SSCI 33707

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 22
subject Words 2900
subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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Sugar and cotton helped fuel the development of a capitalist world economy.
Cross-culturally, there are only two specific genders.
Historical linguists study similarities and differences between languages spoken today
in order to make inferences about long-term linguistic change.
An age set is an example of a pantribal sodality.
Homosexual practices among the Etoro demonstrate that homosexuality is more
pronounced in matrilocal societies.
Yanomami society is one of the few matriarchies that have been documented by
A fiscal system includes the judges, laws, and courts that resolve conflicts.
Unlike industrial workers in most developing countries, female factory employees in
Malaysia enjoy very good working conditions (e.g., high wages, job security,
Taboos against incest prevent it from ever occurring in human societies.
The elites of archaic states enjoyed restricted access to sumptuary goods.
Anthropologists would agree that a comparative, cross-cultural approach is unnecessary
as long as you are diligent in your work.
With the spread of industrialization, indigenous economies, ecologies, and populations
have become threatened all over the world.
Your nuclear family includes you, your parents, and your grandparents.
Status in chiefdoms and states is based primarily on differential access to resources.
The indigenous rights movement has brought about full equality in all Latin American
Rapport is important to establish quickly to be an effective participant observer.
Today, many American companies are "outsourcing" jobs in order to take advantage of
cheap labor in noncore nations.
With patrilineal descent, a person takes her or his father's last name but recognizes
descent through both parents.
In many societies, minority groups have inferior power and less secure access to
resources than do majority groups.
Anthropologists researching the effects of development at the local level are able to
identify inadequacies that may not be evident to economists working at national and
global levels.
Single-parent families headed by women are becoming increasingly common because
of male migration, divorce, abandonment, and the idea that child care is women's
Language is transmitted through enculturation.
In Melanesia, mana was a sacred force that could reside in people, animals, plants, and
Higher amounts of melanin in the skin inhibit the body's ability to manufacture vitamin
The origin of American anthropology traces to an interest in the origins and diversity of
Native Americans.
With transhumance, the entire group moves with the animals throughout the year.
Band leaders occupy official offices and are able to force other band members to obey
their commands.
Central to most intervention philosophies is the idea that modernization,
Westernization, and industrialization will bring long-term benefits to local groups.
The hypodescent rule occurs in most Western industrialized nations.
Cultural relativists believe that people should judge culture only according to the
standards and traditions of that culture and not according to standards of other cultural
The spread of malaria is linked to population growth and deforestation.
The Internet has hindered the process of globalization.
The word cat is a symbol.
Biological anthropologists study all of the following except
A. ancient languages.
B. human biological plasticity.
C. primates.
D. human evolution.
E. human genetics.
The word pair, _________, is a minimal pair in Standard American English.
A. pit/bit
B. fat/get
C. goof/off
D. ped/pedal
E. gal/legal
The deliberate physical extinction of a group is
A. ethnocide.
B. genocide.
C. indigenocide.
D. cultural imperialism.
E. acculturation.
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "Malinowski proposed that "practical anthropology" should focus on the diffusion of
European culture into tribal societies"
B. "Malinowski was not opposed to aiding colonial regimes by studying land tenure and
land use in order to recommend how much land local people should keep and what
Europeans should get"
C. "the British Empire saw no use for anthropologists, and British colonials
purposefully distanced themselves from anthropologists in the field"
D. "a historical association existed between early anthropology, especially in Europe,
and colonialism"
E. "during World War II, American anthropologists studied Japanese and German
culture to predict the behavior of the wartime enemies of the United States"
__________ is the postmarital residence pattern in which a married couple is expected
to live in the husband's community.
A. Neolocality
B. Patrilocality
C. Matrilocality
D. Ambilocality
E. Uxorilocality
__________ is not a proper role for an applied anthropologist.
A. Working with local people in addition to "experts" and officials
B. Identifying locally perceived needs for change
C. Helping to design and implement culturally appropriate development programs
D. Helping to impose development programs designed solely by international
E. Protecting local people from projects and policies not in their best interest
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "semiperiphery nations are industrialized"
B. "semiperiphery nations export industrial goods and commodities"
C. "semiperiphery nations lack the power and economic dominance of core nations"
D. "Brazil is an example of a semiperiphery nation"
E. "semiperiphery nations economic activities are less mechanized than those in the
In many highland Papua New Guinea patrilineal-patrilocal societies
A. women are the primary producers of subsistence crops.
B. women govern the public distribution of prestige items.
C. women fear contacts, including sexual intercourse, with men.
D. polygyny decreases household productivity because a man must provide for more
than one wife.
