SSCI 21561

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1691
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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By focusing on the shift from a novelty preference to a familiarity preference,
researchers can use habituation to assess
A) remote memory.
B) recent memory.
C) an infant's imitation ability.
D) an infant's motor development.
Cross-cultural research stimulated by Vygotsky's theory reveals that
A) heredity and brain growth contribute significantly to social development.
B) the stages of cognitive development are universal.
C) children in every culture develop unique strengths.
D) adults begin to encourage culturally valued skills as soon as children begin school.
Adolescents whose parents engage in __________ decision making achieve better
A) joint
B) permissive
C) authoritarian
D) idealistic
MaryAnn is taking an exercise class for the first time at age 50. MaryAnn believes she
will be successful even though most of her friends quit during the first six months.
MaryAnn has a
A) Type A personality.
B) sense of self-efficacy.
C) Type B personality.
D) sense of competitiveness.
Which of the following statements is supported by research on child care in infancy?
A) The rate of insecurity is equal among infants who do and those who do not attend
child care.
B) U.S. child care is nationally regulated.
C) Mother"child interaction is more favorable when children spend fewer hours in child
D) Child care alone contributes to attachment insecurity.
In a living will,
A) patients can require doctors to follow their wishes with regard to life-sustaining
B) people can anticipate all future medical conditions and state their wishes in each
C) people specify the treatments they do or do not want in case of a terminal illness,
coma, or other near-death situation.
D) people appoint a friend or relative to act as their proxy health-care decision maker.
Research on the consequences of corporal punishment reveals that in African-American
A) the more mothers discipline physically in childhood, the less their teenagers display
angry, acting out behavior.
B) when parents resort to physical punishment, they are often highly agitated and
rejecting of the child.
C) the more mothers discipline physically in childhood, the more their teenagers display
angry, acting out behavior.
D) physical punishment is generally considered wrong, as it contributes to poor
Most infant intelligence tests emphasize
A) concepts and memory.
B) memory and mental representations.
C) perceptual and motor responses.
D) attention and categorization.
Most older adults do not suffer from hearing loss great enough to disrupt their daily
lives until
A) around age 65.
B) between ages 70 and 75.
C) around age 80.
D) after age 85.
Which of the following statements about attribution retraining is true?
A) One approach is to encourage low-effort students to focus more on grades and less
on mastering a task for individual improvement.
B) It is best begun early, before children's views of themselves become hard to change.
C) It encourages children to believe that success should be attributed to ability, rather
than luck or effort.
D) It is an alternative to instruction in effective strategies and self-regulation.
Kangaroo care
A) involves placing a preterm infant in an enclosed isolette, which is similar to a
kangaroo's pouch.
B) is used only in developing countries where hospitalization is not always possible.
C) involves placing the infant in a vertical position on the parent's chest, under the
clothing, so the parent's body operates as a human incubator.
D) prevents fathers from participating in caring for a preterm newborn.
Viagra and other medications for impotence
A) decrease blood flow to the penis.
B) offer permanent relief from erectile dysfunction.
C) are generally safe.
D) are associated with an increased risk of cancer and stroke.
Unlike Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky viewed cognitive development as a __________
A) socially mediated
B) genetically predictable
C) preoperational
D) neurological
__________ is associated with favorable personality traits and adjustment.
A) Masculinity
B) Femininity
C) Separateness
D) Androgyny
__________ can help prevent escalating demands on families that give way to chaos.
A) Ethnographic research
B) Absence of daily structure
C) Compression of family routines
D) High-quality child care that is affordable and reliable
In a longitudinal study, researchers found that during the final year of life, the deeply
A) had more difficulty sleeping.
B) experienced life as more exciting and enjoyable.
C) avoided social experiences in favor of isolation.
D) displayed more depressive symptoms.
The term "empty nest" is not used as often as in the past to refer to the middle
adulthood phase of the family life cycle because
A) many middle-aged adults are raising at least one grandchild.
