SSCI 37966

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 27
subject Words 3174
subject Authors Michael Chazan

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A prepared core technology characteristic of Middle Paleolithic tools is the _________
a. Aurignacian
b. Neanderthal
c. Acheulian
d. Levallois
__________ is a Maya myth written after the Spanish conquests.
a. The Popol Vuh
b. The Epic of Gilgamesh
c. The Copn Codex
d. The Popol Na
In southern Mesopotamia, crops can be grown only with irrigation.
The elite of Great Zimbabwe lived within great enclosures that symbolized their power
and status.
The Harris matrix is a method for quantifying artifacts from depositional units.
The Inca Empire is known as Tawantinsuyu, which means"Land of High Places."
Machu Picchu was a royal estate of the Inca elite.
Phytoliths are a type of pollen best preserved in freshwater lakes and ponds.
The Epic of Gilgamesh recounts the exploits of the king of Uruk.
Robert Carneiro's model of state formation emphasizes the importance of large-scale
irrigation projects.
Typology is the study of the layers of the earth.
Frost heave is an example of a climate related post depositional process that affects the
archaeological record.
In 1865, John Lubbock divided the Stone Age into the Neolithic (New Stone Age) and
Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), terms that are still used to this day.
During the 19th century, archaeologists spread across the world to dig in such places as
Africa, Mesopotamia, and Turkey.
Millet, not rice, was the main early domesticate in northern China around the Yellow
River Valley.
Ohalo is a Natufian dry cave site that yielded rare examples of preserved textiles.
The Pecos Classification and Midwest Taxonomic system typified the culture history
period s concern with classification. ʹ
In Africa, pastoral societies based on domesticated animals developed without plant
According to the molecular clock, chimpanzees and humans diverged four to six
million years ago.
Guil Naquitz is an early agricultural site in Arizona with canal-irrigated fields.
The Miocene era saw a reduction in the number of hominoid species due to predation.
The Natufians did not domesticate herd animals, but there is evidence that they
domesticated cats.
Pastoral societies are sedentary societies with an economy based on horticulture.
The Jericho tower is the earliest known large-scale piece of architecture in the Middle
The most important archaeological sites are found within a foot of the ground surface.
The Nasca Lines are deliberate designs made by moving rocks on the desert surface.
Cerro Juanaquea has produced the earliest evidence of domesticated plants in the
The stone tool industries of the Upper Paleolithic remain remarkably unchanged
through time.
The Adena and Hopewell were periods of intensive mound building in the Oaxaca
The Staff God is a recurring motif throughout Andean prehistory.
The Olmec developed a highly sophisticated artistic tradition that included monumental
sculptures of snakes.
The Feathered Serpent is a recurring symbol of a deity in Mesoamerican pre-history.
The Clactonian is contemporary with the Acheulian.
On the Andean coast, settled villages preceded the adoption of agriculture.
Upper Egypt refers to the northern part of the Egyptian Nile Valley.
Kennewick Man, found in Washington state, is a 40,000-year-old skeleton that bolsters
the Early Arrival hypothesis.
Mitochondrial DNA is inherited exclusively from the mother.
Llamas and alpacas were domesticated in the lowland tropical forest region east of the
Many archaeologists see Cahokia as a society on the verge of becoming a state.
The earliest evidence for walking upright is found in Ardipithecus ramidus.
Sampling is used to select a representative collection of a large group of artifacts for
The discovery of the intact tomb of Sipn has given archaeologists a sense of the wealth
and violence of Moche society.
Large mammals that lived during the Pleistocene are collectively known as
a. mastodons
b. megafauna
c. gigamammals
d. marsupials
Which of the following is a method of quantifying animal bone from an archaeological
a. counting the number of identifiable specimens (NISP)
b. calculating the maximum number of species present (MNS)
c. determining the season of occupation based on geographic index of seasonality (GIS)
d. estimating the age at death for each animal body recovered (AD)
________ was a system of knotted strings used by the Inca to record information.
a. Inti
b. Khipu
c. Pago
d. Tampu
Of the many ritual objects found hidden away at Early Neolithic sites, perhaps the most
striking are __________.
a. caches of arrowheads
b. plastered skulls
c. plaster dog effigies
d. bone flutes
A four tier hierarchy system was inferred for the __________.
a. Yi Lou Valley
b. Knossos region
c. Chifeng area
d. entire Harappan area
__________ is a geophysical method of remote sensing.
a. Dendrochronology
b. Ground-penetrating radar
c. Multi-spectral satellite imagery
d. Aerial photography
