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subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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Lobola is insurance against divorce.
Ethnology is the process of living with a culture for a long time to describe that one
culture fully.
Labov argued that all humans share a universal grammar.
Although the productivity per area of agriculture is much greater, horticultural yields
are more dependable in the end.
Unlike other authoritarian regimes, multiparty political systems characterized
Communist societies.
Acculturation refers to changes that occur when groups come into direct and continuous
Folate aids in the production of sperm.
The Earth's climate has always remained constant, so any changes must be
An overabundance of vitamin D in the body causes rickets.
Local communities can use television to preserve, revive, and intensify the scale of
traditional ceremonies.
In Brazil, a person's phenotype and racial label may change due to environmental
There is considerable cross-cultural variation in the interpretation and treatment of
Many "imagined communities" were created by colonialism.
Culture is transmitted genetically.
The nuclear family and the band are the two basic social groups typically found in
forager societies.
Culture is transmitted in society.
Businesses are no longer interested in hiring applied anthropologists now that people
buy and sell a majority of goods over the Internet.
Interviews can help establish rapport with community members.
A descent group consists of a married couple and their children.
Life history accounts can illustrate individual diversity and how different people deal
with the same problems.
Most migrants live independently, severing all ties to their home communities and
Shamans are full-time religious practitioners generally found in state-level societies.
Researchers have observed Japanese macaques making and using "termiting" sticks in
the wild.
Of the specialized subsystems characteristic of states, the religious subsystem is the
most important.
Anthropologists today realize that no culture is isolated and that the ethnographic
present is an unrealistic concept.
Diffusion plays an important role in spreading cultural traits around the world.
Academic and applied anthropology have a symbiotic relationship as theory aids
practice and application fuels theory.
In order to intensify production, agriculturalists frequently build irrigation canals and
Cultural colonialism is a process of external assimilation that occurs when a developing
nation-state requests financial support from a first-world nation-state.
The key cultural consultant provides the etic view of a culture.
Humans use both biological and cultural means to adapt to new environments.
The caste system of India is an extreme example of exogamy.
Although culture is one of the principle means by which humans adapt to their
environment, some cultural traits may threaten a group's survival.
A big man has supporters in many villages, while a village head has supporters only in
his own village.
Culture is not itself biological, but it rests on certain features of human biology.
In cultural terms, a race is an ethnic group that is assumed to have a biological basis.
In patrilineal parilocal societies,
A. men control the prestige hierarchy.
B. men work harder at food production and manufacturing than do women.
C. men are in short supply due to the practice of male infanticide.
D. men and women enjoy approximately equal status.
E. men trade subsistence goods but not prestige items.
__________ are not examples of shamans.
A. Priests
B. Curers
C. Palm readers
D. Astrologers
E. Mediums
In foraging bands, the leaders
A.retain their power by maintaining strong ties with the commoner class.
B.inherited privileged access to strategic resources.
C.maintain control by conquering foreign territories.
D.have no means of forcing people to follow their decisions.
E.are the dominant males in the largest, most powerful descent groups.
To conduct research among a group of people, the anthropologist must
A. get permission from the American Anthropological Association.
B. pay a fee to the individuals who will be interviewed.
C. inform the people about the purpose, nature, and procedures of the research and its
potential costs and benefits to them.
D. get permission from the United State's State Department.
E. hold a PhD in anthropology.
Cultural resource management is an example of applied
A. ethnology.
B. biological anthropology.
C. archaeology.
D. linguistic anthropology.
E. ethnography.
According to Marx, class consciousness results from
A. the persistence of ethic identities after ethnic "markers" have more or less
B. an elaboration of diverse religious beliefs in industrialized societies.
C. peoples' recognition of cognatic kin beyond the boundaries of biological relatedness.
D. peoples' identification with groups based on common economic interests.
E. the gradual elaboration of gender-based differences first established during the
period of peasant subsistence farming.
The fact that chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates engage in masturbation and
same-sex sexual activity suggests that
A. human sexuality is completely determined by biology.
B. it is immoral for humans to engage in such activities.
C. flexibility in sexual expression is part of humans' primate heritage.
D. heterosexual sex is more common among humans than among other primates.
E. human sexuality is completely determined by culture.
The study of sounds used in speech is
A. historical linguistics.
B. sociolinguistics.
C. phonology.
D. morphology.
E. ebonics.
A common social unit among foragers is the
A. tribe
B. chiefdom
C. segmentary lineage
D. state
E. band
The __________ has worked within the United Nations to support indigenous rights.
A. Working Group on Indigenous Populations
B. International Union for Indigenous Rights
C. Supporters of Indigenous Peoples of Post-soviet Countries
D. Intergovernmental Panel on Indigenous Rights
E. United States Corps of Engineers
A common problem for international development projects is that they
A. lack an intervention philosophy.
B. often assume the best way to increase production and income is through
C. tend to use local cultural models and processes rather than the more advanced
Western models.
D. frequently make unnecessary attempts to extend indigenous lifestyles that are
already obsolete.
E. overemphasize the needs of local communities.
__________ refers to changes that result when groups come into continuous firsthand
A. Acculturation
B. Hegemony
C. Enculturation
D. Diaspora
E. Colonialism
In band societies, __________ determines the amount of respect or status that an
individual enjoys.
A.rank ascribed at birth
B.culturally valued personal attributes
C.the individual's possessions and their monetary value
D.the amount of labor that the individual can extract from his or her spouse and
E.genealogical relationships to apical ancestors
The statement, ____________, is not true.
