SSCI 657

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 863
subject Authors Adena B. Meyers, Laura E. Berk

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In research conducted in India, even highly educated individuals viewed the solutions to
moral dilemmas as the responsibility of
A)each person according to their inner, private conscience.
B)the upper class, who have the resources to help.
C)men, who are more concerned with matters of justice.
D)the entire society, not of a single person.
During early childhood, boys __________ than girls.
A)are less muscular
B)are slightly larger
C)have more body fat
D)are slightly smaller
Andrei skillfully adapts his thinking to fit with both his desires and the demands of his
everyday world. When he cannot adapt to a new situation, Andrei tries to shape it to
meet his needs. According to Sternberg, Andrei excels in __________ intelligence.
Which of the following statements about the uninvolved child-rearing style is true?
A)Uninvolved parents are warm and accepting but uninvolved in their children's lives.
B)At its extreme, uninvolved parenting is a form of child maltreatment called neglect.
C)Uninvolved parents frequently use psychological control over their children.
D)Children of uninvolved parents typically achieve average academic performance.
Which of the following statements about research on memory impairments in infants of
diabetic mothers is true?
A)Prenatal iron depletion interferes with the cerebral cortex, causing long-term learning
and academic problems in children of diabetic mothers.
B)Damage to the hippocampus is not linked to long-term learning and academic problems
in children of diabetic mothers.
C)Diabetes-linked prenatal brain damage is linked to short-term memory impairments that
can often be reversed with medication.
D)As a result of iron depletion in critical brain areas, a diabetic pregnancy places the fetus
at risk for lasting memory deficits.
In Ms. Adkin's classroom, children participate in a wide range of challenging activities
with teachers and peers, with whom they jointly construct understandings. As children
appropriate the knowledge and strategies generated through working together, they
become competent, contributing members of their classroom. Ms. Adkin has a
__________ classroom.
Which of the following statements about body growth in early childhood is true?
A)On average, children add 1 to 2 inches in height and about 3 pounds in weight each year.
B)Children add "baby fat" and gradually become heavier and more muscular.
C)By age 5, children become more top-heavy, bowlegged, and potbellied.
D)The rapid increase in body size of the first two years tapers off into a slower growth
In trying to solve the pendulum problem, formal operational adolescents usually
A)fail to notice variables not suggested by the concrete materials of the task.
B)identify the variables and test each one separately and, if necessary, also in combination.
C)have difficulty separating out the effects of variables.
D)focus on the weight of the object, not the length of the string.
The number of American teenage births is lower than it was 50 years ago because
A)about one-fourth of adolescent pregnancies end in abortion.
B)sex education programs in public schools are more effective.
C)convenient contraceptive services are more readily available.
D)more girls today are practicing abstinence.
In response to a story about unjust parental punishment, which of the following children is
most likely to say that he or she would feel OK, rather than angry?
A)Dalaja, a Hindu girl
B)Joslyn, an American girl
C)Ashoka, a Buddhist boy
D)Samuel, an American boy
Piaget concluded that babies make the A-not-B search error because
A)they cannot yet coordinate means-end action sequences.
B)appreciation of physical causality has not yet been attained.
C)the ability to engage in goal-directed behavior has not yet developed.
D)they do not have a clear image of the object as persisting when hidden from view.
Which of the following statements about brain development in adolescence is true?
A)Adolescents recruit the prefrontal cortex's network of connections with other brain areas
more effectively than adults do.
B)Adolescents tend to perform better than adults on tasks requiring inhibition and future
C)When peers are present, adolescents' brains are especially receptive to cues associated
with risk taking.
D)Adolescents react less strongly to stressful events than adults do and experience
pleasurable stimuli less intensely.
Which of the following statements about follow-up research to preoperational thought is
A)Piaget underestimated preschoolers' animistic beliefs.
B)Young children exclusively use egocentric speech until about 3 years of age.
C)Children as young as 2 years realize that what they see sometimes differs from what
another person sees.
D)Preschoolers think magic accounts for all events, even the ones they can personally

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