive note.
b. provide speakers a realistic assessment of limitations.
c. analyze the speech rather than criticizing the speaker.
d. offer suggestions for improvement.
Sally tells engaging stories, but when she uses them in her speeches, they are rarely
effective because they do not "ring true" with what the audience already knows about
her topic. Her use of narrative violates what basic principle?
a. sensationalism
b. coherence
c. fidelity
d. viability
What is the minimal size recommended for posters for most classroom presentations?
a. 3 x 5 feet
b. 5 x 7 inches
c. 8 x 10 inches
d. 14 x 17 inches
Why is freedom of speech important?
a. It is crucial to a healthy democracy.
b. It allows you to say whatever you wish.
c. It equates to success in the workplace.
d. It is one of the five "great arts" of rhetoric.
What would be the best design for a speech on how to build a deck?
a. chronological
b. spatial
c. narrative
d. sequential
Critics of President Bush's environmental policies accused him of willfully distorting
the intended meaning of scientific reports and testimony. If so, he was guilty of which
of the following violations of ethical information use?
a. the myth of the mean
b. false analogy
c. quoting out of context
d. presenting only one point of view
What highly effective form of information invokes the words of respected authorities
speaking against their own apparent interests?
a. expert testimony
b. reluctant testimony
c. triangular testimony
d. ironic testimony
What type of map is best to use in a presentation?
a. commercially prepared
b. brightly colored
c. detailed
d. simple and uncluttered
Jeff believes the Federal government needs to cut spending, yet he refuses to consider a
proposal to cut spending because it is supported by members of the "other party." What
barrier to effective listening does Jeff's behavior reflect?
a. personal bias
b. chance associations
c. personal concerns
d. flawed messages
Which of the following attributes of ethos is enhanced by citing authoritative sources?
a. dynamism
b. comfort
c. competence
d. trustworthiness
The technique for controlling communication anxiety called selective relaxation
involves all of the following stages except
a. focusing on and repeating a special word.
b. a controlled process of deep breathing.
c. down-playing the significance of the situation.
d. tensing and relaxing different muscle groups.
What informative speech design would work best for tracing the evolution of
international terrorism over the past 20 years?
a. chronological
b. spatial
c. sequential
d. categorical
What is the essence of informative speaking?
a. sharing knowledge
b. connecting with an audience
c. disputing controversial ideas
d. establishing a community
What is wrong with the thesis statement, "What's wrong with politics"?
a. It fails to address a significant topic.
b. It is obscure and lacking in focus.
c. It over-relies on mind mapping.
d. It is difficult to find information on the Web.
How do we describe speakers who do not vary pitch, rate, or loudness?
a. flat
b. monotone
c. dull
d. droning on
Your text offers all of the following advice for handling questions and answers except
a. never say "I don"t know."
b. diffuse hostile questions by rewording them.
c. repeat or paraphrase the question.
d. maintain eye contact with the audience.
An interviewer who says, "That's interesting. Could you tell me more about how you
felt at the meeting?" is asking which of the following question types?
a. mirror question
b. verifier
c. reinforcer
d. probe
What are we trying to change when we practice mind mapping?
a. our fears and inhibitions
b. our social biases and stereotypes
c. our habitual patterns of thinking
d. our judgments about experiences
How can you best avoid the great expectation fallacy?
a. do not underestimate your audiences' intelligence
b. avoid directly stating your position
c. set modest goals for persuading your audience
d. watch out for self-fulfilling prophecies
Good note taking requires that you
a. come prepared with paper and pen or pencil.
b. avoid trying to write down everything you hear.
c. review, correct, and complete notes the day taken.
d. all of the above are correct.
What form of information is especially effective for arousing audience emotions?
a. definitions
b. examples
c. expert testimony
d. statistics
What is a rhetorical question designed to do?
a. solicit an answer
b. make the audience think
c. present several alternatives
d. establish credibility
Informative speaking addresses all of the following basic human needs except
a. to know about the world.
b. to acquire skills and competency.
c. to act with conviction.
d. to know how things work or are made.
What is characteristic of an extemporaneous speech?
a. emphasizes audience interaction
b. memorized to come across as natural
c. read to insure accuracy of wording
d. prepared off-the-cuff
Persuasive speaking differs from informative speaking in all of the following ways
a. it entails greater audience commitment.
b. it goes beyond revealing options to urging choices.
c. emotional appeals are less appropriate.
d. it goes beyond teaching to advocacy.
By syllogism, we mean
a. an inductive argument that reasons from observation.
b. a deductive argument that reasons from shared principles.
c. defending policy positions through historic analogies.
d. a fallacy that proceeds from lack of evidence.
"Don"t believe Johnny because he's a liberal moron" is an example of the ad hominem
"Cutting and pasting" together a speech from multiple Internet sources constitutes a
serious form of academic dishonesty.
The physical setting is composed primarily of recent events surrounding the speech.
Reasoned persuasion refers to speakers that persistently interrupt and always insist on
the last word.
Immediacy increases tension and anxiety for both speakers and listeners.
Ethnocentrism is an important quality to develop if you really want to reach out to
diverse audiences.
A smile and eye contact can enhance perceptions of goodwill.
To determine the authority of information you find on the Internet, you should evaluate
the credentials of both the source and the sponsor of the information.
In a formal outline, the more important a statement, the farther to the left it should be
Nonverbal messages should reinforce the verbal message.
Extemporaneous presentations are usually more effective when you read from your
The principle of subordination means that you should carefully follow the instructions
you have been given for preparing formal outlines.
An analogous color scheme helps to suggest tension and opposition between ideas.
There is no cure for communication anxiety, but you can learn to manage it with
practice and experience.
A speech urging support for a local campaign against hunger should probably follow a
problem-solution design.
The specific purpose states the desired effect you want your speech to have on your
American Rhetoric offers the most comprehensive and authoritative online anthology of
American speeches available.
Supporting materials are the most important proofs in the persuasive process.

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