SSCI 24549

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1865
subject Authors George F. Cole, Michael D. Reisig, Todd R. Clear

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Prison administrators use institutional programs to help manage time.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Remove an offender's capacity to commit crime
b. Min/max range of incarceration
c. Punishment as an example to the public
d. Restoring the offender to society
e. Control over the amount of time a prisoner serves
f. Deserved punishment
g. Incarcerated for the betterment of society
h. Goal of punishment seeking to repair damage caused
i. Fixed time of incarceration
j.Punishment for the individual
General deterrence
Most people would hardly call their own job a________ if they had been seen at work
only three or four times.
a. habit
b. career
c. passion
d. calling
Which of the following is an impact of release mechanisms?
a. They can shorten a sentence imposed by a judge.
b. They encourage plea-bargaining.
c. They mitigate the harshness of the penal code.
d. all of these.
Because of the heinous nature of the crime, several states have sought to enact laws
permitting use of the death penalty for adults who:
a. kill a child while drunk driving.
b. rape a child.
c. molest a child.
d. neglect a child.
In ___________________, the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was itself
not unconstitutional, but the way it was administrated constituted cruel and unusual
a. Furman v. Georgia
b. Cameron v. Klenowski
c. Gregg v. Georgia
d. Gideon v. Wainwright
_________ offenders are more likely to seek solitude.
a. Situational
b. Elderly
c. Drug abuser
d. Habitual
From the earliest accounts of humankind, punishment has been used as one means of
social control.
a. True
b. False
A large percentage of the admissions to prison each year are parole violators.
a. True
b. False
This case specified the "essentials" required by Kentnotice, hearing, counsel, and cross
a. In Re Gault
b. In re Winship
c. Breed v. Jones
d. McKeiver v. Pennsylvania
The law of the civil society as distinguished from church law is known as:
a. natural law
b. lex talionis.
c. secular law.
d. benefit of clergy.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Apply objective criteria to all prisoners
b. IQs of less than 70
c. Person who sees criminality as their life
d. Mental patient returns to the community
e. Julie Schenecker is one
f. Confined for life or until cured
g. Classification based on possible future criminal conduct
h. Classification based on appropriate correctional treatment
i. Classification based on seriousness of crime
j. Person who spends more than 10 years incarcerated
Civil commitment
The emphasis of the ________________ on the importance of hard work and on the
sinfulness of sloth sparked European reformers to urge that some means be used to
provide work for the idle poor.
a. Jewish Restoration
b. Protestant Reformation
c. Catholic Crusades
d. Spanish Inquisition
Eighty percent of California's recommitments stemmed from:
a. technical violations.
b. violent offenses.
c. new crimes.
d. none of these.
__________ is a drug that inhibits drinking.
a. Methadone
b. Cocaine
c. Antabuse
d. Malabuse
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Willingness to intervene on behalf of the common good
b. Concentration of social problems
c. Neighborhoods where arrests and going to prison are common
d. Gives back to the community through justice
e. Based in a state or local jurisdiction
f. Offenders must admit what they have done
g. Focuses on resolving the problem behind a crime
h. Focuses on guilt and fair punishment
i.Analysis of why and where crimes tend to concentrate
j.Improve and strengthen communities
Spatial concentration
Corrections has a clear mission in the process of handling offenders and the overall goal
of their individual agencies.
a. True
b. False
Sex offenders usually seek out strangers as their targets.
a. True
b. False
The National Institute of Corrections is a division of the _____________ housed within
the Department of Justice.
a. Corrections Corp. of America
b. American Corrections Association
c. Federal Corrections Association
d. Federal Bureau of Prisons
Adaptive roles help inmates cope with prison and survive behind bars.
a. True
b. False
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Advocated for separation of sexes while incarcerated
b. Rise of programs in which youngsters could live with their mothers in halfway
c. First female prison warden
d. Required for women to regain custody of children
e. Homosexual marriage and kinship
f. First warden of Elmira Reformatory for young men
g. Challenge for women upon release from prison
h. Account for the great increase of women in prison
i. What most distinguishes incarcerated women from incarcerated men
j. Separate treatment-oriented prisons
Elizabeth G. Fry
