SSCI 20936

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2150
subject Authors Earl R. Babbie, Michael G. Maxfield

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Both structured and semi structured interviews have standardized questions.
a. True
b. False
Professor White asked his students to put the number of hours each studied for the final
exam on a piece of paper and turn that paper in with the exam. The pieces of paper
indicate that students studied 10, 3, 4, 25, 1, 4, 4, 12, 6, 8 and 10 hours. What is the
modal number of hours studied?
a. 10
b. 25
c. 4
d. 1
Threats to internal validity result from nonrandom, systematic error.
a. True
b. False
Every variable should have two important qualities; their attributes should be
exhaustive as well as mutually exclusive.
a. True
b. False
The statement, there are no simple formulas for designing an experimental or
quasiexperimental study" suggests:
a. that there is an infinite variety of ways to design a study
b. that there is a finite variety of ways to design a study
c. that the one constant is the use of randomization in experiments
d. experiments and quasi-experiments should be used only as a last resort
Which of the following is true with respect to validity threats?
a. internal validity leads to problems with generalization
b. construct validity makes it easy to establish cause and effect
c. internal validity arises from bias
d. statistical conclusion validity impacts what groups the findings apply to
According to the textbook, a major tenet of medical research ethics is that experimental
participation must be voluntary; this same norm applies to
a. humanities research
b. criminal justice research
c. clinical setting research
d. ecumenical research
When researching a population where it is impossible or impractical to compile a list of
the elements, what is the proper sampling technique to use?
a. stratified sample
b. systematic sample
c. cluster sample
d. simple random sample
The most widely known victim survey is the:
b. UCR
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each of the following.
a. open-ended questions
b. closed-ended questions
Professor White asked his students to put the number of hours each studied for the final
exam on a piece of paper and turn that paper in with the exam. The pieces of paper
indicate that students studied 10, 3, 4, 25, 1, 4, 4, 12, 6, 8 and 10 hours. What is the
modal number of hours studied? What is the range of the number of hours studied?
a. 24
b. 4
c. 10
d. 25
When reporting marginals for univariate analysis, the presentation must be in raw
numbers and cannot be reported in percentages.
a. True
b. False
When we rely on authority to get information about the world around us, which of the
following is most likely?
a. the resulting information is always correct
b. the information can both help inquiry and hinder it
c. the resulting information is always wrong
d. you can never know if the information you gather is correct
Which of the following is accurate with respect to time dimensions?
a. a cross-sectional study is like a snapshot and produces an image at one point in time
b. a trend study is like a series of snapshots in sequence over time
c. a panel study is like a motion picture that looks at the same people over time
d. all of the above
A survey distributed on a college campus discovered that males support the death
penalty in greater numbers than do females. The units of analysis in this case would be
a. social artifacts
b. groups
c. organizations
d. individuals
General population surveys and surveys of offenders tend to present what types of
a. sampling error
b. validity error
c. generalizability error
d. sample error
Your state prison system is determined to reduce the recidivism rates of adult offenders
leaving the system. To accomplish this goal, a pre-release program is implemented. The
Director of the department of corrections suggested an ideal design involving:
a. randomization
b. interrupted time-series
c. non-equivalent groups
d. quasi-experimental design
Knowledge is typically constructed from:
a. a single perspective
b. multiple perspectives
c. the critical realist perspective
d. structural positivism
Which of the following statements is not true concerning surveys?
a. surveys are high on reliability
b. surveys are low on reliability
c. surveys are high on generalizability
d. surveys are low on validity
What are the four purposes of research?
a. exploration, description, explanation, application
b. exploration, description, funding, application
c. exploration, development, inquisition, funding
d. exploration, development, inquisition, application
In examining the relationship between drug use and crime discussed in your text, which
of the following represents an internal validity threat?
a. the amount of variation in drug use and crime participation
b. the different patterns among different population groups means that there is no
cause-and-effect relationship
c. both drug use and crime can be attributed to other causes
d. all of the above
Which of the following would be the best example of the potential for inaccurate
observations in the criminal justice system?
a. eyewitness testimony
b. police officers on a stake-out
c. the state witnesses at an execution
d. correction officers watching a potentially suicidal prisoner
Which of the following best represents the abstract "reliability"?
a. a measure adequately reflects the meaning of the concept
b. a measure does not adequately reflect the underling concept
c. the measure is stable
d. the measure is unstable
In using scientific inquiry, in deduction we reason toward observations; in induction we
reason from observations.
a. True
b. False