Which of these was among the agricultural methods used by the Maya?
a. slash and burn cultivation
b. mountain terrace farming
c. plows pulled by animals
d. three-field rotation
Volcanic ash can be dated using what radiometric method?
a. paleomagnetism
b. radiocarbon
c. argon dating
d. luminescence
What Middle Stone Age tool industry, found at Klasies River Mouth, South Africa, is
characterized by the appearance of microliths?
a. Howiesons Poort
b. Levallois
c. Aterian
d. Acheulian
A Cotton Preceramic Period ceremonial center that preceded the Inca was established in
the Andes by 900 B.C. at what location?
a. Chavn de Huntar
b. Moche
c. Cuzco
d. Nasca
What unique burial monuments appeared in Japan around 200 A.D.?
a. keyhole shaped tombs
b. bronze urns
c. granite headstones
d. slender obelisks
What is the capital of the Late Shang dynasty and China's oldest city?
a. Xia
b. Banpo
c. Anyang
d. Beijing
A possible second capital of the Shang dynasty was __________.
a. Banpo
b. Beijing
c. Sanxingdui
d. Pengtoushan
The initial hominin occupation of Australia and the Americas was by which species?
a. Homo erectus
b. Homo floresiensis
c. Neanderthals
d. Homo sapiens
The Inca Empire was known as __________.
a. Tawantinsuyu
b. Atawallpa
c. Tiwanaku
d. Waskhar
Sweet potatoes and pigs were both domesticated indigenously in New Guinea.
In Inca society, feasting and exchanging goods __________.
a. was only for the ruler
b. played a central role for elites
c. was started by Atawallpa
d. was always associated with sacrifice
Harappan trade networks covered the area from __________.
a. the Arabian Peninsula to Afghanistan
b. North Africa to Mesopotamia
c. the Cyclades to Crete
d. the Yi Lou Valley to Rizhao
The site of __________ was burned and abandoned as the result of a military attack at
the end of the Classic Period.
a. Bonampak
b. Dos Pilas
c. Yaxchiln
d. Aguateca
Space syntax is the study of __________.
a. architectural space
b. gaps in written languages
c. how people move across a landscape
d. regional hierarchies
What tool, associated with Homo erectus, is perhaps the most successful tool humans
ever invented?
a. Oldowan pebble chopper
b. Acheulian handaxe
c. Mousterian spear point
d. Clovis fluted point
What is the oldest known well-dated archaeological site (1.7"1.8 mya) outside of
a. Dmanisi
b. Ubeidiya
c. Nihwan Basin
d. Hadar
The tower at Great Zimbabwe is called a dhaka.
Who was the catalyst for the New Archaeology?
a. Walter Taylor
b. Lewis Binford
c. Flinders Petrie
d. Ian Hodder
Andean indigenous domesticates include ___________.
a. quinoa
b. turkeys
c. dogs
d. squash
The earliest modern Homo sapiens human fossil was discovered at the site of Hadar,
This controversial tiny hominin was discovered on an island northwest of Australia and
dates to between 46,000 to 27,000 years ago.
a. Homo sapiencitas
b. Homo wallacea
c. Homo floresiensis
d. Homo hobbitensis
A ________ is an archaeological site produced by a series of distinct, but brief,
a. dispersal event
b. palimpsest
c. serial occupancy
d. base camp
The __________ refers to the linkages that connect Chaco Canyon with the surrounding
region through a system of roads.
a. Anasazi Experience
b. Anasazi Network
c. Chacoan Network
d. Chacoan Phenomenon
Archaeological evidence for social inequality at Pueblo Bonito consists of __________.
a. the burials in Room 33
b. the mural on the wall of room 24
c. a cache of silver ingots in Room 50
d. sacred Kachina dolls in Room 14
The intensive occupation of Chaco Canyon came to an end in A.D. 1130 as the result of
a(n) __________.
a. devastating drought
b. catastrophic flood
c. attack from the south
d. plague
Lithic analysis is the study of __________.
a. lithium artifacts
b. stone tools
c. ceramic dishes
d. metal weapons
The __________ hypothesis argues that the origin of the Clovis culture lies in the
European Upper Paleolithic.
a. Solutrean
b. Chatelperronian
c. Auregnacian
d. Gravettian
What is the significance of the great city of Angkor?
What is the significance of the site of Cerro Juanaquea?
What is the significance of plastered skulls during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B?
How have archaeologists interpreted Cahokia?
Why did Marshall Sahlins call hunter-gatherers ʺthe original affluent societyʺ?
How did the adoption of maize farming vary across America?
What is the Cotton Preceramic?
What are some methods that archaeologists employ in a stratigraphic analysis?
What is the significance and controversy surrounding Meadowcroft Rockshelter?
What is use-wear analysis?
How are the bevel-rim bowls that are commonly found on Uruk sites used to infer
social structure?
How do Anna Roosevelt's excavations at Pedra Pintada challenge the Clovis First
What sort of plants were domesticated in New Guinea, and how did they differ from
other areas?
What was the Sed festival?
How did the Silk Route influence the development of complex societies in southern
What is evolutionary archaeology?
How do archaeologists interpret Habuba Kebira?

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