SSCI 59937

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2837
subject Authors John L. Worrall, Larry J. Siegel

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Which of the following is not one of the goals of sentencing guidelines?
a. To prioritize and allocate correctional resources
b. To reduce prison crowding
c. To increase judicial discretion
d. To establish truth-in-sentencing
Which of the following is false with regard to probation?
a. The sentencing judge has broad discretion to set specific probation conditions on a
case-by-case basis.
b. Probation services are organized uniformly across all states.
c. A probation officer's working style is influenced by both personal values and the
department's policies.
d. Probation officers are involved in risk classification of probationers so they may
receive appropriate treatment and control.
What is considered to be the most difficult problem involving incriminatory statements
made by juveniles during the course of police questioning?
a. Whether the parents have to also be advised of their Miranda rights.
b. Whether juveniles can intelligently waive their rights.
c. Whether the language of the warning is too complex for the average teenager.
d. Whether the police officer should use age-appropriate language when giving the
Miranda warning.
The number of adult females in jail has been growing at a much faster rate than males.
a. True
b. False
Worldwide estimates for illegal logging activities account for products worth at least
______ per year?
a. $1 billion
b. $5 billion
c. $10 billion
d. $15 billion
Approximately ____ courts across the United States have videoconferencing capability.
a. 50
b. 150
c. 275
d. 400
In its early form, what was the burden of proof for verdicts handed down by the
juvenile court?
a. Beyond a reasonable doubt
b. Reasonable suspicion
c. Beyond a preponderance of evidence
d. Absolute certainty
Which of the following statements about the validity of self-report data is false?
a.Serious chronic offenders usually cooperate.
b.Some surveys contain an overabundance of trivial offenses.
c.Institutionalized youth are not generally represented.
d.The "known group" can be used to assess validity.
What percentage of cases proceeds to a criminal trial?
a. 1 percent
b. 10 percent
c. 25 percent
d. 50 percent
Shelby grew up quickly. As a baby, she was quick to walk and talk. As a teenager, she
was quick to date, to drink, and to experiment with drugs. She was found skipping class
and smoking marijuana by the school resource officer. Shelby's parents have been
divorced since she was 6, when her dad went to prison for grand theft auto. When her
mom is around, which isn"t that often, sometimes her mom gets high with her.
After Shelby was taken into custody, before determining what happened next, the police
and a social worker took a detailed history of Shelby's home and school life. Dating
back to the beginning of the juvenile courts, why has there been so much emphasis
placed on how juveniles grow up?
a. Family advocacy
b. The poor laws
c. "Best interests of the child"
d. Disproportionate minority contact
Shoplifting and public drunkenness would be considered _____ of the criminal justice
"wedding cake"?
a. Level I
b. Level II
c. Level III
d. Level IV
There are specialized state courts for gangs, domestic violence, guns, sex offenders, and
the homeless.
a. True
b. False
Who has final say in the duration of the offender's prison stay in a determinate
a. Prosecutor
b. Parole board
c. Judge
d. Correctional authority
In medieval England, the senior law enforcement figure in a county was _________,
who is today referred to as a sheriff.
a. Shire reeve
b. Constable
c. Peace maker
d. Watch commander
When police routinely use excessive force against suspects, it is considered:
a. mooching.
b. abuse of power.
c. chiseling.
d. grappling.
Research shows that the more support police officers get in the workplace, the lower
their feelings of stress and anxiety.
a. True
b. False
Each state has one court of last resort that reviews issues of law and fact appealed from
the trial courts.
a. True
b. False
Most efforts to control cyber crime are at the federal level.
a. True
b. False
Compared to traditional police, private police focus more on loss and less on crime.
a. True
b. False
The probation officer has little say in the planning of a probationer's treatment program.
a. True
b. False
The grand jury has the power to act as an independent investigative body.
a. True
b. False
Male inmates with a history of prearrest drug use and those who have been incarcerated
for violent crimes are the ones most likely to get involved in assaults and drug/alcohol
offenses while in prison.
a. True
b. False
In the case of the massive BP oil spill, to prove a felony the government has to show
that company officials knew in advance that their actions would lead to the
explosion/oil spill and chose to ignore the danger.
a. True
b. False
Creating a feeling of security is one of the major purposes of police patrol.
a. True
b. False
Andrew has decided that he is going to rob a bank to pay off his debts after losing his
job. He buys a gun from a kid who lives in an economically depressed section of town
but he doesn"t ask where the gun came from. On the day of the robbery, Andrew
decides that he will shoot at the ceiling inside the bank to get everyone's attention. But
as he shoots, the bullet ricochets and strikes a bank teller. The teller dies instantly and in
the process of Andrew's getaway, he drops his gun.
How will the majority of Andrew's crimes be categorized?
a.Part I
b.Part II
c.Part III
d.Part IV
What is another term that retribution advocates use to describe the concept of
a. Recidivism
b. Just deserts
c. Specific deterrence
d. Severity
The prosecution represents the state during bail hearings in the pretrial stage.
a. True
b. False
Globalization can be a device for criminal cartels to avoid prosecution and regulation
and expand their markets and profits.
a. True
b. False
Electronic monitoring systems have the ability to limit offender's movements to
appropriate areas.
a. True
b. False
Jackson has been arrested for possession of drugs. When he was taken into custody, the
officer had just witnessed Jackson taking money from someone and handing them a
small bag that looked as if it were drugs. After obtaining that probable cause, the officer
searched Jackson's backpack where he found approximately 4 ounces of marijuana
packaged in smaller bags for resale.
After arrest, Jackson will be in what stage of the criminal justice process while the
officer searches his home for more evidence?
a. Initial contact
b. Booking
c. Custody
d. Holding
Which is not a factor contributing to individual violence in prison?
a. History of prior violence
b. Age
c. Psychological factors
d. Prison mismanagement
The suicide rate in county jails was approximately ____ times greater than that in the
general population of the United States.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
____________________ is a plea where the defendant does not accept or deny
responsibility for the crimes charged but agrees to accept punishment.
According to the ________________view, crime shares a common trait in that it brings
harm to the community in which it occurs.
Compare the crime control perspective of criminal justice to the due process
perspective of criminal justice. How do these two perspectives differ and why?
Elaborate how the use of one of the alternate perspectives on justice might change
society's view on crime and criminals.
Elaborate on the history and origins of corrections in the United States, including a
discussion of the Pennsylvania and Auburn systems.
The ____________ involves leasing inmates to a business for a fixed annual fee.
Discuss state-level enforcement in responding to the threat of large-scale corporate
____________________ were sixteenth century English laws that were used to put
vagrants and abandoned children to work.
In his classic 1969 book, African Americans in Blue, Nicholas Alex pointed out that
African"American officers of the time suffered from what he called
The ____________________ Amendment is the vehicle used by the courts to apply the
protection of the Bill of Rights to the states.
____________________ marks the final stage of the formal juvenile justice process.
Supporters of the death penalty argue that capital punishment conforms to the
requirement that the punishment be ____________________ to the crime.
Compare and contrast the rehabilitation perspective of criminal justice to the restorative
justice perspective of criminal justice. How do these two perspectives differ and why?
____________________ are found primarily in the South and West and have been in
operation since the nineteenth century to detain offenders.
The __________ courts are the trial courts of the federal system.
Differentiate between criminal law and civil law.
Discuss the structure and the effectiveness of RCC programs.
Most incarcerated youths commit person, __________, or __________ offenses.

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