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subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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Modern technology plays an important role in both facilitating cultural imperialism and
resisting it.
States are complex systems of sociopolitical organization that aim to control and
administer everything from conflict resolution to fiscal systems to population
The hypodescent rule is applied to individuals who are racially "pure."
In his comparison of rural and urban communities, Redfield found that cultural
innovations spread from urban areas to rural ones.
During the liminal phase of a rite of passage, participants occupy ambiguous social
BEV is a distinct language.
About one-third of Thailand's population lives in rural areas.
During World War II, the U.S. government recruited anthropologists to study Japanese
and German culture.
Longitudinal ethnographic research is the long-term study of a particular culture or
society, frequently based on repeated visits.
The modern world system benefits all participating societies equally.
The term diglossia refers to linguistic groups that use only two basic color terms (black
and white or dark and light).
Magic, in the form of rituals, taboos, and sacred objects, is particularly evident in
The emic perspective focuses on how local people think.
Many of the political, linguistic, and economic distinctions separating the countries of
West Africa today are inventions of colonialism.
Historical linguists study linguistic performance by categorizing speakers as
inadequate, competent, or highly proficient.
Racial categories in Japan are more rigid than those in Brazil.
Cross-cultural studies of foraging societies indicate that women never hunt or fish.
The example of postcolonial development in Madagascar demonstrates that descent
group organization can be a major obstacle to economic development.
In tribal societies, unlike industrial ones, marriage entails only an agreement between
the people getting married; descent groups play only a minor role.
Good key cultural consultants generally end up recording most of the data needed to
write an ethnography.
Acculturation is the process by which people lose the cultures that they learned as
All rituals occur in sacred contexts.
Societies with the same adaptive strategy also tend to have comparable modes of
Because cultures are integrated, patterned systems, a change in one part of a culture
often leads to changes in other parts.
Linguistic anthropologists study how languages vary in time and space, and how
language and culture influence each other.
Nonhuman primate call systems demonstrate linguistic productivity, combining calls to
produce new expressions.
Women head more than half of the households in America that have incomes below the
According to Wallerstein, nations in the world system can be classified into three types:
core, periphery, and frontier.
Witch hunts are an example of how religion can be used to limit deviant social behavior
by instilling strong motivations to behave in a certain manner.
Although the nuclear family exists in many societies around the world, it is not a
cultural universal.
Polygynous marriages often serve important economic and political functions; for
instance, the number of wives a man has may be an indicator of his wealth, prestige,
and status.
__________ is the term for identification with, and feeling part of, a cultural group, and
exclusion from other cultural groups.
A. Culture shock
B. Ethnicity
C. Cultural relativism
D. Assimilation
E. Ethnocentrism
_________ is a cultural universal.
A. Hypodescent
B. Hyperdescent
C. Bifurcate merging kinship terminologies
D. Transhumance
E. Some kind of family
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "the world system is based on economies oriented toward world market for profit"
B. "the world system depends on each nation producing all that is needed by its own
C. "the world system was established primarily through European colonialism"
D. "the standard of living tends to be higher for populations living in core nations"
E. "nations may change their positions in the world system"
The Tsimane live in Bolivia and speak
A. Spanish.
B. their native language.
C. Portugese.
D. English.
E. Creole.
As a part of cargo cults, __________ invoked supernatural beings were invoked to
intercede, to kill or otherwise deflate the European big men and redistribute their
A. rites of passage
B. revitalization movements
C. syncretism
D. taboos
E. magical leveling
The view that American Thanksgiving Day represents a postharvest festival like many
other societies is the __________ view.
A. etic
B. consultant
C. emic
D. sociologist's
E. participant observation
The __________ is an example of a matrilineal-matrifocal society.
A. United States
B. Yanomami
C. Betsileo
D. Etoro
E. Minangkabau
States require specialized functions including
A.a judiciary.
B.fiscal support.
C.population control.
E.All the above are correct.
A policy of ethnic expulsion or ethnic persecution may create
A. social races.
B. ethnic harmony.
C. refugee populations.
D. a plural society.
E. multiculturalism.
Sequences of words and actions used during rituals are
A. ritual scripts.
B. rites of passage.
C. taboos.
D. liturgical orders.
E. communitas.
A scientist who studies the fossil record of human evolution is a(n)
A. paleoanthropologist.
B. archaeologist.
C. ethnologist.
D. treasure hunter.
E. primatologist.
Transhumance is a form of
A. horticulture.
B. pastoralism.
C. foraging.
D. agriculture.
E. reciprocity.
The bodies and possessions of Polynesian chiefs considered taboo because chiefs
A. were the primary totems for Polynesian descent groups.
B. occupied a liminal place in society.
C. were considered to be ritually unpure.
D. were practitioners of contagious magic.
E. were imbued with a great amount of mana.
__________ disease theory underlies traditional understandings of susto.
A. Personalistic
B. Naturalistic
C. Biomedical
D. Emotionalistic
E. Tribal
__________ is the most important factor in determining an individual's power and
prestige in a state.
B.Socioeconomic class
C.Speaking ability
E.Physical size
The anti-Basque campaign waged during the Franco dictatorship in Spain is an example
A. forced assimilation.
B. cultural relativism.
C. status ascription.
D. multiculturalism.
E. an imagined community.
__________ refers to wealth or resources invested in business with the intent of
producing a profit.