E. the public-domestic dichotomy is minor or nonexistent.
According to Weber, the basis of social status is.
If an anthropologist is studying ethnic-religious conflict in contemporary Sri Lanka,
s/he is most likely a(n)
A. cultural anthropologist.
B. linguistic anthropologist.
C. paleoanthropologist.
D. archaeological anthropologist.
E. biological anthropologist.
__________ occurs when a dominant group compels a minority group to adopt the
dominant culture.
A. Attitudinal discrimination.
B. Genocide.
C. Forced assimilation.
D. Ethnocentrism.
E. Environmental racism.
According to Marx, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat are
A. the product of gender differentiation in Europe's tribal past.
B. the owners of the means of production in core and periphery nations, respectively.
C. distinct and opposed classes in the capitalist economy.
D. exogamous social groups.
E. moiety groups that dominated Western capitalism.
__________ refers to the devaluing of a group because of its assumed behavior, values,
abilities, or attributes.
A. Discrimination
B. Apartheid
C. Assimilation
D. Diaspora
E. Prejudice
Communitas is
A. social inequality that is accepted even by those who are less privileged.
B. a feeling of great social solidarity, equality, and togetherness.
C. anxiety about the meaning of life.
D. the Latin word for mana.
E. the supernatural.
__________ is not a characteristic field technique used by ethnographers.
A. The genealogical method
B. Participant observation
C. Conversation
D. Online questionnaires
E. Interview schedules
Applied anthropology's systemic perspective recognizes that
A. diseases affect many different systems of the human body.
B. changes do not occur in a vacuum, and a program or project has multiple effects.
C. the world-system theory of Wallerstein provides the best basis for applied work.
D. it is necessary for applied work to focus entirely on educational systems.
E. the most effective viewpoint for applied work is always that of a state administrator.
The use of anthropological findings, concepts, and methods to accomplish a desired end
A. applied anthropology.
B. economic anthropology.
C. conceptual anthropology.
D. sociobiology.
E. participant observation.
The Polynesians, the San, and the people of northern India have phenotypes that do not
fit neatly into "standard" racial categories, which suggest that
A. it is best to classify humans into a large number of racial categories.
B. phenotypical variation between human populations involves gradual shifts across
different geographic zones, rather than sharp breaks indicative of discrete races.
C. these populations must have originated sometime before the major racial groups
D. traditional concepts of race need to be reworked so that they are more exclusive.
E. there has been a lot of gene flow in the time since the origin of the three major
human races.
Robert Redfield explained the relations between urban and rural communities by
arguing that
A. peasants were culturally isolated from cities.
B. cities were centers from which cultural innovations were spread to rural and tribal
C. kin-based ethnic associations only exist in rural areas.
D. there are so many connections between rural and urban areas that it is not useful to
distinguish between them.
E. urban centers have more in common with each other, even across national
boundaries, than they do with rural areas in the same country.
Gender stratification is
A. less pronounced among agriculturalists.
B. includes societies where women control all the strategic resources.
C. generally reduced when the domestic and public spheres are not sharply separated.
D. allows women to become more powerful as the contribute more to the domestic
E. allows women to become more powerful as the contribute less to the domestic
Barth uses the term __________ to refer to a society that combines ethnic contrasts,
ecological specialization, and economic interdependence of groups.
A. colony
B. broad-spectrum subsistence
C. plural society
D. imagined community
E. assimilation
During the first few weeks in the field, the anthropologist will
A. be completely useless, as he or she is in culture shock.
B. spend time recovering from jet lag.
C. only hand out gifts to the children of the culture.
D. notice some of the most basic aspects of cultural diversity that eventually fade from
E. read background history on the culture.
The question, ___________, was important in the origins of American anthropology.
