SSCI 295 Test

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 8
subject Words 1169
subject Authors Adena B. Meyers, Laura E. Berk

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Which of the following statements accurately reflects the change in self-description that
typically occurs between ages 8 and 11?
A)Children tend to describe themselves by focusing on specific behaviors.
B)Children will describe positive, but not negative, personality traits.
C)Children organize their observations of behaviors and internal states into general
D)Children are likely to describe themselves in extreme, all-or-none ways.
Baby Sunni quickly closes her eyelids when her father claps his hands near her head. The
function of this reflex is to
A)stimulate the eye muscle.
B)protect the infant from a blow to the head.
C)protect the infant from strong stimulation.
D)communicate irritation toward a caregiver.
Researchers using Gibson and Walk's visual cliff found that
A)depth perception first appears after babies begin to walk.
B)most babies avoided the deep side of the cliff.
C)most babies avoided the shallow side of the cliff.
D)depth perception first appears after babies begin to crawl.
Fifteen-year-old Tyson has low self-esteem. Tyson is
A)experiencing role confusion.
B)at risk for adjustment difficulties.
C)in identity moratorium.
D)a typical teenager.
Which of the following parents is most likely to pay child support regularly?
A)Betty, a noncustodial mother who sees her son only occasionally
B)George, a noncustodial father who has supervised visitation with his son
C)Frank, a noncustodial father who sees his daughter often
D)Willa, a noncustodial mother who has no visitation rights
Make-believe __________ as children realize that agents and recipients of pretend actions
can be independent of themselves.
A)attaches to the real-life conditions associated with it
B)becomes less self-centered
C)includes less complex combinations of schemes
D)becomes more self-directed
The Marinuzzis are a well-functioning family who are experiencing mild conflicts with
their teenage son. They should know that these conflicts
A)will facilitate their son's identity and autonomy by helping family members learn to
express and tolerate disagreement.
B)will continue to escalate throughout the high school years and then will gradually
C)are common among young people who are abusing alcohol or drugs.
D)are unusual for most adolescents and may indicate that their son is depressed.
In designing the Strange Situation, Mary Ainsworth and her colleagues reasoned that
securely attached infants and toddlers
A)should use the parent as a secure base from which to explore in an unfamiliar setting.
B)are just as easily comforted by an unfamiliar adult as by the parent.
C)combine anger and clinginess when reunited with a parent who has left the room for a
D)do not show distress when the parent leaves the room.
While out shopping, Mrs. Salveson becomes upset with her teenage daughter Ashley's
sarcastic responses to her questions. Understanding the concept of the imaginary audience,
how would you advise Mrs. Salveson to react to Ashley's behavior?
A)Address the behavior immediately when it happens to avoid the likelihood of it
B)Ask another respected adult, such as a teacher or counselor, to deal with Ashley's
C)Ignore the behavior and hope that it will disappear as Ashley matures.
D)Wait until she has an opportunity to speak to Ashley alone, and address the problem
__________ are the leading cause of childhood mortality in industrialized nations.
B)Unintentional injuries
C)Birth defects
D)Infectious diseases
Jesi, age 3, is asked to draw a cylinder. Based on her age, she will probably draw
B)nonrepresentational scribbles.
C)a circle, an oval, or a rectangle.
D)two circles and some lines.
T. Berry Brazelton's Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)
A)evaluates a newborn baby's reflexes, muscle tone, state changes, and responsiveness to
B)is specially designed for use with newborns at risk for developmental problems.
C)evaluates a newborn baby's appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration.
D)evaluates a newborn baby's vision, touch sensitivity, hearing, and odor sensitivity.
Compared with those who give birth lying on their backs, women who choose an upright
position are likely to __________ to __________.
A)more; have a longer labor
B)more; need an episiotomy
C)less; use pain-relieving medication
D)more; deliver a breech baby
Dizygotic twins
A)have the same genetic makeup.
B)result from a zygote that separates into two clusters.
C)are the most common type of multiple offspring.
D)are more alike than ordinary siblings.
Ahmed, age 2, gives his favorite stuffed toy to his little brother when his brother falls
down and starts to cry. Ahmed is displaying
A)an internal working model.
C)a categorical self.
D)social referencing.
Mr. Linden wants to discuss sex with his teenage daughter. Which of the following
approaches would you recommend to him?
A)a parent-dominated explanation about the facts of life
B)a give-and-take conversation between parent and child
C)a child-led question/answer session
D)a judgmental conversation in which he does not answer the child's questions
Which of the following statements about categorization is true?
A)Even young infants can categorize, grouping similar objects and events into a single
B)As infants approach their second birthday, fewer categories appear to be based on subtle
sets of features.
C)Older infants cannot make categorical distinctions when the perceptual contract between
two categories is minimal.
D)Not until the early preschool years can children sort people and their voices by gender
and age.
The Rourke's have a teenage son and daughter. Which of the following is most likely to be
A)Mrs. Rourke's conflict with her daughter will be just as intense as conflict with her son.
B)Mr. Rourke's conflict with his daughter will be more intense than conflict with his son.
C)Mrs. Rourke's conflict with her son will be more intense than conflict with her daughter.
D)Mr. Rourke's conflict with his son will be just as intense as conflict with his daughter.
Research on gender typing reveals that
A)beginning at birth, parents have different expectations of sons than of daughters.
B)parents tend to describe achievement and warmth as important for sons.
C)parents actively reinforce closeness and independence in boys and dependency in girls.
D)fathers are more insistent that girls rather than boys conform to gender roles.

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