SSCI 26833

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1738
subject Authors Joan B. Silk, Robert Boyd

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Large body sizes that require more energy and weaponry that can cause severe injury
demonstrate that
a. sexual selection is stronger than natural selection.
b. natural selection is stronger than sexual selection.
c. male reproductive success varies less than female reproductive success.
d. intersexual selection is strong in primates.
Kin selection combined with females remaining in their natal group, in many primate
species, has led to
a. mutualistic behavior.
b. asymmetrical behavior.
c. the transmission of rank laterally from sister to sister.
d. the transmission of rank from mothers to offspring.
The environment changes so that most individuals in a population are not well adapted
to the environment. This is an example of
a. a local optimum.
b. disequilibrium.
c. environmental drift.
d. genetic drift.
a. are not involved in the transmission of genes.
b. are the sex cells, or eggs and sperm.
c. do not differ between male and female animals.
d. were discovered by Darwin.
Contemporary human foragers
a. take years to learn to forage and are usually adults before they are proficient hunters
and food extractors.
b. collect the majority of their food as ripe fruit or otherwise easily accessed sources.
c. rely more on domesticated foods from their gardens than on wild foods.
d. have almost identical diets as chimpanzees, plus meat.
You have just completed a study of chimpanzee tool use. You noticed that young
chimpanzees accompanied females to sites where tools and termites were available and
females practiced termite fishing. Young chimpanzees usually played and socialized
with each other while females fed. If these chimpanzees grow up to termite fish
themselves, you can conclude that this behavior was passed on through which
a. Active teaching
b. Observational learning
c. Social facilitation
d. Imitation
Variation among groups at a single locus can be maintained by
a. different environments.
b. haplotypes.
c. single nucleotide polymorphisms.
d. recombination.
Which of the following statements about female primate reproductive success is NOT
supported by the evidence?
a. The longer a female lives, the more offspring she will likely have.
b. Past a certain age, female primates stop reproducing, so it does not matter how long
they live.
c. Younger females have less success with raising offspring because the female is not
fully grown and continues to demand energy for her own survival that might otherwise
be invested in offspring.
d. Among primates, humans are unusual in that females stop reproducing abruptly when
they get older and have a potentially long postreproductive period.
Which of the following characteristics did the first hominoids share with modern apes?
a. Limbs of equal length
b. A narrow thorax
c. Larger brains than monkeys
d. Tooth adaptations for insectivory and frugivory
Women who fetched the highest bridewealth payments among the Kipsigis were those
a. with the richest fathers.
b. with the poorest fathers.
c. who experienced menarche at a later age.
d. who experienced menarche at an earlier age.
An example of associative learning is
a. watching the behavior of parents.
b. imprinting.
c. memory of past events.
d. understanding cause and effect.
The close association of hominin chipped stone tools and animal bones may not be
because hominins used tools on these animals, but could be a result of
a. volcanic eruptions.
b. carnivore activity.
c. moving water.
d. sedimentation.
Upper Paleolithic people were the first to
a. make tools from stone and bamboo.
b. regularly create art and ornamentation, perform ritual burials, and practice other
forms of symbolic expression.
c. live in caves.
d. migrate out of Africa.
Imagine a caregiver who helps raise a conspecific's offspring. Such caregiving reduces
her fitness by 10% and increases the fitness of the recipient by 25%. According to
Hamilton's rule, in which of the following scenarios could this behavior evolve?
a. Groups of full siblings
b. Groups of half siblings
c. Both types of groups
d. Neither type of group
Homo ergaster
a. may not have had spoken language.
b. could walk but not run.
c. was very lean.
d. was highly sexually dimorphic.
Variation in height is heritable within groups. Therefore,
a. genetic differences cause height differences among groups.
b. environmental differences cause height differences among groups.
c. cultural differences cause height differences among groups.
d. genetic, environmental, or cultural differences may be responsible for height
differences among groups.
Which of the following bones can provide evidence that a fossil animal was bipedal?
