SSCI 40207

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1825
subject Authors Barry Lewis, Lynn Kilgore, Robert Jurmain

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Mendel's research into pea plant hybrids revealed what pattern in the expression of
A.The F1 plants had a lower percentage of the dominant trait than the F2 plants.
B.The F2 plants contained a 3:1 mix of the traits.
C.The F1 plants were all the same.
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
An individual possessing two identical alleles at the same locus is defined as:
D.genetically normal
E.none of these
Which of the following best describes the current focus of cultural anthropology?
A.It is primarily concerned with understanding the biological basis of race.
B.It focuses entirely on "primitive" groups of people untouched by civilization.
C.It covers a wide range of topics that include modern urban settings.
D.It is primarily associated with the study of prehistoric culture.
E.all of these
Hominin fossils first appear during what geologic time period?
Who made the first discovery of Homo erectus fossil remains?
A.Eugene Dubois
B.Raymond Dart
C.Louis Leakey
D.Don Johansen
E.Franz Weidenreich
What factors make it advantageous for a female primate to maximize the resources
available to her and her offspring?
A.large number of calories required when pregnant or lactating
B.long dependence period of offspring
C.relatively slow reproductive rate
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
Which of the following is a justification for conducting archaeological excavation?
A.It is designed to answer non-trivial questions.
B.The site is threatened by imminent destruction.
C.Information is required that cannot be provided through site survey.
D.All of these
E.None of these
Which theory for the settlement of the New World relies on a technological connection
between the Clovis and Solutrean cultures?
A.North Atlantic Ice-Edge Corridor
B.Pacific Coastal Route
C.Bering Land Bridge
D.none of the above
E.both A and B
The archaeological record is typically contained within what larger units?
C.primary context
Which of the following would NOT be an example of an intentional communicative
behavior among primates?
A.facial expressions canines
D.raised body hair
Which statement below best defines the packing model proposed by Binford?
A.Settlement of marginal areas due expanding human populations led to domestication
as people planted seed crops outside of their native range.
B.The packing of populations around permanent water sources as a result of increased
aridity in the Near East at the end of the Ice Age led to the development of
C.Dependence on native seed crops in areas of their greatest natural abundance
ultimately led to domestication.
D.Increased population density required people to abandon big-game hunting in favor
of plant domestication.
E.The development of sedentary villages led to domestication as a means of providing a
stable food source.
Why is the theory of intelligent design not considered to be scientific?
A.It asserts that the Christian God is the source of all life.
B.Its primary supporters are members of the clergy.
C.Its reliance on a divine designer cannot be refuted using the scientific method.
D.The scientific community hasn't accepted it.
E.all of these
Which of the following factors does NOT account for the increase in population size
and density associated with the adoption of agriculture?
A.the possibility of earlier weaning
B.healthier, more diverse diet
C.larger and more predictable yields
D.sedentary communities
E.closer birth spacing
Radiometric dating techniques are based on what principle?
A.sunspot activity
B.regular, known rate of isotopic decay
C.regular changes in earth's magnetic field
E.competitive exclusion
What factor is associated with the shift away from big game hunting in the temperate
A.the development of new technology which allowed them to more efficiently process
other resources
B.climate changes resulted in many former prey animals going extinct or becoming
geographically unavailable
C.a decline in human population caused by the environmental shifts made big-game
hunting difficult
D.human over hunting had reduced the populations
E.all of these
Which of the following characteristics differentiate marmosets and tamarins from other
A.multiple births
B.presence of claws, rather than nails
C.insectivorous diet
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
Which of the following traits is NOT characteristic of both Old and New World
A.powerful leaders and social stratification
B.state economies based on agriculture
C.record keeping
D.importance of metallurgy
E.prominent role of warfare
What general factors tend to support the idea that non-African hominins are
immediately descended from African Homo erectus?
A.African forms are slightly earlier than those elsewhere.
B.Africa is geographical location of all earlier hominins.
C.The development of new technology allowed them to exploit a wider range of
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
Which of the following explanations may account for the urbanization of the Indus
A.period of drought years
B.increased warfare
C.increased threat of flooding
D.the development of increasingly productive agricultural practices
E.unification under a single ruler
The site of Pinnacle Point provides the earliest evidence for what type of technology?
D.bows and arrows
Which of the following statements about paleospecies is CORRECT?
A.Paleospecies typically exhibit greater variability due to variation through time.
B.Paleospecies typically exhibit less variability due to small sample size.
C.Paleospecies typically exhibit less intra-species variability and more inter-species
D.Paleospecies cannot be directly compared to modern species.
E.Paleospecies typically exhibit less variability due to smaller geographic distributions
of fossils.
Which of the following characteristics is often used to differentiate African from
non-African forms of Homo erectus?
A.large molars
B.thin cranial bones
C.greater cranial capacity
D.different arm/leg proportions
E.a more projecting mid-face
Based on the cultural data, which of the following best describes the opinion of the
majority of archaeologists?
A.Native American populations originated in Asia.
B.Native American populations are the result of multiple migrations from both Asia and
Western Europe.
C.Native Americas only traveled along the Bering Land Bridge route.
D.It is unclear where the Native American populations originated.
E.Many Native American populations are likely the result of boat travel from Polynesia.
Which view of Neandertals is best supported by current archaeological, genetic, and
physical data?
A.They represent a distinct species.
B.They are the same as modern humans.
C.They simply represent geographical variation, similar to that which exists among
current humans.
D.They represent the clear ancestors to modern populations in parts of Europe and Asia.
E.They likely represent a distinctive regional variant of Homo heidelbergensis.
Which of the following best characterize the importance of H. erectus for human
A.They represent the wholesale adoption of culture as a means of adaptation.
B.They represent the first fully modern evidence for bipedalism.
C.They were the first full-time hunters.
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
Recombination refers to:
A.the process of the production of sister cells
B.the exchange of DNA between paired chromosomes
C.the formation of the zygote
D.the connection of two chromosomes at the centromere
E.all of these
In what way do the Dmanisi fossils represent a challenge to the argument for separate
Homo ergaster/erectus species?
A.They represent the root species of both.
B.The Dmanisi individuals represent a clear transition from one form to the other.
C.They show that the two species were neither geographically nor reproductively
D.They contain more variability than exists between the African and Asian forms.
E.none of these
What has been the overall agricultural impact on human health?
A.It has had both benefits and costs.
B.It has resulted in an overall benefit to human health.
C.Human health has decreased as a consequence of agriculture.
D.Agriculture has not significantly altered human health.
E.Humans are healthier, but have shorter life spans.
Which of the following statements concerning the Neandertal language use is
A.They possessed the anatomical ability to produce speech.
B.The archaeological record indicates significant cognitive differences from modern
C.Their brain morphology suggests significant differences from humans.
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
Darwin delayed publication of his theory of natural selection because:
A.the theory conflicted with his wife's religious beliefs
B.he knew the theory would be perceived as a threat to the status quo
C.he did not believe he had enough data to support his hypothesis
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
Neandertal cranial capacity: the same as modern humans slightly larger than H. erectus larger than modern humans not known slightly smaller than H. heidelbergensis
Which of the following topics define the modern approach to understanding human
A.the adaptive significance of the connection between race and IQ
B.the search for adaptive significance in phenotypic variation
C.the genetic variation underlying phenotypic variation
D.all of the above
E.only B and C
Which of the following is an example of a zoonotic disease?
E.All of the above are zoonotic diseases.

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