SSCI 33943

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1803
subject Authors Kenneth J. Guest

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The Occupy Wall Street movement was able to gain support by focusing on inequality
with the motto "We are the 99 percent," and combining physical and virtual elements of
their protest. This is an example of:
a. cause clbre.
b. reasoning.
c. social rationale.
d. justification.
e. the framing process.
Because few children grow up learning to speak the Lakota language, efforts have been
made to preserve language samples and artifacts in tribal areas. These efforts include:
a. a participatory social media platform built by LiveandTell.
b. replacing Standard English with the Lakota language in local schools.
c. translation of the Christian Bible into the Lakota language by the Summer Institute of
d. expanding tribal areas to include more speakers.
e. legislation making the Lakota language the official language in tribal areas.
When the dominant group in a country develops a way of seeing the world by creating a
set of beliefs about what is normal and appropriate that often subconsciously limits their
life choices and chances but maintains the status quo in the society, this is known as:
a. mind-set.
b. hegemony.
c. framing.
d. coercion.
e. agency.
Anthropological research on religion clearly demonstrates that local religious activities:
a. are quite separate from other social systems of power, maintaining a clear boundary
between religion and power systems.
b. are not rigidly separated from social systems of power, and meaning and power are
c. inevitably give way to secularism as cultures become modern.
d. exist independently of the influences of historical and social developments.
e. are reflections of a universal definition of religion.
The form of reproductive technology that involves the creation of genetically identical
copies of cells or whole organisms is called:
a. surrogacy.
b. in vitro fertilization.
c. artificial insemination.
d. relational reproduction.
e. cloning.
Ideas or rules about how people should behave in particular situations or toward certain
other people are considered:
a. symbols.
b. meanings.
c. norms.
d. values.
e. beliefs.
Which of the following is a type of society that is based on the sharing of resources to
ensure group success with a relative absence of hierarchy and violence within or among
a. proletariat
b. stratified
c. bourgeoisie
d. egalitarian
e. ranked
Contrast the perspectives of modernization and dependency theories. First, define
modernization theory and explain two objectives of economic development projects.
Then discuss the criticisms of this approach that have emerged in Latin America. Why
did Latin American theorists argue that Latin American nations could not be
competitive in the global economic system? What did they suggest that underdeveloped
nations do?
The practice of requiring an individual to marry someone within their own group is
a. endrogamy.
b. androgamy.
c. endogamy.
d. polygamy.
e. exogamy.
Which of the following types of marriage is established based on love rather than strict
social obligations?
a. inherited
b. lineal
c. disrupted
d. arranged
e. companionate
According to the text, many scholars trace the origins of the modern world economic
system to:
a. the expansion of the Holy Roman Empire.
b. Columbus's voyage to the New World.
c. the arrival of the Pilgrims in North America.
d. the Crusades.
e. the French settlement of Haiti.
The digital age is:
a. the gap between those fully able to participate in the digital age and those without
access to electricity, the Internet, and mobile phones.
b. social struggles for worker rights and democracy that are aided by social media,
mobile phones, and electronic communication.
c. those born after the 1980s; this generation has spent their lives using devices like
smartphones and laptops.
d. the era defined by the proliferation of high-speed communication technologies, social
networking, and personal computing.
e. the generation that uses technology, but in a process more akin to learning a new
culture or language.
In Nicaragua, machismo:
a. must be constantly performed to retain one's social status.
b. only affects social status when performed in the presence of women.
c. only affects social status when performed in the presence of other men.
d. is a status only available to men who have sex with women.
e. is an egalitarian social practice.
Strategies for food production in nonindustrialized societies do NOT include:
a. pastoralism.
b. agriculture.
c. horticulture.
d. swidden farming.
e. foraging.
Which of the following was a contemporary hominid with Australopithecus, but had a