A. "anthropology is the exploration of human diversity in time and space"
B. "anthropology studies the whole of the human condition"
C. "anthropologists focus in part on the diversity that arises through human
D. "anthropology's biocultural approach entails finding evolutionary explanations for all
human behaviors"
E. "anthropology offers a comparative, cross-cultural perspective to the study of the
human condition"
Knowledge has commercial value as
A. companies seek to decrease of ecological and technical risks.
B. it acknowledges it is more than increasing temperatures.
C. the process of multinational companies increasingly influence national policies.
D. new ideas are converted into products and services that consumers want.
E. it retains the notion of being native to a place.
__________ is the most stable social group among band societies with a seasonal
pattern of population dispersal.
A. The lineage
B. The band
C. The nuclear family
D. The clan
E. The expanded family household
Humans do not share such features as __________ with chimpanzees.
A. tool use
B. meat eating
C. stereoscopic vision
D. high intelligence
E. visible estrus
Individuals do not learn culture through
A. genetic transmission.
B. unconscious acquisition.
C. through observation.
D. through direct instruction.
E. conscious acquisition.
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "cultural relativism argues that cultural values vary between cultures"
B. "cultural relativism argues that some cultures are relatively better than others"
C. "cultural relativism argues that we shouldn't use our own standards to judge conduct
in other cultures"
D. "cultural relativism argues that no one culture is better than any other"
E. "cultural relativism argues that each culture is a unique, integrated whole"
Polytheism refers to
A. belief in a single, all-powerful god.
B. the second stage of a revitalization movement.
C. the third phase of a rite of passage.
D. belief in a force that animates all living things.
E. belief in multiple gods.
The statement, ___________ describes the use of language by apes.
A. "only humans are capable of learning and using language"
B. "apes use American Sign Language in the wild"
C. "apes cannot be taught to use American Sign Language"
D. "only chimpanzees can learn American Sign Language"
E. "apes can learn American Sign Language and have shown the capacity for cultural
transmission, productivity, and displacement"
A biocultural perspective is ___________.
A. the notion that humans no longer rely on biological adaptation.
B. the inclusion of both biological and cultural approaches.
C. using the fact that culture is completely dominant over biological change.
D. synonymous with scientific research.
E. the idea that girls should be gymnasts and boys should play football.
The internalization of a dominant ideology is
A.a method of chiefly redistribution.
B.the way that pantribal sodalities are formed.
C.a resistance method practiced in small-scale societies.
D.a form of fiscal control.
E.called hegemony.
Deborah Tannen's research on the speech habits of men and women has revealed that
A. there are no discernible differences between the way men and women use language.
B. men tend to make eye contact more frequently than women.
C. women tend to recite information in an attempt to solidify their position in a social
D. men rely more on nonverbal gestures than do women.
E. women tend to use language to build social connections with others.
Human populations living in temperate, northern climates generally have light skin
color because it
A. helps to prevent rickets.
B. exists in a balanced polymorphism.
C. helps to prevent sickle-cell anemia.
D. helps to protect against skin cancer.
E. protects against hypervitaminosis.
The term intersex describes
A. gender stratification processes.
B. homosexual practices of the Etoro.
C. a discrepancy between external and internal genitals.
D. a castrated man.
E. sexual practices of chimpanzees.
All humans were foragers until approximately
A. 10 million years ago.
B. 1 million years ago.
C. 100,000 years ago.
D. 12,000 years ago.
E. 1,000 years ago.
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "specific religious beliefs and practices vary cross-culturally"
B. "religion can be an instrument of societal change, even revolution"
C. "religion serves only to maintain social solidarity; it does not create or maintain
social divisions"
D. "religion is a cultural universal"
E. "state religions are presided over by full-time specialists"
Induction into the U.S. Marine Corps and going through the Native American vision
quest are examples of
A. revitalization movements.
B. generalized reciprocity.
C. totemism.
D. rites of passage.
E. imitative magic.
The largest religion in the world, in terms of number of practitioners, is
A. Buddhism.
B. Islam.
C. Judaism.
D. Hinduism.
E. Christianity.
__________ represents social status based on talents, actions, efforts, choices, and
A.Ascribed status
B.Achieved status
C.Situational status
D.Negotiated status
Segregation in the southern United States and apartheid in South Africa provide two
examples of
A. situational discrimination.
B. genocide.
C. assimilation.
D. de jure discrimination.
E. de facto discrimination.
Shifting cultivation
A. typically involves the use of draft animals.
B. cannot support permanent villages.
C. requires irrigation.
D. requires cultivators to let exhausted plots of land lie fallow for several years.
E. relies extensively on chemical fertilizers.
Contrast ritual behavior with ordinary behavior. Give examples of religious and secular
rituals, and identify the main differences between such kinds of ritual.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss how Lobola is insurance against divorce. List what types of cultures may
require this type of marital exchange.
Answer:Answers will vary.
List the differences between questionnaires and interview schedules. Describe the
advantage an ethnographer could gain by using an interview schedule instead of a
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define globalization and identify the forces that are driving it. Discuss how
globalization is affecting local peoples, as well as how they are responding.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Identify the major differences between Brazilian and American systems of racial
Answer:Answers will vary.
Indicate your career plans, and describe how you might apply the knowledge you
learned in an introductory anthropology course in your future vocation. If you have not
yet chosen a career, pick one of the following: economist, engineer, diplomat, architect,
or elementary schoolteacher for this response. List why it is important to understand the
culture and social organization of the people who are affected by this work.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe some of the ways in which social order is maintained in band and tribal
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe the relationship between theory and practice in anthropology, and list reasons
why applied anthropology should be or should not be recognized as a separate
subdiscipline. Explain how it is different from the traditional subfields of anthropology.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Analyze the fallacy of underdifferentiation, and provide some possible alternatives to it.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the different kinds of learning, and identify the kind of learning upon which
culture depends.
Answer:Answers will vary.

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