From 1930 through 1990, the U.S. prison population remained relatively stable.
a. True
b. False
Correctional officers often rely on ________to gain cooperation.
a. rewards and punishments
b. corporal punishment and solitary confinement
c. force and strict rule enforcement
d. all of these
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Apply objective criteria to all prisoners
b. IQs of less than 70
c. Person who sees criminality as their life
d. Mental patient returns to the community
e. Julie Schenecker is one
f. Confined for life or until cured
g. Classification based on possible future criminal conduct
h. Classification based on appropriate correctional treatment
i. Classification based on seriousness of crime
j. Person who spends more than 10 years incarcerated
Risk criteria
Most jails in the United States hold fewer than 50 people.
a. True
b. False
African Americans make up roughly 13 percent of the entire U.S. population, but make
almost 40 percent of the U.S. prison population.
a. True
b. False
Benefit of clergy was extended to:
a. all men deemed worthy by the kind.
b. all wealthy aristocrats of the realm.
c. monks and nuns only.
d. all literate persons.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Punishment to a body inflicting pain
b. Law of civil society
c. Forced rowing
d. Detention facility
e. Pleasure over pain
f. The right to be tried in ecclesiastical court
g. Retaliation
h. Age of Reason
i. A form of banishment
j. Free will and severe punishment
Benefit of clergy
Probation was originally used mainly for:
a. first-time offenders.
b. violent offenders.
c. low-level offenders.
d. guilty offenders.
Until recently, ________on the question of private prison cost-effectiveness has been
a. research
b. misunderstandings
c. conflicts
d. disagreements
In Furman v. Georgia (1972), the Supreme Court ruled that the way the death penalty
was administered constituted_________ .
Many correctional officials believe that_________ represent the most difficult group for
correctional treatment.
Discuss the four major forms of criminal sanctions that are most commonly used within
our correctional system. What are the pros and cons of each form? Which do you feel is
a greater deterrent to crime and why do you believe this particular sanction is more
effective than the others?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Opponents of the death penalty state that only ___________ has the right to take a life.
The public's desire to punish criminals is not backed up by willingness to__________
for the cost of punishment.
The case of _________decided that a court that was hearing a death penalty case must
use a bifurcated system of judgment.
Roughly one-quarter of the occupants in U.S. jails are _________detainees.
Inmates who choose__________ cut themselves off from the outside and generally
become key figures in the politics and economy of the joint.
The ____________ model of incarceration emphasizes the maintenance of the
offender's ties to family and the community as a method of reform.
Describe the classification process as it pertains to the U.S. correctional system. Explain
the value and importance for both the inmates and staff.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Match each item to the phrase or sentence listed below.
a. Compliance by threat
b. Compliance for material resources
c. Compliance through manipulation of symbolic rewards
d. Supervisor can oversee limited subordinates effectively
e. Subordinate reports to only one superior
f. Toleration of some actions of inmates to operate the prison
g. Behavior violation of department policy
h. Prison disorder results from weak management
i. Support line personnel
j. In direct contact with the client
Administrative control theory
Signed into law in 2008, the ________________ Act is a federal law that is designed to
ensure the safe and successful return of prisoners through grants to states and
communities to support reentry initiatives.
The _____________ perception of the race of the offender often differs from the race of
those arrested.
How has the prison population changed over the last 30 years? Describe the differences
and how or why they came about. How do these demographic changes affect
corrections? Think about budgets, management, correctional work, and the prison
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe and discuss the two types of deterrence. What are the pros and cons of each
type? Which are you in favor of and why?
Answer:Answers will vary.
produce more disastrous consequences than heroin addicts.
About__________ of all released offenders return to prison within three years.
____________________ justice attempts to develop standardized approaches to crime
problems that can be applied uniformly across the entire legal jurisdiction.
Eighty percent of the jails in the United States are operated at the_________ level.

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