SSCI 56178

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2171
subject Authors Christine Hess Orthmann, Karen M. Hess

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The types of prints taken of persons with reason to be at the crime scene location are
referred to as __________ fingerprints.
a. illusionary
b. expectoratory
c. elimination
d. illuminating
____________ is any procedure used in cryptography to convert plain text into
cipher-text to prevent anyone but the intended recipient from reading the data.
The major legal evidence in prosecuting drug sale cases is
a. identification of a known user.
b. identification of a known seller.
c. the actual transfer of the drug from the seller to the buyer.
d. actual possession of the drug.
In assessing victim-offender relationships (VOR,), violence that is goal-directed
predatory behavior used to exert controlsuch as a carjacker who shoots his victim
before stealing the vehicleis referred as what type of violence?
a. expressive violence
b. instrumental violence
c. constructive violence
d. cognitive violence
Premeditation would be a requirement in which case?
a. first-degree murder
b. second-degree murder
c. excusable homicide
d. justifiable homicide
Common protocol for processing a crime scene involving electronic evidence includes
which of the following?
a. Photographing and diagramming the placement of all computer terminals.
b. Holding the IT staff in quarantine until reinforcements arrive.
c. Obtaining a search warrant.
d. Unplugging all computers, telephones and printers.
When arriving at the scene of a rape case, officers should look for
a. evidence of a struggle.
b. stained or torn clothing.
c. semen and bloodstains.
d. all of these choices.
When the police use a car to try to trap a car theft suspect by placing it in a high crime
area, the vehicle is called a __________ car.
a. hot
b. decoy
c. bait
d. gotcha
Which of the following is not a sign that a youth may be in a gang?
a. admits to "hanging out" with kids in gangs
b. uses unusual hand signals to communicate with friends
c. has been in trouble with police
d. wears baggy jeans with underwear showing
Which of the following statements about witnesses is false?
a. Witnesses are often more confident in their knowledge of what happened than they
are accurate.
b. Witnesses rarely withhold information or provide it for ulterior motives, which is
why officers can trust them as a source of information.
c. What witnesses think they see is a function of what they expected to see, what they
wanted to see and what they actually saw.
d. Many witnesses see only a part of the commission of a crime but testify as though
they witnessed the entire event.
The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) is an example of what type of organization?
a. Cyberterrorist
b. bioterrorist
c. ecoterrorist
d. cryptoterrorist
Which section of the FBI is responsible for investigating Ponzi schemes?
a. JAG
b. DNR
d. FCS
To improve communication,
a. ask complex questions that will confuse the suspect and make him or her more likely
to tell the truth.
b. stand so that the suspect can see more of you.
c. use a public setting.
d. prepare your questions and tactics in advance.
Which of the following statements about photographic resolution is not true?
a. Resolution is commonly quantified by pixels.
b. An image photographed with a high-resolution camera, if printed on a low-resolution
printer, will not show fine detail clearly.
c. A megapixel is roughly equivalent to a thousand dots.
d. A low-resolution image, if enlarged too much, will lose quality.
Slanting, that is, including only one side of a story or only facts that tend to prove or
support the officer's theory, can make a report
a. objective.
b. exclusionary.
c. subjective.
d. exculpatory.
The telephone scam in which companies charge undisclosed fees for calls made from
pay phones or hotel rooms is
a. cramming.
b. fluffing.
c. gouging.
d. slamming.
Which method is not used to identify suspects?
a. field or show-up identification
b. mug shots
c. photographic identification or lineups
d. hearsay evidence
Ecstasy is a commonly used name for MDMA.
Which of the following provides revenue to law enforcement for antidrug efforts?
a. fines
b. asset forfeiture
c. prosecution
d. incarceration
The success of blind reporting hinges on
a. whether trust can be established between the victim and the investigator.
b. whether the victim is willing to prosecute.
c. the investigator's willingness to accept a blind report.
d. whether the victim is willing to commit immediately to an investigation.
Because of right-to-privacy issues, the Supreme Court has rejected legislation by states
that adopted policies of flagging driver's-license and vehicle registration files of
registered sex offenders as a means of keeping law enforcement authorities informed of
address changes, vehicle information and personal data.
Which of the following statements is most accurate?
a. The car was traveling in excess of 90 mph.
