SSCI 40266

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1581
subject Authors Robert Jurmain

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How many chromosomes occur in a normal human somatic cell?
a. 44
b. 48
c. 46
d. 53
e. 50
_________________was the opponent of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and the proposer of
the view that the earth's geological landscape is the result of violent cataclysmic events.
a. Charles Lyell
b. Alfred Russel Wallace
c. Thomas Malthus
d. Erasmus Darwin
e. Georges Cuvier
Evolution can be most succinctly defined as
a. the appearance of new species
b. the change from one species to another in one generation
c. the change in allele frequency from one generation to the next
d. any type of genetic mutation
e. genetic drift
The Abrigo do Lagar Velho specimen is an important discovery that aids in the
understanding of possible interbreeding between Neandertals and anatomically modern
H. sapiens because the remains
a. are from Portugal
b. are dated to about 50,500 years ago
c. the remains are a highly mixed set of anatomical features
d. were studied by Erik Trinkaus
e. are an incomplete skeleton of an adult female
When did the initial hominid divergence from the African hominoids most likely occur?
a. during the late Miocene
b. during the early Miocene
c. as late as 1 mya
d. 3 mya
e. 20 to 30 kya
Vervet monkey vocalizations
a. are involuntary responses to external stimuli
b. are voluntary responses to external stimuli
c. refer solely to the emotional state of the individual
d. includes information about past and present events
e. are impossible to record and study
During glacial periods, the climate in Africa became
a. colder
b. warmer
c. more arid
d. more humid
e. subzero
Archaeological sites in Australia have been dated to __________ years ago.
a. 25,000
b. 30,000
c. 75,000
d. 55,000
e. 100,000
What does each mitochondrion contain?
a. nuclear DNA
b. 46 chromosomes
c. an X but never a Y chromosome
d. several copies of a ring-shaped DNA molecule, or chromosome
e. A Y but never an X chromosome
Alfred Russel Wallace is best known for
a. the principle of uniformitarianism
b. being the co-discoverer of natural selection
c. finding numerous important fossils during the 19th century
d. finding numerous important fossils during the 18th century
e. identifying changes in the coloration of a species moth
Vertebrates include all of the following except
a. birds
b. insects
c. amphibians
d. mammals
e. fishes
Fields of inquiry fundamental to studies of adaptation in modern human populations
a. Factors that have produced only visible physical differences
b. Factors that have produced only genetic variation
c. Traits that typify certain populations that have not evolved as biological adaptations
d. Traits that typify certain populations that have evolved as biological adaptation to
environment, e.g. sunlight, altitude, or infectious disease
e. Examinations of modern groups but not populations over time
Monkeys are divided into which two major groups?
a. terrestrial and arboreal forms
b. New and Old World species
c. large and small-bodied species
d. quadrupedal and bipedal
e. omnivores and frugivores
In general, the cranium of Homo erectus
a. has a high vertical forehead
b. is composed of delicate, thin bone
c. has no brow ridges
d. is virtually identical to that of modern humans
e. has a pentagonal shape when viewed from behind
The fact that individuals who possess favorable traits are more likely to survive and
reproduce than those who possess less favorable traits is the basis for which theory?
a. uniformitarianism
b. natural selection
c. the inheritance of acquired characteristics
d. catastrophism
e. the fixity of species
The most complete Homo erectus skeleton found to date is the Nariokotome specimen,
which includes
a. facial bones and pelvis
b. facial bones, pelvis and most of the limb bones
c. facial bones, pelvis, most of the limb bones and ribs
d. facial bones, pelvis, most of the limb bones, ribs and vertebrae
e. complete skull, pelvis, most of the limb bones, ribs and vertebrae
When Mendel crossed true breeding tall and short parental plants, what was produced?
a. All the offspring were tall.
b. Half the offspring were tall, the other half were short.
c. All the offspring were short.
d. The offspring were intermediate in height relative to the two parent plants.
e. About 90 percent were tall, but the rest were short.
Current evidence indicates that the earliest anatomically modern Homo sapiens fossils
are from which geographical location?
a. China
b. India
c. Germany
d. France
e. Africa
Bifacially flaked tools characterize the _______ stone tool industry.
a. Oldowan
b. Acheulian
c. Shewlian
d. Osteodontokeratic
e. Northern Asian
a. are studies of only Western European societies
b. are studies of nonhuman primates
c. emphasize, among other topics, religion, ritual, myth, diet, gender roles, and
child-rearing practices
d. are studies done by archaeologists
e. are the practical application of anthropological theories
The tool technology of premodern Homo sapiens in the Middle Pleistocene
a. carried over from the Acheulian tools of Homo erectus with little change until near
the end of the period
b. continued to be mainly the Oldowan tradition
c. incorporated the sophisticated use of bone
d. discontinued the use of stone flakes
e. was the Levallois technique in Southwest Asia
Clearly, much of the responsibility for the world's problems rests squarely on the
shoulders of the
a. community of research scientists.
b. educators of girls and women.
c. oceanographers.
d. industrialized west.
e. nonindustrialized east.
Of the mass extinction events occurring in the past 570 million years, _________of
them altered all of the earth's ecosystems.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. None
e. Four
Which of the following is not a chromometric dating method?
a. C-14
b. K-Ar
c. Fluorine dating
d. Thermoluminescence
e. stratigraphy
The order Primates is traditionally divided into two suborders:
a. Platyrrhine and Catarrhine
b. Strepsirhini and Haplorhini
c. Pongidae and Hominidae
d. Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea
e. Pongo and Homo
In Old World monkeys, the swelling and changes in the color of the skin surrounding
the female's genital area
a. is a sign of aggression
b. indicates a diseased state
c. is an indication of estrus
d. serves as a visual cue of a female's readiness to become aggressive
e. is also found in New World monkeys.
A nucleotide
a. is composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and a phosphate unit
b. is the same thing as an RNA molecule
c. codes for the production of an amino acid
d. can include the nitrogenous base uracil
e. is not a basic unit of the DNA molecule
What is the false belief that there is a relationship between physical traits and certain
behavioral traits such as intelligence and morality?
a. eugenics
b. monogenism
c. polygenism
d. biological determinism
e. homeostasis
In a hypothetical situation, B is the allele that causes brachydactyly. If a man who has
normal fingers (bb) and a woman with brachydactyly (Bb) have children, what
proportion of these children would you expect to have normal fingers? (Hint: Use a
Punnett square).
a. None
b. All
c. 1/4
d. 3/4
e. 1/2
How do the basic principles of inheritance, identified by Mendel in plants, differ from
those in humans?
a. They are simpler.
b. Plants don"t have alleles.
c. There are no differences since the basic principles are the same.
d. There are no Mendelian traits in humans.
e. The number of chromosomes is different; therefore the genetic principles are
In protein synthesis, the process called transcription is which of the following?
a. manufacture of tRNA
b. assembly of polypeptide chains
c. formation of a mRNA molecule
d. production of amino acids
e. manufacture of ribosomal RNA
A 2009 study estimated that __________% of the human population lives on less than a
couple of dollars (U.S) a day.
a. 33
b. 25
c. 48
d. 55
e. 75
Remains evidencing Middle Pleistocene culture indicate that premodern Homo sapiens
a. did not build temporary structures
b. did not exploit different food sources
c. had not learned to exploit marine resources
d. presumably hunted large animals, perhaps horses
e. lived in caves but not open air sites
Traditionally, Old World monkeys are separated from apes and humans at the level of
a. infraorder
b. genus
c. superfamily
d. family
e. suborder

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