SOC 84669

subject Type Homework Help
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subject Words 2641
subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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Some nations legally recognize more than two genders.
Phonology is the study of speech sounds.
The elites of archaic states enjoyed restricted access to sumptuary goods.
Full-time priests are often found in band-level foraging societies.
With patrilineal descent, a person takes her or his father's last name but recognizes
descent through both parents.
In industrialized nations, extended families are more common among the lower class
than among the upper class.
Ethnomusicology is one of the main four subfields of anthropology.
Lack of interaction between coexisting ethnic groups helps to ensure stability in a plural
The market principle, redistribution, and reciprocity are examples of adaptive strategies.
The term diglossia refers to linguistic groups that use only two basic color terms (black
and white or dark and light).
Labov argued that all humans share a universal grammar.
Intensive agriculture has the benefit of increasing ecological diversity.
According to anthropologists, cultures eventually become fixed traditions and stop
No hypodescent rule developed in Brazil to ensure that whites and blacks remained
The emic perspective focuses on how local people think.
Belief in mana, or mana-like forces, is a primitive form of religion found only among
tribal societies.
Culture is transmitted in society.
Anthropologists study only non-Western cultures.
Current media technology helps to disseminate knowledge to the public.
AAVE is a distinct language.
Nation-state refers to an ethnic group that is not politically autonomous.
Gender stratification tends to be extreme in patrilineal-patrilocal societies.
Interracial, biracial, and multiracial identities are becoming increasingly common in the
United States.
The British notion of "the white man's burden" was similar to the French concept of
mission civilisatrice in that both were ethnocentric ideologies used to justify
Patriarchy only occurs in such tribal societies as the Yanomami.
The modern world system benefits all participating societies equally.
Imperialism is a relatively recent phenomenon that began with the British Empire.
"Hispanic" is a racial category referring to people who are biologically descended from
indigenous Central or South American populations.
An anthropologist should only have one key cultural consultant for the culture he or she
is studying.
Shamans are full-time religious practitioners generally found in state-level societies.
A descent group consists of a married couple and their children.
Through potlatching, food and wealth were transferred from wealthy to needy
communities, while potlatch sponsors and their villages were rewarded with prestige.
Your family of procreation is the one in which you were born.
Higher wages and improved benefits for workers in core nations is possible because
added surplus from the periphery enables companies to maintain high profit margins.
In nonindustrial societies, economic activities and relationships are embedded in
Horticulture refers to low-intensity farming, including the use of slash-and-burn
Homosexual practices among the Etoro demonstrate that homosexuality is more
pronounced in matrilocal societies.
Syntax refers to the rules that dictate the order of words in a language.
Cultural relativism is a core value of American society.
Which of these statements about postmodernism is NOT true?
A."Postmodernism originally referred to a style and movement in architecture."
B."Postmodernism rejected the rules, geometric order, and austerity of modernism."
C."Postmodernism has a clear and functional design or structure."
D."Postmodernism draws on a diversity of styles from different times and places."
E."Postmodernism extends "value" well beyond classic, elite, and Western cultural
________ focuses on how cultural beliefs and practices helped human populations
adapt to their environments.
A.Ethnobotanical anthropology
B.Applied anthropology
C.Conservation anthropology
D.Ecological anthropology
The former Soviet Union, as well as the socialist and previously socialist countries of
Eastern Europe and Asia, is sometimes referred to as the
A.Postcolonial World.
B.Neocolonial World.
C.First World.
D.Second World.
E.Third World.
The view that American Thanksgiving Day represents a postharvest festival like many
other societies is the ________ view.
E.participant observation
________ refers to the devaluing of a group because of its assumed behavior, values,
abilities, or attributes.
A biocultural perspective is
A.the notion that humans no longer rely on biological adaptation.
B.the inclusion of both biological and cultural approaches.
C.using the fact that culture is completely dominant over biological change.
D.synonymous with scientific research.
E.the idea that girls should be gymnasts and boys should play football.
Ethnology is
A.the study of human speech sounds.
B.the comparative, generalizing aspect of cultural anthropology.
C.the most important subfield of anthropology.
D.the study of ancient ethnic groups.
E.a synonym for ethnography.
Which of the following is NOT a phenotypical trait?
A.eye color
B.facial features
C.gender color
E.enzyme production
Polytheism refers to
A.belief in a single, all-powerful god.
B.the second stage of a revitalization movement.
C.the third phase of a rite of passage.
D.belief in a force that animates all living things.
E.belief in multiple gods.
Kin groups with members who are related to a common ancestor are
C.age sets.
D.secret societies.
E.descent groups.
The term ________ refers to the beliefs, customs, specialists, and techniques aimed at
ensuring health and curing illness.
A.disease theory
B.medical anthropology care system
________ is LEAST likely to send female swimmers to the Olympics.
A.The United States
C.The Netherlands
The Betsileo view of money changed, and now they
A.use coins.
B.have a full economic system.
C.have many people who desire cash.
D.are self-sufficient.
E.also need money for food.
Which of these statements about the Etoro is NOT true?
A."Among the Etoro, heterosexual intercourse was believed to sap a man's vitality."
B."Among the Etoro, women who wanted too much heterosexual intercourse were
viewed as witches."
C."Among the Etoro, heterosexual intercourse was permitted only about 100 days a
D."Among the Etoro, heterosexual intercourse was permitted only in a couple's
E."Among the Etoro, heterosexual intercourse was seen as a necessary sacrifice that
would eventually lead to a man's death."
