SSCI 45693

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 1624
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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The number of people under correctional control currently totals over:
a. 2 million.
b. 4 million.
c. 7 million.
d. 9 million.
Discrimination occurs when groups are differentially treated without regard to their
behavior or qualifications.
a. True
b. False
The reintegration model is linked to the structures and goals of community corrections.
a. True
b. False
To try to ensure a more thorough deliberation before imposing the death sentence,
legislatures enacted:
a. an oversight committee.
b. a waiting period.
c. a sentencing grid.
d. a two-stage process.
a. Build our way out of overcrowding
b. Strains staff morale
c. Cheaper than prison
d. Let prisons become more and more crowded
e. Incarceration rate above historical norms
f. African Americans/Hispanics
g. Higher prison populations as a whole
h. Average U.S. incarceration rate from 2000 to 2007
i. Higher rate of imprisonment of specific groups
j.Raw material of corrections
490 per 100,000
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Requires "essentials" of due process
b. Has no parent or guardian and does not receive proper care
c. Child who commits an act if committed by an adult is not a crime
d. Transfer to adult court
e. State as guardian
f. Parole
g. Specifies "essentials" of due process
h. Stop doing crime
i.Child not receiving proper care
j.Depends on social expectations
Ninety percent of all jail inmates are considered indigent and cannot afford counsel.
a. True
b. False
With the rise of the medical model, the emphasis in corrections shifted to:
a. vocational programs for criminals.
b. educational programs for offenders.
c. the treatment and diagnosis of criminals.
d. work release programs for criminals.
Proponents of boot camps argue that young offenders get involved in crime because
they lack:
a. self-esteem.
b. decent job skills.
c. education.
d. both self-esteem and decent job skills.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Noninterference policy
b. Rules created by judges
c. Legal rules regarding agency policies
d. Rules other judges follow with similar cases
e. Laws created by legislatures
f. Lists individual rights
g. Intervention towards an agreed resolution
h. Responsible for compensation of a plaintiff
i. Judicial order
j.Investigates public officials
Project HOPE is a specialized approach that identifies the high-risk, chronic violator for
close supervision augmented by regular:
a. home visits.
b. court reporting.
c. drug testing.
d. ankle monitoring.
Lex talionis embodies which of the following principles?
a. Punishment should correspond in degree and kind to the offense.
b. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is legal punishment.
c. Punishment needs to be proportionate.
d. all of the above
One example of techno-corrections is:
a. electronic monitoring.
b. guard tower controls.
c. probation officers.
d. work-release centers.
Sentencing guidelines are designed to do all of the following except:
a. reduce disparity in sentencing for similar offenses.
b. increase and decrease punishments for certain offenders and offenses.
c. reduce prison overcrowding.
d. enhance rehabilitative efforts to punish offenders.
According to your authors, for those who do jail time, the process is the punishment.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is NOT one of the main problems with the use of intermediate
a. selection of agencies
b. net widening effect
c. treatment follow-up
d. selection of offenders
A(n) _________________ is a complex whole consisting of interdependent parts whose
operations are directed toward common goals and influenced by the environment in
which they function.
a. structure
b. system
c. monopoly
d. enterprise
Which of the following is NOT one of the most serious unmet personal needs of
a. homelessness
b. history of drug and alcohol abuse
c. diet
d. mental health disorder
Because inmates are not allowed to carry any currency, the primary method of
exchange in prison is:
a. narcotics.
b. food.
c. "bug juice."
d. cigarettes.
Programs that fail to follow the "five principles of effective programs" often make
recidivism rates increase.
a. True
b. False
Conflicts between a child and an adult may promote delinquency as the child's way of
"getting back" or
unintentionally calling attention to the conflict.
a. True
b. False
Probation release is often tied to ____________, which focuses on first-time offenders
when they are sentenced to a short period of incarceration and then reenter the
community under supervision.
a. shock incarceration
b. rehabilitation
c. convalescence
d. psychotherapy
For most of U.S. history, the Bill of Rights was interpreted as protecting individuals
from acts of the:
a. federal government.
b. unlawful masses.
c. state legislatures.
d. president.
Over the past quarter century, the incarceration rate has:
a. doubled.
b. tripled.
c. quadrupled.
d. minimized.
At least________ people are detained in a jail at some time during the year.
a. 2 to 3 million
b. 4 to 6 million
c. 4 to 6 million
d. 10 million
Jails are the entryway to corrections.
a. True
b. False
When compared to other developed countries, America's incarceration rate is extremely:
a. insignificant.
b. low.
c. average.
d. high.
The conditions of parole only regulate conduct that is viewed in a legal context.
a. True
b. False
One-fourth of those convicted of a crime receive a community sentence such as a fine
or probation.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Failure to abide by rules and conditions of probation
b. Fines, community service, restitution
c. Reporting to the probation office a change of address
d. Establishes goals for supervision and evaluates
e. Constraints to deal with a significant problem/need
f. The first to provide bail for defendants
g. Formal obligation to perform an act within the community
h. Judge can suspend a sentence for good behavior
i. Method for increasing the effectiveness of correctional treatment
j. Approach crime from a problem-solving perspective
Performance-based supervision
Environmental crime prevention specialists work to change:
a. the places crime tends to occur.
b. the crimes that tend to occur.
c. common patrols routes.
d. the manner of police dispatch.
Citizen partnerships between justice agencies and citizen groups improve the legitimacy
of justice programs.
a. True
b. False
An___________ is anything that enhances the inmates' creature comforts such as food,
bedding, and recreationalopportunities.
A majority of inmates are under 35 years old, white, low income, and_________ .
________ practice is an approach to develop supervision and services-based initiatives
based on studies of "what works" to reduce recidivism.
List and explain the three justifications for intermediate sanctions. Discuss the pros and
cons of each as well as their overall perceived effectiveness. Based on your opinion, are
these justifications sufficient for their continued adoption and application in
corrections? Be sure to fully defend your stance.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the importance that the state of Pennsylvania played within the correctional
system. What impact if any does it still have on our correctional institutions today?
Answer:Answers will vary.
The dual functions of probation are and __________ .
A large portion of the prison population is made up of offenders who are being returned
to prison for new crimes or_________ .
Parole officers have to manage a heavier __________than is feasible in the available
time and respond to__________ philosophies and policies.
________is a type of sanction that requires the offender to provide a specified number
of hours of free labor in some public service (e.g., volunteer work clean-ups).
Putting a person behind bars costs between 25 and 50 times as much a year as if they
were on ________.
_________ refers to the responsibility for the provision of monetary or other
compensation awarded to a plaintiff in a civil action.
________________ systems of classification are more efficient and cheaper than other
systems because line staff can be trained to administer and score the instrument without
the help of clinicians and senior administrators.
From the philosophy of community corrections has come the _____________ model, a
model that focuses on reconnecting the offender with society.

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