SSCI 32439

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 20
subject Words 1997
subject Authors Mark Sutton

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Diseases can leave evidence in bone as well as in human soft tissue.
It is a felony to destroy an archaeological site.
Because archaeology is a scientific discipline, archaeologists cannot ever be fooled by
Absolute dates are never reported with a significant error factor included.
Foragers can never have a substantial impact on the environment.
To say that archaeology is empirical and objective means that it considers only those
objects and patterns that physically exist and can be observed, measured, and tested.
Once people invent ceramics, they no longer use baskets.
As people become more numerous, and as technology becomes more complex, we have
learned to decrease the scale of our impact on the environment.
Dendrochronology can be used at any site.
The introduction of the bow and arrow probably increased hunting efficiency.
Diffusion is but one of the possible explanations for the movement of materials and
The most common technique for assessing radiocarbon age is known as decay counting.
Biblical archaeology is a kind of prehistoric archaeology.
Internal stimuli are rarely a source of culture change.
NAGPRA applies to any site, on public or private land.
Some recovered material from archaeological sites is irrelevant to our understanding of
past cultural practices.
Analysis of botanical remains in the midden at La Quinta and palaeofeces at Lake
Cahuilla revealed that there was no seasonal variation in the diet.
Archaeologists can work independently to excavate a large site.
Ground penetrating radar is more accurate than electrical resistivity.
Taylor argued that archaeology should be focused on classifying artifacts.
Kirch s models of Polynesian agriculture were based on both archaeological and ʹ
ethnographic research.
Across the board, Native Americans refuse to become professional archaeologists.
Human population growth is the single greatest threat to archaeological sites and related
resources worldwide.
The process of tool stone reduction is also known as flintknapping.
Archbishop Ussher argued that geological processes that could be observed were the
same that had always occurred.
Once a stone tool is completed, it can never be used for any other purpose.
NASA has an exobiology branch.
Maritime archaeology includes both nautical and underwater archaeology.
Exoarchaeology is practiced by archaeologists today.
It is more difficult to estimate dietary contributions of plant than animal resources to the
tzi the Iceman was originally thought to be the body of a recently deceased hiker or
Kennewick Man was found as a result of a specific archaeological project.
It is completely acceptable for archaeologists to keep some of the artifacts they collect
in their office to show visitors.
The use of index fossils is a kind of absolute dating technique.
Exogamy, marrying outside one's group, is a rare feature of hunter-gatherers.
Kennewick man was thought to be __________.
A) a modern homicide victim
B) a Civil War survivor
C) a nineteenth-century settler
D) all of the above
Which of the following subsistence systems will most likely leave the most extensive
A) archaeological evidence?
B) intensive agriculture
C) pastoralism
D) foraging
E) horticulture
The large-scale production of domesticated plants, often using animal labor or
equipment such as plows is called __________.
A) intensive agriculture
B) pastoralism
C) horticulture
D) foraging
E) industrialism
Which of the following would be studied by historical archaeologists?
A) Ancient Rome
B) Pre-Columbian Maya
C) Colonial Williamsburg
D) the Neolithic
E) Bronze Age Europe
Which of the following increases the likelihood for ethical breaches in archaeology?
A) underfunded projects
B) inadequate training
C) lack of self-policing among professional archaeologists
D) all of the above
Heinrich Schliemann is most famous for __________.
A) owning a hardware store in Sacramento
B) theater production of ancient plays
C) his translation of Homer s Iliadʹ
D) the discovery of Troy
E) the discovery of the Elgin Marbles
Which of the following is an example of a relative dating technique?
A) seriation
B) radiocarbon
C) obsidian hydration
D) potassium argon.
E) dendrochronology
The Marxist approach is similar to __________ in that it is materialist.
A) processualism
B) postprocessualism
C) culture history
D) ethnoarchaeology
E) evolutionary archaeology
Cannibalism can be most convincingly seen in the archaeological record__________.
A) when the marks on human bones match those on butchered food animal remains
B) when human bones are broken
C) when skull injuries are evident
D) when graves are left unmarked
E) when human bones show cut marks
The federal law that states that each federal agency shall establish a formal historic
preservation program is __________.
B) Section 106 of NHPA
