SSCI 74246

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 22
subject Words 6046
subject Authors Richard T. Schaefer

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The term apartheid schools has been coined to refer to schools that ________.
a. are funded by elites
b. are all Black
c. exclusively have Whites teachers
d. are reserved for Hispanics
The ________ takes the view that the global economic system is divided between
nations that control wealth and those that provide natural resources and labor.
a. world systems theory
b. allotment act
c. exploitation theory
d. quota system
Which of the following statements is true about the transition phase of members of the
freedom flotilla?
a. Adapting to a new environment and culture was easy since it was a small core group.
b. Government assistance to transitioned members was substantial.
c. Most of the members failed to gain acceptance by the Hispanic community.
d. Majority of the members found employment and applied for permanent residency.
What is the ethnic paradox?
a. the portrayal of the problems of ethnic minorities as their fault rather than
recognizing society's responsibilities
b. the maintenance of one's ethnic ties in a way that can assist with one's assimilation in
larger society
c. the belief that one's own culture is not as good as the dominant culture in society
d. the actions that cause better qualified Whites to be passed over for ethnic minority
Which of the following statements is true of repatriation?
a. The program's objective was to curb the unprecedented population growth.
b. The program was officially considered unconstitutional.
c. Only illegal Mexican immigrants were to be repatriated.
d. Only people born in the United States of Mexican background were to be repatriated.
Which of the following statements best describes the intelligent design?
a. Life can be intelligently explained using Darwin's evolutionary theories.
b. There is no one intelligent way of explaining life.
c. Life is so complex it could only have been created by a higher intelligence.
d. The biblical account in Genesis explains life most appropriately.
Which of the following could be advantageous for Puerto Rico if is granted
a. The island would be able to acquire six seats in the House of Representatives.
b. The island would be able to enjoy open-market trade with U.S. allies.
c. The island would be able to receive federal funds from the U.S. government.
d. The island would be able to participate in the global economy.
Which of the following best describes White privilege?
a. It refers to actions that cause better qualified White men to be passed over for women
and minority men.
b. It refers to taking school seriously and accepting the authority of teachers and
c. It refers to the process by which a dominant White group and a subordinate
non-White group combine through intermarriage to form a new group.
d. It refers to the rights granted as a benefit or favor of being White and can be an
element of Whiteness.
The military was desegregated by the order of President ________.
a. Truman
b. Roosevelt
c. Kennedy
d. Johnson
Which of the following statements is true of the National Congress of American
a. It was registered as a lobby in Washington, DC.
b. It brought out the sentiments of the Whites in America.
c. It was formed in the aftermath of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act.
d. It recommended that both Indian and non-Indian members pay equally in dues.
________ is the simplistic view of the people and history of the region of the Middle
East to East Asia, with no recognition of change over time or the diversity within its
many cultures.
a. Orientalism
b. Pluralism
c. Pentecostalism
d. Pan-Indianism
________ refers to the efforts to ensure that hazardous substances are controlled so that
all communities receive protection regardless of race or socioeconomic circumstance.
a. Environmental justice
b. Affirmative action
c. Intergenerational equity
d. Environmental pluralism
Which of the following is a disadvantage of the continuing territorial status of Puerto
a. Island cannot enter into free-trade agreements.
b. Island cannot receive federal funds.
c. Island cannot retain representation in the Olympic Games.
d. Islanders cannot retain their language and culture.
Which of the following statements is true of the Tuskegee syphilis study?
a. Most of the participants of the study were White men who were suffering from
b. After the discovery of effective treatments for syphilis in 1945, the Black men who
participated in the study were given immediate medical assistance.
c. The study established a strong feeling of trust in the American healthcare system
among contemporary African Americans.
d. In the study, Black men in Alabama were left untreated with syphilis so that
researchers could observe the progression of the disease.
A study by psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark was cited in the arguments before
the U.S. Supreme Court in the landmark 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education. The
finding of Clarks' study suggested that ________.
a. Black children preferred Black dolls
b. Black children had developed a negative self-image
c. White social scientists tend to be biased
d. White-faced dolls were more readily available to children
Beginning in 2004, when foreign physicians were no longer favored with entry to the
United States, physicians in the Philippines retrained as nurses so they could immigrate
to the United States. Which of the following was a reason behind this?
a. The Philippines was at war with its neighboring countries and its citizens wanted to
escape drafting.
b. There were no jobs for physicians in the Philippines.
c. The physicians wanted to be reunited with their families in the United States.
d. The physicians would earn more as nurses in the United States than as physicians in
the Philippines.
Which of the following is true of homosexuals in entertainment business?
a. Gay actors and actresses find employment but not many starring roles.
b. Gay actors and actresses have always been openly welcomed and sought after.
c. The entertainment business does not discriminate between homosexuals and
d. Gay actors and actresses are openly avoided.
