SSCI 74415

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1396
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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The amount of information that can be processed at any given time is called the
a. cognitive reserve.
b. vigilance.
c. divided attention.
d. attentional capacity.
It is estimated that every 40 seconds in the United States, someone has
a. a myocardial infarction.
b. congestive heart failure.
c. a cerebrovascular accident or stroke.
d. angina pectoris.
Which of the following statements about ethnic differences in average longevity is
a. Older ethnic individuals have a shorter life expectancy than European Americans.
b. Older ethnic individuals have a longer life expectancy than European Americans.
c. At birth, ethnic individuals have a longer life expectancy than European Americans.
d. At birth, people of all ethnicities have the same life expectancy rates.
Which of the following diseases is an autosomal dominant disorder that generally
manifests itself through involuntary flicking of the arms and legs and can include
psychological disturbances such as hallucinations and paranoia?
a. Huntington's disease
b. Alzheimer's disease
c. Schmidt's disease
d. Wernicke-Korsakoff disease
According to Sternberg, infatuation is characterized by high levels of
a. passion.
b. intimacy.
c. commitment.
d. all of the above.
Women who choose nontraditional occupations and are successful in them
are_________when compared with similarly successful men.
a. viewed more positively
b. perceived with suspicion
c. viewed more more negatively
d. viewed the same
Older adults are more susceptible to scams and con artists because they are more
susceptible to
a. false memories.
b. source memories.
c. flashbulb memories.
d. implicit memories.
Using the Young-Old Implicit Attitudes test, researchers discovered that
a. younger individuals were more likely to use patronizing talk toward older people.
b. younger people were faster to respond to young-pleasant and old-unpleasant trials
rather than young- unpleasant and old-pleasant trials.
c. older people were faster to respond to young-unpleasant and old-pleasant trials.
d. all subjects, regardless of age, were faster to respond to young-pleasant and
old-unpleasant trials rather than young-unpleasant and old-pleasant trials.
Neuroscience has brought an important perspective to studying cognitive aging.
Specifically, it has
a. allowed us to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease.
b. given us ways to test our theories of brain-behavior relations.
c. showed us how to reverse cognitive decline in elderly individuals.
d. given us ways to eliminate free radicals.
Withdrawing, not speaking to others, confining oneself to one's bed, and not taking care
of bodily functions is more common in______who are depressed.
a. older adults
b. younger adults
c. women
d. men
Chronic stress may accelerate the changes that occur in______ and thereby shorten
one's life span.
a. coenzymes
b. free radicals
c. telomeres
d. antioxidants
In Project ACTIVE, which group did not benefit from memory training?
a. those with cardiovascular disease
b. those with a mild cognitive impairment
c. those with depression
d. those living in nursing homes
Older adults consistently________of why negative events occur more often than
younger adults.
a. change their appraisal
b. hold to their initial judgments or conclusions
c. forget the reasons
d. use global attributions
a. means losing one's mind.
b. refers to significant memory lapses brought on by increasing age.
c. is the same thing as dementia.
d. no longer has any valid medical or psychological meaning.
According to McAdams model, generative leads to life satisfaction and overall
happiness, whereas generative does not.
a. concern; action
b. action; concern
c. productivity; stagnation
d. integrity; despair
Which of the following is not one of Kotre's (2005) types of generativity?
a. cultural generativity
b. agentic generativity
c. personal generativity
d. technical generativity
The positivity effect can be defined as
a. when older adults achieve wisdom with increasing age.
b. when having one chronic disease increases the likelihood that one will experience
additional chronic diseases.
c. when older adults avoid negative information and focus on positive information.
d. the tendency to experience more positive emotions with increasing age.
Which approach attempts to directly link functional brain activity with cognitive
behavioral data?
a. neurobiological
b. correlational
c. activation imaging
d. psychological
According to research on marital satisfaction in couples with children, the shape of the
marital satisfaction curve across time is
a. steadily increasing.
b. steadily decreasing.
c. increasing while children are at home and decreasing when children begin leaving
d. decreasing while children are at home and increasing when children begin leaving
Research methods that focus on understanding age-related changes in the brain can help
explain why certain_______functions are preserved.
a. cognitive
b. muscle
c. physical health
d. sensory
If the surviving participants in the last wave of testing in a longitudinal study on health
and aging are those who initially had the lowest blood pressures, then we have a case of
a. negative selective survival.
b. positive selective survival.
c. elective selective survival.
d. equally selective survival.
In general, older adults are
a. more anxious about death because they feel impending doom.
b. more likely to have depression because of the many losses they have suffered.
c. more likely to have feelings of guilt because they feel stagnation instead of
d. less anxious about death because they are more likely to have ego integrity.
Perhaps the biggest change in grandparenting worldwide is the number of grandparents
a. serve as custodial parents or primary caregivers for their grandchildren.
b. are financially dependent on their grown grandchildren.
c. live in different countries than their grandchildren.
d. live in their grandchildren's homes.
A key premise of the life-span perspective is that
a. biological changes are the most important.
b. events that happen in old age are more important than earlier experiences.
c. social changes are the most important.
d. aging is a lifelong process that begins at conception and ends at death.
The two most common goal themes in life stories are
a. agency and communion.
b. primary and secondary control strategies.
c. intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
d. external and internal locus of control.
According to attachment theory, when one's attachment to a person was strong and their
death sudden, what is the likely outcome?
a. greater grief but less depression
b. greater grief and greater depression
c. lower grief and lower depression
d. lower grief but higher depression
The explanations that people create to account for behavior vary depending on
a. the type of situation.
b. the age of the person.
c. the strength of the social beliefs and whether they have been violated.
d. all of these.
For a person to be declared dead, what criteria must be met?
a. the eight criteria established by the President's Commission for the Ethical Study of
Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research
b. other conditions that might mimic death, such as coma or hypothermia, must be ruled
c. lack of brain activity in the brain stem and cortex
d. all of the above conditions need to be met for a person to be declared dead
The field of study that deals with death, dying, bereavement, grief, and social attitudes
toward these issues is called
a. deathology.
b. thanatology.
c. extinctism.
d. fatalology.
Taking notes while listening to a lecture requires
a. divided attention.
b. effortful processing.
c. external aids.
d. memory self-efficacy.

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