SSCI 786 Quiz

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2581
subject Authors Adena B. Meyers, Laura E. Berk

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Dr. Bigelow is interested in studying musical prodigies. Which of the following research
methods is best suited for this type of research?
A)naturalistic observation
B)clinical interview
C)the clinical, or case study, method
D)structured interview
Imani, age 11 months, is wary of strangers. However, when his mother sits on the floor,
Imani ventures a few feet away from her for a few minutes at a time, and then returns to
her for emotional support. Imani is
A)engaging in effortful control.
B)exhibiting unusual behavior for a toddler with stranger anxiety.
C)using his mother as a secure base.
D)displaying avoidance rather than approach.
Even preschoolers with good language skills recall poorly because they are not skilled at
A)memory strategies.
B)episodic memory.
C)autobiographical memory.
Two-year-old Aisha tells her mom, "I good girl." This statement demonstrates that Aisha is
beginning to develop
A)a categorical self.
C)self-conscious emotions.
D)scale errors.
In watching a concrete operational child and a formal operational adolescent solve the
pendulum problem, which of the following differences will be evident?
A)The concrete operational child will be completely unable to solve the problem.
B)The formal operational adolescent will solve the problem intuitively, without
C)The formal operational adolescent will start with a hypothesis, from which he or she will
deduce logical, testable inferences.
D)The concrete operational child will start with reality, and when it is not confirmed, they
will think of alternatives.
In contrast to young people with anorexia, those with bulimia nervosa
A)do not have a pathological fear of getting fat.
B)feel depressed or guilty about their abnormal eating habits.
C)experience their parents as involved and emotionally available.
D)have unrealistically high standards for their own performance.
Joslyn, a school custodian, is pregnant and works in an old school building where multiple
layers of paint are flaking off the walls. To be safe, Joslyn should have the paint tested for
A)polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Anya, age 4, is asked to draw a picture of a person. She will probably
A)draw a circular shape with lines attached, and add features such as eyes, nose, mouth,
and hair.
B)make a realistically detailed image with primitive drawing techniques.
C)draw a large head with facial features but no body.
D)use depth cues, such as overlapping objects, in the background.
Girls have an edge over boys in
Large, environmentally induced gains in IQ present a major challenge to the assumption
A)gender variations in IQ are genetic.
B)societal contributions to IQ are unimportant.
C)ethnic variations in IQ are genetic.
D)IQ is a valid measure of school learning potential.
Kurt is a target of verbal abuse and physical attacks and other forms of abuse. Kurt is
A)a rejected-aggressive child.
B)experiencing peer victimization.
C)experiencing atypical bullying.
D)a controversial-withdrawn child.
The thin outer ring of cells on a blastocyst, termed the trophoblast, will become the
A)new organism's skin and hair.
B)structures that provide protective covering and nourishment.
C)embryonic disk.
D)nervous system and skin.
__________ is a sudden but permanent change in a segment in DNA that can lead to
A)Mutation; hereditary abnormalities
B)Meiosis; X-linked disorders
C)Mitosis; fragile X syndrome
D)Genomic imprinting; mutations
In natural, or quasi-, experiments,
A)random assignment helps protect against reduction in the accuracy of the findings.
B)researchers combine random assignment with the matching technique.
C)cause-and-effect inferences cannot be made.
D)lack of random assignment substantially reduces the precision of the research.
Baby Calinda sucks on a bottle. The taste of the sweet liquid increases Calinda's sucking.
This is an example of
A)operant conditioning.
C)classical conditioning.
Infants raised in Israeli kibbutzim
A)are discouraged from developing a strong emotional bond with their mother.
B)display far greater stranger anxiety than their city-reared counterparts.
C)are routinely passed from one adult to another, which reduces their stranger anxiety.
D)show very little stranger anxiety compared with agemates.
Both __________ and __________ emphasize many possible courses of development.
A)the psychoanalytic perspective; ethology
B)ethology; evolutionary developmental psychology
C)cognitive-developmental theory; behaviorism
D)behaviorism; social learning theory
In the sandbox, Amelia makes a pie while Franklin pours sand from one container to
another. The children talk and pass tools back and forth. They are engaged in
A)parallel play.
B)cooperative play.
C)associative play.
D)nonsocial activity.
Newborn Will is likely to show greater activation in the left hemisphere while
A)displaying a positive state of arousal.
B)listening to nonspeech sounds.
C)drinking a sour-tasting fluid.
D)feeling distress.
Describe Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory as it applies to the development of infant and
toddler personality.
Define cognitive self-regulation. Why does it develop gradually? How can parents help
foster it?
Describe some of the major changes in brain development in middle childhood and the
effects these changes have on cognition.
How do family-neighborhood ties reduce parenting stress and promote child development?
Explain the educational benefits of a small class size in early elementary school.
Define and describe recognition and recall. Discuss the development of recall memory.
Ashley has just graduated from sixth grade; in the fall, she will be starting junior high
school. Based on what you have learned about the impact of school transitions, what can
you predict about Ashley's adjustment at her new school? Suggest ways to minimize the
stress of these changes.
Describe the two most common approaches to teaching beginning reading. What does
research suggest is the best way to teach beginning reading?

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