SSCI 36272

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2227
subject Authors Larry K. Gaines, Roger LeRoy Miller

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Many prosecutors and defense attorneys are opposed to "real offense" procedures
because they can render a plea
bargain meaningless.
a. True
b. False
The exclusionary rule prohibits the use of illegally seized evidence.
a. True
b. False
The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land and as such, it is the basis of all
law in the United States.
a. True
b. False
The incentive to privatize is primarily to:
a. best rehabilitate inmates.
b. decrease the cost of incarceration.
c. increase public safety.
d. increase the salaries of correctional officers.
Case 10-1
Scott is a 24-year-old high school dropout. He has been in and out of trouble with the
law since he was a teenager, committing mostly public nuisance offenses such as
disorderly conduct and public intoxication. His girlfriend just broke up with him
because he had no ambition in his life and she did not want to take care of him. She
threw him out of her apartment. Scott just agreed to plead guilty for the crime of
burglary after he broke into his exgirlfriend's car to steal the change that she keeps in
the cup-holder.
The prosecutor in the case expresses concern that Scott is headed down the wrong path
and suggests a little prison time would shake him up. The defense attorney in the case
believes that it is not necessary to imprison Scott for this offense. Even though the law
states that Scott can serve up to 5 years in a state prison for his offense, his attorney
believes that prison resources are too scarce and that Scott is an offender who qualifies
for a community- based sanction. This practice is known as:
a. diversion.
b. incapacitation.
c. reintegration.
d. specific deterrence.
Rookies begin the process of socialization from the first day on the job.
a. True
b. False
The Patriot Act has made it easier to obtain search warrants.
a. True
b. False
Female correctional officers are less effective than their male counterparts in
maintaining discipline in men's prisons.
a. True
b. False
The guilty act in a criminal offense is referred to as:
a. actusreus.
b. mensrea.
c. corpusdelicti.
d. habeascorpus.
The most pressing shortcomings of America's 911 services are organizational.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following can occur in the prosecution and pretrial services step of the
criminal justice process?
a. arrest
b. grand jury
c. criminal trial
d. sentencing
Inmates develop their own language, or:
a. dialect.
b. argot.
c. code.
d. slang.
Which of the following does not occur during the adjudication phase of the criminal
justice process?
a. arrest
b. arraignment
c. criminal trial
d. verdict
Victimology is a school of criminology that studies why certain people are the victims
of crimes and the optimal role for victims in the criminal justice system.
a. True
b. False
Confidential informants are generally police officers who are working undercover to
infiltrate criminal organizations.
a. True
b. False
Case 5-2
Officer Torres is new to the police force. She was the top of her class in the police
academy and received positive feedback from her field training officer. She has been on
the job for approximately 1 year and has soon realized that working as a police officer
is very different from what they learned in the police academy.
Officer Torres is also stressed because her partner, Officer Williams, often coerces
money from local drug dealers and keeps the money for himself. Officer Williams is
using which type of police corruption?
a. bribery
b. extortion
c. mooching
d. shakedowns
What is the justification required to make an arrest?
a. exclusionary evidence
b. mere suspicion
c. probable cause
d. reasonable suspicion
Day reporting centers were first used in:
a. Norway.
b. United States.
c. Australia.
d. Great Britain.
Which agency was originally created for combating currency counterfeiters?
a. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
b. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
c. U.S. Marshals Service
d. U.S. Secret Service
Jane's mother says that she is not surprised that Jane committed this crime. Jane's uncle
is a criminal who has committed many crimes, ranging from larceny to assault. He is
now in prison for the crime of robbery. However, prior to his incarceration he spent the
entire summer with Jane while Jane's mother was at work. What theory would explain
Jane's crime if she was taught the skills to participate in crime by her uncle?
a. strain theory
b. social disorganization theory
c. learning theory
d. control theory
Civil law is concerned with:
a. teaching appropriate behavior.