Sponsors, who help a researcher gain access to a subculture, are also known as:
a. active criminals
b. participant observers
c. natives
d. informants
Science is the enterprise dedicated to exploring.
a. True
b. False
Quota samples, judgmental samples, snowball samples and reliance on available
subjects are all examples of:
a. nonprobability sampling
b. probability sampling
c. sampling distributions
d. sampling frames
Agreed on knowledge that others give us is known as:
a. tradition and authority
b. tradition and experience
c. agreement reality
d. understanding
Which of the following are true with respect to representativeness?
a. a sample represents a population's if it is exactly the same on all relevant variables
b. a sample is representative if it approximates the population
c. a sample needs to be representative of the population on all variables
d. a representative sample is only obtained when a simple random sample is used
The researcher can lessen the potential for harm when doing research by
a. having sensitivity to the issue and experience
b. never telling the subject about the potential of harm
c. paying no attention to the potential for harm
d. using tricks to make the subject unaware of the harm potential
The use of secondary analysis of data has become very popular because:
a. it is cheaper but never as good as collecting your own data
b. it is faster because the data is readily available
c. scholarly journals are now publishing primarily data gathered from secondary
d. because it is always considered valid
Focus groups are not typically of value in the qualitative interview process.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not considered a strength of field research?
a. validity is enhanced
b. reliability is enhanced
c. it allows for a more comprehensive, fuller understanding
d. limited generalizability
Information that is collected by other people often as a part of their day-to-day work in
a justice agency, but used by someone else for research purposes is referred to as of
existing data.
In Widom's research on the relationship between early child abuse and later
delinquency or adult criminal behavior
which of the following were considered to be either validity or reliability problems?
a. using public school records and birth records from local hospitals to select the sample
b. by using law enforcement data to assess delinquent and criminal behavior, Windom
only identified those who were caught for their behavior not those who were criminally
active but were not caught
c. by using court data to identify those for the sample who were abused, Windom only
knew about those cases where abuse came to the attention of the public officials, not all
the cases that go unreported
d. all of the above
Program goals represent desired outcomes, while outcome measures are indicators of
whether or not those desired outcomes are achieved.
When a researcher monitors and evaluates results of a program to determine if it is
achieving its goals, this step is similar to ____________________ testing in basic
Identify the major efforts to gather information about drug abuse in the United States.
How do these measures compare with one another? What are the strengths and
weaknesses of each?
The use of agency data, court data, and research that is conducted in an established
educational institution represent
from HHS rules governing human subjects.
In research such as that done by the National Crime Victimization Survey the study
technique is most frequently employed.
Compare and contrast in-person interviews and telephone surveys in terms of the role of
the researcher and the types of questions appropriate for each.
What kinds of populations best lend themselves to qualitative interviewing. Pick a
population and discuss what type of qualitative interview you would conduct with them.
Be sure to reference the type of interview questions you would use.
Using the deductive model, research is used to test ____________________.
Discuss the role of institutional review boards in the research process. In what ways do
they influence research and what is their specific purpose? Give an example of a
situation that would not be approved by an institutional review board and how the
researcher could rectify that situation.
Using question 2 above, what types of nonpublic agency records would each agency
keep that would be of interest to a criminal justice researcher? Give an example of a
research question that could be answered by access to the nonpublic agency records.
Identify the various methods that can be used to record observations. Offer an
explanation of which method, in your opinion, is most effective and why. Also, which
method, in you opinion, is least effective and why?
In addition to the measurement of the outcomes of a program, it is also necessary to
measure the program's
, the experimental stimulus, or independent variable.
Some researchers have suggested that when published statistics and agency records are
relied upon as sources of data a researcher should report rounded figures to avoid the
illusion of exaggerated that precise numbers imply.
Population, time of day, season of the year and weather are known as sampling .
Criminal Justice agencies collect information about individuals and that information is
often kept isolated from each other as the offender travels through the system. This
method of keeping data on individuals in an unrelated fashion is known as
_____________________ databasing.
The mere fact that subjects know they are being studied can cause them to change their
behavior. This phenomenon is known as the ____________________.
UCR crime data is compiled by the .
An interview consists solely of predetermined questions.

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