SOC 85404

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 1718
subject Authors Gary Feinman, T. Douglas Price

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Which of the following were important in the rise of Great Zimbabwe?
A.its seizure of the gold trade and control of exchange routes to the east African coast
B.military defeats of its nearest rivals
C.surplus production of agricultural resources's diplomatic alliance with the pharaohs of Egypt
A(n) ________ is an example of an archaeological feature.
B.deer bone
D.human bone
Catalhyk is located in
Differences between Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations included
A.absence of writing systems in Mycenae.
B.palaces versus citadels.
C.Bronze Age versus Iron Age.
D.Second Millennium versus First Millennium B.C.
Mesopotamian temples were generally associated with
A.large storage facilities.
B.major markets.
C.obsidian blade production.
D.kilns for ceramic firing.
Radiocarbon dating can be used to obtain the age of all of the following except
The _______built the largest prehistoric canal irrigation system north of Mexico.
The oldest known stone artifacts are
A.3 to 5 million years old.
B.2 to 2.9 million years old.
C.less than 1.5 million years old.
D.from southern Chile.
Hierakonpolis is located the Nile River valley. the Indus Valley.
C.on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
D.on the Yellow River.
An Archaeological Problem
The following multiple choice questions refer to the paragraph below. Base your
answers on the information given below, your archaeological knowledge, and common
Recent excavations in the Levant have uncovered a small settlement of approximately
twenty houses. These structures were circular in shape and had rock-wall foundations. A
number of burials were found in a small cemetery adjacent to the settlement. Storage
pits and roasting areas for preparing plant foods also were found, but there was no
evidence for domesticated plants at the site. Animal bones from deer, gazelle, sheep,
and goat were common at the site. The investigators noticed that a high number of
young male animals were represented in the sheep bones. This difference was not noted
among the bones of the other species. Other materials from the site included sickle
blades, bone tools, charcoal, and grinding slabs.
Describe three cradles of domestication and discuss the kinds of plants and animals
involved and the dates for the first domesticates in each area.
Answer:Answers will vary.
The center of the Minoan state was at
Which of the following were domesticated in South America?
A.turkey and dog
B.sheep and goat
C.guinea pig and llama and cat
An Andean recording device that uses knotted strings in a positional decimal system is
called a
Objects placed in Mississippi burials suggest
A.that long-distance trade was rare, unlike in Hopewell.
B.a shortage of garbage disposal areas.
C.that warfare was the primary cause of death among Mississippians.
D.status differences in the society.
Archaeozoologists would help analyze
A.the stone tools at a site.
B.the remote sensing data from a site.
C.modern vegetation in the area of the site.
D.faunal remains from the site.
The Narmer palette records
A.the conquest of Sumer.
B.the exodus of Moses.
C.the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.
D.the conquest of Nubia.
Which of the following are caves with Upper Paleolithic paintings?
A.Lascaux and Torralba
B.Lascaux and Altamira
C.Lascaux and Terra Amata
D.Lascaux and Dolni Vestonice
E.Lascaux and Pincevent
Which of the following was NOT originally domesticated in the Americas?
Major powers in the Bronze Age Aegean included
The primary characteristics of artifacts include all of the following except:
Which of the following is a true statement of differences between the food-producing
traditions of Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica?
A.Domesticated animals played a greater role in Mesopotamia than in Mesoamerica.
B.Mesopotamians depended on maize as their major crop.
C.Agriculture occurred thousands of years earlier in Mesoamerica.
D.Goats were a key domesticated resource in Mesoamerica.
The footprints at Ltoli are
A.1 million years old.
B.from hominin ancestors that walked on four legs.
C.Pleistocene in age.
D.3.5 million years old.
AMS in archaeology stands for
A.American Meteorological Society.
B.Ancient Metals and Structures.
C.Accelerator Mass Spectrometer.
D.Antiquity Made Simple.
Elands Bay Cave is located
A.on the Gulf Coast of Florida.
B.on a small island in the Mediterranean.
C.near the modern town of Jericho.
D.on the west coast of South Africa.