B) it implies a negative transition, especially for women.
C) the baby boomers are less financially well-off and, thus, often return home to "the
D) the majority of middle-aged people in the United States already live alone.
Gerta's health is declining. Her son Don asks her to move in with him, but Gerta
refuses. __________ theory helps explain Gerta's desire to live where many of her
memorable life events took place.
A) Disengagement
B) Activity
C) Continuity
D) Socioemotional selectivity
The dropout rate in the United States is higher among __________ than __________
and is particularly high among __________.
A) girls; boys; lower-SES Caucasians
B) boys; girls; higher-SES ethnic minorities
C) boys; girls; lower-SES ethnic minorities
D) girls; boys; lower-SES ethnic minorities
Generally, fathers __________ than mothers do.
A) interact and play differently with babies
B) more often provide toys and talk to infants
C) more often play conventional games like peekaboo
D) devote more time to physical care
The most important factor in the success of an adult college student is
A) a high IQ.
B) receipt of social support.
C) taking a full course load.
D) a high maturity level.
Warmth and responsiveness, competence and power, and consistency between
assertions and behavior are all characteristics
A) that increase a child's willingness to imitate a model's behavior.
B) of children's temperament that are necessary for moral development.
C) of inductive discipline.
D) of authoritarian child rearing.
The chronic stress of early, deprived orphanage rearing
A) seems to affect girls more severely than boys.
B) fosters resilience, as it prepares children for later stressful events.
C) has no effect on the brain's capacity to manage stress.
D) disrupts the brain's capacity to manage stress.
One-year-old Jameson sits on the sidewalk picking up blades of grass left after his
mother mows the lawn. Jameson is using
A) the pincer grasp.
B) the ulnar grasp.
C) gross-motor skills.
D) prereaching.
Which of the following statements about job training for older workers is true?
A) Older employees have greater access to vocational training than younger workers.
B) Older employees depend more on co-worker encouragement for vocational
C) Older employees depend less on supervisor encouragement for vocational
D) Self-efficacy is a weak predictor of employees' efforts to improve career-relevant
During the first few weeks of life, newborns are most likely to smile
A) in response to bright objects.
B) when they are full.
C) in response to seeing a human face.
D) when they achieve new skills.
Laurent plans to major in engineering in college. When asked if he might change his
career path, he responds, "I might, but I doubt it. I"ve spent a lot of time studying my
options. I"m pretty sure engineering is right for me." Laurent is demonstrating identity
A) foreclosure.
B) diffusion.
C) moratorium.
D) achievement.
Assisting a suicide is illegal in
A) Switzerland.
B) all U.S. states.
C) Belgium.
D) most, but not all, U.S. states.
The poorer the mother's diet, the __________, especially if malnutrition occurs during
the last trimester.
A) greater the birth weight
B) greater the loss in brain weight
C) greater the brain weight
D) smaller the heart
__________ is the preferred means of electronic interaction between teenage friends.
A) Texting
B) Skyping
C) Social networking
D) Instant messaging
In adolescence, self-esteem __________ for most young people.
A) remains stable
B) declines
C) fluctuates a great deal
D) rises
The area surrounding the cell nucleus is called the
A) zygote.
B) cytoplasm.
C) gamete.
D) gene.
Adjusting to a sudden death is easier when the survivor
A) understands the reasons for it.
B) does not have to watch the loved one suffer.
C) believes that it was random.
D) assumes that it was preventable.
Compared to their traditional-career counterparts, men who enter traditionally
female-dominated careers
A) are more focused on the social status of their work.
B) are less interested in working with people.
C) are more interested in working with people.
D) have more conservative social attitudes.
Beginning in middle childhood, children's self-descriptions start to emphasize
A) specific behaviors and observable traits.
B) industry over inferiority.
C) both negative and positive traits.
D) internal states and physical attributes.

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