In band societies, ________ determine the amount of respect or status individuals
A.ranks ascribed at birth
B.culturally valued personal attributes
C.possessions and their monetary value
D.labor amounts extracted spouses and children
E.genealogical relationships to apical ancestors
________ keeps the Earth's surface warm.
A.The atmosphere
B.Global warming
C.Ocean currents
D.The hothouse effect
E.The greenhouse effect
Segregation in the southern United States and apartheid in South Africa provide two
examples of
A.situational discrimination.
C.assimilation. jure discrimination. facto discrimination.
According to Weber, the basis of social status is
________ refers to a sign that has no necessary or natural connection to the thing it
stands for or signifies.
________ refers to the destruction of an ethnic group's culture.
The domestic-public dichotomy is defined as a strong differentiation between
A.spheres of exchange.
B.the secular and the sacred.
C.elite and commoners.
D.the home and the outside world.
E.local and international trade.
Linguistic displacement is the
A.ability to use the rules of language to produce entirely new expressions.
B.lexical difference between a protolanguage and a daughter language.
C.ability to respond to environmental stimuli.
D.linguistic dimension of culture shock.
E.ability to talk about things that are not present.
Linguists believe that
A.only 120 languages are now spoken in the world.
B.the number of languages spoken in the world is increasing rapidly.
C.nothing can be done to preserve linguistic diversity.
D.all people should study English in order to facilitate cross-cultural communication.
E.the world's linguistic diversity has been cut in half over the past 500 years.
The zadruga is a type of extended-family household in
B.the Malabar Coast of India.
C.eastern Siberia.
D.western Bosnia.
Westernization often is described as a form of
One of the main differences between descent groups and nuclear families is that
A.descent groups are typically not involved with politics, while nuclear families are.
B.nuclear families are always exogamous, while descent groups are always
C.descent groups are permanent, while nuclear families are not.
D.members of descent groups are called affines, while members of nuclear families are
E.nuclear families are found only in industrial societies, while descent groups are found
only in foraging societies.
Anthropology is a holistic discipline because it
A.has traditionally focused on nonindustrial societies. with human culture.
C.does not attempt to make generalizations about humanity. focuses on industrial societies.
E.studies human biological, cultural, and linguistic variation across both time and
Anthropology may help the progress of education by enabling educators to avoid all of
the following EXCEPT
A.indiscriminate assignment of nonnative speakers of English to the same classrooms
as children with "behavior problems."
B.tolerance of ethnic diversity.
C.incorrect application of labels (e.g., "learning impaired").
D.sociolinguistic discrimination.
E.ethnic stereotyping.
The Malagasy development program illustrates the importance of
A.the local government's commitment to improving the lives of its citizens.
B.replacing subsistence farming with a viable cash crop.
C.replacing outdated traditional techniques of irrigation.
D.breaking down corporate descent groups, which are too independent and interfere
with development.
E.the top-down strategies developed by the United Nations.
________ occurs in all human societies.
A.The gender-based division of labor
C.Highly specialized technology
D.The domestication of animals for food
Identify the four primary types of human adaptation. Discuss why their interrelationship
has been particularly important for the human species.
Answer:Answers will vary
Discuss the ways religion may act as a form of social control. Identify how political
leaders mobilize communities and gain support for their policies. Consider the
connections between religion and politics in states, both ancient and modern.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe at least two methods of social control and two methods of resistance. Give
Answer:Answers will vary
Examine how a premedical student could apply some of the knowledge learned in
anthropology courses as a physician.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe how a rent fund is different from a subsistence fund. Cite examples to
illustrate your argument.
Answer:Answers will vary
List the ways anthropologists distinguish between a chiefdom and a state. Determine if
this is a useful distinction, and analyze if this is an easy-to-make distinction.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe the difference between colonialism and imperialism. Examine the effects that
colonialism and imperialism have had on cultural and ethnic diversity.
Answer:Answers will vary
Indicate your career plans, and describe how you might apply the knowledge you
learned in an introductory anthropology course in your future vocation. If you have not
yet chosen a career, pick one of the following: economist, engineer, diplomat, architect,
or elementary schoolteacher for this response. List why it is important to understand the
culture and social organization of the people who are affected by this work.
Answer:Answers will vary
Define alienation, and describe the conditions when alienation is more or less likely to
occur. Explain why.
Answer:Answers will vary
Identify the factors responsible for the variable development of political regulation and
authority structures among pastoralists.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe how human adaptability relates to culture.
Answer:Answers will vary
Identify social, political, and economic conditions that influence gender stratification
and violence against women.
Answer:Answers will vary
Differentiate postmodernity and postmodernism. Discuss how postmodernity affected
the focus of anthropological study.
Answer:Answers will vary
Define the Industrial Revolution, and describe how the lives of ordinary working people
changed as a result of this revolution.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe some lasting effects of colonialism in the world today. Include a discussion of
how ethnic, political, and religious identities were altered by colonialism.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe the different styles of ethnography that have occurred through time.
Answer:Answers will vary
Discuss the different kinds of learning, and identify the kind of learning upon which
culture depends.
Answer:Answers will vary
Discuss the evidence for climate change and the specific evidence that climate change
is at least partially human-driven. List the human factors that influence climate change.
Answer:Answers will vary
List differences between sex and gender. Explain why it is important to understand this
Answer:Answers will vary
Discuss how globalization can affect anthropological research.
Answer:Answers will vary

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