SSCI 44000

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2100
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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Which cultural group has an age grade that has the eunoto ceremony to mark the
passage from Warrior age grade to that of Junior adults, able to marry and start
a. Tiriki
b. Maasai
c. Yakuza
d. Zuni
e. Ju/"hoansi
How does the perception of organ transplantation differ between the U.S. and Japan?
a. It is performed more frequently in Japan because they have developed a more
efficient harvesting system.
b. It is rarely performed in Japan because they do not believe in a mind-body split.
c. It is performed more frequently in the U.S. because there is no belief in a mind-body
d. It is rarely performed in the U.S. because the cultural system does not endorse the
idea of anonymous "gifts."
e. The perception of organ transplantation does not differ significantly between the U.S.
and Japan.
All of the following statements about peasants are true except:
a. they are associated with urban areas.
b. they are often caught in a web of poverty.
c. they exist within societies of intensive agriculture.
d. they are exploited by more powerful groups.
e. they are large-scale producers of crops.
Whether beneficial or unbeneficial, all art is an expression of
a. the innate need to be playful and engage in manual arts.
b. a fundamental human capacity for symbolic and religious expression.
c. state-level societies that can afford specialists.
d. political domination of minorities by elites.
e. the symbolic representation of form and the expression of creative imagination.
Over the past 5,000 years, political units have
a. grown steadily smaller in size.
b. grown steadily larger in size and fewer in number.
c. eliminated multinational corporations.
d. promoted individual freedoms.
e. eliminated slavery.
The "little songs" of the Bedouin are an outlet for taboo thoughts because they
a. are heroic poems.
b. are elaborately structured and used on ceremonial occasions.
c. are sung by men only.
d. express ideas and feelings that go against the moral system.
e. are sung by older women only.
The study of music in its cultural setting is called
a. ethnohistory.
b. ethnomusicology.
c. ethnography.
d. folklore.
e. verbal arts.
All of the following are approaches that anthropologists bring to the study of art except:
a. narrative approach.
b. interpretive approach.
c. aesthetic approach.
d. cataloguing and description of art.
e. assessing the economic value.
The Hawaiian system of kinship terminology is usually associated with what type of
a. Patrilineal
b. Matrilineal
c. Unilineal
d. Avunculineal
e. Ambilineal
Eric Wolf helped expose counterinsurgency use of anthropological research in
Southeast Asia.
Anthropologist Sue Ellen Jacobs did a social impact assessment regarding a water
diversion project in New Mexico and indicated all of the following problems and risks
a. loss of fishing and other water resources.
b. problems associated with relocation.
c. increased threat of drowning.
d. increased insect breeding.
e. decreased government land control.
The splitting of a descent group into two or more entities is called
a. fusion.
b. fraction.
c. fission.
d. code switching.
e. delineation.
The term _____ refers to the public policy for managing cultural diversity in a
multi-ethnic society. This policy stresses mutual respect and tolerance for cultural
differences within a country's borders.
a. multiculturalism
b. anti-ethnocentrism
c. international ecumenism
d. nationalization
e. ethnonationalism
Most of the situation comedies, soap operas, and adventure series shown on television
are non-religious, non-historical, and appreciated primarily as a source of
entertainment. Thus they may be classified as what kind of verbal arts?
a. Dramas
b. Legends
c. Myths
d. Epics
e. Tales
The applied anthropological research study on "transplant tourism," where affluent
individuals seek body parts by traveling to poorer areas where individuals are enticed to
sell their own body parts to survive, is part of which specialty approach in cultural
a. Ethnological anthropology
b. Ethnographic anthropology
c. Medical anthropology
d. Forensic anthropology
e. Cultural resource management
Evolutionary medicine bases its prescriptions on the idea that
a. cultural medicine is much more effective than any type of Western medicine.
b. rates of cultural change exceed rates of biological change.
c. rates of biological change exceed rates of cultural change.
d. chemicals in food are the prime determinant in overall human health.
e. natural medicines are more effective than artificial laboratory medicines.
All of the following are true about Islamic financing in the U.S. following the 2001
World Trade Center attack except:
a. U.S. Muslim home financing increased after 2001, as Muslims were eager to
demonstrate their commitment to the American dream.
b. after 2001, U.S. Muslims withdrew a great deal of their monies from charities that
might be misunderstood by others.
c. U.S. Muslims withdrew their monies to a great extent from the stock market and
began investing in real estate.
d. Muslims in the U.S. stopped reporting their income to the Internal Revenue Service.
e. U.S. Muslims base many of their financial decisions on religious concepts.
The extensive form of horticulture in which the natural vegetation is cut, the slash is
subsequently burned, and crops then planted among the ashes is known as
slash-and-burn cultivation. It is also called
a. intensive agriculture.
b. complex farming.
c. simple agronomy.
d. swidden farming.
e. extensive cultivation.
Which of the following statements about kinesics is correct?
a. Kinesics refers to the system of extralinguistic noises that accompany spoken
b. Kinesics research has demonstrated that gender signals communicated through
posture are biologically based rather than learned.
c. Cross-cultural research indicates that the body language used when people are
greeting each other is similar all over the world.
d. All cultures have the same gestures for "yes" and "no."
e. Anthropologists paid more attention to nonverbal communication prior to the 1950s.
