SSCI 46791

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 705
subject Authors Barry Lewis, Lynn Kilgore, Robert Jurmain

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Fluted point technology: present at the Pre-Clovis site of Monte Verde
B.has clear precursors in northern Asia
C.has no clear Asian predecessors primarily associated with the Archaic period
E.only A and C
Which of the following is evidence that primates are not limited to a closed system of
A.chimpanzee dominance displays
B.gorilla chest pounding
C.baboon alarm barks
D.specific predator calls by vervet monkeys
E.Kanzi's ability to make stone tools
In what social context is a male primate more likely to be involved the rearing of
A.polygynous groups
B.polyandrous groups
C.monogamous pairs
D.Primate males rarely participate in the rearing of offspring.
E.only A and C
Which of the following statements about primate competition is INCORRECT?
A.High ranking females may harass low ranking females to keep them from food
B.Intragroup conflict typically centers on competition for resources.
C.Intergroup conflict typically is the result of territorial behavior.
D.Males typically fight over mating partners.
E.Intergroup conflict is most likely to be resolved through submissive behaviors.
What evidence from the site of Schningen may provide an indication of advanced
hunting skills during the Middle Paleolithic?
A.stone spear points embedded in the skeletons of horses
B.several long spruce throwing spears
C.the remains of extinct baboons associated with handaxes
D.numerous butchery marks on animal bones at an open air campsite
E.artwork depicting elaborate hunting scenes
Reconstructing human technology and material culture as a means of generating
testable ideas about the past is known as:
A.experimental archaeology
B.processual archaeology
Which of the following best describes the function of Oldowan tools?
A.used to hunt large mammals
B.primarily used to process shellfish
C.used as a weapon against other hominins
D.used to process animal carcasses
E.all of these
Which of the following characteristics are shared by evolutionary systematics and
A.focus exclusively on homologies
B.trace evolutionary relationships
C.use of specific features for comparison
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
Which of the following traits are found on Chinese H. erectus, H. heidelbergensis, and
modern H. sapiens skeletons?
A.flattened nasal bones
B.a saggital keel or ridge
C.nuchal torus
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
A cultigen is defined as:
A.a domesticated plant under human control animal species which is dependent on humans
C.a wild plant which is predisposed to domestication
D.the symbiotic relationship between humans and plants
E.a society which raises domesticated plants
How did agriculture result in a transformation in economic and social relations?
A.the presence of sedentary communities
B.the ability to produce and store a surplus
C.the increase in status differences increase in the craft specialization
E.the development of specialized technology associated with agricultural activities
In settings where predation pressure is high, which form of social organization is most
A.solitary medium-sized animals
B.terrestrial monogamous pairs
C.congregations of single male groups
D.groups composed of mothers and young offspring
E.none of these
Fossil remains of "early Homo" have been found at:
B.Koobi Fora
C.Olduvai Gorge
D.none of the above
E.only B and C
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of bipedal locomotion?
A.efficient means of traveling long distances
B.ability to carry objects
C.more effective cooling
D.allows for faster running speed aiding escape from predators
E.improves ability to spot predators

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