A historian publishes a book claiming that the Nazis did not authorize the annihilation
of European Jews and that reports of the number of Jews murdered during the Nazi
regime are grossly exaggerated. This historian is a ________.
a. Holocaust revisionist
b. Zionist
c. philosemite
d. Holocaust critic
The Chans are a Chinese American family. They are very close to members of their
extended family, who they meet at mealtimes. The children are raised in a stern fashion
and the parents' decisions about household matters are often absolute. Given this
information, which of the following will also hold true for the Chan family?
a. Family obligations do not come before individual needs of members.
b. They are comfortable with public expressions of emotion.
c. The Chan family is matriarchic.
d. Any case of domestic violence will not be promptly reported.
In the context of casino gambling, the actual casinos are a form of ________.
a. federal government enterprise
b. tribal government enterprise
c. private business operations
d. public non-profit operations
LaPiere's study in the early 1930s involving travel with a Chinese couple throughout the
United States indicated that most people who participated in the follow-up
questionnaire were ________.
a. all-weather liberals
b. reluctant liberals
c. all-weather bigots
d. timid bigots
The Jones Act of 1917 granted ________ to Puerto Ricans.
a. autonomy
b. religious freedom
c. citizenship
d. commonwealth status
In which of the following Supreme Court rulings did the court affirm that victims had to
file a formal complaint within 180 days of the alleged discrimination?
a. New York State Clubs Assoc. v. City of New York
b. Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
c. Gratz v. Bollinger
d. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
Which of the following terms refers to the Jewish religious yearning to return to the
biblical homeland?
a. Diaspora
b. Judaization
c. Intifada
d. Zionism
Which of the following is true of women in Chinatown?
a. They are not allowed to learn English and expected to serve as homemaker only.
b. They work in garment industry and earn below minimum wage.
c. They are more likely than men to lead labor unions.
d. They are more likely to have non-Chinese husbands.
What was the outcome of Mitsuye Endo v. United States?
a. Reparations amounting to $2,000 was paid to each Japanese evacuee.
b. The detainment of Japanese Americans was ruled unconstitutional.
c. Japanese internment camps were legalized.
d. Schools in communities with many Japanese Americans were segregated.
________ describes the cumulative impact of oppression because of race, gender, and
class as well as sexual orientation, religion, disability status, and age with which many
people come to live.
a. The matrix of domination
b. Institutional discrimination
c. The world systems theory
d. A melting pot
A firm promotes men to higher positions than women despite women performing better
at the workplace. This is because the company believes that women need to balance
tasks at home and work, which makes it difficult for them to take up positions of
increased responsibility. This is an example of ________.
a. reverse discrimination
b. affirmative action
c. the self-fulfilling prophecy
d. sex discrimination
Sociologists Gary David developed the ________ to understand how ethnicity is
viewed and evaluated in terms of an ideal ethnic type.
a. model minority
b. deficit model of ethnic identity
c. matrix model of ethnic identity
d. ethnic evaluation model
Which of the following is a characteristic of a minority or subordinate group?
a. voluntary membership
b. broad spectrum of life's opportunities
c. unequal treatment
d. unawareness of subordination
E. Franklin Frazier, a Black sociologist, identified that the overriding goal of the
African American middle class was to ________.
a. maintain strong group solidarity within the Black community
b. endeavor to preserve the cultural heritage
c. work for the upward mobility of the poorest segment of the Black community
d. achieve petty social values and become acceptable to White society
Discuss the reasons for the migration of Puerto Ricans to the mainland. Who are the
Discuss color gradient as a social construction of race. Provide examples that reflect the
continuum of color gradient.
Discuss the identity of Native Americans at a micro level.
Discuss the reception given to the Irish immigrants who came to the United States after
the potato crop failure.
Discuss the challenges faced by Asian Indians in the United States.
Discuss the reasons behind the high unemployment rates of young African Americans.
According to the federal government's Bureau of Labor Statistics, who are considered
Why is Brazil's racial democracy an illusion? Also, compare the differences in Brazilian
and American race relations.
Explain William J. Wilson's claim "class has become more important than race" in The
Declining Significance of Race. What did critics of this comment have to say?
In theory, ________ are enacted to ensure that specific standards of housing
construction will be satisfied.
Describe how Italian Americans began to construct a social identity as assimilation
Describe the immigration patterns of Central and South Americans to the United States.
What are secessionist minorities? Provide an example in which the Supreme Court has
ruled in favor of secessionist minorities.
Which theory views the global economic system as divided between nations that
control wealth and those that provide natural resources and labor?
Robert Park and Ernest Burgess defined ________ as the tendency to approach or
withdraw from a social group.
Discuss how the Civil Rights Act of 1964 attempted to eradicate discrimination.
Describe three different policies the United States has had toward the flow of laborers
over the Mexican-U.S. border.
Describe the riff-raff theory and the alternative explanations for the urban riots.
What is a hate crime? Why do hate crimes carry harsher penalties?
Compare the largest migration of Jews to the United States with the great European
migration. How was the influx of Jews affected by the immigration acts of the 1920s
and Nazism in Europe?

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