E) Section 110 of NHPA
The threat to Abu Simbel was __________.
A) the construction of an airport
B) the construction of a large housing development
C) the rising level of Lake Nasser, because of the construction of the Aswan Dam
D) the construction of a major freeway bypass
E) none of the above
What was the immediate danger to the site at Fort Hall?
A) The Snake River was encroaching on the site
B) It was going to be wiped out by a housing development
C) SHPO needed it for a training ground
D) The local Native American tribe wanted to remove it, to reclaim the land for ritual
E) The site was drying out
FUN dating is based on the fact that the longer bone is buried in the ground,
A) the more fun it has.
B) the more nitrogen it loses.
C) the more nitrogen it absorbs.
D) the less mass it has.
E) the more it decays.
According to Hudson's research among the Aka, what factors contribute to the eventual
distribution of animal bone across a habitation site?
A) which parts of the animal are cooked and eaten
B) extreme weather
C) differences in cleaning methods
D) water flow and flooding
E) warfare
The principle of uniformitarianism was first argued by __________.
A) Herbert Spencer
B) Archbishop Ussher
C) Jacques Boucher de Perthes
D) Christian Thomsen
E) Charles Lyell
Which of the following is a relative dating method?
A) cross-dating.
B) dendrochronology.
C) index fossils.
D) radiocarbon dating.
E) obsidian hydration.
Which of the following would a bioarchaeologist be the least concerned with studying?
A) the study of grave goods
B) the study of mummified human remains
C) osteological analysis
D) DNA analysis
E) analysis of teeth
__________ attempts to explain cultural change as the result of direct selective
processes on the variation of artifact types and frequencies, resulting in the change of
those types and frequencies over time.
A) Diffusionism
B) Systems theory
C) Evolutionary archaeology
D) A diachronic approach
E) Synchronic theory
Which of the following techniques would be most useful for understanding the
evolution of modern humans?
A) use-wear analysis
B) geochemical sourcing
C) residue analysis
D) DNA analysis
E) qualitative analysis
Which of the following would be studied by classical archaeologists?
A) Ancient Maya
B) Ancient China
C) Ancient Polynesians
D) Ancient Rome
E) Ancient Egypt
Which of the following body parts fare included in the axial skeleton?
A) the ribs
B) the arm
C) the skull
D) the hand
E) the leg
Contact between cultures can lead to __________.
A) acculturation
B) diffusion
C) syncretism
D) all of the above
Cores taken some lakes can reveal varves which are __________.
A) microscopic animals
B) deposition of phytoliths
C) glacial snowfall
D) annual temperature change
E) annual records of sediment deposition
The exchange of cultural features between two groups or societies in which parts of
both cultures change, but each group remains distinct, is called __________.
A) adaptation
B) acculturation
C) diffusion
D) assimilation
E) syncretism
If you find an archaeological site on your property you should __________
A) start excavating immediately
B) surface collect as many artifacts as possible
C) map the site and keep the map to yourself
D) call the state archaeologist
Conducting experiments with ancient materials and techniques is called __________.
A) ethnoarchaeology
B) ethnographic analogy
C) exoarchaeology
D) experimental archaeology
E) processual archaeology
In classifying artifacts, archaeologists use__________.
A) both quantitative and qualitative attributes
B) residue and DNA analysis
C) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
D) a standardized typological scheme
E) historical written records
Julian Steward said which of the following __________.
A) environment has no impact on cultural adaptation
B) adaptations are long-term
C) changes in culture can result in entirely new ones through cultural evolution
D) technology drives cultural change
E) changes in culture only appear via diffusion
The Shroud of Turin and Piltdown are examples of __________.
A) historical archaeology
B) frauds
C) synchronic processes
D) archaeological cultures
E) ecofacts
Speculations about exoarchaeology originally came from concern about possible
architecture on __________.
A) Antarctica
B) Mars
C) South America
D) the ocean floor
E) the moon
Bowstrings, nooses, and snares are all examples of__________.
A) coiling technique
B) earthenwares
C) basketry
D) textiles
E) cordage
The most commonly used and most important method of radiometric dating in
archaeology is __________.
A) radiocarbon dating.
B) potassium-argon.
C) uranium series.
D) electron-spin resonance.
E) fission track.
An example of an ancient state-level society is __________.
A) the Aka
B) Moundville
C) the Han Dynasty
D) the San people of Africa
E) the Chumash
Which of the following is an ecofact?
A) bone needle
B) hand ax
C) knife
D) charcoal
E) ceramic pot

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