SSCI 25594

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2268
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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The belief that one's own way of life is superior to others is called
a. ethnocentrism.
b. cultural relativism.
c. egocentrism.
d. kulturpride.
e. ethnicity.
A contract in which a woman and man establish a continuing claim to the right of
sexual access to one another and in which the woman involved becomes entitled to bear
children is also called
a. family.
b. incest.
c. sex.
d. affinity.
e. marriage.
Homo sapiens was the first human species to migrate out of Africa.
All of the following are common reasons why women have traditionally been less
involved in common-interest association than men except:
a. domestic duties.
b. restrictions by male-dominated culture.
c. childrearing responsibilities.
d. few choices of established associations.
e. low level of interest in social activities.
The entire formal structure of a language consisting of all observations about its
meaningful units of sounds and the rules or principles of making phrases and sentences
is called its
a. syntax.
b. form classes.
c. morphology.
d. phonology.
e. grammar.
Among the Tiriki of East Africa, each of the age grades last approximately how many
a. 15
b. 7
c. 23
d. 12
e. 30
What was the primary goal of the Cusichaca Trust research and applied work in the
Patacancha Valley of Peru?
a. Alteration of dietary intake to improve nutrition
b. Development of new seeds more adapted to the climate
c. Development of new markets throughout the valley
d. Revival of ancient farming techniques
e. Introduction of domestic animals to revive pastoralism
Which of the following is not a form of political organization?
a. Band
b. Tribe
c. Chiefdom
d. Group
e. State
What are honor killings?
a. Murder condoned by the genealogical group in order to retaliate for shame of
unapproved sexual activity
b. Murder against the genealogical group by those who wish to take its women and
other possessions
c. Public shaming of individuals who have engaged in adulterous activities; this usually
consists of verbal insults and flogging
d. Also called namus, this is the process of adapting to foreign cultures and giving up
one's connection to ancestor worship
e. Historical feuds between lineages that last for more than four generations
Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. Enculturation begins before birth
b. Humans must be enculturated to reach human potential
c. Culture is biologically inherited
d. Culture is socially constructed
e. The first agents of a child's enculturation are members of the household
The Garbage Project in Tucson demonstrated that what people say and what they do can
differ dramatically. For instance, investigators found that
a. no one claimed to use hair coloring, but many empty packages of hair dye were
found in the trash.
b. people claimed to take vitamins daily, but the number of empty vitamin bottles did
not support this claim.
c. women who said they bought no new clothes in the last month in fact had discarded
tags and sales slips from clothing stores in their trash.
d. no one said they drank Scotch, but several empty Johnny Walker bottles were found
in the trash.
e. the amount of beer consumed, according to empty cans in the trash, was far higher
than people claimed.
Tools tend to be fewer and simpler among
a. mobile food foragers and pastoralists.
b. semi-permanent horticulturalists.
c. sedentary agriculturalists.
d. wealthy industrialists.
e. rice farmers.
When an individual undergoes rituals to celebrate birth, puberty, and marriage, he or
she is practicing
a. rites of rebellion.
b. rites of passage.
c. rites of intensification.
d. rites of magic.
e. life stage rituals.
The Dalits women's movements in India illustrates that even long-established practices
can be
a. challenged.
b. practical.
c. legal.
d. ethical.
e. essential.
A study of childrearing among the Ju/"hoansi of Africa indicates that
a. boys and girls are raised in a very similar manner and are both mild-mannered and
b. because girls are out gathering most of the time, they are expected to be more
aggressive and self-reliant than boys are.
c. mothers spend the least amount of time with their children, and thus the children
identify strongly with their fathers.
d. boys do more work than girls.
e. boys have less responsibility than girls and get to play more of the time.
A ranked society in which every member has a position in the hierarchy and an
individual's status is determined by membership in a descent group is called a
a. band.
b. tribe.
c. chiefdom.
d. state.
e. kindred.
During the first stage of trance,
a. the shamans dance and invite others to participate.
b. individuals experience iconic images and feel as if they are one with the deity.
c. the individual does not initially experience an altered state.
d. the nervous system generates patterns of dots, zigzags, curves, and lines.
e. the individual begins to make sense of abstract forms based on cultural knowledge.
When the economy is based on _____ and when the man does most of the productive
work, the bride's people may give a dowry that protects the woman against desertion.
Dowry is also a statement of her economic status.
a. food foraging
b. pastoralism
c. agriculture
d. horticulture
e. industrialism
Though pastoral nomadic peoples are often blamed for causing environmental
degradation, the fault is often not theirs. Rather, in areas such as sub-Saharan Africa it is
caused by
a. unrestricted development.
b. a tremendous increase in tourism.
c. the ever-burgeoning use of off road vehicles.
d. governments that restrict their movements causing overgrazing.
e. global warming.
All of the following statements about megacorporations are correct except:
a. many of them generate more money than whole countries.
b. they are often subject to open records and must disclose many internal affairs.
c. they are the products of the technological revolution.
d. they are such large businesses that they can often ignore and change the plans of
government where they operate.
e. they are controlled by wealthy capitalists.