A. "How are the Neanderthals related to us"
B. "Where did Native Americans come from"
C. "When and where did food production first begin"
D. "How much beer do people in Arizona drink today"
E. "Where do ideals of attractiveness come from"
Linguistic displacement is the
A. ability to use the rules of language to produce entirely new expressions.
B. lexical difference between a protolanguage and a daughter language.
C. ability to respond to environmental stimuli.
D. linguistic dimension of culture shock.
E. ability to talk about things that are not present.
Recent research on chimpanzee eating habits indicates that
A. chimps are habitual hunters.
B. male chimps are exclusive herbivores.
C. chimpanzees occasionally cook meat at volcanically heated springs.
D. while chimps do hunt a little, they get most of their meat by stealing it from
E. chimpanzee hunting is the main reason New World monkeys are almost extinct.
A mutation in the ___________ has been found between humans and chimpanzees that
is likely responsible for the human capability for speech.
A. FOXP2 gene
B. microcephalin gene
C. hyoid
D. lungs
E. tongue
Means of production include
A. foraging, horticulture, agriculture, and pastoralism.
B. the market principle, redistribution, and reciprocity.
C. generalized, balanced, and negative reciprocity.
D. kinship, descent, and marriage.
E. land, labor, and technology.
The statement, __________, does not describe indigenous identities.
A. "they emerge through a specific process"
B. "they are thriving"
C. "they are ways of being someone or something in particular times and places"
D. "they are potentially plural"
E. "they can be fluid or competing"
__________ fueled the European "Age of Discovery."
A. A desire to save the souls of local peoples
B. Pilgrims fleeing persecution in their European homelands
C. The feudal kingdoms of East Asia reaching out to establish trade links with Europe
D. A seven-year-long drought in Europe
E. European commercial interest in exotic raw materials
The media help propel a transnational culture of __________, as they spread
information about products, services, rights, institutions, and lifestyles.
A. conflict
B. tolerance
C. invention
D. electronic communication
E. consumerism
20th-century industrialization did not
A. bring new industries and new jobs.
B. exert beneficial effects on the economies, ecologies, and populations of "developing"
nations in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.
C. lead to depletion of fossil fuels.
D. increase production spurred strategies to sell everything industry could churn out.
E. give rise to mass production gave rise to a culture of overconsumption.
Neoliberalism does not include
A. the view that government should not regulate private enterprise and market forces.
B. striving to cut government expenses.
C. the belief that property should be communally owned and that people should work
for the common good.
D. maximization of profits through cost reduction.
E. tariff- and barrier-free international trade and investment.
Define overinnovation, and explain why it can undermine development projects.
Answer:Answers will vary.
List differences between sex and gender. Explain why it is important to understand this
Answer:Answers will vary.
There is considerable debate today over whether governments should or should not
require schools to provide bilingual education for students, and if so, how this could
best be accomplished. Pretend that a school board in a bilingual community has asked
to provide some guidance on this issue. Explain to the school board about the
relationships between students' social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds and their
potential for success in school.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Explain the universality of religion.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Explain the difference between acculturation and indigenization, citing examples of
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe the biological features that humans share with primates and how they provide
a biological basis for cultural attributes. Define how human culture is similar to and
different from aspects of primate life.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Identify the factors responsible for the variable development of political regulation and
authority structures among pastoralists.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Identify the key structures of language, and explain why it is important to know and
understand these features.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe the capitalist world economy. Cite when it originated and list its features.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss strategies that can help ensure that economic development and
environmentalism benefit, rather than endanger, local communities.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define BEV, and compare it to SE.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Determine how the BaThonga of Mozambique's practice of giving lobola (substantial
gifts to bride's family) affects their marriages.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss anthropology's dual identity as a member of the social sciences and the
humanities. Define the advantages that may be found in this dual identity.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Name the various kinds of work applied anthropologists pursue. Provide one example
for each subfield. Discuss the aspects of anthropology that make it uniquely valuable in
application to social problems.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss whether or not religion is becoming more or less important in contemporary
American society. If you believe that religion is becoming less important, discuss what
is replacing it.
Answer:Answers will vary.

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