SSCI 346

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 7
subject Words 872
subject Authors Adena B. Meyers, Laura E. Berk

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People who work in skilled and semiskilled manual occupations tend to __________ than
people in professional and technical occupations.
A)marry later
B)have more children
C)have fewer children
D)have children later
__________ child care is more strongly associated with cognitive gains than are other
child-care arrangements.
With respect to propositional thought, children
A)have great difficulty reasoning from premises that contradict reality or their own beliefs.
B)are unable to solve even simplified deductive reasoning tasks involving only two
C)find it easier than adolescents to inhibit activation of well-learned knowledge.
D)do not understand that hypotheses must be confirmed by appropriate evidence.
Josie is self-indulgent and doubts she will ever feel certain about anything. Josie is most
likely in a state of identity
Which of the following statements about reflexes and the development of motor skills is
A)The stepping reflex appears only when the newborn's body is in upright position.
B)Certain reflexes drop out early, but the motor functions involved are renewed later.
C)Parents should deliberately exercise newborn stepping reflexes to encourage early
D)The tonic neck reflex may prepare the baby for voluntary walking.
Learned-helpless children
A)are more persistent than other children.
B)are more likely to see the connection between effort and success.
C)attribute their failures to bad luck.
D)hold a fixed view of ability.
When asked about the advantages of parenthood, Americans and Europeans most often cite
A)the warm, affectionate relationship that children provide.
B)having a source of financial support in later life.
C)the sense of future continuity.
D)the opportunity to deepen their marital relationship.
Reciprocal teaching focuses on which four cognitive strategies?
A)discussion, practice, segment, and reading
B)elaboration, rehearsal, chunking, and repetition
C)challenging, digesting, comparing, and evaluating
D)questioning, summarizing, clarifying, and predicting
According to Erikson, young people are likely to appear shallow and directionless if
A)they successfully resolve the central conflict of adolescence.
B)society limits their choices to ones that do not match their abilities and desires.
C)their parents do not support them during the inner soul-searching associated with the
identity crisis.
D)their peers reject the more mature identities they have constructed.
When it comes to injury prevention, American parents
A)more often teach safety rules to their preschoolers as an advance preventive rather than
a reaction to unsafe behaviors.
B)seem willing to ignore familiar safety practices, perhaps because of the high value they
place on personal freedom.
C)take more safety precautions than parents in other industrialized nations.
D)place a high value on the use of safety devices, such as bicycle helmets, booster seats,
and fire extinguishers.
Research on Piaget's cognitive-developmental theory indicates that
A)he overestimated the competencies of infants and young children.
B)children generally reach their full intellectual potential, regardless of education and
C)children's performance on Piagetian problems can be improved with training.
D)his stagewise account overemphasizes social and cultural influences on development.
Whicb of the following reticent and passive peers is most likely to be accepted by his or
her peers?
A)Gabrielle, a Caucasian-American girl
B)Katy, a Japanese-American girl
C)Andrew, a British boy
D)Yi Min, a Chinese boy
Which of the following statements about peer conformity is true?
A)Conformity to peer pressure is greater in childhood and early adulthood than in
B)Adolescents feel greatest pressure to conform to the most obvious aspects of peer
culture, such as dress and grooming.
C)Peer pressure to engage in antisocial acts is greater than peer pressure to engage in
proadult behavior.
D)Authoritarian child rearing is related to adolescents resisting peer pressure.
According to the Flynn effect, IQs have __________ from one generation to the next.
A)increased steadily
B)decreased steadily
D)remained virtually the same
An investigation of high school crowds in Singapore found that "__________" were more
prominent than in Western high schools.
Braison is receiving an intervention that encourages him to believe that he can overcome
failure by exerting more effort. Braison is receiving
A)learned success.
B)attribution retraining.
C)mastery orientation.
D)performance evaluation.
Which of the following children is most likely to be enrolled in good after-care?
A)Gigi, an ethnic minority girl
B)Trenton, a middle-class boy
C)Alana, a recently immigrated girl
D)Jayden, an African-American boy

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