SOC 90898

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1444
subject Authors Susan Toby Evans

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In Mesoamerican religion:
A. there were only male deities
B. there were many female deities
C. there was only one major female and one major male deity
D. female deities were worshipped in round temples
Archaeologists associate Mesoamerican women with weaving because:
A. women were often buried with woven items
B. women are frequently depicted constructing looms
C. in various art forms women are pictured weaving
D. early cave evidence confirms this role
Mesoamerican jade:
A. comes primarily from the Northern Arid Zone
B. originates almost exclusively from Guatemala
C. is a term that refers only to jadeite
D. was restricted to the depiction of deities
The Puuc style of architecture showcases:
A. large asymmetrical buildings
B. portraits of individual rulers
C. many Mayan hieroglyphs
D. elaborate facades
Little is known about the Maya who inhabited the northern lowlands of the Yucatn
Peninsula during the Early Classic because:
A. there are very few archaeological sites that date back to this period
B. research has not been conducted in this region
C. climate conditions are not conducive to preservation
D. few Maya texts were produced in the region
The Teuchitln tradition is unique in that it features _____, not seen in other
Mesoamerican cultural traditions.
A. pyramids
B. ball courts
C. circle complexes
D. figurines
By the end of the Formative period:
A. the Olmecs had conquered all of the Gulf Coast of Mexico
B. all Mesoamericans lived in hierarchical societies
C. there was still a heavy reliance on hunting and gathering for subsistence
D. small autonomous agricultural villages were found only in coastal areas
During the Terminal Formative, the northern Gulf region was dominated by the site of:
A. El Pital
B. Teotihuacan
C. Cholula
D. El Tajn
Instead of maize, some Middle Formative sites show evidence of the staple:
A. sea food
B. manioc
C. tobacco
D. rice
By the time the Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan was rededicated in 1487, the structure
had been rebuilt:
A. five times
B. on a smaller scale to incorporate more palaces
C. three times
D. with a third staircase and a temple on top of it
Having excavated the remains of a village, you could conclude that it represented an
egalitarian tribe if:
A. there is one building that is larger than any other buildings where ceremonies seem
to have taken place
B. a few burials contain exotic goods while other burials are lacking grave goods
C. this village is the same size as all others in the settlement system
D. one of the houses contains a set of unique symbols that originated hundreds of
kilometers away
In the Basin of Mexico during the Late Formative, the center of Cuicuilco:
A. was slowly abandoned as trade routes shifted northward
B. was burned to the ground after a major internal uprising
C. collapsed after a volcanic eruption
D. was invaded and subjugated by the Teotihuacanos
The best-known Late Classic Maya king is Pakal the Great of Palenque, famous for:
A. his elaborate funerary monument
B. bringing peace to the Maya lowlands
C. commissioning the longest Mayan text
D. uniting dozens of Classic Maya polities into one kingdom under his reign
Mesoamerican creation myths:
A. accurately state that the Earth came into being about 4.5 billion years ago
B. share the idea that the present world is one in a series
C. are identical to modern scientific explanations of world origins
D. focus primarily on one deity as the creator
The first unifier of the Tarascan core region and the founder of the Late Postclassic
dynasty was:
A. the Xiu lineage
B. Taracuri
C. Ptzcuaro
D. the Tenochca
Years before the arrival of the Spaniards on the shores of the Aztec empire, Motecuzma
received a sign of Spanish presence in the Caribbean in the form of:
A. a Spanish soldier who had deserted and made his way inland
B. one of the Spaniard's horses, which had swum across the Gulf to Mexico
C. a sail from a Spanish ship and an oar were found on the beach
D. a trunk containing clothes and a Spanish sword that had washed ashore
An advantage of the type of drained fields constructed by the Aztecs is that:
A. the level of soil moisture varies from day to day
B. annual crop yields are high, with three crops per year
C. crops can be harvested and then carried to market by porters
D. the fields are self-sustaining and do not need maintenance
The furthest tribute province from Tenochtitlan's vast empire was:
A. Coixtlahuaca
B. Huaxtpec
C. Chiapan
D. Soconusco
During the Early Classic, it was likely that eastern Morelos was Teotihuacan's source
A. cotton
B. polished stone figures
C. turquoise
D. obsidian
The Spanish king in 1520, Charles V:
A. was furious with Corts for failing to bring Aztec treasure back to Spain
B. was so impressed by the gold objects from Mexico that he set up a museum to
display them
C. distributed the Aztec treasure among the people of Spain
D. reduced metal objects from the New World to ingots
At the end of the Terminal Formative, the dominant site in Mesoamerica was:
A. Monte Albn
B. Cerro de las Mesas
C. Cholula
D. Teotihuacan
The two highest orders of knights in the Aztec military were:
A. eagles and jaguars
B. jaguars and lions
C. panthers and jaguars
D. eagles and crows
An example of an achieved status is a:
A. tribal village headman
B. queen
C. male
D. girl
1) Ro Claro
2) Darin
3) Acaln
4) Iximch
5) Mixco Viejo
A. Capital of the Cakchiquel Maya in the Guatemala highlands
B. An eastern Honduran Pipil Nahuatl trading enclave
C. Hilltop capital of the Pokomam Maya
D. The first permanent European community on the American continent
E. Homeland of the Toltecicized Maya traders in Tabasco and Campeche
Archaeology in Guerrero, Mexico:
A. has uncovered the most well-known sites in all Mesoamerica
B. has been extremely limited and virtually nothing is known of this area
C. has been hampered by the region's geophysical features
D. is easy to conduct owing to the flat terrain of this area
It is unsurprising that 80 percent of the obsidian worked in Tula came from the Pachuca
A. the source of the stone was only 40 miles away
B. extensive trade networks allowed merchants to purchase it in bulk
C. long-distance travel was common in this part of Mexico
D. the Tula River allowed for the quick transportation of goods from all parts of Mexico
During the Aztec New Fire Ceremony:
A. all fires throughout the empire were extinguished
B. priests from all over the empire journeyed to Tenochtitlan to perform a ritual at the
Templo Mayor
C. offerings were made to Xochiquetzal, the fertility goddess
D. selected houses were set on fire in a ritual to cleanse the homesteads of evil
Copn's "Lady in Red":
A. was the first queen of this Maya city
B. accompanied her husband when they emigrated south from Teotihuacan
C. was buried in red clothes
D. was entombed in a Teotihuacan-style building with talud-tablero architecture
In ad 329 Tikal's ruler "Curl Snout" began a new dynasty, claiming power from:
A. the Olmecs
B. Teotihuacan
C. Monte Albn
D. Palenque
The Late Formative was characterized by cultural dynamics, with the most important
changes occurring in:
A. the Valley of Oaxaca
B. the Gulf lowlands
C. the Maya lowlands
D. northern Mexico

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