Compared to Mesopotamia, ancient Egyptian society
A.was more urban (more and larger cities).
B.had fewer major centers.
C.had a writing system more focused on economy and accounting.
D.had little concern with funerary ritual.
Upper Paleolithic lithic industries are most notably characterized by the presence of
D.side scrapers.
Sexual dimorphism refers to
A.gendered handedness.
B.tool use by males.
C.difference in body size between the sexes.
D.difference in typical social roles.
The massive basalt heads found at La Venta are thought to represent
C.portraits of early rulers.
The site of Mehrgarh in Pakistan has evidence for the use of wheat, barley, sheep, goats,
Bordes has explained the variability in Middle Paleolithic stone tool assemblages as a
reflection of
A.different types of raw material.
B.different cultural traditions among tribes of Neanderthals.
C.random variation.
D.different functions.
The Minoan civilization on Crete lasted from
A.2500 to 2000 B.C.
B.1800 to 1100 B.C.
C.2000 to 1450 B.C.
D.1100 to 800 B.C.
The evidence for intentional cultivation in the Jomon is
A.seen in the early Jomon.
B.very dubious.
C.substantial by the end of the Jomon.
D.present in the form of wheat kernels at sites.
The Narmer tablet discovered at Hierakonpolis depicts the exploits of King Narmer
A.united Upper and Lower Egypt.
B.built the Sphinx.
C.was the leader of the Hyksos.
D.built the Great Pyramid.
Please write 2-3 sentences identifying the person, place, or thing in terms of age,
location, and significance.
1) Olmec horizon
2) Codices
3) Danzante
4) Laguna
5) Bernal D'az
6) Bajos
7) E group
8) Stela
9) Settlement pattern survey
10) Petty States
11) Pyramid of the Sun
12) Talud-tablero
13) Ball court
14) Chinampas
15) Long Count
16) Emblem glyph
17) Altantean column
18) Cenote
19) Chac mool
20) Templo Mayor
21) Pochteca
22) Cuicuilco
23) Mesoamerican ballgame
24) Chichimec
25) Tzompantli
26) Slash and burn
Answer:Answers will vary.
Gatecliff Shelter required many years of excavation and analysis. Describe the site and
discuss what was learned there.
Answer:Answers will vary.
What are the major characteristics that distinguish the Neolithic from the Mesolithic in
Western Europe?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the basic principles of radiometric dating, including some description of both
radiocarbon and radiopotassium methods.
Answer:Answers will vary.
How might the analysis of grave offerings be used to reveal social differentiation?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the evidence for the extinction of large mammals in the New World at the end
of the Pleistocene and the role of humans in their disappearance.
Answer:Answers will vary.
How would you interpret the Chav'n Horizon? What differences and similarities do you
see with the Olmec Horizon?
Answer:Answers will vary.
What is the importance of the discoveries at Laetoli in terms of our understanding of
human evolution?
Answer:Answers will vary.
The Leakeys have worked at Olduvai Gorge for more than 40 years. Discuss the finds
from Olduvai and their significance in terms of our understanding of human evolution.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe two kinds of agricultural intensification employed by ancient Mesoamericans.
Answer:Answers will vary
Please write 2-3 sentences identifying the person, place, or thing in terms of age,
location, and significance.
1) Flake
2) Pebble Tool
3) Swartkrans
4) Laetoli
5) Cut marks
6) Raymond Dart
7) Richard Leakey
8) Sexual Dimorphism
9) Lake Chad
10) Thick Enamel
Answer:Answers will vary.
Please write 2-3 sentences identifying the person, place, or thing in terms of age,
location, and significance.
1) Osteologist
2) Egalitarian
3) Trade
4) Ideology
5) Artifact
6) Site
7) Micromorphology
8) Datum
9) Horizontal Excavation
10). Ecofact
11) Geoarchaeology
12) Rank
13) Band
14) Elite
15) Phosphate Analysis
16) Ground Penetrating Radar
17) Stratification
Answer:Answers will vary.
Compare and contrast the different strategies that leaders used to legitimate their
positions of power in two Old World states.
Answer:Answers will vary.
What are the three most important discoveries at Atapuerca?
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe the important steps in conducting archaeological research.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe the major routes of trade and the materials that were moving along these
routes during the European Bronze Age.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe some of the environmental changes that took place in Europe during the
Answer:Answers will vary.

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