SOC 90678

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1611
subject Authors Richard T. Schaefer

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W. E. B. Du Bois advocated the leadership of Blacks to be spearheaded by the
a. antislavery advocate
b. White primary
c. abolitionist
d. talented tenth
In the context of slavery and slave trade, which of the following is a difference between
Brazil and the United States?
a. Throughout history, the number of slaves brought to Brazil was less than that of the
United States.
b. Typical Brazilian slaves have had closer ties to Africa than their U.S. counterparts.
c. The amount of manumission in Brazil was less than that in the United States.
d. Brazil's slave economy was more robust than that of the United States.
The hijab is a ________.
a. religious pilgrimage
b. holy war
c. traditional garment
d. holy scripture
When belief in the inheritance of behavior patterns is coupled with the feeling that
certain groups are inherently superior to others, it is called ________.
a. racism
b. pacifism
c. socialism
d. altruism
Slavery in Canada never flourished because ________.
a. Blacks started fleeing to Canada after slavery ended in the United States
b. most slaves worked as domestic servants
c. Canadian economy did not need a large labor force
d. Black immigrants were not allowed to enter Canada after World War II
The ________ extended reparations to Japanese American evacuees.
a. Civil Rights Restoration Act
b. Rehabilitation Act
c. Enforcement Act
d. Immigration Act
According to sociologist Robert Bellah, civil religion today is ________.
a. diminishing in promoting collective identity
b. becoming more conservative
c. becoming more liberal
d. not important to Americans
Members of the Jewish community expressing concern about Jewish education are
disappointed with its highly secularized nature because ________.
a. the Jewish sociocultural experience has been avoided altogether
b. Jewish religious teaching has been overemphasized
c. secular schooling is not contributing enough to Judaization
d. the members themselves are not highly educated
Which of the following statements is true of the American Association of Retired
a. It is the largest organization representing the nation's elderly citizens.
b. It is against provision of discounts to people on the basis of age.
c. It is established to provide services to unemployed retired persons only.
d. It is the largest retirement home for senior citizens in the United States.
In the United States, which of the following is true of the political activity of women?
a. Women constitute a very small percent of the voting population.
b. Women hold a majority of high government positions.
c. Women tend to vote less Republican than men in national elections.
d. The number of women serving in Congress has steadily decreased.
The migration of Poles who sought improvement in their lives was known as ________.
a. tryzmanie bortnkw
b. Za Chlebem
c. szlachta
d. Intifada
Which of the following is true of earning members of different groups?
a. The median income of Asian American men is lesser than that of White males.
b. Women with a master's degree earn more than men with a bachelor's degree.
c. Men earn a higher annual income than women regardless of race or ethnicity.
d. The median incomes of Hispanic men and White men are the same.
The 1988 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act ________.
a. prohibits gambling that was once allowed under state law
b. prohibits hunting of protected animals and birds near reservations
c. allows for negotiated gambling agreements on reservations
d. allows only Indians to gamble on reservations in accordance to their traditions
Which of the following factors explains why official unemployment rates for young
African Americans are so high?
a. a low number of White middle-class women in the labor force
b. increased competition from immigrants
c. more experience and expertise than most White men and women
d. the need to support their families
Jared, a White American, is a high school student at Dream Valley High. He is close
friends with Chris, an African American. Jared often invites Chris to his house for
celebration of family functions. Jared's parents are accepting of Chris. Which of the
following theories of prejudice can explain the racial tolerance of Jared and his parents?
a. authoritarian personality theory
b. scapegoating theory
c. normative approach
d. exploitation approach
Which of the following statements is true of contemporary White people in the context
of race?
a. They have a conscious racial identity.
b. They think of themselves as a special race.
c. They do not enjoy being reminded of their Whiteness.
d. They do not downplay the importance of their racial identity.
Which of the following is true about African Americans in relation to politics?
a. After the election of a Black President, African Americans have received an equal
share of the
political pie.
b. Non-Black voters have difficulty seeing Black politicians as anything other than
representatives of the Black community.
c. Locally elected Black officials find it easy to make the jump to statewide office.
d. Non-Black voters have expressed their faith that the views of Whites and other
non-Blacks will be well represented by an African American.
Which of the following arguments aligns with the ideologies of people who call
themselves "pro-life?"
a. Human life only begins when the fetus can stay alive outside the womb.
b. Abortion in the third trimester is moral, legal, and socially acceptable.
c. Whether or not to terminate a pregnancy is entirely a woman's decision.
d. The fetus is a human, not merely a potential life.
In certain situations, an individual may respond to stereotypes and act on them, with the
result that false definitions become accurate. This is known as ________.
a. ethnic cleansing
b. the melting pot metaphor
c. a self-fulfilling prophecy
d. segmented assimilation
Latino community leaders derisively label candidates' fascination with Latino concerns
near election time as ________.
a. Hispanic politics
b. Marielitos
c. Mestizo
d. Fiesta politics
Opponents of affirmative action argue that the use of quotas for minority groups in
hiring practices leads to ________.
a. reverse discrimination
b. attributional ambiguity
c. economic discrimination
d. naturalization
If Emma claims that her husband belongs to the largest visible minority population in
Canada, her husband is ________.
a. Chinese
b. English
c. Mexican
d. French
The economic impact of immigration of unskilled workers ________.
a. on the African American community was positive
b. on dairy farms and chicken-processing plants was negative
c. was a drop in wages due to an increase in the supply of labor
d. was the creation of new job opportunities for the natives
________ is based on the belief that people have the right to disregard the law under
certain circumstances.
a. Slavery reparation
b. Civil disobedience
c. Self-fulfilling prophecy
d. Relative deprivation
Which of the following is considered a nontraditional occupation for women in the
United States?
a. bookkeepers
b. registered nurses
c. domestic workers
d. engineers
The sharp White"Black divide is absent in home countries of the Latinos, where race, if
socially constructed, tends to be along a ________.
a. conflict perspective
b. functionalist perspective
c. contact hypothesis
d. color gradient
Which of the following is true of the of the new African National Congress led
a. It is not a multiracial government.
b. It remains unaffected by the country's legacy of apartheid.
c. It has yet to overcome the challenges of multiracial society.
d. It faces very unique issues, none familiar to citizens in the United States.
The wet foot policy refers to the rule that ________.
a. allows Cuban nationals who manage to actually reach the United States to remain
b. Cuban nationals picked up at sea will be sent back to Cuba
c. grants highly trained and skilled Cuban nationals a permanent residency
d. grants permanent residency to Cuban nationals based on their educational
________ Jews are the least likely to object to Jewish-Gentile marriages.
a. Conservative
b. Orthodox
c. Reform
d. Hasidic
The Indian Claims Commission was a significant development because it ________.
a. played an important role in creating the National Congress of American Indians
b. sits in judgment of Indians charged with criminal offenses
c. is considered the most important civil rights organization for Native Americans
d. created a patrol to monitor police actions and document charges of police brutality
Which of the following accurately represents the Diaspora?
a. the exile of Jews from Palestine
b. the immigration of Jews to Israel
c. the status of being between two cultures at the same time
d. the increasing rates of intermarriage in the Jewish American community

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