SSCI 51926

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1463
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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Research has shown that when older adults are asked to predict how well they will
perform on a memory task, they are more accurate when
a. the task is novel.
b. they are told how other people have performed.
c. they have direct experience with the task.
d. they have no experience with the task.
The most noticeable changes in body build are
a. decreased height and fluctuations in weight.
b. increased height and fluctuations in weight.
c. decreased height and stable weight.
d. increased height and stable weight.
Terror Management Theory proposes that______is the primary motive for underlying
behavior, and all other motives can be traced back to this one.
a. ensuring the continuation of one's life
b. the desire to procreate
c. the avoidance of fear
d. the desire to die
One day you walk past your Adult Development and Aging professor and say "Hi," but
your instructor does not respond. You decide that she is rude, but what you failed to
notice is that she was in deep conversation with the chair of her department and other
faculty and did not hear you. This is an example of a
a. correspondence bias.
b. causal attribution.
c. implicit bias.
d. explicit bias.
Which of the following behaviors may be considered abnormal in younger adults but
may be considered adaptive in older adults?
a. passivity
b. paranoia
c. autonomy
d. hostility
Which researcher examined the relationships between brain functioning and emotion?
a. Maslow
b. Winecoff
c. Piaget
d. Bandura
The best conclusion to draw from research concerning the midlife crisis is that
a. there is no question it exists.
b. there is little data to support its existence.
c. it clearly exists for women but not for men.
d. it clearly exists for men but not for women.
Aerobic exercise places moderate stress on the heart by maintaining a pulse rate
between________ of the person's maximum heart rate.
a. 5 and 20%
b. 20 and 40%
c. 50 and 80%
d. 60 and 90%
The books Passagesand Pathfindersreflect which group of personality theories?
a. ego theories
b. personal attributions
c. dispositional traits
d. life transitions
The P-FIT theory created by Jung and Haier (2007) was based upon
a. a cross-sectional study of 120 Alzheimer's patients.
b. a meta-analysis of 37 research studies.
c. Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
d. a longitudinal study of 500 individuals with dementia.
Vaillant (2002) proposed a model of successful aging based upon six criteria. Three of
these are related to health. Which one below is not one of Vaillant's health criteria?
a. no physical disability at age 75 as rated by a physician
b. no problems with IADLs
c. length of undisabled life
d. BMI of 25 or less
For which group is ECT not recommended?
a. people whose depression has lasted a long time
b. people who are suicidal
c. people with mild depression
d. people who do not respond to medications
In Whitbourne's approach, a person's unified sense of the past, present, and future is
termed the
a. life-span construct.
b. life story.
c. perspective hypothesis.
d. scenario.
Prolonged stress can cause damage to the sympathetic nervous system along with
a. increases in cardiovascular disease.
b. impaired immune system functioning.
c. increases in some forms of cancer.
d. all of these.
Reduced frontal recruitment in the aging brain is________dependent.
a. recall
b. context
c. recognition
d. thought
The fact that young adults tend to rely more on dispositional information and ignore
compelling situational information is an example of
a. correspondence bias.
b. causal attribution.
c. implicit bias.
d. explicit bias.
From the research on intelligence, we know that, with increasing age,
a. there are gains in information-processing abilities.
b. there are losses in information-processing abilities.
c. there are declines in experience-based processes.
d. information-processing abilities and experience-based processes remain stable.
All of the following are normative, age-related changes in vision except
a. more light is needed to do tasks such as reading.
b. ability to adjust to changes in illumination declines.
c. increased sensitivity to glare.
d. glaucoma.
______are useful quick screening measures of mental competence.
a. Life skills exams
b. Multidimensional assessments
c. Neuropsychological assessments
d. Mental status exams
Approximately_________ of older adults living in the community show signs of
depression. However, this number rises to more than ___________ for those adults who
require home health care.
a. 1%; 5%
b. 3%; 30%
c. 5%; 13%
d. 13%; 50%
An apartment complex of older individuals that provides some level of services, such as
shared meals, to clients is best described as
a. adult day care.
b. congregate housing.
c. auxillary dwelling units.
d. assisted living.
While sensory presbycusis , neural presbycusis_________.
a. affects the ability to understand speech; has little effect on other hearing abilities
b. produces hearing loss across all pitches; produces hearing loss for high pitches
c. has little effect on other hearing abilities; affects the ability to understand speech
d. produces hearing loss for low pitches; produces hearing loss for high pitches
Which of the following is not an assumption about traits?
a. Behaviors represented by traits must be distinctive.
b. Traits are stable characteristics.
c. Absolute quantitative standards are used to define traits.
d. Traits are based on relative comparisons across people.
Osteoarthritis is
a. a "wear and tear" disease.
b. passed down genetically.
c. the same as rheumatoid arthritis.
d. contagious.
A person's subjective assessment or value judgment of his or her own life is known as
a. quality of social support.
b. successful life.
c. successful aging.
d. quality of life.
The________ one's body mass index, the greater the risk of health problems.
a. greater
b. lower
c. more similar body weight is to
d. less similar body weight is to
________is designed to provide support, companionship, and certain services during
the day. It is used most often when a primary caretaker is employed or has other
daytime obligations.
a. Adult day care
b. Cluster housing
c. Nursing home care
d. Assisted living
Abnormal processing of which neurotransmitter has been implicated in cognitive
decline in normal aging, Alzheimer's disease, and schizophrenia?
a. serotonin
b. dopamine
c. acetylcholine
d. cerebraltonin
According to Willis' model of everyday competence, one's health and the availability of
health insurance would be
a. antecedents.
b. mechanisms.
c. components.
d. outcomes.
Memory for implicit material reveals that, in general, age differences are
a. greater for explicit memory relative to implicit memory.
b. smaller for explicit memory relative to implicit memory.
c. are similar to that for explicit memory.
d. only found on perceptual tasks.
Crystallized intelligence is an example of
a. cognition as basic processes.
b. interdependent third-order abilities.
c. untrained or unpracticed ability.
d. optimally exercised ability.
What variable affects whether age differences will be obtained on divided attention
a. task complexity
b. speed of responding
c. spatial cueing
d. presentation modality
On the basis of 37 studies using various brain imaging techniques, Jung and Haier
(2007) proposed the
a. P-FIT.
b. cognitive structural approach.
c. concepts of assimilation and accomodation.
d. statistical technique known as factor analysis.
Randy just found out that teaching elementary school is a lot more work than he
thought. This is an example of
a. occupational expectation.
b. occupational development.
c. specification changes.
d. reality shock.
________marks the attempt to create an appealing story "ending" that will generate new
beginnings for future generations.
a. Autonomy
b. Creation
c. Generativity
d. Integrity

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