b. maintaining public safety.
c. offenses against society as a whole.
d. rights and duties between individuals.
About of parolees return to prison before the end of their parole period, mostly because
they were convicted of a new offense or had their parole revoked.
a. a quarter
b. half
c. a third
d. two thirds
Strict liability is inconsistent with the general principles of criminal law because is
a. mensrea
b. actusreus
c. causation
d. concurrence
The preliminary questions that the trial attorneys ask prospective jurors to determine
whether they are biased or have any connection with the defendant or witness is
referred to as:
a. juror questionnaire.
b. master jury list.
c. venire.
d. voirdire.
Case 9-1
Jeremy has just been found guilty by a jury for the crimes of robbery, aggravated
assault, and obstruction of justice. Jeremy has an extensive criminal history. He was
previously in prison for burglary and possession of illegal drugs. When he was arrested
for these new crimes of robbery, aggravated assault, and obstruction of justice, he was
on probation for stealing a vehicle.
The judge asks the probation officer in the courtroom for a report that describes
Jeremy's crime in detail, the suffering of the victims, Jeremy's prior offenses, and his
family background. What is this report called?
a. presentence investigation report
b. presentence guideline report
c. sentencing guideline
d. sentencing report
Only a criminal defendant has the right to "take the Fifth" during a criminal trial.
a. True
b. False
Directed patrol strategies are also known as preventive patrol.
a. True
b. False
Herbert Packer likened the idealized criminal justice system to a(n):
a. sports team.
b. assembly line.
c. tangled bureaucracy.
d. obstacle course.
The plea of not guilty is fairly uncommon at an arraignment.
a. True
b. False
Which goal of corrections focuses on preparing the offender for a return to the
community unmarred by further criminal behavior?
a. deterrence
b. diversion
c. incapacitation
d. reintegration
At the , the defendant is informed of the charges and must respond by pleading guilty or
not guilty.
a. arraignment
b. indictment
c. initial appearance
d. preliminary hearing
Case 13-1
Donovan is 16 years old. He has been getting into trouble at school and not listening to
his parents at home. He is also hanging out with a new group of kids in the
neighborhood. His parents are growing frustrated with his antics. They finally called the
police when it was 2 a.m. and he had not returned home.
In the city that Donovan lives, the curfew for all juveniles 17 and under is 11 p.m. The
only juveniles that are excused from this curfew are those that are returning from work.
Donovan does not have a job. Violating curfew is considered a(n):
a. crime.
b. delinquent act.
c. misdemeanor.
d. status offense.
Incarceration has a harmful impact on offenders themselves.
a. True
b. False
The is a document filed with a juvenile court alleging that the juvenile is a delinquent or
a status offender and asking the court to either hear the case or transfer it to an adult
a. complaint
b. diversion document
c. intake sheet
d. petition
are similar in many aspects to adult prisons and jails, but differ from them in their
efforts to treat and rehabilitate young offenders.
a. Family group homes
b. Group homes
c. Training schools
d. Rural programs
Discuss why prosecutors, defense attorneys, and defendants often agree to plea
The retention of an accused person in custody before trial is called
The Amendment states that anyone accused of a crime shall be judged by an impartial
What is a total institution? Discuss how it applies within the prison culture.
We refer to our law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional facilities as part of
a .
Prison administrators determine , which is a reduction in time served by prisoners based
on behaving well and conforming to prison rules.
The combines the police powers of 24 federal agencies to protect the United States
from terrorist attacks.
Explain under which circumstances law enforcement may search an automobile without
a warrant.
Twenty-nine states have taken the waiver out of judicial hands through , also known as
legislative waiver.
is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior.
What is the "chronic 6 percent"?
Criminal law requires that the or "the body of the crime" be proved before a person
can be convicted of wrongdoing.
is the effort by a government to regulate or control the sale of guns.
means that the guilty act and the guilty intent must occur together.
List three reasons for sentencing disparities.
According to DeJulio, how should prisons be governed?

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