A. Stock
B. Proletariat
C. Caste
D. Bourgeoisie
E. Capital
Rather than attempting to classify humans into racial categories, biologists and
anthropologists are
A. denying the existence of any biological variation among humankind.
B. attempting to create new categories based only on blood type.
C. confident that earlier racial classifications are still valid.
D. trying to verify anthropometric data from the turn of the century.
E. seeking to explain why specific biological variations occur.
__________ was not traditionally used by the Inuit to handle disputes.
A.Blood feuds
B.Song contests
C.Killing an offender
D.Courts of law
E.Kin ties
Foraging economies are usually associated with a __________ sociopolitical
E.complex chiefdom
Humans do not share such features as __________ with other primates.
A. opposable thumbs
B. enlarged brain-to-body ratio
C. depth perception
D. parental investment in offspring
E. habitual bipedalism
Most anthropologists are employed in
A. the business sector.
B. international organizations.
C. colleges and museums.
D. nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).
E. government.
__________ is not one of the adaptive strategies included in Cohen's typology.
A. Pastoralism
B. Redistribution
C. Agriculture
D. Industrialism
E. Foraging
__________ are cultural particularities.
A. Features of a culture that are isolated from other features in the same culture
B. Features unique to a given culture, not shared with any others
C. Different levels of culture
D. The most general aspect of culture patterns
E. Cultural features exhibited by individuals rather than groups
The statement, __________, is true.
A. "Polyandry is found only among mining communities in Madagascar"
B. "Polyandry is a cultural adaptation to the high labor demands of rice cultivation"
C. "polyandry is a cultural adaptation to mobility associated with male travel for trade,
commerce, and warfare"
D. "polyandry almost always takes the form of a sororate"
E. "polyandry fails to meet Leach's criteria for marriage"
Cultural resource management is an example of applied
A. ethnology that seeks to preserve indigenous cultures.
B. biological anthropology.
C. anthropology that could pose an ethical dilemma to the anthropologist.
D. linguistic anthropology that seeks to preserve linguistic diversity.
E. ethnography.
A common goal of development projects is to
A. increase socioeconomic stratification.
B. promote ethnocide.
C. facilitate cultural assimilation.
D. decrease local autonomy.
E. increase equity.
__________ plays a role in determining skin color.
A. The HbS allele
B. Ultraviolet radiation
C. Sickle-cell anemia
D. Lactose intolerance
E. Lactose tolerance
__________ refers to the destruction of an ethnic group's culture.
A. Genocide
B. Prejudice
C. Ethnocide
D. Discrimination
E. Diaspora
Social scientists use the term __________ to refer to the socially approved use of
To rule its colonies with long histories of state organization, France sometimes
A. used indirect rule.
B. paid elected local officials to implement policy.
C. imposed third-party rule.
D. implemented corrupt rule.
E. installed capitalist rule.
The village of Newtok in Alaska need to be moved because
A. the village is mobile because the residents are mobile foragers.
B. United States corporations want to develop the land.
C. it is sinking, flooding, and eroding due to climate change.
D. it has become a tourist location and the residents are tired of strangers in their
E. the residents have destroyed the land through intensive agriculture techniques.
The average American consumes about ___________ times more energy than the
average forager or tribesperson.
A. 25
B. 35
C. 45
D. 55
E. 65
Given the mobility of people today, anthropologists increasingly are shifting their
attention from local communities to
A. texts.
B. hegemonies.
C. postsocialist societies.
D. public transcripts.
E. diasporas.
Describe the extent to which the use of tools is unique to humans. Illustrate your answer
with examples from studies of nonhuman animals, including other primates.
Answer:Answers will vary.
List some of the major differences between British and French colonial policies.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define the domestic-public dichotomy. Identify the kinds of societies where it is more
pronounced and less pronounced. Explain how it relates to gender stratification.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define a rite of passage. Identify three phases that ordinarily constitute a rite of
passage. Provide at least two different examples to illustrate your answer.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss some of the problems underlying phenotype-based racial classifications.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define a "plural society." List the conditions that contribute to the stability and
endurance of ethnic boundaries according to Barth.
Answer:Answers will vary.
In non-state societies, relationships based on kinship, descent, and marriage are
essential to sociopolitical organization. Discuss two ethnographic cases that illustrate
this point.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe how people in all societies maximize, and identify what they maximize.
Determine if maximization is a cultural universal, and explain your answer.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define the world-system perspective, and explain why it is important in anthropology.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe what it means to say that an economic development project is culturally
compatible. List the advantages of ensuring that projects are culturally compatible.
Answer:Answers will vary.
List how Marx and Weber's views on stratification differ.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss ways that culture can change the growth and development of an individual's
physical body. Include at least one example.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define ethnocentrism and cultural relativism and highlight where they are similar or
different. Identify the problems that can arise from cultural relativism in an
anthropologist's work.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define an adaptive strategy. Identify the five adaptive strategies in Cohen's typology of
societies. Discuss how Cohen links economy and social features.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the major differences between industrial and nonindustrial modes of
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss two cases in which religion played an important role in social change.
Answer:Answers will vary.

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