In 1986, an Acholi named Alice Auma believed she was visited by a spirit she called
Lakwena. This spirit messenger revealed to her that she should work to liberate her
homeland and found a Christian theocracy. Today, this movement continues through the
resistance of Joseph Kony. In which country did this occur?
a. Congo
b. Yugoslavia
c. Uganda
d. Paraguay
e. Trinidad
The transition from food foraging to food production first took place about _____ years
ago in _____.
a. 15,000; Nile River region
b. 5,000; Tigris Euphrates area
c. 10,000; Southwest Asia
d. 7,000; the Highlands of Mesoamerica
e. 3,000; Yangtze River Valley
The members of a society who work most closely with the anthropologist to provide an
understanding of cultural phenomena are called
a. primary consultants.
b. key consultants.
c. cultural brokers.
d. cultural liaisons.
e. key leaders.
What percentage of cosmetic procedures and nonsurgical procedures were done on
women in the United States in 2011?
a. 100
b. 91
c. 83
d. 61
e. 47
Whose work on river management and resettlement policies in West Africa has opened
the ability of applied anthropologists to contribute to decision-making regarding
international development projects?
a. Carol Jenkins
b. Margaret Mead
c. Darrell Posey
d. Rich Markins
e. Michael Horowitz
Anthropology has been called the most human of the sciences for all of the following
reasons except:
a. it has developed a systemic, cross-cultural approach to understanding human
b. it takes human beings as its subject matter ("the study of humankind").
c. it develops hypotheses and theories about the organization of language, values, and
art in culture.
d. it tackles culture as a human experience or system of meaning in which the
anthropologist must involve himself/herself in order to develop adequate explanations
of what is being observed.
e. it has discovered which cultures are most efficient and has encouraged those less
privileged to progress.
Of the nearly $1.55 trillion spent on arms worldwide, the United States is responsible
for spending what percentage?
a. 21
b. 44
c. 51
d. 63
e. 96
Darwin argued that the large physical size of males was a physical specialization to aid
in competition between males for females. He called this theory
a. sexual selection.
b. natural selection.
c. hybrid selection.
d. reproductive selection.
e. intra-species competitive selection.
Coercive power that is backed up by economic and military force is called
a. structural violence.
b. imposed force.
c. coercion.
d. hard power.
e. soft power.
What do we call the division of labor pattern in which men and women carry out their
work separately, while maintaining a socially and economically complementary
a. Symmetrical pattern
b. Segregated patterns
c. Flexible/integrated pattern
d. Dual-sex configuration
e. Male-female oppositional labor
What is a primary labor activity of Bakhtiari women and girls?
a. Spinning wool into yarn
b. Herding sheep through difficult mountain passes
c. Tilling soil to raise yams and sweet potatoes
d. Gathering roots and berries
e. Hunting elephants
Tattoos are universal forms of body art that may initially date as far back as how many
years ago?
a. 10,000-40,000
b. 40,000-75,000
c. 5,000-10,000
d. 60,000-70,000
e. 10,000-12,000
Gandhi built a movement to fight colonial repression and injustice based on the concept
of satyagraha. What did he mean by this term?
a. Political junta to overthrow the government
b. Economic movement based on creating an international embargo
c. Religious movement of prayer and contemplation
d. Movement of nonviolent resistance
e. Movement of violent confrontation
In what ways are Hopi lineages similar to corporations?
Answer:Will vary
Why is divorce a serious matter in most societies?
Answer:Will vary
What were the findings of the social impact assessment of the water diversion project in
New Mexico, and why are their findings important?
Answer:Will vary
Historically, anthropologists have worked with non-Western peoples.
Name four signs of a culture that is not functioning well.
Answer:Will vary
Describe the use of fieldwork as it applies to all four subfields of anthropology.
Answer:Will vary
What is the relationship between anthropology and colonialism?
Answer:Will vary
Descriptive linguistics of the analysis of a language and its component parts.
What is sociolinguistics? Propose two sociolinguistic projects that you think would be
interesting to do on a university campus.
Answer:Will vary
How has adoption changed in the U.S. over the past 25 years?
Answer:Will vary
Why is it important to understand the structural power of a country?
Answer:Will vary
The Gini Index is used by the United Nations as a way of calculating income disparity
throughout the world.
Who is Ann Kendall, and what is the significance of her research?
Answer:Will vary
What is a totem, and how is it related to kinship and descent?
Answer:Will vary
The Human Relations Area Files provide a great deal of data but prohibit cultural
The word "folklore" is used today to distinguish between folk art and fine art.
Give two reasons why aggressive wars may occur.
Answer:Will vary
Bands have formal leadership, although it changes when necessary.
Art can and does play a role in indigenous rights efforts. Explain art's role in indigenous
people's efforts to gain their rights.
Answer:Will vary
How does a better understanding of human evolution contribute to a healthier life for us
Answer:Will vary

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