significantly larger brain?
a. Australopithecus afarensis
b. Homo hablis
c. Australopithecus africanus
d. Ardipithecus ramidus
e. Sahelanthropus
What term describes policies favoring native-born inhabitants over new immigrants?
a. nativism
b. eugenics
c. racism
d. supremacy
e. colonialism
Which of the following are the two primary forms of gift exchange that formalize and
legalize marriages, while establishing a relationship tie or alliance between kinship
a. bridewealth and endogamy
b. dowry and exchange
c. bridewealth and reciprocity
d. bridewealth and dowry
e. dowry and exogamy
The fact that 85 percent, or 5.5 billion people, lack meaningful access to a digital
communication network reflects:
a. increasing attempts by computer hackers to shut down global media.
b. the efforts of European nations to prevent citizens in the global South from
c. the minimal investment in technological infrastructure made by the Chinese
d. the inability to translate software into languages other than English.
e. the tendency of globalization to increase the effects of uneven development.
Foraging is defined as:
a. food production involving the domestication of animals.
b. cultivation involving permanent cultivation of the land.
c. practicing farming involving mechanization.
d. subsistence based on hunting, fishing, and gathering.
e. cultivation strategy with intensive use of land and labor.
Franz Boas' attempts to document Native American cultures that were devastated by the
westward expansion of settlers are called:
a. salvage ethnography.
b. rapid assessment.
c. forced enculturation.
d. participant observation.
e. colonial anthropology.
In Kano, Nigeria, Rudolf Gaudio found that the code term for men who have sex with
other men is:
a. gay.
b. homosexual.
c. masu harka.
d. sex tourist.
e. mati.
New kinship groups created through affinal relationships are:
a. linked through affinity and alliance, not through shared biology or common descent.
b. traced through consanguine or "blood" relatives.
c. distinguished by relation to a founding ancestor.
d. only achieved through arranged marriages.
e. found only in very few cultures.
Anthropologist Clifford Geertz suggests that religion is essentially a system of ideas
surrounding a set of powerful:
a. symbols.
b. rituals.
c. rites.
d. beliefs.
e. practices.
Humans first began to produce food approximately:
a. 1,000 years ago.
b. 200,000 years ago.
c. 100 AD.
d. 11,000 years ago.
e. 2000 BC.
The process through which a sense of gender becomes normative and seems natural is
a. sexual dimorphism.
b. gender stratification.
c. enculturation.
d. enculturation.
e. hierarchies.
States reinforce hegemony by promoting intense feelings of:
a. animosity.
b. nationalism.
c. patriotism.
d. religious fervor.
e. society.
Ethnopharmacology is defined as:
a. the intersection of multiple cultural approaches to healing.
b. a practice that seeks to apply the principles of the natural sciences.
c. the documentation and description of the local use of natural substances in healing
remedies and practices.
d. the comparative study of local systems of health and healing.
e. the study of the spread of disease and pathogens through the human population.
The specific inherited genetic patterns of a person or organism are called its:
a. ethnicity.
b. genotype.
c. inheritance.
d. phenotype.
e. race.
Which of the following statements about immigration to the United States is accurate?
a. Prior to 1950, 90 percent of immigrants to the United States were from Asia.
b. The United States has received just less than one million legal immigrants per year
since 2000.
c. The United States has the highest proportion of foreign-born residents in the world.
d. Americans have migrated to Tonga at high rates since 1975.
e. Nearly 40 million residents of the United States were born in foreign countries.
Which of the following is a powerful enculturation tool that teaches us how to be
"successful" in consumer culture?
a. advertising
b. lending
c. relativism
d. cosmopolitism
e. agency
Gender ideology is defined as:
a. culturally based preconceived notions about the attributes of differences between, and
proper roles for, men and women.
b. the way gender identity is expressed through action.
c. the ways humans learn to behave and recognize behaviors as masculine or feminine
within cultural contexts.
d. the expectation of thought and behavior that each culture assigns to people of
different sexes.
e. a set of cultural ideas about the essential character of different genders that functions
to promote and justify gender stratification.

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