b. The suspect was taller than the bank guard.
c. The witness refused to give a statement.
d. The victim heard what happened.
A business that takes stolen cars apart to sell the parts for a profit is known as a
a. strip-and-peel shop.
b. chop shop.
c. midnight auto supply.
d. shake and bake.
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Defense attorneys will try to impeach the testimony of prosecution witnesses.
b. An officer who mishandles his or her testimony in court can be impeached from the
c. Any witness moving through the well can automatically be impeached by the judge.
d. A witness in court will be impeached if he or she does not look directly at the jury
when testifying.
The Carroll decision established that with probable cause,
a. automobiles may not be searched unless consent is given.
b. houses may be searched if the person was arrested in the house.
c. individuals associated with an arrested person may be searched.
d. automobiles may be searched based on their obvious mobility.
Which is not associated with some of the common problems with police reports?
a. confusing or unclear sentences
b. conclusions, assumptions and opinions in the report
c. missing or incomplete information
d. misspelled words
e. inability to type
Types of investigative photography include
a. crime scene and mug shots.
b. aerial, night and laboratory pictures.
c. lineup photographs and those related to crime scenes.
d. all of these choices.
The purpose of the law enforcement officer in an arson investigation is to
a. support the fire officer with the investigation.
b. provide protection for the fire officer.
c. assist with the criminal investigation.
d. work cooperatively with the fire officer to handle the criminal part of the
When conducting an interview, you should
a. interview all witnesses at once.
b. give first consideration to eyewitnesses.
c. give the Miranda warning first.
d. interview the victim or complainant first.
IC3 stands for
a. Internet Computer Three.
b. International Computer Classification Corporation.
c. Internet Crime Complaint Center.
d. none of these choices.
In Miranda v. Arizona, who won the ultimate appeal and why?
a. Miranda, because he had been beaten to confess
b. Miranda, because his rights had not been explained to him properly
c. Arizona, because the police had admonished Miranda properly
d. Arizona, because Miranda voluntarily confessed
To prosecute for the crime of robbery, officers must
a. prove at least one element of the crime.
b. prove at least two elements of the crime.
c. prove all elements of the crime.
d. have recovered the stolen property for use as evidence.
Which of the following has proved to be effective in a coordinated approach and seems
best suited to dealing with the continuous cycle of domestic violence?
a. long sentences
b. specialized units within police departments and prosecutors' offices
c. large fines and jail terms
d. mandatory GPS tracking
When officers are finished testifying, they should
a. leave the stand.
b. leave the stand when dismissed.
c. conclude with a statement.
d. thank the jury.
A malicious program hidden inside an apparently harmless, legitimate program,
intended to carry out unauthorized or illegal functions, is called a
a. salami slice.
b. logic bomb.
c. super-zapper.
d. Trojan horse.
Venereal disease or other sexually transmitted diseases are an indicator of possible child
sexual abuse.
How should an investigator evaluate and corroborate information learned in interviews
or interrogations?
Once an abducted child is taken to a foreign country, there is no way to get that child
Why is it important to record and describe the modus operandi of a burglary?
Technological terrorism includes attacks on technology, as well as the use of
Child pornography, fraud and gambling are examples of crimes in which the computer
is used as a(n) __________.
No two VINs are ___________.
Changing the UPC bar code on merchandise so it rings up differently at checkout is
commonly called bait and switch.
A flashroll is something used by a mule to smuggle drugs.
DNA was discovered in 1968 in England.
Explain how geographic profiling can be used in criminal investigations.
The use of anatomical dolls in the interview process is widely recognized as an
important factor in apprehending pedophiles.
Sexual penetration does not occur until semen is produced in the victim's body.
___________ are the most likely suspects in physical abuse.
Res gestae statements are generally an exception to the ____________ rule because
they are usually very closely related to facts and are therefore admissible in court.
Some officers carry insurance to protect themselves against lawsuits.
As of 2011, there are three levels of threat in the DHS security advisory system: low,
elevated and imminent threat.
Many commercial robberies are committed by individuals with criminal records;
therefore, their __________ should be compared with those of past robberies.

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