SOC 90413

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 1567
subject Authors Kenneth J. Guest

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Systems of class and inequality:
a. no longer exist in postindustrialized nation-states such as the United States.
b. create an unequal distribution of a society's resources.
c. are a natural feature of human culture.
d. are exemplified by hunter-gatherer societies.
e. have no impact on an individual's life chances.
The way systems of power interconnect to affect individual lives and group experiences
is called:
a. intersectionality.
b. heterosexual imagery.
c. sexology.
d. globalization.
e. homogenization.
The "wedding industry" is which of the following?
a. a reality television show about weddings in different cultures
b. a store that sells traditional wedding packages in Romania
c. the network of commercial activities and social institutions that market weddings in
the United States
d. the name of a sex tourism promotion company in the Dominican Republic
e. an emerging field of study for cultural anthropologists
In the United States, an individual's life chances are:
a. much less influenced by the class position of his or her family than in most countries
around the world.
b. stratified by class as well as race and gender.
c. more influenced by the class position of his or her family than in any other country.
d. affected by income, but not by wealth.
e. determined by hard work and skill alone.
Which of the following anthropologists argued that power must be viewed as an aspect
of all human relationships?
a. Margaret Mead
b. Henry Morgan
c. Eric Wolf
d. Clifford Geertz
e. Franz Boas
A group of related organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile, viable offspring
are called a:
a. founding population.
b. phenotype.
c. species.
d. kinship group.
e. genetic drift.
For Bourdieu, which of the following concepts is defined as a set of common
perceptions that shape expectations and aspirations and guide an individual in assessing
his or her life chances and the potential for social mobility?
a. cultural capital
b. habitus
c. status prestige
d. group ideology
e. bourgeoisie
What is considered the most distinctive feature of being human?
a. tool use
b. the wheel
c. bipedal locomotion
d. language
e. migration
As discussed in the text, the art known as "wood" and "mud" is produced primarily in:
a. Oceania.
b. West Africa.
c. Southern Europe.
d. Central America.
e. Eastern Australia.
Modern humans became successful at survival as a result of certain biological and
societal factors, EXCEPT:
a. genetic diversity.
b. developmental adaption.
c. acclimatization.
d. cultural adaptation.
e. genetic adaption.
Which of the following is a way that sports such as T-ball reinforce gender ideals in US
a. Boys typically receive more playing time than girls.
b. Boys have fewer opportunities to touch the ball than girls.
c. Girls spend more time batting than boys.
d. Parents tend to encourage boys and girls equally.
e. Girls and boys receive the same amount of praise for playing well.
Based on evidence from Benjamin Whorf's research with the Hopi, a Native American
group in the southwestern United States, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that:
a. the human brain is hardwired for organizing language in a universal manner.
b. languages of the Hopi are most similar to indigenous people in the Amazon River
c. language occurs independently of thought.
d. thought occurs independently of language.
e. thought is rooted in language.
Cultural adaptation to ultraviolet radiation is:
a. vitamin D fortified milk.
b. tanning.
c. dilation of pupils.
d. increased heart rate.
e. sweating.
Countries such as Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are among those that have explicitly
worked to narrow stratification through high taxation of wealth and which of the
following efforts?
a. privatized health insurance
b. generous social benefits
c. nonprofit taxes
d. voting restrictions
e. immigration laws
As a ritual ceremony, the potlatch serves to establish social status not by wealth and
power but by the prestige earned via a person's capacity for which of the following?
a. labor
b. obligation
c. generosity
d. status
e. power
The notion of the modern world system was developed by:
a. Karl Marx.
b. Immanuel Wallerstein.
c. Adam Smith.
d. John Keynes.
e. Henry Ford.
What do prehistoric archaeologists use to reconstruct human behavior?
a. material remains
b. written records
c. oral accounts
d. ceremonial reconstruction
e. genetic analysis
During the El Salvador civil war (1977"1992), the group Co-Madres emerged as a
political force that initially formed as a group of:
a. political activists protesting the rape of women.
b. mothers and relatives who demanded information about the missing.
c. teachers who demanded a peaceful resolution to the war.
d. nuns who worked for peace within the Catholic Church.
e. spiritualists who provided medical care to the injured on both sides of the conflict.
When a small part of a population with a unique phenotypical characteristic migrates to
a new location and begins to reproduce separately as a new, distinct group, the process
is called:
a. gene flow.
b. founder effect.
c. genetic mutation.
d. gene migration.
e. natural selection.
Which of the following is the practice of formalizing and legalizing a marriage through
the exchange of gifts from the bride's family to the husband's family?
a. endogamy
b. bridewealth
c. polygamy
d. dowry
e. exogamy
Culture is a system of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, artifacts, and:
a. institutions.
b. ideas.
c. politics.
d. religions.
e. languages.
Europeans extrapolated ________ from the New World in order to enter into the
Chinese trade routes of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
a. corn
b. copper
c. gold
d. slaves
e. porcelain
Which of the following individuals was among the earliest anthropologists who sought
to organize vast quantities of data about the diversity of world cultures that were being
accumulated via colonial and missionary enterprises?
a. Henry Morgan
b. Franz Boas
c. Margaret Mead
d. Clifford Geertz
e. Bronislaw Malinowski
Groups that were originally viewed as a culturally distinct multiband population that
imagined itself as one people descended from a common ancestor, and are currently
described as an indigenous group with its own set of loyalties and leaders living to
some extent outside the control of a centralized authoritative state, are known as:
a. groups.
b. bands.
c. tribes.
d. chiefdoms.
e. states.
According to Aztec tradition, they wandered across what is today Mexico until they
came to an island with an eagle standing on a cactus with a snake in its mouth.
According to their prophecy, this would be their new home. The Aztecs established
their capital city on an island in Lake Texcoco, where tradition said they found the
eagle. This demonstrates the concept of a(n):
a. tall tale.
b. origin myth.
c. folk tale.
d. fairy tale.
e. ethnohistory.
Expansion of ________ networks in the late twentieth century has allowed
anthropologists to continue research even after leaving the field.
a. transportation
b. kinship
c. economic
d. political
e. communications
What population did Anne Fadiman write about?
a. Hmong immigrants in the United States
b. the Fore of New Guinea
c. Maya in Yucatn, Mexico
d. mothers in New York City
e. impoverished Haitians
Catherine Lutz and Jane Collins applied the photographic gaze to National Geographic
magazines because:
a. on average, more than 100 million people worldwide read it monthly.
b. it was the only source of information available about cultures of the world prior to
television becoming widely available.
c. they were paid more than $25,000 by the publishers to help increase subscription
d. they wanted to explore the power of visual images to shape cultural perspectives and
e. they learned that their students were more willing to read National Geographic
articles than the ethnographies they assigned them.
________ are computer- and Internet-based technologies that serve as sources of
and social engagement.
a. Universal aesthetics
b. Photographic gazes
c. Avatars
d. Paleolites
e. Social media
Which of the following is an individual considered exceptionally close to God, who is
then exalted after death?
a. priest
b. nun
c. saint
d. martyr
e. pastor
In ranked societies, positions of high prestige such as that of a chief are largely:
a. powerless.
b. reciprocal.
c. hereditary.
d. achieved.
e. ambiguous.

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