Acculturation is best defined as
a. a process in which two cultures come into contact and both of them are changed
because of the culture contact.
b. a process of unequal culture contact when a smaller culture is forced to adopt some
of the ways of the dominant society.
c. a process of culture change in which individuals grow older and adapt to the new
biological and cultural needs they have within their own society.
d. the process by which members of a society are taught cultural knowledge from their
e. genocide; it occurs when one culture eradicates another.
In the 1960s, the children of many middle- and upper-class families, trying to come to
terms with the disparity between the ideologies expressed by their parents (e.g., the
importance of peace, equality, and individual freedom) and the reality of war, poverty,
and individual constraints, tried to establish a more satisfying way of life. Many ran
away from home to live in communes where they tried to abolish individual property
and fulfill ideals of universal love. This is an example of
a. revitalization.
b. modernization.
c. diffusion.
d. innovation.
e. syncretism.
In their work of meeting the challenges of globalization in human communities,
anthropologists are ____, meaning they take into account many interacting factors to
understand the functioning of a complex whole.
a. evolutionary
b. relativistic
c. holistic
d. cross-cultural
e. ethnocentric
A horticultural or pastoral society is most likely to be politically organized as a
a. state.
b. chiefdom.
c. band.
d. tribe.
e. commercial society.
Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson did their most significant photographic research
a. Tonga.
b. Hawaii.
c. Indonesia.
d. Samoa.
e. Bali.
The use of wealth to support the tonowi's power, the belief in the divine right of kings to
rule, and the choice of the oldest living male becoming the head of the Dahomey state
of West Africa all have in common that they
a. have to do with a system of centralized authority.
b. represent what is considered to be the legitimate basis of political authority in that
particular society.
c. all have to do with the use of force as a legitimate basis of both current and future
projected political leadership.
d. all have to do with non-Western forms of political power.
e. all are associated with food foraging.
Chimpanzee males use meat for all of the following except:
a. gain status.
b. attract sexual partners.
c. reward friends.
d. consolidate allies.
e. bait for hunting.
According to Stephen Jay Gould, "Wheels, like wings, fins, and brains, are exquisite
devices for certain purposes, not signs of intrinsic superiority." Which of the following
statements about the use of the wheel in the Middle East is correct?
a. Wheels were never appropriate vehicles in the Middle East and were never used
there; camels have been used as beasts of burden since before Biblical times.
b. Wheels have always been used in the Middle East, as they are the most appropriate
vehicle for traveling across deserts and were first invented there.
c. Wheels were once widespread in the Middle East, but by the 6th century A.D., had
been replaced by camels because the Roman roads had deteriorated and the camel was
more suitable to the uneven terrain.
d. Camels were once widespread throughout the Middle East during Biblical times, but
as civilization advanced, were replaced by vehicles that made use of the wheel.
e. Wheels were never introduced to the Middle East until the modern era. However,
they were the first to use trains and other forms of rapid transportation.
The chance discovery of some new principle that can be applied in a variety of ways is
called a(n)
a. primary innovation.
b. primary syncretism.
c. applied anthropology.
d. cultural adaptation.
e. secondary innovation.
The Probo Koala dumped toxic waste in ____ that caused more than 40,000 locals to
get sick.
a. Nigeria
b. Cte d"Ivoire
c. Bolivia
d. Zambia
e. India
What is genocide? Give an example and discuss.
Answer:Will vary
Explain the statement, "Insanity is a socially and culturally constructed mental illness."
Answer:Will vary
A customary practice such as hosting a birthday party is an example of negative
The Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s and 1970s brought about social changes in the
United States. How can the system that existed prior to those changes be thought of as
Answer:Will vary
In what ways is "progress" a relative concept for anthropologists?
Answer:Will vary
Define "culture area," using the Plains as an example.
Answer:Will vary
Twenty-five percent of the world's population identifies itself as "non-religious."
What are both the kinship and wider social significances of "new reproductive
techniques" (NRTs)?
Answer:Will vary
Among the Inca there was such a thing as "chocolate money."
Name three ways that anthropologists can contribute to meeting the challenges of
globalization in our world today.
Answer:Will vary
Cultural and economic upheavals born of globalization have nothing to do with the
rising levels of ethnic and religious conflict throughout the world.
Studies of human adaptation focus on the capacity of humans to adapt, or adjust to their
material environment, biologically and culturally.
Besides providing factual accounts of the fate of victims who had disappeared
(desaparecidos) to their surviving kin, Dr. Snow's work helped convict several
Argentine military officers of kidnapping, torture, and murder.
What are the social contexts in which common-interest organizations are found?
Answer:Will vary
Compare and contrast the Hawaiian and Iroquois kinship systems.
Answer:Will vary
What does it mean to say that "tattoos are read" for meaning?
Answer:Will vary
What are some possible reactions to repressive change?
Answer:Will vary
Western-style clothing, computers, e-mail, Coca-Cola, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza
Hut, McDonald's hamburgers, etc., have spread to virtually all parts of the world, and
many countries have come a long way toward becoming "Westernized." Because of this
trend, some people predict that the world will, in the not too distant future, become
politically unified. What is wrong with the prediction? Explain, using examples.
Answer:Will vary

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