a. Humerus, fingers
b. A hand with an opposable thumb
c. Ear bones (related to balance)
d. Pelvis, femur, skull
How is variation maintained?
a. There is blending during sexual reproduction.
b. Mutations are deleterious.
c. New variation is slowly added by mutation.
d. The genetic composition of offspring is a replica of their parents.
Which of the following statements is true?
a. There are no gender differences related to preferred age of mates and preferred
number of partners.
b. Men tend to marry younger women, but this difference decreases as men age; in
comparison, there is a greater age difference between women and their husbands.
c. In regard to new relationships, it seems that men tend to underestimate women's
sexual interest, while women tend to overestimate men's interest in commitment.
d. With regard to new relationships, it seems that men tend to overestimate women's
sexual interest, while women tend to underestimate men's interest in commitment.
Dental characteristics of hominins, relative to previous species, include
a. thin enamel.
b. thick enamel.
c. a parallel dental arcade.
d. both a and c.
At Olduvai sites,
a. both hominin and nonhominin carnivores were active, and nonhominin carnivores
may have sometimes eaten hominins.
b. nonhominin carnivores were the main prey of hominins.
c. nonhominin carnivores were not active.
d. virtually all hominin activity involved scavenging; there was virtually no actual
To determine whether the differences between the human and chimpanzee genome are a
result of natural selection or mutation and drift, geneticists compare synonymous and
nonsynonymous substitutions. Genes that have evolved because of selection should
show what pattern?
a. Fewer nonsynonymous substitutions than synonymous substitutions.
b. More nonsynonymous substitutions than synonymous substitutions.
c. No difference in nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions.
d. There is too little information to answer this question.
Mendel crossed AABB with aabb individuals, where B = smooth, b = wrinkled, A =
yellow, and a = green. What was the genotypic ratio of the F1 generation?
a. All AAbb
b. 1/2 AAbb and 1/2 aaBB
c. All AaBb
d. All AABB
If infanticide is a reproductive strategy for males, then
a. males should kill all the infants already in the group when they take over.
b. males should kill all the infants already in the group, regardless of where the mothers
are in their cycle.
c. infanticide should be associated with group size and composition.
d. infanticide should be correlated with a change in male residence or status in the
Australopithecus garhi had a unique fin of bone on its skull known as a
a. Sagittal crest.
b. Sagittal keel.
c. Sagittal mohawk.
d. Sagittal protuberance.
When genes at many loci affect a character,
a. the trait is more likely to occur in a smooth distribution.
b. natural selection cannot act on the character.
c. the environment is less likely to affect the character.
d. both a and c are correct.
Although men typically prefer a larger number of sexual partners than women do,
a. men are less open to mating opportunities that do not involve long-term
b. this result is not found in all cultures.
c. in some cultures men and women differed more greatly than in others.
d. men prefer women who are older than they are.
Upper Paleolithic peoples were the first to manufacture
a. blade tools.
b. hand axes.
c. choppers.
d. flakes.
Altruistic behavior is more likely
a. among kin than among nonkin.
b. among nonkin than among kin.
c. among kin than among nonkin, but only when kin and nonkin have the opportunity to
d. among nonkin than among kin, but only when nonkin interact with each other more
than kin do.
Modern orangutans most likely evolved from
a. Kenyapithecus.
b. Dryopithecus.
c. Ouranopithecus.
d. Sivapithecus.
During interglacial periods of the early Middle Pleistocene,
a. the world was drier.
b. temperatures were cooler.
c. glaciers covered Europe and North America.
d. animals moved from Africa to Eurasia.
Among nonhuman primates, inbreeding
a. is common.
b. is rare.
c. occurs when animals are bored.
d. is avoided only with siblings.
Homo heidelbergensis lived in
a. Africa only.
b. Africa and Eurasia.
c. Eurasia only.
d. every continent of the world except Antarctica.
Fossil New World primates
a. were small bodied.
b. first evolved during the Eocene.
c. were terrestrial.
d. had three premolars.
Which of the following statements correctly characterizes the Fayum Depression during
the Oligocene?
a. Its community included strepsirrhines, omomyids, and haplorrhines.
b. It was a desert.
c. It did not have any animals other than primates.
d. It is where the oldest primate fossils on record came from.

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